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PSA: Black Eyes


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Never assume a black eye is just a black eye.  My twins collided body parts while playing a game at our taekwondo school's Christmas party (silly thing was they were on the same team).  As I watched it happen, it really look like older twin just head butted younger (but much larger) twin in the eye.  We joked that he would get his first black eye at 10 and just put some ice on it.  When I got home I asked him exactly what happened and he explained it was a hit to the eyeball itself and not the bones around it.  We gave him some ibuprofen and put him to bed as it was late.  Next morning he had to wait for his brother to wake up because he couldn't open either eye without extreme pain in the left eye.  He described it as feeling like his eyelashes were poking his eye.  I know that is a big sign for a corneal abrasion.  I am glad I ignored DH who just thought the eye doctor would tell me it was a black eye and wouldn't be able to do anything about it.  I took him in and found out that he has a bad tear down the middle of his cornea (top to bottom) and he could just barely read the second line on the chart with his glasses on.  The doctor is hopeful that he will have a full recovery if I can get him to sit still and be calm for the next couple of weeks.


So... If your child gets struck in their eye, please take them in for an eye exam to make sure more damage wasn't done then you can see.  They also need to monitor eye pressure to make sure the eye itself is not swelling.

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ouch & scary!!!! Good for you mama for listening to your spidey senses & getting the medical pros involved!

Oh & my eydrop tip:

One chocolate kiss in the mouth immediately before the drop, one chocolate kiss immediately after the drop...  It really is true that a teaspoon of sugar makes the medicine go down.


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Anytime an eye feels like this it should be checked out. A few weeks ago, I woke up with my eye feeling like this. I went to the eye doctor and had a scratch all across the bottom of my eyeball. I had done it to myself in my sleep somehow!

Ouchie! I hope yours healed quickly.

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Oh, poor boy. The good news is corneal abrasions heal pretty quickly in kids.   I hiope he bounces back soon. 


(DS has a 65% abrasion when he was 4. He was catatonic with pain right after it occurred but was up and running within a short time. We asked for creme instead of drops...much easier to deal with)

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Oh, poor boy. The good news is corneal abrasions heal pretty quickly in kids.   I hiope he bounces back soon. 


(DS has a 65% abrasion when he was 4. He was catatonic with pain right after it occurred but was up and running within a short time. We asked for creme instead of drops...much easier to deal with)


He has both a cream that is for morning and night and an eye drop for every four hours.  He has taken the drops like a pro today.  I think after the 15 or so the doctor put in yesterday, one just doesn't seem like something to get worked up over.

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