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2nd-3rd grade reading level book that has a movie.


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I need some light reading ideas for my younger daughter that will have a movie to watch when she is done. My older daughter has been reading the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books for free read time and then we allow both girls to watch the movie. My younger daughter is now wanting her own books that have a movie. We do read alouds and I allow her to listen to audio books of the Percy Jackson or Harry Potter that her older sister has read before we watch them. We have read a couple other books together and then watched the movie, such as Wind in the Willows, Secret Garden, Because of Winn Dixie.....but what I am looking for is something she can read alone and then we watch the movie. We have a whole slew of ideas for her once she gets her reading level just a tad higher, or ones we can do together as a read a loud but she really is begging to have "her own movie book".  We do 30 min of assigned reading and 30 minutes of free read each day and this would just be for free read so I am not really concerned with the quality of literature, she gets that built into the day regardless. This is more about her being able to say she read the book herself and then watch the movie like her big sis.


She can read things a little higher level but she misses so many words that she doesnt have great comprehension so I wanted something just at or a little bit below her actual ability to help her enjoy it more. She is comfortable reading Magic Treehouse (the first 12-20 at least), and Junie B Jones. She had picked out Nims Island and she just wasnt at that reading level yet.

Any ideas?

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Some of these are good suggestions, but if Nim's Island was too hard for her, then I'm not sure *any* of them would be easy enough.  Maybe Ramona.


What about letting her read Zathura and watch the movie?  It's a longer picture book by Chris Van Allsburg.  Slightly high reading level, but short text.


Or maybe Judy Moody, though none of them are an adaptation of one book - more a new Judy Moody story.  The movie isn't bad.  The books are sweet.


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Mr Popper's Penguins, though I haven't watched the movie to see if it follows the book.

Not even close. :glare:


How about:

Pippi Longstocking

American Girl Books(they have movies for Kit, Samantha, Felicity, Molly and maybe more.)

Beatrix Potter. (There is a lovely cartoon collection of these.)

Balto and the Great Race(cartoon Balto)

Sarah Plain and Tall


Winnie the Pooh

The Littles

The Borrowers(might be a bit too hard. I like the new cartoon and the BBC mini series.)

Babe the Gallant Pig

The Water Horse

Little House on the Prairie(If it isn't too hard then I like the newer Disney mini series the best.)




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Things he has read this year that have movies/shows:


Charlotte's Web

Little House in the Big Woods 

Stuart Little


Mouse and the Motorcycle


We did not see all the movies for these, just a couple episodes of Little House, Charlotte's Web and Matilda. It's a nice treat but not something we do all the time.

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Mr Popper's Penguins, though I haven't watched the movie to see if it follows the book.

Beyond having a main character with the name Popper who acquires some penguins, there are NO other similarities to the book. We enjoyed the movie but it is a completely different story.


And I'm second (or third? ) some off the picture book suggestions. I think the chapter books listed maybe a little beyond her reach, given what you said.

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Mr Popper's Penguins, though I haven't watched the movie to see if it follows the book.

Beyond having a main character with the name Popper who acquires some penguins, there are NO other similarities to the book. We enjoyed the movie but it is a completely different story.


And I'm second (or third? ) some off the picture book suggestions. I think the chapter books listed maybe a little beyond her reach, given what you said.

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Thanks for the tips, there are several you guys came up with that I wouldnt have thought of. I dont think she is too far off from many of these chapter books, maybe six months or so. I had her read some of Nim's Island to me because she seemed to be moving so slow through it. It just seems like she is having to concentrate enough on many of the words that she doesn't  seem to be getting much comprehension from what she read. In the one paragraph I had her read to me she stumbled over barometric, swollen, oofing, doughball, temperature, and keyhole. I wouldnt be concerned about that if it was assigned reading but I feel like the point of free read is to learn to love reading and that's hard to do if you don't understand what you are reading. I think we actually have Mouse and the Motorcycle but I didnt realize there was a movie. I also didn't realize Mars Needs Moms and How to Train Your Dragon had books.  I just gave her one of DD10's old Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and she seems to be doing okay with that so far.

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Shrek has a picture book, I don't think it follows -- but it has the same title!


I am very disturbed by The Tale of Despereaux, even though I have not heard of ANY kids being disturbed by it.  I find it too realistic and some meanness to mean.  Like -- as if I was reading Cinderella and finding the step-sisters TOO mean and the step-mothers TOO mean.  But I grew up with Cinderella, so I do not mind them being mean.  Tale of Despereaux is just beyond what I can deal with.


It was a read-aloud in my niece's 4th grade public school class, and she read it herself after the teacher. 


If a tv show would work -- there are D.W. (Arthur's sister) books that my daughter LOVES, they are pretty easy.  D.W. Thinks Big, is one.  D.W. The Picky Eater is one.  They are easy but very cute and endearing I think.


I think the Martha Speaks books are pretty good, I have not seen the cartoon, but I know there is one. 


The Franklin (the turtle) books are really good. 


I don't know if those might not be too babyish and "little kid" though.


Charlie and the Charlie Factory. 



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