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Rehab is exhausting.


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I have never been so tired in my life, and all I did was use a walker to scoot with one foot fifteen feet, and then maneuvered a manual wheelchair around the room. I feel like a kitten! I am supposed to be Super Mom! Ah, well, 'twas only the first day, tomorrow will be better.


While the hospital provided Popsicles on request 24/7, rehab is a step up : here we get Italian Ice!

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Hey, Super Kitten!


I was just telling someone today about my daughter's knee injury/surgery last year. I was sharing that the doctor wanted good range of motion after the initial injury before he did surgery. He told her riding an exercise bike would be beneficial.  So, the first day she was able to manage getting out on her own with crutches and her immobilizer , she went to the gym and climbed on a bike. She sat on the bike, and try as hard as she could, she couldn't push the peddles to make it move. She called me in tears saying, "I can't even make it go just a little bit. I'll never be able to walk again." 


It was just over a year ago that she had surgery to fix her knee and she is out biking, hiking, you name it. Except for the scars, you would never know she had an injury, let alone a 'more rather than less significant one.'


So, hang tough. You can do it! Follow directions. Do as much as your told to do - but not more than you're told to do!  My prayer for you is that not too long from now you will look back at these hard days and marvel at how well your doing.


Hugs for you for the hard times. :grouphug:  Praying for a speedy recovery for you.

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Oh gosh, now I have a nickname!


Sounds like you need to change your title!


So glad you survived the accident!! Glad you're able to post again. And kittens are wonderful.

But avoid the catnip.



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For the last hour of o.t. today....they had me lay out the pieces and paint a bird house (I glue it together tomorrow). It was surprisingly relaxing....and somehow I ended up chatting about mummifying chickens, making paper mâché Eypgtian death masks, etc.....and the Well Trained Mind way of homeschooling.

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For the last hour of o.t. today....they had me lay out the pieces and paint a bird house (I glue it together tomorrow). It was surprisingly relaxing....and somehow I ended up chatting about mummifying chickens, making paper mâché Eypgtian death masks, etc.....and the Well Trained Mind way of homeschooling.


I love this! 


Gentle hugs as you continue to recover.

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