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Words that Irrationally Irritate You?

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In no way will I appoint myself as grammar or usage police; feel free to shoot me on the spot to put me out of my nitpickiness if I ever do.



Aw, man, but grammar police are sexy. Come over to the dark side! We have shiny Blue Books. :D



"Gay" used as a term of ridicule as in "that's so gay."


Yes, but she asked what words irrationally irritate you. It's completely logical to be upset when someone generalizes about an entire ten percentage of the population, in an insulting manner, without even making a direct statement about it.

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dungarees, crotch


I know these are perfectly legitimate words..but ewww


What's even worse is my mil, (whom I love dearly) mispronounces it and it comes out sounding like "crouch". ARGH!!


My dh also calls the center "console" of the car a "counsel".

My sil always says she's making baked "bings" for a bbq, and hangs her clothes in a clowset.


I know I'm just being picky, but I still can't help being privately annoyed!

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What is VaJJ?


Ma'am, a VaJJ is also called a "vagina" or a "private" or a "coochie" or a "down under." It is located in the "crotch" area. Isn't that the gayest thing that you have ever heard? It's so retarted.


Supposably, one can put dungarees over their VaJJ. I could care less. Irregardless.





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Ma'am, a VaJJ is also called a "vagina" or a "private" or a "coochie" or a "down under." It is located in the "crotch" area. Isn't that the gayest thing that you have ever heard? It's so retarted.


Supposably, one can put dungarees over their VaJJ. I could care less. Irregardless.






Like you know... neither me. Awesome is all I have to say. Word!

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This week, my list includes "robust," "ineluctable," "construe," and "problematize."


I also always get my knickers in a knot over grammatical irregularities. "The reason is because . . . " and "Irregardless" tend to incite large quantities of red ink when I'm grading papers.

Is irregardless even a word?

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Ma'am, a VaJJ is also called a "vagina" or a "private" or a "coochie" or a "down under." It is located in the "crotch" area. Isn't that the gayest thing that you have ever heard? It's so retarted.


Supposably, one can put dungarees over their VaJJ. I could care less. Irregardless.






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We've always used the Polish word "dupa" instead. Somehow it sounded nicer than "butt". I don't think it's really any more polite (any Polish speakers here?), but it sounds better to me. And dh grew up with that word; his dad was Polish.



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My pet peeves are any thing my dh says when he is frustrated or tired. I've been out of the south for 5 years. I haven't had to hear the southern accent and it drives me nuts to listen to him speak when his accent is pronounced.


The words home-seller, home-buyer, I'm looking to buy a new home, or anything related. No, you are a house/apartment/condo seller, buyer or are looking to buy a house/apartment/condo. Once you have made your purchase and are actively living in the space then it is your home. Before that it is just a house.

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Basically.....as my daughter said when she was about seven, "That's what grown-ups say when they don't know what they're talking about."


I could care less......that means you care.



Sit, sat, set.....I live in the South...nuff said.


Hmmm, nuf kind of irks me today.


see-saw or teeter-totter.....????


I like this thread!

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My pet peeves are any thing my dh says when he is frustrated or tired. I've been out of the south for 5 years. I haven't had to hear the southern accent and it drives me nuts to listen to him speak when his accent is pronounced.


The words home-seller, home-buyer, I'm looking to buy a new home, or anything related. No, you are a house/apartment/condo seller, buyer or are looking to buy a house/apartment/condo. Once you have made your purchase and are actively living in the space then it is your home. Before that it is just a house.


Have you heard the term Lookie Lou? I think that's how you spell it. They look but don't buy. Now said that 10 times fast with a southern accent. :D

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My DH is "Suthun," and I'm fine with it...most of the time. He's good for all KINDS of hilarious sayings, like, "He's wound up tighter 'n Dick's hat band," or "she as nervous as a cat in a room full o' rockin' chairs," or "he's outta his pea-pickin' mind," or "that rhubarb pie is some kinda good," or "I'm jest as fine as frog hair," or "This ain't a flophouse fer you and your hippy-type friends," or a hundred others.


There's just this one teeeeensy thing that drives me NUTS: It's what I call the Southern Diphthong. Know what I'm talking about? That whole additional vowel somewhere between short i and short e? Is it a "pin" or a "pen"?? Nobody knows!


That one makes me madder 'n a wet hen. :D

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I may get slammed on this one....the word 'homeschool' used as a verb. It just sounds so.....I don't know....can't we do better? I'm not saying I've found anything better.


This thread attracted me because of the initial hoodie complaint. I totally agree...ick.

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I absolutely abhor when people add extra syllables to words. EX does this and I swear, I would have had justification in bonking him on the head.


WestERN becomes westerIN

SouthERN becomes southerIN

Mrs. Pierce becomes Mrs. Peer-ess

WestMINster becomes WestMINIster







Hell to the no. What does this mean? It's stupid. It sounds ghetto and unintelligent.


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#2 first: "Hubby". I can't give a good reason. When I see that written on a blog, I admit I don't mind too much if the person is just giving a recipe for chocolate chip cookies or showing their new pink shoes, but I have to admit my mind immediately discounts any words of wisdom as coming from someone immature.


I think it's because it reminds me of those couples that are so sappy sweet in public you feel like you need to throw salt on them. I knew some in college and it was soooo annoying. You couldn't have a conversation because they didn't quit being cutsie. :tongue_smilie: I don't see older people act like that usually, just youth, then when I relate that word to such images - irrationally or not, it makes me think they're immature.


But that's secondary. #1: Prego, preggers, and similar words make me absolutely cringe! It's, it's, it's... I can't even begin to give something that rationalizes my irrationality on that one but I have never been able to read a post, article, book or otherwise where those terms were regularly present. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard.

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"supper" instead of dinner. Supper makes me think of Snoopy doing his suppertime dance - supper is dog food.


Where I'm from in the UK, we have 3 meals a day, Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. Supper is a snack before bed time.


My dh has Breakfast, Lunch and Supper.


Our ds, now refers to meals as Morning Meal, Afternoon Meal and Evening Meal. It causes a lot less hassle.

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Where I'm from in the UK, we have 3 meals a day, Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. Supper is a snack before bed time.


My dh has Breakfast, Lunch and Supper.


Our ds, now refers to meals as Morning Meal, Afternoon Meal and Evening Meal. It causes a lot less hassle.


We have breakfast, dinner, and supper. Lunch and dinner (as the evening meal) are what fancy people and plain people who have got above their raisin's have. :D

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My dh is Southern and so are all his family. Every one of them pronounces across as




Where does the extra T come from?

Dh's mother does that. Dh did for a while, but I got that stopped pretty quick. Can't do it with the MIL.


I thought of another thing that bothers me too. Physical instead of Fiscal.

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dungarees, crotch


I know these are perfectly legitimate words..but ewww


The town I grew up in had a Little Crotch Lake and a Big Crotch Lake. And Big Crotch Lake was right off the main road into town so you had to see the big green sign on a daily basis. I hated it even as a child. I have heard that the lakes have been renamed. :)

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"It's always the last place you look." No kidding? I always find it, then I pick it up and look for it some more!


"If ida know-uhn, ida baked a cake!"


Around here, the rural people like to say Wal-Marts...and not in the plural or possessive sense, either.


"The thing about it of it is..." is one I heard from a former coworker.



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You must not watch Oprah. I believe it's her word?


Oh, no. Have I just "outed" myself? I don't normally advertise that I don't watch the boob tube. (Anybody hate that term?) It's like the fact that we homeschool -- some people can handle that information, and some can't. People often feel like it's an indictment against them that I don't watch TV. What's up with that?


Anyway, no. I saw 10 minutes of an Oprah show once that nearly made me puke (about a family in a terrible car accident where a daughter was beheaded). That is the only Oprah I've ever watched. The term "VaJJ" did not come up in that 10 minutes.

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So, what bugs you? (except for people who hate trendy words for no significant reason)


Mine are actually how things are pronounced. Here's mine (and I'm sorry in advance for people who might actually do this, but since the question was asked ;) )



  1. When the word nuclear is prounounced "nuke-u-lar" instead of "nuke-klee-ar" (sorry I don't know how to phonetically write that!) - Like the current president. ;)

  2. When the word "realtor" is pronounced real-uh-tor instead of real-tor.

  3. When someone says orientated, instead of oriented. That bothers me, although I know that it's not grammatically incorrect.

  4. When the word birthday is pronounced without the "th" sound.

  5. I could probably go on and on, but those are at the top of my list...


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For no known reason I don't like the word "puny"


I also don't like and we don't say:


shut up



I also have a problem with people confusing if a word should or should not be plural.


"I need to go to Wal-Marts."

"It is about five mile down the road."

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"Prostrate" for a prostate. It's an organ in your body if you are a man. Figure out how to pronounce it, please. Otherwise go take a nap on the ground in front of me so I can laugh at you.


"Irregardless." Anyone else like a dose of double negatives?


"Baby daddy" is a slang term I've seen thrown around a lot lately in the general media. Will we soon have "toddler daddies" and "preteen daddies?" I'm pretty dang liberal but if you are confused about the father of your baby and you haven't been molested or raped, perhaps you might want to evaluate some things in your life.



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The high-flalutin' passive voice in hospital charting.


"The patient approached this writer in an attempt to procure additional minutes for fresh air. This writer explained the ward policy. The patient became aggressive, used foul language, but was eventually redirected by this writer."


I haven't been fired yet, and am even told that the psychologists in court look for my entries because I write:


"Robert came up to me upset that he'd slept in for half of smoke break. He was insistent on getting more time out, but I told him groups were starting and he'd just have to come back in 15 minutes. Robert raised his voice, swore, and shoved a chair some 10 feet. I encouraged him not to blow his level nor waste his time when he could be out smoking. He left after muttering "yeah, yeah" and returned on time."


Although my entry was longer, I wrote it quickly, as I did not have to grind through grammatical backflips to remain "clinical". Is reminds me of people getting picky and demanding as a way of showing how intelligent or upper middle class they are.

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"This writer," huh?


What a hoot.


I like your version much better. Just think, each time you write on a chart, you strike a blow for Strunk & White!


My Dad is a thoroughly blue-collar single proprietor who writes HORRENDOUS multi-page letters with run-on sentences, huge words, and passive voice because he thinks it sounds more professional. And will he listen to his professionally trained editor daughter? No, he will not. Instead, he will ask me to edit, and after I have spent hours unwinding his prose into something concise and coherent, he will refuse all of my changes. So I quit. I refuse to help him with his letters. What CEO is going to read a 12-page harangue?


The hospital prose reminds me of his style <shudder.>

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"The patient approached this writer in an attempt to procure additional minutes for fresh air. This writer explained the ward policy. The patient became aggressive, used foul language, but was eventually redirected by this writer."



That so reminds me of cop-speak. The ones that make me cringe are "I exited my patrol vehicle..." Why? The other is the use of the word "myself" the wrong way. "Officer So-and-so and myself proceeded to..." My dh still does the "myself" one. :banghead:



Gee, when this thread started I couldn't think of too many that bothered me. The more I read the more I'm reminded of things that drive me nuts.

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That so reminds me of cop-speak. The ones that make me cringe are "I exited my patrol vehicle..." Why? The other is the use of the word "myself" the wrong way. "Officer So-and-so and myself proceeded to..." My dh still does the "myself" one. :banghead:



Gee, when this thread started I couldn't think of too many that bothered me. The more I read the more I'm reminded of things that drive me nuts.


Another cop-speak thing that irrationally irritates me:


Referring to a criminal as "the gentleman"! It seems like cops do this in radio and tv interviews around here. They could be talking about a murderer or rapist but they call him a gentleman! arggghhhh...

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