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Come Commiserate about dumb things you did!


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Argh! This is so stupid!

This morning, I was going to a big consignment sale our community does. It's enormous! People come from hours away to participate.


I was finding a parking space on the side of the road and saw a big gap. I pulled in, nose-first, and saw there was a fire hydrant there. The gap was big enough that I just swung nose out back onto the road, and didn't notice there was someone close behind me.


We didn't collide, and there were no screeching brakes or anything, but she did honk.


I felt really bad. I knew I had behaved foolishly, but I couldn't even bring myself to do the "sorry!" wave, even though she was so close, I could see her face in the rearview mirror, and I could see she was glaring at me.


Argh! I felt so bad! :(  


Honestly, I also feel dorky about still feeling bad about it. 


I'm reminded of that image (I can't find it), of the person putting out a classified in the newspaper saying. "To the blue car on Main and 8th. You were right, I was wrong. I'm sorry,"  (or something to that effect.)


Anyway, feel free to share stupid things you've done, if you think it can be cathartic for you! :D





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I forgot to get cash to pay my neighbor for mowing my lawn while or mower is busted. I didn't even think about it until 2 days later. Now I'm embarrassed to take the money over there, even though I know he's a nice guy and doesn't mind. I think I'm going to send ds over with the money and some cookies as an apology.

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I forgot to get cash to pay my neighbor for mowing my lawn while or mower is busted. I didn't even think about it until 2 days later. Now I'm embarrassed to take the money over there, even though I know he's a nice guy and doesn't mind. I think I'm going to send ds over with the money and some cookies as an apology.

 I totally get it :D

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we went to the State Fair last weekend with my brother in law. all the parking is in a grass field. when we drove in, I was following his car. he started to pull in to a parking spot very very close to the entrance. then he stopped backed out and parked farther on down. I assumed he was being nice for the lady with 4 kids and pulled into the spot. about three fourths of the way into the parking spot I realize why he pulled out. there is a trailer in the spot next to us, but because of everyone parking in the grass there is no way that person would have pulled out the trailer with a car in my spot. after looking at the trailer and noticing it was a vendor, I left my car there and enjoyed the very close watch the gate. ( and was relieved to find the trailer never moved over the 4 days we were at the fair!)

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Just this morning I turned on the washing machine and added the soap to dissolve...when I went to transfer the clothes to the dryer I realized I had neglected to add the clothes😩



A full 40% of the time, I fill the dishwasher, put in the detergent, and forget to turn it on.

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Just this morning I turned on the washing machine and added the soap to dissolve...when I went to transfer the clothes to the dryer I realized I had neglected to add the clothes😩

For me, it's usually the dryer that I forget to turn on.  Luckily, I have a helper right now who loves to turn on the dryer!

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Just this morning I turned on the washing machine and added the soap to dissolve...when I went to transfer the clothes to the dryer I realized I had neglected to add the clothes😩


When doing multiple loads in a row, I have forgotten to take the clean but wet clothes out of the washer before turning the water on and tossing in a new detergent pod for the next load. I've only realized they're still in there when I go to add the next load of dirty clothes. Of course I've already added the detergent, so I can't just skip to the spin cycle.  :001_rolleyes:

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I took a nap on Sunday afternoon once, woke up, and got all ready in a panic to go somewhere I had to be the next morning, because the clock said 5:45 and I was supposed to get up at 5:00 to make it in time. I actually got completely ready and drove (30min. drive) and arrived on location, only to discover the event I was there for was (OF COURSE) not going on, since it was actually SUNDAY, not Monday. . . .  :svengo: Mmhmm. Le sigh.

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I took a nap on Sunday afternoon once, woke up, and got all ready in a panic to go somewhere I had to be the next morning, because the clock said 5:45 and I was supposed to get up at 5:00 to make it in time. I actually got completely ready and drove (30min. drive) and arrived on location, only to discover the event I was there for was (OF COURSE) not going on, since it was actually SUNDAY, not Monday. . . . :svengo:

This is the absolute worst. It is definitely a check mark in the con column for naps. The disoriented, groggy, panicky feeling that can arrive when you wake up.

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I buy cards to mail to people for birthdays and weddings, etc... but 'forget' to mail them until late enough to the point of being... I dunno... stupid? Pathetic? Then I don't mail it at all and look like a jerk. I am a total card giving failure.

This is me, too. I have stacks of cards.

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My dh forwarded an email to me that his superior sent him at work, offering him an amazing opportunity. However, apparently at work, their system actually forwards the entire email as an attachment. So when I replied, I actually replied to his superior. Who then replied to dh, but actually it was to me. Dh called me at work to ask/tell me what was going on. It has taken me a full 24 hours to actually read the email he sent to me. Still not without blushing and cringing, mind you.


Fortunately all I said was "Wow, seriously?!". And all my kissy smilies were in a text I sent dh separately.


Yep. Still blushing and cringing.

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Our landlord only accepts cash for rent.  At the end of August I had 2 days off work and DH kept reminding me to not forget about taking rent out of the bank. I told him I'd go Saturday.  Saturday came and went and I completely forgot about going.  Next thing I know it's Sept 1 and rent is due - only it's a holiday and the bank is closed.  I ended up going to 2 different Walgreen's to hit up the ATM.  Nothing like paying rent with a huge stack of 20's, right?  Thankfully DH never commented on it.

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My dh forwarded an email to me that his superior sent him at work, offering him an amazing opportunity. However, apparently at work, their system actually forwards the entire email as an attachment. So when I replied, I actually replied to his superior. Who then replied to dh, but actually it was to me. Dh called me at work to ask/tell me what was going on. It has taken me a full 24 hours to actually read the email he sent to me. Still not without blushing and cringing, mind you.


Fortunately all I said was "Wow, seriously?!". And all my kissy smilies were in a text I sent dh separately.


Yep. Still blushing and cringing.


That could have been a LOT worse.  :)


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My dh forwarded an email to me that his superior sent him at work, offering him an amazing opportunity. However, apparently at work, their system actually forwards the entire email as an attachment. So when I replied, I actually replied to his superior. Who then replied to dh, but actually it was to me. Dh called me at work to ask/tell me what was going on. It has taken me a full 24 hours to actually read the email he sent to me. Still not without blushing and cringing, mind you.


Fortunately all I said was "Wow, seriously?!". And all my kissy smilies were in a text I sent dh separately.


Yep. Still blushing and cringing.

I did this, but with a friend and to the professor overseeing my thesis project. It was incredibly embarrassing and I said things I wasn't at all proud of. I'm much, much more careful with email. :(

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I took a nap on Sunday afternoon once, woke up, and got all ready in a panic to go somewhere I had to be the next morning, because the clock said 5:45 and I was supposed to get up at 5:00 to make it in time. I actually got completely ready and drove (30min. drive) and arrived on location, only to discover the event I was there for was (OF COURSE) not going on, since it was actually SUNDAY, not Monday. . . . :svengo:

Hate it when that happens!

Last month I woke up early to cook homemade, all-vegan Indian food for a vegetarian potluck we were planning on attending for the first time. It is held once per month. I realized halfway through that I was missing an ingredient and had to send dh off to the grocery store. I spent hours cooking 2 kinds of curry, tomato chutney, and daal. That isn't counting the prep time from the night before as I even made homemade dosa!

We were in a horrible rush to get there, but packed it all up piping hot and rushed over. We knew we would be just a few minutes late. When we got there the place was deserted except for the cleaning lady who kindly informed us we were 1 DAY and a few minutes late😡


We ate Indian food every night for a week. And saved the cleaning lady from cooking dinner that night:)

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How much time do you have?  There are things that happened 20 years ago that come to mind and make me cringe.    Most recently, I  can't believe I am going to share this but things happen, oh well, I can't change the past...   I went to lunch with my son, the cashier said the total and I half listened and handed her a $20 and stood there waiting for my change, next thing I know ds pulls out his wallet then I realized I just was not listening or paying attention , so snapping back into reality I realized what was going on, I just shook my head and paid the rest.  

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Well, I was attempting to clean behind the blades on my immersion blender...while it was still plugged in. I was in a hurry. I had blended blueberries to go on top of the pancakes and didn't want them to get cold, but I also wanted the blender cleaned. Anyway, I accidentally turned it on while my fingers were still in the business end. :ohmy:


I sooo would have fussed at my kids if they were cleaning an appliance without unplugging it first. What makes this even worse...this was the second time I blended my fingers performing the exact same procedure. Apparently I never learn. :o

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Ooh! Just remembered a huge one from year ago. I still cringe to think about it:(


We were at a restaurant for a family bday dinner. For some reason I was paying cash. The bill came to about $180 with gratuity, so when it was time to pay I handed the waitress 3 $100 bills, and asked that $100 be changed. The waitress returned and handed me he bills, and I added a bit more to the table because she was excellent and had talked about her young dd and finishing college.


The next day I was out running errands and could not figure out WHY I had all these loose bills! The waitress had brought me all $300 in change:(. I essentially left her a bit of a tip and we skipped out on the bill. Or rather I did because very one else assumed we had paid!

I FREAKED! I kept expecting a police car to swoop in and arrest me. I phoned the restaurant and jumped in the car to drive the 50 miles back. When I got there the woman ran out and hugged me, weeping. She had had to pay out of her tips and pocket for my mistake. She couldnt believe I had come back. I felt dreadful.

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Well, I was attempting to clean behind the blades on my immersion blender...while it was still plugged in. I was in a hurry. I had blended blueberries to go on top of the pancakes and didn't want them to get cold, but I also wanted the blender cleaned. Anyway, I accidentally turned it on while my fingers were still in the business end. :ohmy:


I sooo would have fussed at my kids if they were cleaning an appliance without unplugging it first. What makes this even worse...this was the second time I blended my fingers performing the exact same procedure. Apparently I never learn. :o


Yikes! I cringe just reading that :)

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This thread is pretty reassuring. :)  Thanks everyone for sharing. I've often wondered if I were the only one to cringe over things I'd messed up in the past.


Fortunately, a lot of them dull with time, but some stick right in there.


One of the worst screw ups I ever did I can almost laugh at now. 

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