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Back to School Traditions


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So what fun things are you doing to start school this year?


We'll do our annual first day of school breakfast at a restaurant. We all look forward to that every year.


Beyond that I'm not really sure. In the past we've done treasure hunts for school supplies, parades down the sidewalk with homemade instruments, prince and princess crafts, and other activities. I'm not sure what to do this year. It is slightly more difficult because the usual fun little-kid things we do won't be very amusing for my tween. I can picture the eye-rolls already.  :001_rolleyes:  :glare:

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We start our school year off with a day of field trips :thumbup:.


Anyone who wanted a new outfit, would've already gotten it to wear on the first day.

Usually this is only my daughter. 

Oh, okay, and also me LOL.


Then it's to Starbucks for the annual first day of school chess tournament.

We're usually there 2-3 hours. Kids are either playing chess, or conferencing with me.

This is when we go over their respective schedules and expectations for the year.


Next is our main field trip. It could be the zoo, a movie, the park, mini golf, bowling ... anything goes.

This year our field trip is a MLB game. My home team versus my kids' home team. It'll be a good one!


At some point during the day we meet up with my ex-husband, usually for lunch or ice cream.

It depends on his work schedule that day. This year he's off and is coming with us to the ballgame.

He jokes that he's really coming to watch the smack talk between me and our son.

We are just a wee bit passionate about our baseball :lol:.


Dinner that night is with my family. My parents helped homeschool when I was working.

This was typically the time I went over the kids' schedules and expectations with them, too.


Then the next day it's work as usual.

Breakfast at home and the only field trip is the one each kid takes to the toilet.




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Snapshots standing in the same place each year, shows bow much they have grown.

When they were younger also took pictures of them with their books or maybe doing first page in a new book.  Stopped doing that somewhere along the way.

School until close to noon then go out for lunch.  Most years dh has been able to go with us.


Next day we start full force.

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Schultüte are a fairly new (to us) and popular first day of school tradition here. We've done field trips in the past, too. One year, we went to our local library and they got their own library cards. We've also been apple picking on the first day of school. Sometimes we build a Lego Architecture set to add to our collection of landmarks. And they always get something new to wear, even if it's just a new shirt, and not a whole outfit.

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We're going to get up at 6:30 and head out the door for the University's ice rink....same thing we've been doing all summer l-o-n-g.........  

As far as actual learning/curriculum, my kids are still trying to finish up a few things from last year....shhh, don't tell anyone. Okay? :coolgleamA:



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I ordered a schultute for DD this year...but it is HUGE! Any suggestions on things to put in it? Homeschool themed is good...we have tons of art supplies! Links welcome!


I shared this upthread, but here is the last couple for us. The first year I made them, I got them lanyards to hold their library cards. Every year since, I've gotten them a pin to add to the lanyard. I think that's their favorite part! New pencils or crayons (or both!), are also standard, as is some kind of candy. I've done tape and post-its, stickers, pens, and tiny notebooks, too. Little things like that are pretty cheap, but they fill one up nicely!

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We usually do pictures with a cheesy back-to-school apple poster I bought 16 years ago at a school supply store. It's  to see the kids added and grow, but now ::sniff:: begin to graduate out of the pictures. 


I write a note to each child and leave it at their place around the dining room table.  


I lay out special school supplies for each one. Last year, Duck Dynasty supplies were a hit as were some favorite sports themed coffee mugs. 


I usually meet with each child separately and we talk about the year, expectations, what their classes will look like. 


Each child fills out a page of goals for the year. 



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One we celebrate is Not Back to School Day. When the local public schools start we take the day off, sleep in... This year we swam at a friend's, went bowling, went out to day, played racquetball.... I think is important as my kids get older for them to have cool stuff that's different from the public schools.

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School supply scavenger hunt. I buy supplies like binders, folders, pencils, etc. in each child's favorite color and then I put color dot stickers to identify the things everyone gets (boxes of markers, index cards, etc). We hide everything in the backyard and give the kids a list that they have to find. They have a lot of fun running around the yard putting their new supplies in their backpacks. (Which is pretty much the only time during the year that they will use their backpacks for school-related purposes).

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We've never done anything particular for our first day, although I'm liking some of these ideas. This year I do have plans to take pictures of them sleeping in on the 1st day of ps, and I think it's a great idea to go out and have a fun day. It's important when everyone you know is doing something so different to celebrate what's great about your own experience.

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Oh, in addition to a field trip we will be starting a benchmark read aloud. There are certain stories I've read each of my kids when they hit certain grade levels. Not every grade has a book, but this year my youngest is hitting a much-anticipated one. I am excited, too!

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New school supplies, 1st day pictures in the front yard, a fun breakfast like chocolate chip pancakes.

Usually I get them a few fun things, too. I've done coffee travel mugs for hot chocolate or the nice lidded cups with straws, dvds, etc. I usually get them a pack of Pokemon cards because I'm sure to be awarded at least a small smile before school starts. ;)

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