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Paper planner gals, have you seen Bullet Journals??


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Oooooh.  It looks like planner nirvana to me!  I HATE pre-printed planners because of the flexibility issues.  But my current method isn't working either! 


Some solutions for future scheduling:


Make the full 12 calendars and place them right after the index, so you have the current year done.  Add a page for the following year just after in case a very far-out event comes up. 


Another option- make a list of "Move Forward" events, and have your first task each month be to check that list and record the events into the new month's calendar. 


Another option- place a "year at a glance" calendar in the book


I just ordered some washi tape because I'm making one of these tomorrow and I know I will want to be able to easily flip to month pages without searching by page number.  I think i will go with the original system as described and do a move forward page for future events.  


Considering the idea of making all "collections" after the halfway break of the moleskine.  Any thoughts? 

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Oooooh.  It looks like planner nirvana to me!  I HATE pre-printed planners because of the flexibility issues.  But my current method isn't working either! 


Some solutions for future scheduling:


Make the full 12 calendars and place them right after the index, so you have the current year done.  Add a page for the following year just after in case a very far-out event comes up. 


Another option- make a list of "Move Forward" events, and have your first task each month be to check that list and record the events into the new month's calendar. 


Another option- place a "year at a glance" calendar in the book


I just ordered some washi tape because I'm making one of these tomorrow and I know I will want to be able to easily flip to month pages without searching by page number.  I think i will go with the original system as described and do a move forward page for future events.  


Considering the idea of making all "collections" after the halfway break of the moleskine.  Any thoughts? 


Only you know what works for you! :) Having looked through my 5 years of old planner/journals, I personally do better with fluid. Page 39 is a to-do list, then pages 41-43 is a doodle or a quote from what I'm reading or a summary of what I'm studying and then page 45 is another to-do list. The page 39 list has a bunch of "look into ____ in order to paint the bathroom" and that should have been broken out into a collection or project page. I also might want to make a collection for cross-referencing the notes I take from books, instead of listing each book in the index.


I use Post-it flags to mark pages I might want to flip to including my most current to-do. When I'm busy, my notebook looks like it's bristling with these tags, but if I need to I can even write on them with a pencil and/or color code them (green for garden, pink for finance?) As projects finish the flags get re-deployed, and when it's time to archive, hopefully the index should keep things accessible.

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TeacherZ, while the video does have some interesting stuff in it, her journal is too cluttered for my taste.  Plus, she MADE her own journal?   :svengo: Way to make me feel like a slacker for buying one.  :tongue_smilie:


I found a ton of videos on youtube, but watching them (so many!!!!) has made my head spin, PLUS I've been neglecting school.  Bad, bad me!

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TeacherZ, while the video does have some interesting stuff in it, her journal is too cluttered for my taste.  Plus, she MADE her own journal?   :svengo: Way to make me feel like a slacker for buying one.  :tongue_smilie:


I found a ton of videos on youtube, but watching them (so many!!!!) has made my head spin, PLUS I've been neglecting school.  Bad, bad me!


I liked your post because I'm feeling the same way.  I always research myself to death.  I need to remember " 'perfect' is the enemy of 'done' ". 


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Only you know what works for you! :) Having looked through my 5 years of old planner/journals, I personally do better with fluid. Page 39 is a to-do list, then pages 41-43 is a doodle or a quote from what I'm reading or a summary of what I'm studying and then page 45 is another to-do list. The page 39 list has a bunch of "look into ____ in order to paint the bathroom" and that should have been broken out into a collection or project page. I also might want to make a collection for cross-referencing the notes I take from books, instead of listing each book in the index.


I use Post-it flags to mark pages I might want to flip to including my most current to-do. When I'm busy, my notebook looks like it's bristling with these tags, but if I need to I can even write on them with a pencil and/or color code them (green for garden, pink for finance?) As projects finish the flags get re-deployed, and when it's time to archive, hopefully the index should keep things accessible.


You're right.  Besides, if the collections are interspersed with the regular calendar pages, you could also get a better feel about your stream of thought at a given time, looking back at a journal a few years later.  One of the things I particularly like about this journal is that it combines a to-do with a calendar with a personal journal.  I don't have enough of any one of those things to dedicate a whole notebook to it, but combined, I think I can make an interesting and useful tool that will also be a nice life record. 


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TeacherZ, while the video does have some interesting stuff in it, her journal is too cluttered for my taste.  Plus, she MADE her own journal?   :svengo: Way to make me feel like a slacker for buying one.  :tongue_smilie:


I found a ton of videos on youtube, but watching them (so many!!!!) has made my head spin, PLUS I've been neglecting school.  Bad, bad me!


I said SOME interesting ideas ;) I couldn't make my own :D

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I'm starting out using a cheap composition book I bought at the back to school sales (I always buy too many).  That way I haven't wasted a nice planner if it doesn't work out.  My kids are going to try it out too.  My son was particularly intrigued as he is a minimalist when it comes to writing.


This will never take the place of Google calendar for my family but I like the idea for to-dos and recording a lot.  For one thing, I need to record my meals so leftovers get dealt with in a timely manner.

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I love planners. LIke an addict. Heck, I've posted about it here.


But I don't get this one at all.


For me, it isn't just a planner.  It would be a place to list all the lists I've got floating around but don't have room for in my planner (household projects, brilliant ideas, etc.).  I see it more like a brain on paper than a traditional planner.  Like I said upstream, I have 3 current notebook/planners that I use plus tons of random lists floating around.  Getting all that in one spot would be great for me.


Plus, it is just a notebook.  I struggle with not wanting to write things in pretty planners because I don't want to ruin them (crazy!!).  That is why I don't own an Erin Condren yet; I'd probably just pull it out to fondle once a day!!



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I'm starting out using a cheap composition book I bought at the back to school sales (I always buy too many).  That way I haven't wasted a nice planner if it doesn't work out.  My kids are going to try it out too.  My son was particularly intrigued as he is a minimalist when it comes to writing.


This will never take the place of Google calendar for my family but I like the idea for to-dos and recording a lot.  For one thing, I need to record my meals so leftovers get dealt with in a timely manner.


I think this is what I'll do at the beginning as well.  A pretty moleskine will be my reward for keeping up with the new system.  I'm also going to keep using the big calendar on the wall in the kitchen; the whole family needs to know when things happen plus it solves the problem of tracking future events.


Still thinking....


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I think this is what I'll do at the beginning as well.  A pretty moleskine will be my reward for keeping up with the new system.  I'm also going to keep using the big calendar on the wall in the kitchen; the whole family needs to know when things happen plus it solves the problem of tracking future events.


Still thinking....



I've learned not to start out any  new system with a nice notebook or planner because if it doesn't work out, even if I've used only a few pages, I can't stand to cut them out and use the notebook for something else   That probably sounds weird and obsessive but I can't help it.  It just  never opens right with those pages cut.  Binder or spiral actually works best for me in that regard. 

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I liked your post because I'm feeling the same way.  I always research myself to death.  I need to remember " 'perfect' is the enemy of 'done' ". 



OMG, that is a wonderful saying!  I'm going to have to put that all over my house!  And maybe in my bullet journal!


If you search Pinterest for Bullet Journal, there's some interesting stuff too. 


Are you trying to kill me?  MORE research.  I'm already a Pinterest addict, now I HAVE to go look it up.  AHHHHH!!!!!

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I bookmarked this when you first posted because I wanted to be able to come back to it & check it all out.


I love the idea of journals & lists & whatnot, but I just don't do that kind of thing. (If I make lists, I just ignore them.) Still, it's fun to look at!


Just had to make a slightly OT comment though....


When perusing the website & seeing the example for "Collections" (which shows a list of books to read), my thought is that this person is into Jonathan Carroll's books because there are a few of them on the list! (I highly recommend his books if you like an unusual mix of magical realism & surrealism. Sleeping in Flame -- one of the books on the list -- is a fave of mine.)


So, I guess I could get into this for the book list making part....



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Ever since I first saw this about a week ago, I decided it fit me.  I'll keep with my online calendar for actually reminding me to do stuff. (because its working. But this is great for daily lists of stuff to do/journals/ things I want to remember.


Reminds me of, in genealogy, how fun it is to look through the journals of yesteryear and see what folks were doing. They are often (Well, at least my relatives) short, one or two lines with a price.


However, I purchased a small (3.5x5?) notebook. (I thought it would help me with staying brief) And while the non-grid nature of it is working perfect for me I think its too small. I need something the next step up.


However, I need to find something affordable, with a nice thick cover and a ribbon to keep my place. Because all of those in my current notebook are getting quite well used.


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You're right.  Besides, if the collections are interspersed with the regular calendar pages, you could also get a better feel about your stream of thought at a given time, looking back at a journal a few years later.  One of the things I particularly like about this journal is that it combines a to-do with a calendar with a personal journal.  I don't have enough of any one of those things to dedicate a whole notebook to it, but combined, I think I can make an interesting and useful tool that will also be a nice life record. 



In preparation for launching this Bullet Journal-inspired planner/journal (should arrive from Amazon today!) I've been looking at my old books, especially 2009 (I was crazy busy, crazy productive, and lived by my notebook). A to-do list including the things I needed to do to prepare for a cross-country trip, is followed by my lists of boys' and girls' names (I was 6 mos pregnant), is followed by a quote from Thoreau, is followed by a to-do list including the things I needed to do in preparation to get pre-approved for our first mortgage. ;) Etc. etc. It's a pretty interesting read, way better than any personal journal I've ever kept.

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In preparation for launching this Bullet Journal-inspired planner/journal (should arrive from Amazon today!) I've been looking at my old books, especially 2009 (I was crazy busy, crazy productive, and lived by my notebook). A to-do list including the things I needed to do to prepare for a cross-country trip, is followed by my lists of boys' and girls' names (I was 6 mos pregnant), is followed by a quote from Thoreau, is followed by a to-do list including the things I needed to do in preparation to get pre-approved for our first mortgage. ;) Etc. etc. It's a pretty interesting read, way better than any personal journal I've ever kept.


I still have my planner pages from my Franklin Covey when I was still working. It's got the notes from buying our house, planning our wedding, and all my prenatal visits & notes. I totally agree with you--it's better than any personal journal I had written. I've wanted to keep it up, but I really don't need a "planner" at this point in my life. I just don't have that many "outside" things going on. But there's PLENTY going on within my house hold that needs to be kept track of.


Which notebook did you get for your planner/journal?

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Another thing I like about the Bullet Journal -- I don't HAVE to write in it everyday. If I'm too busy, that day isn't "wasted" I just title the next page the next day I can use it and go on.


Yeah, that means as a "Journal" that it won't be 100% accurate of what I was doing everyday. Oh well


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I still have my planner pages from my Franklin Covey when I was still working. It's got the notes from buying our house, planning our wedding, and all my prenatal visits & notes. I totally agree with you--it's better than any personal journal I had written. I've wanted to keep it up, but I really don't need a "planner" at this point in my life. I just don't have that many "outside" things going on. But there's PLENTY going on within my house hold that needs to be kept track of.


Which notebook did you get for your planner/journal?

My last three have been Moleskine Large ruled notebooks, this new one will be the same but a squared/grid one because I was swayed by the Bullet Journal promo. :) I hope I don't regret it though and wish for ruled pages. We'll see. I love the roughly 5 x 8 size, and for some mysterious reason I have a "thing" for rounded corners.


I've tried and flunked a bunch of different options for personal productivity. I wonder if the reason planner/journals work for me is that they're just as flexible and free-flowing as my SAHM lifestyle. :)

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Thanks to this thread, I spent my free time last night watching YouTube videos on Bullet Journals...which led me to Midori Traveler Notebooks. Put either term into YouTube search...if you dare :)


Seriously, I am now feeling excited to revamp my system based on what I have discovered in the last 24 hours. Yippee!

What is it about a leather planner that makes it so tempting? I have a journal, and love my system, but I could easily convince myself to buy a new MTN simply because the leather looks lovely.


Don't fix what isn't broken. Don't fix what isn't broken. Don't... Ooh, did you see that Baum offers decorative quotes for the front? Swoon!

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I just ordered mine from Amazon :)  I went ahead with the grid paper; that way I can keep things aligned vertically, too.  I also bought an adhesive pen holder, and I'm looking at tutorials to make a fabric cover.

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I just ordered mine from Amazon :)  I went ahead with the grid paper; that way I can keep things aligned vertically, too.  I also bought an adhesive pen holder, and I'm looking at tutorials to make a fabric cover.


I'm very washi tape tempted! I'm finding the grid paper very usable (phew) and it's going really well so far (2 hours in! But to be fair, I started back up with to-do lists in the back of my old notebook 2 days ago.)

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I'm very washi tape tempted!



I totally looked at Amazon's washi tape while I was ordering. But Etsy sellers have way cuter designs. I have 3 rolls right now that I use when I'm altering my sewing patterns & it just makes me smile. I'm definitely planning on using Washi tape in my journal.

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I have a used a notebook in this manner since 2000! I love it. When I saw this video a few months I did switch to a notebook with grids. I found some at WalMart that have grid on one side and lined with subject at the top on the right side. I love dumping my brain all the time. It is so easy to get used to doing.


I use the grid side for to dos and I use the other side for subjects, like shopping list, or errands to run, or notes about an insurance phone call!


I keep a regular calendar, now on google so my whole fam is linked, but I write in my notebook events that are out of the ordinary or things where I will need to make a to do list off of. I do not use a calendar page AS my calendar.

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ok, I think I've been convinced.  I just found a barely-used lined moleskine journal in my nightstand (I know..too many notebooks/journals; I can't even keep track!  Obviously I need this system!  lol), so I'm going to give it a try.


ETA:  Really, really want the graph paper, but I tend to start things and not stick with them so I'm not letting myself get one until I've used this lined one up.

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I have lists everywhere! To do lists, grocery lists, project lists, homeschool ideas, etc. So, I have been watching the videos, been on pinterest... I would *LOVE* to get one of those very nice leather journal covers and the moleskine notebooks. But it is not in the funds at the moment. So, I bought 2 cheap composition notebooks, I got lined but walmart does have the graph ones too. I also bought the clear plastic covers with a pocket that fits those books for 50 cents. I came home and googled/pinterested composition covers using paper or fabric. I dug out some scrapbook paper that had been in a drawer for-ever! I glued my 2 books together, cut and glued my scrapbook paper to the front/back to make covers and a binder. I put it in my clear plastic cover (I know it doesn't compare to the leather) but still looks relatively nice. I'm going to print out some monthly calendars to add to it...because I do want the option to plan ahead. Anyways, I thought I would share in case anyone was interested in a cheaper alternative to putting their bullet journal together. If I can figure out how to post pics from my phone I will try to do that...


My daughter and I have made lots of pretty notebooks using cheap comp books and scrapbooking paper, wrapping paper, and fabric. I love them, though the size is not perfect - a little big to carry in the purse. I keep 3x5 cards in my purse for random notes and then transfer them to the notebook when I get home.  

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If you want to get snazzy with your Moleskine, you could buy a leather cover for it. I finally broke down and did, I love it. It says bible cover, but it will fit a large (5x8) Moleskine. They also sell a true Moleskine cover but I didn't like it as much. http://www.saddlebackleather.com/Bible-Cover?sc=8&category=1275

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I hadn't really decided hard or soft cover, but got anxious & ordered away without really thinking it over. Looks like I'm getting the soft cover. I think the hard cover would make it easier to write on the left side, but, I've always been partial to soft backed journals. If I need more stability, I'll just add it to the cover I make (if/when I get around to that).

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I've been doing a form of this for several years. I use a pretty 5x8 sized purple notebook with purple pages. (when I realized stores were not carrying what had become my favorite notebook, my dear hubby tracked down the supplier online and bought me a case. Love that guy!)


5x8 because it will go in most purses I carry. 5x8 because it's big enough to write a full page of notes on. I carry mine everywhere. When the phone rings I take notes there. To do lists stay where I can find them. Seminar or class or reading notes are there. Prayers, scriptures, and favorite sayings get written there.  I like to have a table of contents on the first three or so pages and I label the front cover with dates used when I'm done. They are filed on a bookshelf. Because of my business, I often refer to the stuff written there again and again.


It's kinda fun reading through an old notebook--not terribly organized, but definitely a glimpse into my life and thoughts.


Reading this thread, plus doing some of the other research will have me adding more of a calendar to my notebook.


Very fun thread.


Oh yeah, count me as one who buys beautiful leather journals and never uses them. THat's why I like the simple spiral notebooks.

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For those of you using Moleskine notebooks, what kind of pen are you using?  I started mine this evening and every pen I've tried so far shows through to some degree.  


I decided to get the dot paper instead of the graph paper because I liked the color of the cover.  I think I'm going to like it.  It will provide a similar guide to the graph paper but it is a little less intrusive.


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For those of you using Moleskine notebooks, what kind of pen are you using? I started mine this evening and every pen I've tried so far shows through to some degree.


I decided to get the dot paper instead of the graph paper because I liked the color of the cover. I think I'm going to like it. It will provide a similar guide to the graph paper but it is a little less intrusive.

I'm just using a blue clicky Bic Atlantis pen---it's more ink than gel, I think. I can't see it through the grid pages at all.

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Mechanical pencil, Papermate Profile ballpoint, Lamy fine nib. The fountain pen definitely bleeds a little, but it doesn't make it unreadable, and I can't help using it for notes and things. :) I did notice about my ĂƒÂ¼ber-productive 2009 journal that I used mostly pencil. Something about the impermanence of the marks makes it easier to use with abandon? I'm trying to use mostly pencil on this one. I also read a thing on the Art of Manliness site that quoted a 1920 Boy Scouts manual, instructing boys always to use hard pencil for field notebooks, because pen bleeds in the presence of water and soft pencil smudges with lots of use. ;)

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I ordered some Pigma Micron ink pens for mine. I haven't used them before, though, so I very well could end up hating them. I really prefer ballpoint pens but I do worry about longevity of the ink. For some reason I worry that my writing will be too faded for my children to read decades from now. It's probably silly to think about.


I wanted to share this link, too. This blogger posted how she sets up a traditional monthly grid calendar in her bullet journal. http://www.charminglymodern.com/2012/02/moleskine-notebook-turned-planner/


Do you guys just use 1 page for your index? I worry about running out of space over time. And I'm trying to think of it as more of a table of contents, since indexes are typically listed alphabetically.

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I've been using the method in a cheap grid note book at work this week and so far I am loving it. It has made me more organized and less stressed. I also like that I can choose to move items to one day or leave them and then move them when they fit better in my schedule. For example on Thursdays I don't teach at all so I moved many of my administrative tasks that I have collected over the week to today. Tomorrow however, I teach every period so I haven't moved ANY administrative tasks at all, instead I've left them to be moved to suitable days after the break. I've also been able to note down that a student had a seizure (with a little cross next to it to signify medical) and now I'll be able to refer back to it when we have meetings about her. 


I have ordered myself a pretty Moleskin but I was ordering some anyway for my book journal that I keep with quotes from books I read so...that one is going in my handbag and will be used mostly for private stuff.

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I wanted to share this link, too. This blogger posted how she sets up a traditional monthly grid calendar in her bullet journal. http://www.charminglymodern.com/2012/02/moleskine-notebook-turned-planner/


I looked at it, but it's WAY too much for me.  I don't like all the crossing out and arrows and stuff.  It seems to cluttered.  I like the idea of a calendar, but I couldn't do that.


Do you guys just use 1 page for your index? I worry about running out of space over time. And I'm trying to think of it as more of a table of contents, since indexes are typically listed alphabetically.


I started the Index on page 1, but left the next 3 pages blank, in case I need them for indexing, and started my monthly calendar on page 5. 

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I ordered some Pigma Micron ink pens for mine. I haven't used them before, though, so I very well could end up hating them. I really prefer ballpoint pens but I do worry about longevity of the ink. For some reason I worry that my writing will be too faded for my children to read decades from now. It's probably silly to think about.


I wanted to share this link, too. This blogger posted how she sets up a traditional monthly grid calendar in her bullet journal. http://www.charminglymodern.com/2012/02/moleskine-notebook-turned-planner/


Do you guys just use 1 page for your index? I worry about running out of space over time. And I'm trying to think of it as more of a table of contents, since indexes are typically listed alphabetically.

I tried one of these, too! I liked it pretty well, but the one I had that wasn't dried out was a bit too thick.  I think, at least for my writing, a thinner one will work better.


I guess I'm just disappointed that I can't use my Staedtler Triplus Fineliners! When I tried one of those, it actually bled through.


I did use one page for the index, but wondered about having enough space.  I decided to go with it because if I didn't I might just sit and look at the pretty, *empty* notebook rather than actually use it. 


I've been trying to be better about remembering birthdays and things, so on the two pages after the index I made a birthday/anniversary calendar.

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I am a listmaker.  I love to make lists.  I ordered a moleskine notebook, got it all set up, and have been using it for a couple of weeks.  My children hate it and want me to switch back to my trusty clipboard.


I have a clipboard with about thirty pages of looseleaf paper.  My lists are in the front, and blank paper is in the back.  The first page is things to be done today.  Every day, I move a blank page to the front and start over.  The other lists stay on the clipboard.  If the item needs to be done today, I bring it to the front page.  If not, it stays on the old list to be done sometime.  Every week or two I go through my lists, combine them on new paper and leave off things that are no longer relevant.  After my to do lists, I also have a grocery list, things to buy list, lists of things for me to do related to school (make copies, buy books, research things), a favorite quote list (which I transfer to my quote book when the page is full), a list of Steven's meds, lists of things I'm looking at for the children's school for next year, and a list of things I want to plant in the garden.


I keep a separate yearly calendar.  I guess the only thing I am missing is the journal.  I also can't go back and read my lists because after I am done with them, I discard them.


The children work off my first page of things to do today.  That way by looking at my list, I can see if they did their chores or any other jobs I have for them.  They also frequently need to add things to my shopping lists.  If they ask me to do something or remind them of something, I tell them add it to my list.  They know if it's not on the list, it won't get done.  I have a small bag that I take everywhere.  It has my clipboard, my calendar, and a couple of books I'm reading.


One day someone misplaced my clipboard and we spent the afternoon searching for it.  Dh came in while we were looking and wanted to know what was going on.  The children told him I was brainless.  Everyone has been very careful of my list since then.  After all, I'm no good brainless.


I guess I'll go back to my old way of doing things.

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Do these show through enough that they interfere with reading what is on the other side?  I tried both of these and I can read it through the other side.  


You can tell there is writing on the other page, but it doesn't bleed through or interfere with being able to read. Granted, the hot pink I used recently is a little more visible. 


You might try scrapbooking markers or I have a  Zig  .5 marker which doesn't show through at all. 

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I love this idea and love how the neat the pages look.  But then I realized that they looked so neat because the books were written in all caps.  Duh! How else was I going to write on graph paper.  But I hate writing all caps.  Now, what am I going to do?  :blink:

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