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need hugs


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my sibling of the male persuasion is . .  . .  words cannot adequately express my feelings.  anyway, he's back on the scene and threatening more trouble.  we have to tred very carefully, as I don't want to provoke him, nor do I want to give him anything to use against us.  If we just play nice, and things do end up in court, he'll be toast.  (he's so deluded he thinks he's full of virtue.)

based upon how he described himself in his e-mail to us - he's such a deluded martyr he's even more NPD than my grandmother was.


but, in the meantime.  I need hugs.

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thank you everyone for your well wishes.  unfortunately, I don't expect this to be resolved either quickly, or easily.  we have had take legal precautions when dealing with him the last few years - and it's not over yet.  If I'm lucky - it might be within six months.  I'm not holding my breath.



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