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New Grandbaby here!


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I meant to come back and ask for prayers much earlier, but we went from a slow, not-very-active labor to suddenly in very actively labor.  Once active labor started it was 3.5 hrs  to baby!    She had a successful VBAC and she did a fabulous job.  Baby had her own mind about such things.   As we were leaving for the hospital dd had the urge to push and her water broke.  Hospt .was 35min away.  Doula (former L/D nurse) checked her and baby was coming.  Called 911... we all crowded around in the bathroom and Charlotte was born about 20min later. 


They're both rather stunned by it alll and I suspect dd is a little disappointed she didn't make it to the hospital.  I understand, even with my home births they never go how I thought they would go in my mind.   This was on a grander scale.   Paramedics transf. her to the closest hospital which is a little community hosp. in a sketchy part of town.  Hopefully, she'll be able to come home tomorrow.


Thanks so much for all your prayers and good thoughts! 

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