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What does your school room (or "learning area") look like?

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Donna, I LOVE your furniture!! Where did you get it?


Thank you! :)


The corner nook table was from a local discount furniture store.


The desk chair (sans the chalk dust) was from BJ's.


Everything else (bookcases, window seat, and desk) are from Home Decorators. They sell the nook tables too. The bench seats in our set open up for more storage, which is a really nice feature!

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I need to gather some ideas. Do you mind posting pictures - even if you've done so before!


(I put a couple of our room on my blog. I've got 3 small children who are growing older every day and I need to decide what to do.)




I've got a link on the sidebar of my blog that takes you to the "Our School Room" post.


The only thing that's different is that the silver shelf is gone and my treadmill is there now. I put all of our art supplies in the closet when the hamster died.

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Mine are on my blog. On the left, go to the January posts and I think you'll find it there.


We are changing it, tho, as we aren't homeschooling dd this year, and she'll do more at her desk in her room, and probably some on the dining room table, like our other son who is public schooled. It pains me to think of taking it down!

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Well, we're working on buying a house, but until we do ours is our kitchen table. I can't tell you how many lunches my kids have eaten on the kitchen floor because I don't trust ds to eat on carpet and it's too much work to clean off the table just for lunch. :001_rolleyes:


I'm bookmarking all of these on faith that we will have a school room soon though! :drool5:

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Here's a link to my photobucket account where there are photos. The built-in teacher's desk was already there, believe it or not, although neither of the previous homeowners homeschooled. The whole area is right off the kitchen (you can just see a tiny sliver of the counter in the first photo in the bottom LF corner). To the right of the teacher's desk is our dining area. It's a fabulous setup. Behind the piano is a long hallway where we have our timeline, and at the end of it is a bathroom and laundry room. We spend a LOT of time in this multi-functional area.


The previous owners used my schoolroom area for a TV room (hence the speakers you can still see above the bookcases). I consider this a MUCH better use of the space! ; ) (We are not into TV.)

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Picture 3 overstuffed bookshelves, a scarred formerly-beautiful-dining room table, 3 computer chairs, 3 computers,a globe, too many maps covered in index cards with Spanish vocab and math formulas...as the first thing you see when entering our house.


Dh *hates* it, but its the only free space we have, the dining room. Our house is normally quite tidy, everywhere but there.


No photos, obviously!


And I just realized we have more computers in our house than people!

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Dh *hates* it, but its the only free space we have, the dining room. Our house is normally quite tidy, everywhere but there.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I schooled for many years in our not-very-large dining room in our other house, and it felt very hemmed when we had someone over for dinner in there, complete with two open bookcases and my computer desk in the corner.


Have you considered a tension rod with a nice curtain over the doorway? Maybe this would cut down on DH's angst if he doesn't have to SEE it all the time.

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Thank you for sharing your pictures (or descriptions :001_smile:). I see I'm not the only one with a sofa in our school room. Sometimes I like it, but most of the time I don't - it just takes up so much room. However, it is nice to cozy up with the kids on that sofa and read.


I also see I need a desk. I sort of have a desk-ish area. It's a table in one corner of the room - where I keep the kids' notebooks and my planning materials and some supplies. But the dog sleeps under that table (and I'm not very fond of the dog) so I don't sit there - besides, my back would be to the kids.


One day, I hope to get either a large table to serve as the children's workspace or get them small individual tables.


I have picked up many ideas from your pictures. Thanks again.


PS - Keep 'em coming!

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Donna, I have major bookshelf envy here. Beautiful!


Here are links to the three rooms we use most for school (also the three main rooms of our house, lol) my kids are older, so they are also free to work in their own bedrooms or whatever.


http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=3853133 - our dining area - our kitchen is on the other side of this room. (And, no, it rarely looks this tidy.)


http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=3810250 - the kitchen. Oddly, I find we have a lot of our great "homeschool" moments here - whether I'm at the counter checking math or we're just having a conversation!


http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=3747827 - our screened in porch. We're lucky to live in FL. We use this room year round. Right now it's home to a bunch of tadpoles that ds(8) and I are way too attached to. We all spend hours out here reading, talking, reading aloud and sometimes listening to a "joint" audio book.

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Funny enough, we have this strange little room on the main floor off the dining room. We've been here almost 10 years and could never figure out what the room was originally intended to be. We live in an old Victorian house, and they didn't have things like "bonus rooms" or "play rooms" so we never could figure it out. When we started hsing last year, we finally figured out what it was meant for. :D







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I have major white board envy now. I'm still tweaking our school room. I'm sure it has nothing to do with my "nesting" craze right now. I'm trying to decide on a table. I don't want it too large. Right now we use a card table, "TV" tray tables, and a small kids table from IKEA. I don't like that the card table has a soft top. Ds does not like it either. He uses a clipboard when he's at that table.

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Wowie! I love that room.


How did you make those shelves on the wall?


Thanks! Those are rain gutter bookshelves, my husband installed those several years ago and they were easy to install and have held up very well. There have been a few threads here lately about them, I think nestof3 had some "how to" links.

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Thanks! Those are rain gutter bookshelves, my husband installed those several years ago and they were easy to install and have held up very well. There have been a few threads here lately about them, I think nestof3 had some "how to" links.


Hold the phone! You're telling me those are actual, honest Pete rain gutters? Like, as in Home Depot, install on the outside of your house rain gutters?




My spouse is always giving me a hard time about wanting things that are super expensive. This will completely flummox him. He'll think he's died and went to heaven when I tell him I want this.

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Hold the phone! You're telling me those are actual, honest Pete rain gutters? Like, as in Home Depot, install on the outside of your house rain gutters?




My spouse is always giving me a hard time about wanting things that are super expensive. This will completely flummox him. He'll think he's died and went to heaven when I tell him I want this.


:lol: Yep, these are actually inexpensive and everything.

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Who was it that recently announced their new schoolroom with the counter and cabinets? I think that was the MOST FAB schoolroom ever. She was the one whose DH heated the counters so he could bend down the backsplash, and they made those counters into a long row of desks. Amazing.


That was mine: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50358



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