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Snow/ice again

Night Elf

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I live in Georgia and our forecast is snow and ice again. DH said we're supposed to get 1 - 3 inches starting this evening and then another 2 - 4 inches tomorrow evening with sleet which might turn everything icy. But he said it would happen overnight so there is less of a chance for having major gridlocks like before. I don't know how predictable the forecast is.

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I wonder how the schools will react. Our local school system had already planned to take off Thursday - Tuesday for a winter break. If the snow comes Tuesday am those kids will get a week out of school. Crazy! I do not when they have to make it up, and I do not have to know because we homeschool!

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I wonder how the schools will react. Our local school system had already planned to take off Thursday - Tuesday for a winter break. If the snow comes Tuesday am those kids will get a week out of school. Crazy! I do not when they have to make it up, and I do not have to know because we homeschool!


In my county, the inclement weather days they had planned was one in March and one in April. The kids now have to go to school on those days. They said at this time, this coming 4-day weekend, Spring break, and end of school are not affected, but if there are more inclement weather days that those will be reevaluated.

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I was just about to post/complain about the sucky weather headed our way, booooo!  I am done with snow, I cannot remember a winter here where we have had more than one snow.  I am done with snow days and the cancellations that result.  I am done with my pool full time opening being delayed because they don't open full time until the schools get out for summer.  See you later, winter, it was a nice visit...

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We were out of town for Gridlockalypse. My kids were sad to miss the snow. This storm does not look like it's going to make any fun snow, only icy mess! DH is leaving work as soon as he can. I bet traffic today will be similar to Halloween, especially with all afterschool activities canceled.

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My 82 year old father wandered into Publix this morning, unaware of the weather forecast. He couldn't find a cart inside OR outside. He picked up the things he came for and got in line at the registers...the very long line.  After he listened to folks around him, he realized the crowds were due to the predicted weather. He was so relieved- he thought it might have been a going out of business sale.   


I hope the weather stays good for you folks down there. Ice is no fun.   

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We're on the other side of the country but just went through something similar. In December (starting the 6th), we had the biggest snow event we've had in 20 years of living here--9-10" of snow, then a week of very cold temps so nothing melted away. Schools took 5 days off--unheard of around here. We'll get snow maybe once a year, but it's always about 31° when it happens and you have to hurry and enjoy it because it will be gone by noon.


Now last Thursday they forecasted snow again. It topped December as the biggest snow event we've ever had--9" Thursday, 7" Friday, then freezing rain to keep everyone in, along with fallen trees, power outages, etc. Temps are now in the 40's, but it takes a few days to get rid of all of that--schools are closed for the third day today. I haven't been out of the house since Wednesday, and I'm very glad I did a nice big shopping trip that day. With dh home from work Thurs and Fri, we went through a ton of food! So yes, you can get hit with more than one "storm of the decade" in the same year. It's a crazy weather year.

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We are having to move to ATL soon and all these storms are scaring me! It never snows where we are from.

Don't worry; it's not normal here. Before this year, it hadn't snowed since January 2010. As long as you're not a medical professional or daredevil, you just run buy milk, bread, and eggs and stay home a couple of days. People were storm shopping in shorts yesterday! :)

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Don't worry; it's not normal here. Before this year, it hadn't snowed since January 2010. As long as you're not a medical professional or daredevil, you just run buy milk, bread, and eggs and stay home a couple of days. People were storm shopping in shorts yesterday! :)


Oh good. Though, my kids really want to live somewhere that it snows, so they are disappointed that we are missing it all!  

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Makes me think of the sitcom Third Rock From the Sun; some aliens see snow for the first time and panic, thinking they're being attacked by Albino Brain Chiggers.


:smilielol5:  (I love that show & I'm not even much of a tv-watcher.)



Plenty of rain & sleet here. Yard is turning white from so much sleet. Ugh.


What I hate most during ice storms is when you go outside, it is dead quiet except for the loud popping & snapping of all the tree branches coming off. (We have a fairly heavily-wooded yard.)



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:smilielol5: (I love that show & I'm not even much of a tv-watcher.)



Plenty of rain & sleet here. Yard is turning white from so much sleet. Ugh.


What I hate most during ice storms is when you go outside, it is dead quiet except for the loud popping & snapping of all the tree branches coming off. (We have a fairly heavily-wooded yard.)



I saw power trucks out yesterday trimming branches over power lines. My dad said they are sending line crews from Florida to help with the power situation. I am currently heading to Florida on I-75 just north if Macon, and I just saw a caravan of power trucks headed north to help. We had planned to wait until Thursday to leave, but figured we would be better off leaving today.

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I saw power trucks out yesterday trimming branches over power lines. My dad said they are sending line crews from Florida to help with the power situation. I am currently heading to Florida on I-75 just north if Macon, and I just saw a caravan of power trucks headed north to help. We had planned to wait until Thursday to leave, but figured we would be better off leaving today.


Drive safely, Caroline.


Thanks for the update re: the power trucks.


To the state of FL: thank you too!


(It always makes me happy to see those caravans of folks heading in to help in any situation, though I more often see them heading out to coastal areas during hurricanes. So, for those of you who work -- or have loved ones who work -- in utilities &/or other groups that head out in anticipation of interrupted power, medical emergencies, water issues, etc.... THANK YOU! It always brings a tear to my eye when I see those caravans because I know they bring hope & help where it's really needed during difficult times. There are many wonderful people out there! :thumbup1: )

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My sister in Canton (just north of Atlanta) said they had HUGE flakes of snow this morning..........like the huge lake effect snow flakes we get here in West Michigan.  This has just been a bad winter all over this year.  We are up well over 120 inches of snow for the year.

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We are in Virginia where the dark purple is on the weather map.  Weather.com predicts 8 - 12 inches of snow and AccuWeather says we may even get up to 2 feet!  I'm not believing that we are going to get anywhere near that much, but I think we probably will get snow.


I did see the power company's cherry pickers out checking the lines, and poles today.  So, I guess I should go to the store and stock up on milk, eggs, canned and boxed food.  Perhaps I'll get another of those little propane gas tanks to go with my camp stove.  Our power does go out frequently when we have a storm.  If we do get a lot of snow, AND the power goes out we won't be able to get out of our drive (it's long and hilly).  We moved here from the South, so we don't handle snow well.  :scared:  At least we have two fire places and will have hot food.


Still, it probably won't be as bad as they predict.  Storms usually skirt above us, or below us.  Usually.

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My sister in Canton (just north of Atlanta) said they had HUGE flakes of snow this morning..........like the huge lake effect snow flakes we get here in West Michigan.  This has just been a bad winter all over this year.  We are up well over 120 inches of snow for the year.


I'm in Canton. We had rain overnight & then the big snow for a couple of hours. It's all melted now. They were saying we could get 3-6 inches of snow by Thursday. The ice is supposed to be starting tonight and lasting all day tomorrow. Thursday is going to be mid-40s so hoping that it is enough to melt the ice.

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It looks like about 4 inches or so here in Greenville, SC. It was big fluffy flakes for awhile, atm it is just misting snow. 


We are also due to get the same storm that Atlanta is going to get. 


I am used to driving in snow and ice after living in KC for years but with a lack of snow removal/preperation vehicles and not trusting the other drivers I am planning on staying home. 

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We mostly have ice predicted. I developed a cold and scratchy throat since yesterday evening. I am hoping I don't need a doctor because I doubt I could get to one if it goes the way they are predicting. I have no alternative heat source, either. We will just have to bundle up and huddle if the power goes out. Dh is out of town as well, so we don't know if he'll get back or not. Fun times! 



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I did my shopping yesterday. We're expecting to get hit tonight. Ugh. My co-op is on Thursday and it seems like all the bad weather is targeting Thursdays. My power outage plan is to move jus all into my dance room because it has a fireplace. We have a big tree outside that fell two years ago, was cut to length, and that's where we stopped. Splitting wood will give DH something to do and I can cook in the fireplace if necessary.


It's all theoretical. We rarely have power outages, but it gives me something to think about other that my seething hatred of winter. I'm so done with all this. I went grocery shopping yesterday, so I'm good on that front. I might get out today just to leave the house while I still can.

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We mostly have ice predicted. I developed a cold and scratchy throat since yesterday evening. I am hoping I don't need a doctor because I doubt I could get to one if it goes the way they are predicting. I have no alternative heat source, either. We will just have to bundle up and huddle if the power goes out. Dh is out of town as well, so we don't know if he'll get back or not. Fun times! 


I think the roads are supposed to clear on Friday so I bet your dh will be able to get back. I'm just getting over a very nasty headcold--it was miserable! I hope you don't get too sick. Stay warm! :grouphug:

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I was at the store last evening buying brownie mix, yep brownie mix, and it was crowded as usual. I think it's so funny how stores run out of milk and bread because that's the first thing people want to grab before a storm. All I can think is hot chocolate and toast!


I woke up this morning to pure white. It's snowing lightly, nothing like the big flakes we were seeing yesterday. I just measured it and it's 1.5 inches of snow. I'd much rather continue seeing the snow rather than sleet.


I'm wondering if dd's school will close tomorrow. I hope so. I can't get out of my driveway when it's covered with snow and ice.

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I was at the store last evening buying brownie mix, yep brownie mix, and it was crowded as usual. I think it's so funny how stores run out of milk and bread because that's the first thing people want to grab before a storm. All I can think is hot chocolate and toast!


I woke up this morning to pure white. It's snowing lightly, nothing like the big flakes we were seeing yesterday. I just measured it and it's 1.5 inches of snow. I'd much rather continue seeing the snow rather than sleet.


I'm wondering if dd's school will close tomorrow. I hope so. I can't get out of my driveway when it's covered with snow and ice.


I agree about the milk and bread. But then we don't drink milk and are very slow to go through a loaf of bread. My mom had the best advice: Make sure you have extra water and TP!


I'm hoping schools are closed tomorrow too. Ds2 normally doesn't have classes on Thurs but ds1 commutes to college and we will probably not be able to get up our road tomorrow. There's a small section near the top of the hilly part that doesn't get much sun due to trees/houses shading it so it stays icy even when the rest of the road has cleared.


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. I think it's so funny how stores run out of milk and bread because that's the first thing people want to grab before a storm. All I can think is hot chocolate and toast!



You southerners just dont' know how to do a storm. You MUST buy MILK and BREAD and EGGS..........after all, no one can survive a winter storm without French toast :-)


That is the local joke as even here in Michigan stores are raided for those 3 items when a storm is forecasted.



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. I think it's so funny how stores run out of milk and bread because that's the first thing people want to grab before a storm. All I can think is hot chocolate and toast!



You southerners just dont' know how to do a storm. You MUST buy MILK and BREAD and EGGS..........after all, no one can survive a winter storm without French toast :-)


That is the local joke as even here in Michigan stores are raided for those 3 items when a storm is forecasted.




Yeah, the eggs were low, or at least the large size I buy were. There were plenty of medium eggs. I need them to make my version of english mcmuffins. I was most upset that they didn't have my regular brand of brownie mix. What I got is just okay, but not something we will eat in 2 days like normally. I'm really lucky that I don't live in a place that loses power regularly. I know Atlanta has a lot of power outages already. I'd be a hot mess if my power went out for more than a couple of hours.

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