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Anybody else live in a musical? :P


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Living with DS5 is a bit like living in my own little musical. Every occasion is cause for him to burst out in song :D


If he wants my phone, he bursts out into "moooommyyyy, I love your phoooone, I really love your phoooone; I really love to play angryyyyy biiiiirds" - complete with dance; if he hears one of the other children is going to do the doctor, he sings Daniel Tiger - "close your eyes, and think of something happy!"; if Tony and I go out for dinner, I hear Daniel Tiger's "groooooowwwwn ups come back!". He has sharing songs, helping songs, and friendship songs.


To make it even cuter, he's pretty tone deaf (like me!). He loves to sing and dance the "Happy" song too :)


When he's not singing, he's.... passionate ;) This morning in bed I reprimanded the almost 2 year old for pinching me. Nico (very passionately) reprimanded ME - "that's my BABY; my BROTHER - be nice to him mom!". If I refuse to give him my phone, I hear "then I'm not going to be YOUR FRIEND ANY more!" - complete with crossing his arms over his chest. It's all I can do not to laugh (and I usually do not manage not laughing at the cuteness).


He makes me happy, lol.

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My 4yo ds sings all. The. Time. Both real songs and made up songs. If he gets up during church to go the bathroom we have to remind him not to sing when he's in there. The bathrooms are right next to the sanctuary and everyone can hear him. Even if we remind him he still does half the time. Everyone thinks it's pretty funny but there's a time and place to sing "Father Abraham" (don't ask me when because I have never encountered a good time for that song) but during the sermon is definitely NOT it! :-p

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Sounds just like my house. Yes, Daniel Tiger is a big source of inspiration. "If you have to go potty, stop, and go right away. Flush and wash and be on your way!" is sung nearly every time. DS makes up songs to keep his baby sister from crying that mostly include the phrase ,"Sweetie Pie, I love you, don't cry," in various forms and tunes. Fortunately he can carry a tune pretty well and I prefer the singing to the constant chatter/questions between refrains. I grew up with a dad who constantly made up random silly songs and DS's personality is so similar!

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My two youngest daughters are like that. The older of the two hums a lot, not always singing, but the toddler turns everything into a song. Just now at dinner it was "Time to eat pizza!" I love listening to her sing her way through the day!

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My youngest is the only one like that. She sings all day long about everything. I told her it was time to begin her school work one day while she was coloring. She broke out in a song and dance about how, "All I want to do is play with green and blue. That's all I want to do." The stupid song she made up has been stuck in my head for weeks! I usually kind of like it because it keeps things interesting but her brothers and sisters are not so thrilled with it. 

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More like a sitcom here...


That's cute!

That's what I was thinking.  Like Rosanne or Married with children lol or maybe even an after school special


dd6 does sing to a lot of things but not everyday, just randomly here or there. 

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I dance and sing around here ALL the time! As well as my kids. My friends in high school called me The Human Jukebox because I knew so many songs and could remember the words to pretty much all of them. We make up all kinds of different lyrics to popular songs. We've had a lot of fun doing different versions of the Frozen songs. I even made up personalized potty songs for each of my kids when they were potty training. They would think that something was wrong with me if I didn't respond at least once a day to their request with a song.


In fact, dd6 was scrolling through my iTunes music and came across The Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want". She looked at me totally shocked and said, "I thought you made that song up!" I always sing the chorus to them if they ask me for something and I say no (usually in the store when we are shopping). I use "Beast of Burden" by the Stones when they ask me to carry something for them that they chose to bring out and about with us. :lol:  


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I live in a musical with the lead dancer and actress.  My dd not only sings everything, but she asks and answers questions with dramatic hand gestures and dance moves.  Apparently, the TEN hours of dance she has this week isn't enough.


ETA:  In her defense, I know a lot of show tunes and I drove my college roommates crazy by adding a song to every event.

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In fact when oldest dd went to college she was shocked to learn that not everybody bursts into random song all day long.


Also.. it can be awkward when the 13 year old keeps bursting out in songs from Rent when you are meeting with your more religious homeschool friends.

Or the songs from 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (particularly the one about the unfortunate erecxion.




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