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Am I crazy, or are you all like this too?


Typical Weekend?  

159 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this a typical weekend in your house

    • Yep, sounds about right.
    • I do quite a bit more than that!
    • Meh, I do a bit less than that.
    • No, I do way less than that in a typical weekend!!
    • Not AT ALL. I managed to read a book, does that count?
    • Other

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We don't do a lot of chores on the weekend here. It's all about fun family time. We're in Florida too so yard work is more year round, but we do it as a family one weekend day here or there. So, we're all out there doing the mowing, weeding, mulching, etc. and doesn't take several hours. Laundry is also spread out among us since dds can do their own (and if dh needs something washed that I haven't done then he will wash/dry it himself). It's just something that's done throughout the week and weekend, but never builds up so much that it takes five loads on the weekend. We don't have to do a lot to our floors since we have wood.

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We try and get our house cleaning and chores done during the week. Our weekends are more about fun.


Friday - went to the local Medieval Faire, cooked smores in the fireplace, said good-bye to family staying with us, went to college gymnastics meet


Saturday - took kids to a science class at a local science center, went to the library and grocery shopping, went to a college basketball game, had family game night (son chose Monopoly so that was a few hours) watched Sense & Sensibility


Sunday - grocery shopping again for Superbowl, pet store for some fish, card game, prepare weekly lists for school on Monday (while watching Harry Potter 7) and Superbowl party


I did fit four or five loads of laundry into the weekend and thought about mopping the floors, but decided to save it for Monday. :)


ETA - We live in Florida as well and after our last house and its year round yard work, we moved into a town home so we can enjoy the lovely landscaping (and pool) without doing any of the required work.

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We don't do a lot of chores on the weekend here. It's all about fun family time. We're in Florida too so yard work is more year round, but we do it as a family one weekend day here or there. So, we're all out there doing the mowing, weeding, mulching, etc. and doesn't take several hours. Laundry is also spread out among us since dds can do their own (and if dh needs something washed that I haven't done then he will wash/dry it himself). It's just something that's done throughout the week and weekend, but never builds up so much that it takes five loads on the weekend. We don't have to do a lot to our floors since we have wood.

THAT'S why we don't have land. Neither one of us enjoys the upkeep. We went out to lunch both days and slept in both days. After lunch today, the boys went to the bookstore while dd and I went shoe shopping. Last night while DS was at a teen group party, I held an impromptu rehearsal with a few students who are nervous about performing next weekend. This rehearsal included snacks and wine. Tonight I finished sewing a costume and watched 3 episodes of a The Good Wife. Dinner was leftovers.


I win.


ETA: We're expecting snow and I purposely didn't go shopping so they'll be forced to clean out the pantry a bit.

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I *do* a lot on the weekends, but I do very different stuff than you do. My girls have classes, jobs, and rehearsals on the weekends, plus church Sun am & youth group Sun pm.


Add in grocery shopping and I don't have TIME to do housey stuff, and I hate to use the weekends to plan/do schoolishness.


I do laundry on weekends as needed, and I almost never cook ahead or pack lunches for the week. What kind of lunches?  How do they keep?

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When I worked full time and said yes to too many things in the evenings, yes my weekends looked like that in terms of volume if not specific tasks.


Now I don't work full time, I limit my volunteer time to one day a week and I have a much more manageable day to day flow. We also have no yard work by design.

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Well, If you are only counting productive work or physical labour, I do a lot less than you.  :)  However, I keep myself busy.  My lifestyle (smaller apartment, no yard, minimalism) removes the necessity for so much outdoor work and housework.  Saturday I went to the hardware store to buy lightbulbs and brackets.  I changed the weird lightbulbs (takes a whole freaking 20 minutes each) and repaired my daughter's armoire with the brackets.  I bought a cat box and treats and toys for the feral three legged cat living in my bathroom and I spent a time being in its company in an attempt to get it tamed.  On the way to the pet store I stopped by the printers and had DD's math mammoth printed and bound.  I went out for lunch with my husband and hit up a computer store to get a new harddrive for the PS3 and cords for the printer.  I then set up wireless on the printer.  I bought a present for a kid's birthday party and wrapped it.  Then I did some regular tidying and laundry.





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That's a lot, but more in the "normal" range when you own a house/property.


I live in an apartment - no yard work.

My parents are visiting - tourist stuff, eat out.

Today was DS's birthday - out to eat.


So, basically I've cooked brunch a couple days and did dishes, with my Mom's help and went sightseeing. I did toss in a load of laundry tonight while we played cards.

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Perhaps take a glance through a different window? It's easy to get stuck at the "busy" window, but let's look at the options:


Busy vs. Not busy (define not busy--you might be surprised by your answer)

Active vs. Sedentary

Productive vs. Non-productive

Happy vs. Miserable

Choice vs. Need (life or death)

Immediately gratification vs. delayed gratification


I've just added spaces to make your post more of a list below.

. . .


Weeded our garden - just the area by the front door.

Mulched the flower bed. Lay down a new rock border.

Trim the roses and bring inside in vases.

Began mowing our 2 1/2 acres but stopped because I needed to do other stuff LOL.

5 loads of laundry, folding etc.

Rug Doctored all our wall to wall carpeting-this took about 4-5 hours as the rug. . .

Went through a few large piles of paper (school work, bills, stuff like that).

Cleared out jnk drawer. Put away folded clothes of mine and DH's (he just returned from a trip so there was a lot).

Made lunches for the week.

Cleaned out chicken coop.

Researched Geometry for older and math for younger.

Emailed some clients back who need appointments early in the week.

Other regular stuff like Bible reading,

newspaper reading,

making beds,

making dinner,

grocery shopping,

walking the dogs.


Okay, so does this seem normal. It's pretty average for me, with the exception of the Rug Doctor which we only do once every 4 months (and Hallelujah we will be replacing all the rug with hardwood within the next 3-4 months!!!)


Does this look like your weekends in terms of what you do?

I see regular tasks such as grocery shopping, laundry, walking the dogs, preparing food, etc. along with lots of luxurious choices! The garden, flower bed, 2 1/2 acres, chickens. . .aren't those choices? You could easily insert knitting, reading, ball-room dancing, fencing, etc as your hobby of choice. The question that comes to my mind is, are you not happy with this particular hobby/lifestyle?




Then I read further. . .

. . . I get that the gardening is a big thing--we have 2 1/2 acres and I actually enjoy the flower beds--very relaxing. The mowing? Not so much, But that's our property. The Rug Doctoring was a big PITA, to be honest and I hate doing it, but with wall to wall carpeting in the living room and pets, it just gets disgusting.

So the flower beds are relaxing. You hate the rug doctoring, but you have dogs. Could you wash their paws when they come in? It cuts down on lots of dirt and grime. We sometimes give a sponge bath, if needed--or a bath. If I understand correctly, you've decided to keep the dogs and ditch the rug. Fair enough. Sounds like you will soon eliminate that time-consuming task.


Yes, but we're in Florida and it's 75 and gorgeous. :) Everything is beginning to bloom...and the lawn! It's gorgeous and I love it, but we didn't realize the upkeep when we purchased the property!!!

So perhaps it's just a matter of looking out this window.


Ha! I am with you, i really enjoy being out on the property. But man, it's tiring. And then I have to face the INSIDE of the house. Blech.

Yes, it's a trade off. Time outside is time not spent working inside. Do you enjoy the yard work at all, or just the result? If it seems only like work, perhaps reconsider if the result is worth it? Could you visit a public garden instead?


I wish!! And so does he! It's 2.5 acres on a ride-on mower. Takes about 3 hours. And no, he can't do it. :(

3 hours on a riding lawn mower might seem lovely to some! Time to be alone with one's thought, etc. Maybe it's not to you, though. Would you be happier moving to a smaller lot?


Looking from my window, it seems you had an active, productive weekend that you chose to spend on delayed gratification with the result being a lovely grounds surrounding your clean home. (Although, you have roses now, so maybe not so delayed!)


I would congratulate you, except there is the question that perhaps you were miserable while doing it. If that's the case, I would take some time--perhaps while weeding or mowing--to consider what would make you happier.



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My weekend has WAY less household stuff and way more fun. I don't have five loads of laundry the entire week.


How do 4 people create so little laundry?? Just towels and linens are 2 loads for the week. Or do you mean that you, personally, don't have 5 loads of laundry, because everyone does their own? 


Sometimes I think the neighbors drop in for coffee, and sneak some dirty laundry in. 

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That sounds like a lot!  With all that activity surely you are trim.


I do less.  We are kind of stuck with renovating our house (split-level) into a ranch.  There are boxes everywhere and so much to do that it's overwhelming.   Still, we chip away at it, but I must confess you seem more productive than us.

OK, now for me to get moving! LOL!

Please post pics of your hardwoods when you get them. 


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We've certainly had weekends that busy or busier and we've had some much more quiet as well. Since my last pregnancy my body (and the baby) just won't let me push that hard anymore. I do hope to get more energy back but I hope to keep the perspective that relationships are the most important as when you are a Type A go-getter you can get so focused on the to-do list that priorities get skewed. We spent years working on the house and never having a single moment to rest, that is too much, yes it is nice now but if I could go back I wouldn't have pushed so hard. There are always things to do, always things to add to the list. I think it also depends on the season as well, it is still well into winter here. I think we all need to ask herself if our life works for us though, being busier isn't more virtuous or less.

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How do 4 people create so little laundry?? Just towels and linens are 2 loads for the week. Or do you mean that you, personally, don't have 5 loads of laundry, because everyone does their own? 


Sometimes I think the neighbors drop in for coffee, and sneak some dirty laundry in. 



I had the same question! I need to run at least a load a day. My DH works out daily. He also works in the garden most days, so that creates laundry. My boys get smelly. Sheets and towels are washed weekly. I work out, although not daily. I have my "at home clothes", my work clothes and then pajamas. 


I don't get how I could do less, although I have been insisting that my kids be more careful about what really constitutes "dirty laundry". 

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In the growing season I probably spend eight hours of the weekend in the garden, plus normal household chores - a couple of hours cleaning the house, washing clothes, etc, a few hours in total cooking.  But I love gardening and have chosen not to have a low maintenance plot.


ETA: About the carpets: we all take off our shoes at the door, and we shut the dog in the kitchen when she comes in muddy - most of the mud comes off on the kitchen floor or in her bed, so it's easier to deal with.



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Nope, no way am I ever that  busy. We get the household chores done during the week and my kids have chores.


First thing in the AM my 8 yr old daughter folds what is in the dryer and puts them in the appropriate rooms. I then throw in a load of wash. We do this every weekday morning and our laundry never turns into a mountain. My older daughter keeps up on the dishes. We straighten up and get everything done before 11am, which is when we have lunch and start school work. Amazingly, my house is still not "company clean". It's "family clean", which is good enough for me!

I REFUSE to do laundry or cleaning on the weekend, unless we are expecting company, which is usually....well, never.


We bought our house while still living 600 miles away so I had no choice but to hire someone to cut/maintain our 4 acres. We were going to cancel service once we moved in, but it's SO convenient and worth the $40 to have it done. This saves HOURS of work on a weekend for my DH, who also suffers terribly from allergies.


We have chickens and I take care of them. I only deep clean the coop maybe 3 times a year. Daily maintenance takes me about half hour a day. I don't consider this to be a chore, I find it very cathartic to be out with my chickens :)


My youngest has 3 hours of karate (competition) practice on Sat mornings. Sunday is Church in the AM and Youth group/Awana in the pm. What we do between those scheduled activities depends on the time of the year and if we can be outdoors or not. I don't think I'm sedentary, I am not a couch potato, but I'm also definitely not one of those people that needs to be busy and on the go.


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I've had week-ends like that, but rarely.   Unless we're going somewhere all day, Saturday is bedding laundry day here. I clean, dust, and steam mop the kids bedrooms too most Saturdays. But their bedrooms are generally clean, so this isn't a huge chore. My husband almost always runs to the grocery in the afternoon. I also do math and LA school with the kids on Saturdays if at all possible. During mowing season, my hubby (push) mows on Saturdays, though not the entire lawn.  He mows several times a week and hits the whole thing at least twice a week most of the season, but in portions. We share property with my parents, so my dad mows too. The property is rider worthy, but my husband and dad actually like push mowing. Dad sees it as exercise, and my husband listens to music.


The rest of the typical Saturday stuff around here is just the daily life chores. We try to build in some down time on Saturdays. Hubby lets me sleep in through breakfast whenever possible, and I really need that because of health issues. He almost always has time to do his own thing while I'm doing school stuff.


My parents nor his parents ever modeled a really busy life. Maybe that's why it feels right to us to build in a lot of margin? I don't know, but it works here. And somehow the necessary gets done! 


I have a close friend who stays really busy like you. She loves feeling productive, and would hate living our "margin" life.  I know what she does, and I would see it as an exhausting, way too much, list here. But she doesn't actually see it that way. It fits her. If something makes you miserable and it's at all changeable (like can be hired, isn't actually necessary, can be delegated, can be less often etc.) I'd change it. If it can't be changed, I'd work hard to reframe my thinking.

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