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What's for dinner? (or was?)


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Salmon and creamed spinach. Tomorrow we're having ravioli and broccoli for lunch, and chili with cornbread for dinner. And Wednesday we're having leftovers for lunch, and chana marsala for dinner, which uses up all my ginger. I should've gotten more while I was at the store stocking up for the storm. Bread, check. Milk, check. Eggs, check. Cat food, double check. Rock salt... okay, whatever, I borrowed from a neighbor. So how did I forget the darn ginger???

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We had penne and a red sauce with slow cooked country beef ribs shredded into it. I served salad on the side, but that impressed nobody but me. I also have a whole pound of cooked chickpeas cooling in the crockpot so I can restock the freezer. I feel very secure about my chickpea supply right now.

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It was warm for MN today, but we still had soup. It was a beef broth/tomato juice base with chorizo, potatoes, cabbage, and corn in it. We made grilled cheeses to go along with it, because our 11 year old deems this disgusting. Our 9 year old devours it (it's a regular in our house). 


Recipe please?

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Creole red beans and oat groats - it was a hit which totally surprised me. We had red lentil chili last night which the kids tolerated. My family has a thing against lentils. I don't know what's wrong with them.


I introduced ds to Frank's hot sauce tonight. I don't think it will replace his beloved Sriracha, but still kind of fun.

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Recipe please?



It is literally that simple! We use a box of beef broth (or you can use homemade broth as well), with a bottle of tomato juice. Brown up about 2 pounds of whatever meat you want to use (we used chorizo tonight, because we like the kick, but we also use hamburger, venison, kielbasa, etc), along with some onion. You could also chop up some celery into it. We added about 6 potatoes cubed up, a whole head of chopped cabbage (it was a little one), a bag of frozen corn, and 2 cans of stewed tomatoes to it. Season to taste. It's really a throw together soup, but it's hearty and delicious no matter how you make it. You could also use fresh or refrigerated garlic in it. 

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