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Kids' winter/snow boots


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In past years we've had hand-me-downs or the kids would only go out in the snow (usually just a few times each winter) for a short enough time that they could wear their rain boots with extra socks, so I haven't really needed to buy boots. But now DD9 is in a program where they'll likely be spending lots of time outside, even on cold days, so I need to buy her some winter boots. Lands End is usually my go-to for winter wear, but I'm seeing prices from $49 to $69 ($37 to $52 after coupon), which feels like a lot to me. Is that what I should expect to pay for good winter boots? If there are better deals to be had on good-quality, effective, warm boots, where would I look for them?



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We get ours at wal-mart, but I get the better styles that are available the. About $35 Canadian, I guess.


And your kids find them warm/dry enough? I vividly remember wearing winter boots and still coming in with numb, wet feet all through childhood :lol: I don't need boots that will last forever, since this is for my youngest, but I do want to make sure they do the job!

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Check out BOG boots.  Higher end shoe stores sell them...........but so do the Farm stores and a lot of on line places.  It is best to try them on though.  They have winter boot ones that are really warm AND they are water proof.  They are the "in" thing now in our area............guess the farm kids have been ahead of the times in this one as they have been wearing them for years.


Good quality, waterproof, WARM winter boots are not cheap sorry to say.

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And your kids find them warm/dry enough? I vividly remember wearing winter boots and still coming in with numb, wet feet all through childhood :lol: I don't need boots that will last forever, since this is for my youngest, but I do want to make sure they do the job!

My kids claim to be fine, all winter, in Canada. I do buy the warmest ones at Walmart, just not anything beyond that.
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My kids claim to be fine, all winter, in Canada. I do buy the warmest ones at Walmart, just not anything beyond that. 


Walmart does carry some stuff regionally (as in, not every store has them).


Do the Bogs have drawcords around the leg?  I don't remember seeing that and would worry about snow getting inside.  I have Baffins, which are dependably warm in all weather, but they are $50 on sale.

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I make sure that DD has two pair of winter boots:  one pair of Bogs and one pair of Land's End snow boots.  Yes, they are both expensive, but have been worth it, IMO.  She has gotten two years of wear out of each, and our neighbor's granddaughter is the perfect size for hand-me-downs.  Wish I could have been more help, OP.

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That price seems right to me. My kids had Kamik boots when they were that age.

Sears carries them.


I like Bog boots as well.


We've used Kamik boots here in MN and they are plenty warm. The only problem is they only tend to last 1 or maybe 2 seasons before the rubber dries out and the toes or heels crack. I would like something more durable.


My Sorrels are bomb proof but much more spendy for the kids. Also, mine are from when they were still made in Canada... so I have no idea how long lasting the new models are.

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I think I mostly got LLBean boots. The oldest was the only child who got new boots. In fact, I purchased for dd16 her first and last pair of new winter boots today (her feet aren't growing and her younger brother has caught up in size to the hand me down men's boots she's worn for a couple of winters.


Sometimes I found boots (LLBean or Lands End) at our local children's consignment shop. I think a good children's consignment shop is the best place to get winter gear. Where I live (mid Atlantic) sometimes winter is cold, sometimes not. Winter outer wear is often grown out of before it shows real wear and tear.

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We usually get Lands' End boots, too, but the prices are going up every year.  My kids don't like LL Bean boots (they think they're ugly).  We've bought boots at Target a couple times.  They're not as warm and weatherproof, especially after hours of snow play, but they do the trick for walking around in just a few inches of snow.

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