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My daughter wants me to ask you all on here ...


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Laptop. A tablet is a great adjunct, but not as your only option, especially if you are doing any reasonable amount of typing. We recently had to send our laptop in for repair and I had to use my tablet as my sole computer for about 2 weeks. I managed with a bluetooth keyboard, but I was very glad to get my laptop back.


For wedding planning, I would guess she might encounter a fair amount of video, music, and photos, all of which take up a lot of space. She will pay less for a lot more capacity on a laptop, especially as many tablets don't have expandable memory.

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If you do get a tablet make sure that it can actually be used for internet school.  We use 2 internet schools and whilst the ipad can now be used with one of them, the functionality is limited and more of an emergency use only. Unfortunately we need to take a laptop with us for internet school and for that reason I am now looking at small laptops when my current one expires.

Also note that whilst the chromebook is a favourite for us, it cannot be used for our internet school at all.


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If you do get a tablet make sure that it can actually be used for internet school. We use 2 internet schools and whilst the ipad can now be used with one of them, the functionality is limited and more of an emergency use only. Unfortunately we need to take a laptop with us for internet school and for that reason I am now looking at small laptops when my current one expires.
Also note that whilst the chromebook is a favourite for us, it cannot be used for our internet school at all.

I have wondered about chromebook + google drive. I'd be interested on what you cannot do on chromebook, particularly school related.
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DD has pretty much been working on her tablet and not her laptop since she got hers.

She bought a refurbished Samsung Note 10.1 and a case with a keyboard and she loves it.


Youngest has an Asus Ultrabook and prefers it to a tablet.


I guess she should go look at some and their functionality and see what she prefers for herself?

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For our internet school I need Jarva (I think, I need to check if that is what is stopping it work) and so can't use the chromebook. My ds swears by it for everything else though. You would need to check with the school's requirements, depends on what software they use to set the online class up on.

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I have wondered about chromebook + google drive. I'd be interested on what you cannot do on chromebook, particularly school related.


My girls rarely use anything but their chrome books and google drive. Google docs has its own format, but I think the chrome books give you the ability to save in a Word format. I'll check in a bit. 


They don't have dvd/cd drives. If your school related stuff relies on installing a lot of software or using dvds, then it's probably not ideal, but online sites and classes are no problem. 

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My girls rarely use anything but their chrome books and google drive. Google docs has its own format, but I think the chrome books give you the ability to save in a Word format. I'll check in a bit.

They don't have dvd/cd drives. If your school related stuff relies on installing a lot of software or using dvds, then it's probably not ideal, but online sites and classes are no problem.

Thank you!
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