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What's the flu looking like this year?


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We're no strangers to flu - we've all had strains A and B simultaneously, and a Euro Flu strain I thought would kill us.


This week we've got what I thought was a stomach virus - vomiting and fever. But it comes with massive body aches and headache, and after the first 24 hours morphs into a lot of coughing. I wonder if it might be flu after all?


And, yes, I'll call the doc and we'll all go in asap. Hopefully they'll be open tomorrow.


Just wondering how influenza has presented this year, in other families? Any vomiting? Or might this just be the notorious stomach virus that's been making the rounds?

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My kids have Influenza A.  Fever sore throat, body aches, cough, stomach ache, dd vomited couple of times.  Felt like they were hit with a truck.  You could tell they were sick just by looking at them they looked that bad.  They often looked like they just wanted to cry a lot of the time, dd did cry a lot of the time.  Nasty.  Several friends ended up with bronchitis



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Thanks, Cat. And Splash - I hope your kids get better soon.


It's pretty miserable here. If I suspect flu, we rush to the doc but this time I might have missed the boat. Thought it was a stomach virus that would run its course in a day or so. (It's only been 36 hours, but still...)

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We've had the flu for sure but tested negative. Dr did tell us he'd bet money it was flu and false negative swab. We didn't take lther kids to be tested but just dealt with it. However, nephew came down with it after being exposed to us and my brother whom did test positive to flu A.


Kids had headache, fever, vomiting, sore throat, cough and body aches


DH and I had everything but vomiting.

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No flu here yet. Knock on wood. Friends who were supposed to come for a visit for a few days have been hit with the flu. Only my four year old has been sick. He has croup. Ended up taking him to emergency in the middle of the night last night. It was a mild case. They did give him a steroid to open up,his passages. His heart was beating pretty hard. It was 150 beats a minute and his temp was 101. He said his heart hurt. That it felt like a hammer hitting him. If it had just been the cough I would have waited until the morning to take him to the doctor. Not sure what the bill will be. Our insurance changed so that we have to pay 100% until the OOP is reached.


Hope everyone else is over the flu quickly.

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Oh, I know the answer to this one! I was diagnosed with Influenza Type A Christmas night. Go, me!


Short answer: Presents like nasty bout of bronchitis with an overlay of migraine (and accompanying nausea).


It started out the morning of the 23rd when I woke up with a barky cough out of nowhere. Slowly developed cold symptoms and a headache. Was very drippy on the 24th. Headache worsened on the 25th and then became a migraine from hell that would. not. relent. After six hours of maximum migraine misery (including vomiting, yay) we went to the ER at 10pm on Christmas night. I thought I was going for an out-of-control migraine. Nope. Influenza. 5th case they'd seen that day. 


Tamiflu was prescribed but too late and did nothing. I was also prescribed hydrocodone for the headache and anti-nausea meds so I could get (and keep) the other meds down. I have been completely down and in bed for a full week, mostly sleeping, too sick to even read (interpretation: must be near death!) for the first couple of days. Only today have I been able to begin tolerating screens for short periods of time. I have had to keep the meds current until yesterday or so when I have been able to taper off some. I also have not been able to eat after about mid afternoon or so due to nausea--I've been lucky to keep down one small meal a day, if it's early enough in the day.  Cough has been nasty and persistent all week.


One side note: I have had absolutely no fever. Worst I have EVER felt with no fever.

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My family has experienced aches, congestion, vomiting, fevers, dizziness and incessant coughing. INCESSANT. Dh and the kids are the type who hurl if any mucus is involved. It don't think people with normal-strength stomachs would be throwing up with whatever we have. Patient zero fell ill on Christmas Eve and just became human today. I'm the only one who hasn't gotten sick, though today I feel ever-so-slightly cold, achy, and a tad queasy. I don't feel BAD, but I'm wondering if I'll fight it off or get hit harder. Whatever it is, it's not an Evil Death Flu.

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My kids got sick Christmas Eve and started Tamiflu on Dec 26th.  Today they are doing great.  Cough still here but expected that as dd has asthma and coughs linger.  We have dd with chronic health issues so Tamiflu was prescribed to keep viral load down in hopes she wouldn't end up with the flu and have to be admitted to hospital.  It seemed to have worked as she is just fine.



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We didn't get tested, but I'm 99% sure we all had the flu.  Fever, severe aches, dizziness, coughing like mad (thought I'd busted out a hernia at one point), congestion, nausea and the general feeling of being run over by a truck.  2 adults, and three teens.  Two of my teens were sick with it for about 4 days, with a lingering cough.  One teen felt better after about 5 days, but ended up with a sinus infection.  I have been sick since the 15th of Dec.  The past week has been dealing with sinus/ear infections and lingering cough.  Dh just started coming down with it 2 days ago.  He's congested and feverish.  (he never gets cold/flu stuff!)


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It seems to have hit our local middle school hard but not to bad otherwise. There are a lot of travel sports teams in the middle school age group in our community besides the regular team sports. I am wondering if that has something to do with it.

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My oldest ds woke up on Dec. 20th with a fever.  He tested positive for type A flu on the 22nd.  Someone in my house has had a fever since (12 days). There are six of us, and we are assuming that we all have had the same thing.  Our symptoms have been fever, headaches, chills,congestion, coughing, and body aches. Yesterday was my worst day, and even the tops of my feet hurt. Thankfully there has been no nausea or stomach issues.  We did get the flu shot this year.  Our pediatrician said that the type A flu was in the shot, but the virus mutated.  She said the shot would help some, so we should only be sick 3-4 days instead of 7-8 days.  Except for lingering cough in my dh and oldest ds, we seem to all be fever free by day four.  Somehow my dd has remained symptom free during all of this madness.

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Those were sympathetic likes to all. What a yucky way to start the new year.


DS has Flu A and strep. DD just tested positive for strep. I have Flu A, no strep. What a mix. DS is by far the sickest.


What was that someone said about incessant coughing?! Oh my. No kidding. We are doing neb treatments as often as possible but wow... DS didn't sleep all night. At all. Well, till 10:30. Then he was up till 7 am.


Hoping everyone feels better soon!

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We all had flu shots, but my dd14 woke up sick this morning. It's Type A flu...yay. :glare: She has fever, headache, sore throat, and body aches. We all started Tamiflu today. Hopefully that will help. Happy New Year...NOT. :cheers2:

Nothing like ringing in the new year with fresh, new antibodies! Ugh, I'm sorry. Hope you all feel better soon.

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Dd was tired a few weeks ago, woke up with a 103. temperature that night. We went to the pediatrician next AM, he did swab test for flu and it was positive. (Not sure what kind) We filled the RX for Tamiflu ($85 With insurance!!!!) and for a few days she ran a temp and was tired. The cough lingered and lingered and lingered! None of the rest of us got it! Yay!

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One of my dearest friend's sons (20 years old in Canada) came down with the flu 13 days ago. He's run a fever since that day and lost 8 pounds according to my friend.


He's finally getting up and moving around some today.


Poor guy.


His mom and dad (fortunately) avoided it.


He's been weak, achy, and fevered. 



I hope everyone who is suffering recovers quickly and thoroughly. HUG!

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Spryte, that sounds  exactly what we have. My husband has been battling this thing since Dec. 21 and still coughing. I got mine on Christmas morning. Everyone had some form of these symptoms: excruciating headaches, chills and fever 101-102F. for 2-4 days, nausea, (kids vomited, adults did not), awful body pains (my teeth were actually hurting on day two) and leg cramps, sore throat (could be from all that coughing), zero appetite, unrelenting cough.  DD actually spiked at 103.8 for about half the night. With us, the adults got wiped out more by what ever this thing is. Kids were over it in about 2-3 days. My youngest only had fever for about 12 hours and lack of appetite and nothing else which I consider a blessing. We're thinking another week for the cough to go away. The funny thing about that cough, it is the worst in the evening and at night and laying flat on the bed just made it so much worse. I have been sleeping on 3 pillows just so that I can stay asleep and not continuously coughing.


This thing is awful and lingering. It usually mutates from person to person as it goes through the family.


Wishing everyone a speedy recovery. Being sick is no fun at all.



Edited to clarify.

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A little hope for those letting it run it's course at home without Tamiflu. We USUALLY get the shot, but procrastinated this year, so not shots for us. Except for the cough, everyone is feeling OK in 4-5 days. Fevers have lasted about 3 days.

That's good to hear, thanks. We delayed going in, thinking it was the stomach bug that's been making the rounds. So DS was too late for Tamiflu. I have it, but am more worried about him - he's much sicker.


The doc here said it's not as bad or as long lasting as some flu years. About the way you described it, with the worst being the first 2 1/2 days. I think once the strep is treated, that will help, too.


Anyone else have the double whammy? It seems to be the special where we live ... Doc has seen a lot of it.

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