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What size suitcase for kids' week at camp-is it weird to send full-size suitcase?


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First year at camp!


I can't imagine fitting all their stuff in anything smaller than a full-size suitcase-is that ok? (extra sweatshirts and pants, etc.-in case one pair of sweats is wet/dirty, etc.)


what size do you usually send?


and I only have one full-size suitcase-ok to send a small suitcase and large duffel with one of the kids?



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Well, DD was told by the camp to take a trunk, and a canvas bag and a smaller bag, and was given a very specific list of items she could and could not bring.  The camp had it down to a science on how much space would be needed to bring everything required.  How long will they be away?  She was away for 3 weeks, in a hot area where pants and sweatshirts were not required.  


Were you given a checklist of things your child has to bring?  My suggestion is to get everything gathered that you KNOW they have to have, then gather things they would LIKE to have and see how much space you need to get it all in.  If it won't all fit in your first choice of suitcase, then you and dc can decide if a bigger suitcase is suitable or if culling down is a viable option.

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I packed my daughter's bag for a week (6 days) of camp last night.  We used a smallish rolling suitcase, but my DD is only 8 and her shorts/t-shirts don't take up much room.  


Her bag opens in half and on one side I have: 2 bath towels, 1 beach towel, bathing suit, flip flops.  

The other side is holding:  6 shorts, 6 t-shirts, underwear, socks, sneakers, pkg of baby wipes, sunscreen (3 types), bug spray, baby powder, a Bible.


Her bedding is being transported separately in a trash bag (to keep clean, later to use bag for dirty laundry) and her toiletries are in a plastic caddy.


That's it.

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My kids *always* came home with more clean and unworn clothing than dirty.  They mostly wear bathing suits with T's, so there is surprisingly little reason to pack much underwear. ;)   Save the space for multiple towels (they don't always dry fully,  and so get musty), and bathing suits. Suitcases are fine, although a trunk is nice- no crushing of gear,  flashlights etc)

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My son seems to not wear half the clothes we pack. I just tell him I don't really want to know why he still has half the underwear unworn after a week at camp. He usually takes one medium size duffle bag and a backpack with some books and cards and personal items and then bedding separately (just a sleeping bag, pillow and extra blanket rolled up together). He's a boy though and does thing like wear his outfit for the next day to bed the night before to save on the number of clothes he has to take (or the amount of laundry to do at home). 


I was surprised the first year by how much many other people brought. A lot of kids had big trunks or clear Rubbermaid containers. There is a wide variation so whatever you all do should be fine. 

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When dropping DD off at camp, I see every kind of suitcase and duffle imaginable, so use what you have and what works. We do send her sleeping bag and pillow in a separate bag. We get giant ziplocks for this, and they are perfect. She folds it up during the week and reuses it at the end to repack.

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As far as size of bag, don't worry so much about what you don't have. I have been a counselor at such camps and it is murder for kids whose moms send too much stuff. Your dd does not need four hoodies in July for example, but two swim suits might be nice if she has them. The extra stuff gets loaned, lost, destroyed. Think carefully about way the weather where your child is going and plan accordingly.

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In my experience, I always end up overpacking for my boys, and I am a notorious UNDERpacker in general.  I send my boys off with underwear, shorts, shirts, etc for every day, plus extras, and they come back with only a couple sets having been worn.  When I see pictures later, they're always in the same outfit or bathing suit.  Last summer, I sent a brand new toothbrush for my 11 yr old.  When I was unpacking his stuff after he got back, I found the toothbrush--still in the package.  Ewww.  But there it is.

And the person above who said that anything extra will get loaned, lost, or destroyed is 100% correct.  Pack as minimalist as you can.  If you'd like, pack each day's outfit in a separate Ziplock bag, but in my experience, that is mostly so that you don't have to re-clean clothes that were never used.  For some reason, even though my boys never wore most of the clothes I sent them, they still came back wet or covered in dirt/sand.


One full size suitcase/duffle bag should be fine, maybe with a backpack as well, but I would not send more than that, especially if it's only for a week.  Our first time at camp, I packed a full size suitcase, plus his backpack, plus his pillow and sleeping bag were separate.  He got teased for bringing so much stuff. :(


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I'd pack the full size suitcase, but leave it half empty. Otherwise they'll never find the stuff in there. Two pair of shorts for the week. Two swimsuits. A few pair of underwear (they're good the first day or two and then they can't find anything.). Sneaks and closed toed sandals. Clean tshirts. A bar of soap and toothbrush (just to make you feel good). Two towels. One swimming, one bath. Flashlight, bug spray, sunscreen, book, stuffed animal, sase. Mine don't wear long pants or jackets even on cold days here in the winter (40-50 degrees), so I figure they won't during camp either. I didn't pack them. They did use the aloe I sent. And the allergy meds.


I like the idea of a bag per day. I might try that next year and see.

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Pro Tip: You help your children organize what they need to pack for camp, but they are the one to actually place it into the suitcase. It helps them remember how to find their stuff when they are away from home. Sometimes items that are rarely needed get forgotten, and the kid thinks they don't have it when they do, and it's a bummer to find it unused after they get home (for example, shampoo. Or itch cream for bug bites).


If the camp provided a packing checklist, you check each item off as the child packs it, and the list goes in last so they can use it when packing to go home.


Hope they have fun!

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Mine is 14, so a different animal, but she will have two shirts for each day--they get gross and sweaty, painting and doing house repair.


When my sons went to camp, their cabin counselors made the kids shower and change clothes every day. They took a duffel and a school (Bean's) backpack. They needed the backpacks for day hikes. At least two towels--they get gross, too.

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My kids have space under their beds. They pack everything into a plastic tub that fits under their bed/bunk. I cannot take credit for that tip another parent told us what size tub would work in the cabins. I see lots of stuff at camp drop off. I wouldn't spend any money this first year. On the ride home, I ask them what would work better next year.

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Interesting! My kids have always gone off to camp with just a small duffle bag and their sleeping bag. And they would still come home with unworn clothes.


I would be happy to pack minimalist-style based on past experience, but the camp that my son is going to this year has a very specific list and they have stressed numerous times that EVERY SINGLE ITEM is necessary and don't skip a single one. So, we'll be sending the requisite two pairs of pants AND two sweatpants, etc., but with some giant eyerolls.


We use a plastic trunk. Stuff gets dirty at camp, so I wouldn't want to use a suitcase.

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