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Dd had tonsils/adenoids out. She's miserable...what else helps?

Tess in the Burbs

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I have called the on call Dr already.  


Dd had surgery this morning.  At her release she said she felt about 3 on a scale of 10 for pain and was comfortable with going home that way.  She's taking tylenol/hydrocodone every 4 hours.  It did not make her drowsy or tired OR help her pain in any way this afternoon.  She did nap an hour but at the end of the med range...so it didn't make her tired, we had just had a long day!  Her pain is now a 9 she said.  


Dr on call said to add ibuprofen in super small liquid(baby dosage) amount even though multiple people told us no to ibuprofen at the surgery center.  Ugh.  I hate when Drs in the same practice aren't on the same page.  I agreed and she had a tiny amount and does feel better.  


I had to force her to swallow some soft food to take the next tylenol med mix.  The on call Dr also upped that amount by 2 ml for her weight.  He knows she is 11 but based on weight she can have the upper amount so I did. 


She can barely swallow. It's an ordeal watching her try.  Popsicles haven't helped.  Nor ice.  


I have done everything the dr said.  I have done everything the on call dr said...even though the first dr had said no to some of it.  


What else works for pain for this type of recovery???  Just hoping someone has some trick we don't know.  I do plan on getting her up overnight to keep the tylenol mix going, but she needs to eat something first...and right now that just isn't happening.  any ideas?


thank you!  It scares me that day 3-5 are the worst.  I can't imagine getting worse right now....

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I had my tonsils out as an adult - the first night was by far the worst. I felt like I couldn't breathe unless I was sipping on water. Felt like my throat was closing off. How about some broth to drink? Can she get that down ok? By day 2, I was up and about and feeling a lot better than that first night and by day 3, I went out to dinner with a school group (I only ate mashed potatoes, but I felt ok to go). 


Hope she feels better soon!


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my dd also had terrible pain from her nasal surgery...and the surgical center said no ibuprofen.  We finally went in to see the doctor after 2 days and he okayed it.  Made a *world* of difference and she was fine and back on her feet in less than 48hrs after that. 


I understand the no ibuprofen rule, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


BTW, she took regular adult strength

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I'm sorry, I don't know what to suggest, except to say that after 24 hours she'll be a LOT better.  I'm not sure what you mean by days 3-5 being the worst.  My daughter was in absolutely horrible pain that first 24 hours.  I just stayed next to her in bed nearly the whole time, being there to comfort her every time she woke up screaming in pain.  By the next day, she was SO much better, and her pain only improved daily after that.



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I'm so sorry for you and dd. It is a tough recovery. My ds had his out about 2 yrs ago. His worst pain was in the first couple days after surgery, but it took him a full two weeks to really get feeling better. He lost 12 pounds during his recovery, and he's skinny to begin with. We did get the ok to use Advil between the prescription pain meds. He didn't really feel like eating much at all, since he said it hurt too much and everything tasted weird. He pretty much lived on milkshakes from McDonald's for two weeks. These first few nights, definitely wake her to take her pain meds. Our dr was more concerned that ds was getting enough fluids than eating. Keep trying popcicles, or at least water.

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My son had his surgery this spring. Our surgeon, at a major children's hospital, alternated tylenol and Ibuprofen from the start. In fact, he had ibuprofen just before discharge. They said the tyleonol/ibuprofen did better than hydrocodone for pain without the constipation and rare other side effects. There are sheets online with dosing for tylenol/ibuprofen post tonsillectomy. The ibuprofen seemed to help my son a lot more than the tylenol. I woke up at night to keep those alternating every 4 hours (or whatever it was) around the clock.


My son did get worse later, but he had a more extensive surgery than normal, and was having reflux issues (I think maybe because I was letting him drink chocolate pediasure/I didn't know he was refluxing until the last day of his recovery). He had drinks, including that pediasure and similar stuff, as his sole calories for a while. It took two weeks for him to be able to eat normally.


Putting a cool mist humidifier in his room at night helped. His roughest night was before I figured that out.

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My 12 yr old dd took 10-15mls of hydrocodone-acetanub 7.5mg/325mg per 15ml every four hours for first few days.  She also gargled with Magic Mouth wash which is  a Lido/Antacid/diphen 1:1:1 mixture every four hours for pain.  It was pretty miserable for about a week.



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OK, this blog was for toddlers recovering, but it was definitely eye-opening and I'm glad I read it before DS had his out.  He had a miserable recovery, even with setting an alarm and keeping up with the pain meds.  We did end up alternating with ibuprofen too, kid was miserable.  I agree with the others, it really just takes time.  (And do be prepared for the roadkill-breath that hits around day 4-5, I don't remember when.  Yeesh.)  




If nothing else, reading through the comments is helpful for seeing the wide range of normal for recovery.  I wish his doctor had read it, because he giving the impression that after a day or two, DS would be much improved.  


I hope she feels better soon!



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ds had tonsills, adenoids and part of his palate removed two years ago. The surgery center gave us detailed sheet of what he'd experience each day. It was pretty accurate too. I think they had that handout so, parents wouldn't call constantly about symptoms when everything was "normal". I'm sorry I don't have that sheet anymore. There was one warning that I remember I think it was day 6. It went something like "your child will start to smell likes he's decaying" because around that time the scabs in the throat start to slough off. The smell was bad too. If the notes had not warned me I definitely would have been calling.


Ds was prescribed a painkiller. We tried it the second day (which was way worse than the first day) and he threw it up. So, ds had only tylenol. The prescription painkiller was in the news a month after ds's surgery with some notice that it could not be prescribed to children who had had tonsilectomies anymore.


ds could not eat for 3 days. He did have popsicles and tiny, tiny, tiny sips of liquids. I think ds could not eat more than mashed potatoes and jello for 2 weeks. I was worried because his surgery was slightly more than 2 weeks before Christmas.

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OK Dr called in zofran and wow!!!! She has eaten pudding, applesauce, and popcickes all afternoon. She napped 6 hours before so I was glad to have her eating. Now her tummy itches all over so we may drop the good pain meds and just do plain Tylenol. I am just happy she got something down today.


My info sheet is lacking....I have called twice. Opted not to bother with the itching thing....legally I can't get another prescription w/o the actual paper in this state. It would be tomorrow. So if we go to plain Tylenol and the itching stops I have my answer.

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Tess, did the zofran work to help stomach upset due to pain meds, or just stomach upset in general? I'm trying to get a handle on this because my college-age dd may get this done sometime in the future. I hope your dd continues to feel better. :grouphug:


eta: I had this operation at 13. Terrible pain and missed 2 weeks of school, but I have been so much healthier ever since then.

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I hope she continues to get better! I had them out when I was nine, and it was miserable. I missed seven days straight of school and ended up back in the hospital for a night because I started throwing up blood. I remember the pain being so fierce that I couldn't eat or drink anything, and I lost several pounds. I know we had a bottle of chloraseptic throat numbing spray, and I used that liberally because it was the only thing that took any edge off the pain.

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Tess, did the zofran work to help stomach upset due to pain meds, or just stomach upset in general? I'm trying to get a handle on this because my college-age dd may get this done sometime in the future. I hope your dd continues to feel better. :grouphug:


eta: I had this operation at 13. Terrible pain and missed 2 weeks of school, but I have been so much healthier ever since then.

The hydrocodone/Tylenol made her nauseated. The zofran helped her be able to eat. I highly recommend asking for it just in case!! It has been a different day after she got it.

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