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My attempt at defrumpification


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I'm sitting here at the computer in the clothes that I hoed the garden in for 2 hours this morming, Not changing yet because I've still got more work to do out there. My dd said, ":Mom.....you....kind of stink." :)


I haven't been off the property though.  I'll change if I go out. 


I promise.

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Today I've put on a nicer outfit, put up my hair, plucked my overgrown eyebrows, covered up a dark spot on my face, and put on some lip gloss.


Nobody has noticed, including DH.



The eyebrows part really impresses me.  I have no idea if I am considered frumpy today.  I don't consider myself frumpy, but I'm still in exercise clothes b/c I haven't done the exercising yet and then I plan to get a shower.  I'd better get up and feet moving!


I'm going to get the shower and make myself presentable, but I won't be touching eyebrows today.  I did consider having them done by someone else b/c I can never decide how to shape them appropriately--which is why they haven't been touched in maybe 8 years or so!

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I pulled deodorant out of our pool bag in my friend's driveway today and used it before chilling at her pool. I worked on our deck rebuilding project this morning and still had my nasty clothes on so I wanted to defrump before seeing her. LOL!!!!! I think I'm a "fail!". LOL!!!

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I'm sitting here at the computer in the clothes that I hoed the garden in for 2 hours this morming, Not changing yet because I've still got more work to do out there. My dd said, ":Mom.....you....kind of stink." :)


I haven't been off the property though.  I'll change if I go out. 


I promise.

I worked in the garden too and in the rain.  I'm thinking the aura I'm wearing probably isn't anything like perfume either.  I also took the kids to dog obedience this morning in my workout clothes.  The shirt has glittery stuff on it, though, so I think I'm cool.   :coolgleamA: 

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You were not frumpy enough to begin with! I put on a nicer shirt this morning (meaning not a t-shirt) to meet a friend to take a walk. She told me how dressed up I am and how nice I look.   I had not even showered and I never wear makeup. 


So you must be way less frumpy than you think if your family didn't notice.  



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I pulled deodorant out of our pool bag in my friend's driveway today and used it before chilling at her pool. I worked on our deck rebuilding project this morning and still had my nasty clothes on so I wanted to defrump before seeing her. LOL!!!!! I think I'm a "fail!". LOL!!!

Guilty of the same...more times than I care to admit.  I'm thinking most people would just think it's gross, not frumpy.  (Calling myself gross, not you.)

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I'm sitting here at the computer in the clothes that I hoed the garden in for 2 hours this morming, Not changing yet because I've still got more work to do out there. My dd said, ":Mom.....you....kind of stink." :)


I haven't been off the property though.  I'll change if I go out. 


I promise.

No need to change---Just pull out your defrumping deodorant!

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You were not frumpy enough to begin with! I put on a nicer shirt this morning (meaning not a t-shirt) to meet a friend to take a walk. She told me how dressed up I am and how nice I look.   I had not even showered and I never wear makeup. 


So you must be way less frumpy than you think if your family didn't notice.  



No, I'm really frumpy. Yesterday while reading the "The Frumpy Thread" I paid attention to myself in my normal state. Red flannel elastic waist pants, frayed at the bottom where I cut the extra inches off. A Target t-shirt with no bra. No makeup. Unibrow. I cut my own hair and don't own a hair dryer or styling stuff. 20 lbs overweight due to medical problems, but at least I'm down 9 lbs as we get it straightened out.


Today I have light makeup, hair up, no more unibrow, skirt with twin set. I'm even wearing the slippers with no holes in them, darn it!  :lol:


Seriously, I look different. Some people are just not paying attention.  :glare:



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Today I've put on a nicer outfit, put up my hair, plucked my overgrown eyebrows, covered up a dark spot on my face, and put on some lip gloss.


Nobody has noticed, including DH.




But have you noticed? Because if you have, that's all that really matters!

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No, I'm really frumpy. Yesterday while reading the "The Frumpy Thread" I paid attention to myself in my normal state. Red flannel elastic waist pants, frayed at the bottom where I cut the extra inches off. A Target t-shirt with no bra. No makeup. Unibrow. I cut my own hair and don't own a hair dryer or styling stuff. 20 lbs overweight due to medical problems, but at least I'm down 9 lbs as we get it straightened out.


Today I have light makeup, hair up, no more unibrow, skirt with twin set. I'm even wearing the slippers with no holes in them, darn it!  :lol:


Seriously, I look different. Some people are just not paying attention.  :glare:



Really, for an at home day?  Now I am really impressed.  


The other day I changed out of gardening clothes into a denim skirt and a tank top.  Dd walked by and said 'You look really nice.'  Made me wonder how I looked for the rest of the day if a tank top and denim get that sort of response.  :lol:

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But have you noticed? Because if you have, that's all that really matters!


Yes, and I do feel better, actually.


I did take about an extra half hour of my time but that's mostly because my eyebrows were out of control. If I maintained them regularly then I think it would take an extra 5-10 minutes.


I'm not in fear of the neighbors dropping by to see if their kids are here, so that's a plus! During the school year I didn't have to worry until 3:00 but now that school's out kids are all over the neighborhood and their parents/babysitters stop by at random times.

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My Dh doesn't even notice if I get a haircut; he isn't going to notice my clothes, so I de-frumpify when it pleases me and don't when it doesn't.  The one thing I do every.darned.day, rain or shine, is fill in my eyebrows and mascara my top lashes.  I have really blonde brows and lashes and I look like a freak of nature without some help.  Yup, I may have a ratty tee shirt on, but my brows are 'da bomb, LOL!

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I'm dying laughing at this!

No, I'm really frumpy. Yesterday while reading the "The Frumpy Thread" I paid attention to myself in my normal state. Red flannel elastic waist pants, frayed at the bottom where I cut the extra inches off. A Target t-shirt with no bra. No makeup. Unibrow. I cut my own hair and don't own a hair dryer or styling stuff. 20 lbs overweight due to medical problems, but at least I'm down 9 lbs as we get it straightened out.


Today I have light makeup, hair up, no more unibrow, skirt with twin set. I'm even wearing the slippers with no holes in them, darn it!  :lol:


Seriously, I look different. Some people are just not paying attention.  :glare:




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I had a music therapy child today. So I put on nice jeans, dark blue fitted tee with a white cami underneath since it's low cut, grey shrug, silver necklace, curled my hair, put on make up, and since my dye job is recent, the color looks great with the shirt. If I could finda wrap dress in this color, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


So, I don't feel frumpy. But yesterday, when I got home from the gym I immediately started housework and stayed in yoga pants and a baggie exercise shirt the whole day with no make up and flat hair. Oh well, I am not June Cleaver.


But, I have been thinning out ill fitting shirts and purchasing updated styles that fit much better and combined with the new hair, I can honestly say I am feeling a lot better about my look.

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I once cut 10 inches off my hair in the middle of the night and no one in my household noticed.


Take it as a sign you look beautiful all the time, or a reminder that you're doing it for yourself.

I dyed my hair red once. My father noticed a week later and, when he said something, DH said "huh??" He totally hadn't noticed.

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My Dh doesn't even notice if I get a haircut; he isn't going to notice my clothes, so I de-frumpify when it pleases me and don't when it doesn't. The one thing I do every.darned.day, rain or shine, is fill in my eyebrows and mascara my top lashes. I have really blonde brows and lashes and I look like a freak of nature without some help. Yup, I may have a ratty tee shirt on, but my brows are 'da bomb, LOL!

Me too! I thought I was the only one. I once had 18 inches cut and no one noticed. Seriously, I went from long ponytail to short bob and no one noticed. I agree with others who commented that you did it for you! I just started wearing a fabulous mascara (while wearing my yoga pants and target top.). For some reason though, even when I have frumpy clothes I feel unfrumpy and more confident when I have the mascara on. No one notices or comments, but it changes how I feel about my appearance.

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I once cut 10 inches off my hair in the middle of the night and no one in my household noticed.


Take it as a sign you look beautiful all the time, or a reminder that you're doing it for yourself.


I  dyed my hair to cover my grays. And to be fair, my husband had already told me they didn't bother him.


No one noticed the change except one of the teen girls at church. 


I felt better though!

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Ah yes, the classic operation defrumpify, I know it well.


I really liked the book "How to not look old". It really did have some useful advice. You might see if your library has it.




I looked at the Amazon preview and switched to a "side part" ponytail instead of my usual "no part" ponytail. I daresay it looks better.


I'm keeping my gray hairs, though. For me, after what I went through to get them, they are a badge of honor. Plus I'm too uncoordinated to dye my own hair and I need the salon money for the kids' college fund. Otherwise I'm going look too fabulous when I show up at the loan office.  :D

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No, I'm really frumpy. Yesterday while reading the "The Frumpy Thread" I paid attention to myself in my normal state. Red flannel elastic waist pants, frayed at the bottom where I cut the extra inches off. A Target t-shirt with no bra. No makeup. Unibrow. I cut my own hair and don't own a hair dryer or styling stuff. 20 lbs overweight due to medical problems, but at least I'm down 9 lbs as we get it straightened out.


Today I have light makeup, hair up, no more unibrow, skirt with twin set. I'm even wearing the slippers with no holes in them, darn it!  :lol:


Seriously, I look different. Some people are just not paying attention.  :glare:



Dang awesome post! :D

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IF dh notices, he doesn't mention when I look nice. My middle boy is REALLY observant and probably a hopeless romantic which may make him quite the lady's man someday, so he's the one that brings it up.


Now, if dh comes home and I'm wearing lab safety glasses, lab coat, crap clothes so that I don't ruin anything decent with whatever ridiculous caustic chemical I'm working with, and have the faint smell of sulfur about me from having lit a Bunsen burner, the man notices THAT and is all over me like I'm Angelina Jolie or something. Sigh....there really is no accounting for how the male mind works! :lol:

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I looked at the Amazon preview and switched to a "side part" ponytail instead of my usual "no part" ponytail. I daresay it looks better.


I'm keeping my gray hairs, though. For me, after what I went through to get them, they are a badge of honor. Plus I'm too uncoordinated to dye my own hair and I need the salon money for the kids' college fund. Otherwise I'm going look too fabulous when I show up at the loan office.  :D


I am not one to wear makeup or dress up, so it kills me to admit that the author really knew her stuff.


There were a few things that I had never bothered with that I decided to take on now that I am in my 40s. There has been a definite shift in my social circle. In my 20s and 30s I never wore makeup or did my hair or even shaved my legs. A couple years ago I noticed that a LOT of my peers were looking just like me, lol. Only, rather than coming from a place of being ok with how they look naturally it came out, with some discussion, that many of them saw themselves as 'giving up'. They felt that now they were middle aged it really didn't matter how they look etc.  Ok, that is SO not me.  And what is worse, they seem to have given up on changing, growing, being a part of life.


I am NOT ready to give up! I feel like I am still part of life and I want to do fun things and learn new things. There are places I still need to go and books to read and discuss.


So, I started paying a bit more attention to my physical appearance and presentation. Nothing huge. I still don't wear makeup and I have my birkenstocks on, lol. But I started paying attention to what other people were doing. I made a very few changes in my wardrobe to be a bit more current and not so dowdy, I gave a bit more thought to choosing clothes that work for my body shape, I use a teeth whitening kit once a year, I started exercising because it makes me feel great and energetic, I do a weekly deep conditioning of my hair and the occasional homemade facial, I learned how to shape my brows, I will spring for a pedicure in June and July, but I could do it myself. I set myself a goal of reading the major award winning books every year so I can talk to other people and sound like an adult. None of this has been expensive (lots is free or what I already have in the house or a trip to the library) or time consuming. I mean, I need new jeans but I don't need ill fitting jeans do I? It didn't take much time to find places that sell petite jeans that fit me properly.


Another really great book I read a couple years ago is "Younger Next Year" It is also might be at your library. But that one turned DH and I into dedicated lifestyle exercisers. I find that being physically fit makes me feel more energetic, it makes my skin glow, it wards off the aches and pains of middle age.


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I am not one to wear makeup or dress up, so it kills me to admit that the author really knew her stuff.


There were a few things that I had never bothered with that I decided to take on now that I am in my 40s. There has been a definite shift in my social circle. In my 20s and 30s I never wore makeup or did my hair or even shaved my legs. A couple years ago I noticed that a LOT of my peers were looking just like me, lol. Only, rather than coming from a place of being ok with how they look naturally it came out, with some discussion, that many of them saw themselves as 'giving up'. They felt that now they were middle aged it really didn't matter how they look etc. Ok, that is SO not me. And what is worse, they seem to have given up on changing, growing, being a part of life.


I am NOT ready to give up! I feel like I am still part of life and I want to do fun things and learn new things. There are places I still need to go and books to read and discuss.


So, I started paying a bit more attention to my physical appearance and presentation. Nothing huge. I still don't wear makeup and I have my birkenstocks on, lol. But I started paying attention to what other people were doing. I made a very few changes in my wardrobe to be a bit more current and not so dowdy, I gave a bit more thought to choosing clothes that work for my body shape, I use a teeth whitening kit once a year, I started exercising because it makes me feel great and energetic, I do a weekly deep conditioning of my hair and the occasional homemade facial, I learned how to shape my brows, I will spring for a pedicure in June and July, but I could do it myself. I set myself a goal of reading the major award winning books every year so I can talk to other people and sound like an adult. None of this has been expensive (lots is free or what I already have in the house or a trip to the library) or time consuming. I mean, I need new jeans but I don't need ill fitting jeans do I? It didn't take much time to find places that sell petite jeans that fit me properly.


Another really great book I read a couple years ago is "Younger Next Year" It is also might be at your library. But that one turned DH and I into dedicated lifestyle exercisers. I find that being physically fit makes me feel more energetic, it makes my skin glow, it wards off the aches and pains of middle age.


Inspirational! :hurray:
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Well, I probably fall someplace between frumpy and a fashion plate. Most of my clothes I get from Target, but I do my hair and make-up every day. I wear "mom jeans" (I guess that's what you call jeans fitted at the waist, although they are 5-pocket and not pull on). But after reading the frumpy threads I decided, while shopping at Walmart, to buy a little knit dress and see how that goes. It was cheap, and I have no idea how it's going to wash, but anyhow... I wore it on Tuesday of this week and my oldest DS, the one who doesn't see anything past his nose said, "is that a new dress Mom? It looks nice on you!" I about passed out cold on the floor. So..... sometimes people do notice. But I think the most important person to please is yourself!

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I am not one to wear makeup or dress up, so it kills me to admit that the author really knew her stuff.


There were a few things that I had never bothered with that I decided to take on now that I am in my 40s. There has been a definite shift in my social circle. In my 20s and 30s I never wore makeup or did my hair or even shaved my legs. A couple years ago I noticed that a LOT of my peers were looking just like me, lol. Only, rather than coming from a place of being ok with how they look naturally it came out, with some discussion, that many of them saw themselves as 'giving up'. They felt that now they were middle aged it really didn't matter how they look etc. Ok, that is SO not me. And what is worse, they seem to have given up on changing, growing, being a part of life.


I am NOT ready to give up! I feel like I am still part of life and I want to do fun things and learn new things. There are places I still need to go and books to read and discuss.


So, I started paying a bit more attention to my physical appearance and presentation. Nothing huge. I still don't wear makeup and I have my birkenstocks on, lol. But I started paying attention to what other people were doing. I made a very few changes in my wardrobe to be a bit more current and not so dowdy, I gave a bit more thought to choosing clothes that work for my body shape, I use a teeth whitening kit once a year, I started exercising because it makes me feel great and energetic, I do a weekly deep conditioning of my hair and the occasional homemade facial, I learned how to shape my brows, I will spring for a pedicure in June and July, but I could do it myself. I set myself a goal of reading the major award winning books every year so I can talk to other people and sound like an adult. None of this has been expensive (lots is free or what I already have in the house or a trip to the library) or time consuming. I mean, I need new jeans but I don't need ill fitting jeans do I? It didn't take much time to find places that sell petite jeans that fit me properly.


Another really great book I read a couple years ago is "Younger Next Year" It is also might be at your library. But that one turned DH and I into dedicated lifestyle exercisers. I find that being physically fit makes me feel more energetic, it makes my skin glow, it wards off the aches and pains of middle age.


Just saying "Younger Next Year" is a great book. Not about looks but health! I don't want to just look good in my coffin.

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I am not one to wear makeup or dress up, so it kills me to admit that the author really knew her stuff.


There were a few things that I had never bothered with that I decided to take on now that I am in my 40s. There has been a definite shift in my social circle. In my 20s and 30s I never wore makeup or did my hair or even shaved my legs. A couple years ago I noticed that a LOT of my peers were looking just like me, lol. Only, rather than coming from a place of being ok with how they look naturally it came out, with some discussion, that many of them saw themselves as 'giving up'. They felt that now they were middle aged it really didn't matter how they look etc.  Ok, that is SO not me.  And what is worse, they seem to have given up on changing, growing, being a part of life.


I am NOT ready to give up! I feel like I am still part of life and I want to do fun things and learn new things. There are places I still need to go and books to read and discuss.


So, I started paying a bit more attention to my physical appearance and presentation. Nothing huge. I still don't wear makeup and I have my birkenstocks on, lol. But I started paying attention to what other people were doing. I made a very few changes in my wardrobe to be a bit more current and not so dowdy, I gave a bit more thought to choosing clothes that work for my body shape, I use a teeth whitening kit once a year, I started exercising because it makes me feel great and energetic, I do a weekly deep conditioning of my hair and the occasional homemade facial, I learned how to shape my brows, I will spring for a pedicure in June and July, but I could do it myself. I set myself a goal of reading the major award winning books every year so I can talk to other people and sound like an adult. None of this has been expensive (lots is free or what I already have in the house or a trip to the library) or time consuming. I mean, I need new jeans but I don't need ill fitting jeans do I? It didn't take much time to find places that sell petite jeans that fit me properly.


Another really great book I read a couple years ago is "Younger Next Year" It is also might be at your library. But that one turned DH and I into dedicated lifestyle exercisers. I find that being physically fit makes me feel more energetic, it makes my skin glow, it wards off the aches and pains of middle age.


Kudos to you, it sounds like you made changes you've found worthwhile and are making you happy that's wonderful.

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