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Do you use older siblings to help younger siblings with school?

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My 5yo has *JUST* left the stage of needing me to hover during her copywork.  She now forms her letters correctly almost all the time- maybe 1 reversal per copywork.  As we leave that lovely stage behind, I am thinking that I still have two more kids that will need copywork hovering in the future!!!  Noooo!!!  Then it occurred to me that I might be able to farm out the supervision to an older sibling at some point.  lol. 


Right now, my 7yo, of his own volition, will read quite a bit to his younger sister.  I never ask him to do this, they simply do it on their own, which is fantastic. 


I hear both older kids trying to teach things to the 2yo, which is so sweet.  She has learned to count to ten from them! 


So I'm now wondering.  Do your children participate in the education of younger siblings?  Is it required or is it just a natural occurrence?  What sort of tasks do they do? 


Just curious!!! 

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DD12 (will be 13 in August) wants to take over art for DS5, and I'll probably delegate a read aloud to her as well, as well as some religion. She enjoys teaching him and sometimes gets through to him better than I do, lol.

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A little but it is not usually something I ask her to do.

Dd8 will read to Ds6 and they play RS math games together. She teaches him a little piano too.

He teaches her how to make star destroyers out of Lego! ;)

All just in the course of their natural playing.

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Yes,  Dd has always helped her brother quite a bit.  She tends to be his first stop for help partly because she knows what it feels like to be trying to learn how to do that problem.  She gets through to him far better than I do,  they tend to speak a very concise language when doing this.  I go on and on.  I rarely ask it , is just how things work around here. ;)

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In a pinch, I've had my oldest run the All About Spelling lesson for her brother. It's totally scripted so all she needs to do is follow the TM. She will also sometimes help him with grammar or math but that's not something I'm asking her to do.

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I sometimes will ask DS10 to help DD8 with a math problem or figuring out instructions on a spelling exercise if I am busy with the younger 2. He read a lot to DD when she was younger and now DD8 reads to my younger 2 a lot, both totally on their own


DD8 loves to play "preschool" (I give her flashcards, posters, workbooks from $ store) with her dolls, but that has morphed into her teaching the younger 2 along with her dolls (usually this is on the weekend), so I don't mind  :lol: . I MAY have slipped in a few alphabet worksheets that line up with what I am teaching them  :thumbup1:  .


Also DD8 is very focused on wanting to be the one who teaches DD4 how to read. She reads to her a lot and points out words, etc. This is all on their own, usually before bed.

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It was a scheduled part of our day for awhile when dd5 was younger.  My 3 oldest would each take 30 - 40 minutes to do preK type activities with her.  She was so high maintenance at the time and it was the only way I could get un-interrupted one on one with others.  


Now I will occasionally ask one of the 3 older dc to help with the younger 2 if it's just something that just requires supervision, not instruction and I'm busy with something else.  I don't have the need to schedule it anymore though. 

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I don't require it, but sometimes my daughter will help my son if they want to get finished early for some reason and I need to do something.


Once when I got interrupted by an important phone call my daughter taught my son basic algebra!! Then, he complained that his head hurt and she complained that he whined about math. I told that those were hard problems and they had done a good job and they could both go get a small snack and take a break for a bit if they wanted, and then I would take over.


(I don't answer normal calls during school, this was something I needed to answer.)

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I do not ask them to, but if it is offered that is fine.  My boys both require a lot of one on one time and it can be overwhelming at times, but my DD has her own work to do.  There have been a few times that she has offered to help one of her brothers with something, but not very often.

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Sometimes I have the older two read to the toddler and that works well. They try to teach her things on their own as well. Once I tried to get my older boy help his younger brother understand long division (because my hands were full) and that was an unmitigated disaster. I think sibling rivalry with the two that are close in age put the kibosh on that ever happening again with those two.

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I let it happen naturally, but I don't require it.



dd9 went through a phase of playing school.  ds7 learned his letters & numbers through that play.



Everyone loves to teach the baby.  There is enough of an age gap that she is just pure cute and fun.  They've been making audiobooks for her in their spare time.

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I am going to start paying my dd 16 (a small amount) to teach my youngest two Latin this fall. She helped out this year in areas where she felt either the book or the instructor (me) could be more clear. :) She will be taking her fourth semester of Latin at the local university at the same time. Meanwhile, I have never taken Latin, rather I've struggled to keep up with the kids as they learn. She is definitely more qualified than I am. I am looking forward to passing this class on in the fall. I really think both kids will retain more Latin with their sister helping them.

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I require it.  Both of the bigger boys have a set time each day they are required to "babysit" the toddler.  DS6 must read him at least one book during this time.  DS 5 doesn't read independently yet but as soon as he does he will as well.  My oldest also works with middle every-other day on phonograms (we have several games we play to learn them and he "runs" the game).  It's great review for him.  




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Absolutely! My older kids will often jump in if necessary and help the younger ones if I'm in the middle of something. I was on the phone earlier, and my 12yo needed help with a writing assignment. My oldest dd, who's home from college for the summer, went to help him out without me even asking.


She helps the middle two with their math when needed, which is awesome! I've even outsourced science to her for the summer also. :D

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I do, but not on a regular basis, just when we're really pressed for time I will get Mr 10 to listen to Ms 5's reading. Not that he can really help, cause he doesn't read any better than she does, but it gives him a feeling of responsibility and her a feeling of accountability.

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