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And....a 4th grade thread! Come on, people, join in!


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Since I started a thread for 7th grade curriculum thoughts, I figured my younger DS needed his own thread too.


Here's what we're thinking!


Math: Horizons 5, Zaccaro Real World Algebra and maybe Jousting Armadillos.

Science: BFSU2,  Spectrum Science 4. Lots of independent reading, of course :)

Latin: Finish Lively Latin Big Book 2

History: SOTW 3 and questions, narrations, outside projects

Writing: CAP Writing and Rhetoric

Spanish: DuoLingo and spanish readers

Grammar: Diagramming Sentences by Broadwater

Martial Arts outside of home, 


Something for literature analysis, although I have no idea where to start. 


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It's this one: https://www.galorepark.co.uk/Product?Product=9781902984216


We'll actually be starting it this year, as soon as it arrives. DS8 decided he didn't enjoy the Chemistry coop class that he was in, and Spectrum Science is not sufficient (although I really like it as a supplement, and we'll be continuing it next year--ooh, let me add that to my OP!) 

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DS really likes workbooks for certain subjects, like Science, to which we add things like videos, experiments and other books. It looks like a nice spine and he can do it independently which he really likes. Glad to hear you like it--we are using Latin Prep from GP with older, and I love the layout.

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I'm also slowly working on our plan, but it keeps changing when I read these threads and discover new things.


Thus far:


Writing: CAP Narrative

Spelling: SW F

Grammar: ??? Suggestions ??? 

Vocab: English from the Roots Up

Reading: Suggestions from Ambleside, Sonlight, etc. (Going to a homeschool fair in April, with a long booklist in hand.)


Latin: Lively Latin (Halcyon, want to sell you book 1?)


Math: Saxon Algebra 1, Zaccaro. 


History: SOTW 2 - with activity guide, extra projects, note booking, cooking, etc. We have finally found or groove on this one!


Science: Don't know yet. This is his first love. Currently enjoying Ellen McHenry Chemistry.


Music: Continue violing.


Extras: Thinking Skills, Typing, Interested led Geography (mostly guided by SOTW.)


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I can't sell you Lively Latin 1 if it's an online edition, can I? If so, then I will be happy to!


For grammar, The Adventures of Genius Boy and Grammar Girl looks so fun, but it's PRIcEY for what it is.


Your son would love The Brain by McHenry, I think.

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No. No. No. No. Complete denial. Ok well not complete denial..I have a working list for next year...but to post about it? That seems too for real! ;)



Fairly firm plans:

BSGFAA Intermediate yr 3

MM 4B-5A

CAP narrative and the next level whatever that is...

R&S spelling 5


Art- Mark Kistler

Piano and gymnastics


Super tentative plans:

Science: Ugh. A few thoughts but nothing certain...top contender at this point is Ellen McHenry's the Elements and a few ASK science kits...unless I can find something like EE physical science which my kids love...

History: either yr 2 of US History or VP OTAE self paced

Lit: probably something with the Little House books...a few Lit guides and/or the Prairie Primer

Not sure if I should continue with handwriting/cursive

Thinking about adding logic....

Something more formal for Spanish...maybe duolingo.


So the basics are planned, and the rest...well, I look forward to this thread! :)

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We have the following:


CLE Math grade 4


Starline Press for Science


Starline Press for History/Social Studies


Studies Weekly for Science and History supplement


ACE Creative Writing and Literature


Draw and Write thru History for Art


Easy Grammar and Daily Grams


Starline Press English


SpellWell Spelling C-Cc


Lifepac Health Quest


My daughter is a workbook kid. She is very independent and doesn't like me working with her. I'm interested in learning more about the Writing: Don't Forget to Write posted earlier. My daughter LOVES writing.






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Oh, and Art..


I got those Homeschool Art DVD from HomeschoolBuyersCoop - I think they are sort of dorky, but the kids don't mind the s l o w n e s s of it.

We are currently doing the Gr. 2 one for my artistically talented Gr. 1 kiddo, and my artistically disabled Gr. 3 boy. I have Gr. 3 and 4 too, so that should keep us busy for a while.



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sometimes I think we aren't doing enough. most days I feel like we are, but then I read threads like these and I start to wonder! some of your 4th graders do so much! or maybe it only looks that way on paper? maybe once I finalize my plans it to will be a nice long list. But not yet.


History: sonlight finish d, start e.

English: wwe3, AAS, daily journal

Bible: D4YS, awanas

Memorization: 4 Bible selections (still deciding), and 4 pieces for American history

Math: rightstart e

Science: I have absolutely no idea. None. Nada. Zip.

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I've been on auto pilot for several years, just continuing with our curriculum, but now may have to think about what to use! Some of them seem to be coming to an end. 4th grade sounds like a need a better plan!


Here's what I know we will continue with


Sonlight ( finish C and move into D)

Singapore 5a/b, plus IP and CWP

MUS Epsilon

FLL 4 (finish)


Finish Getting Started With Latin

Miscellaneous workbooks like mind benders, geography stuff, grammar cop, grid perplexors, and critical thinking skills.

Drawing Textbook


And then the questions!


We will have finished WWE 3 and not sure whether to continue. If not, what do we do?


We will have finished IEW SWI A. Do we continue with SICC A or move to something else in the IEW line?


What do we use after GSWL? It's simple, quick, no nonsense, no fluff. What else would be similar?


We will have finished HWOT cursive? Do we just move to next level? Or drop it?


What else should we do?! Seems like I need to ramp up on science or history. We do CC. we do monthly science classes. Have listened to SOTW for the past several years, and the kids all enjoy history and read books on it too. Do I need to do something formal? For science and history? I don't want to be lazy, nor waste our time if it's okay to just learn through books, CC experiments, and a monthly science class. If I need more, what do I need? Not a specific curriculum, but a description of what we should be doing.

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Grammar: R&S 4

Writing: so don't know yet...still debating

Spelling: Spelling workout E or thinking of maybe trying R&S spelling

Math: Thinking Saxon 5/4...since we have been doing saxon.

History: Sotw 3

Science: Apologia chem and physics


Reading tons of classics and Classical Conversations with brothers.


Plus I'll squeeze in some art and music. :)

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Bible: EBS & Verse Memorization


Writing: EIW 5

Grammar: JAG M

Spelling:  SWR

Vocabulary: CE 1 MCT

Cursive: Pentime & Verse Copy Work


Math: TT4 & MUS Delta, LofF & Sing Chall


Science:  Supercharged E-Science (by Topics/Units) & EM daily Science


History:  Veritas Online MARR, read lots of books


Geography:  Africa, The Poles, Australia, N.&S. America


Maps:  EM Daily & MGC workbooks


Foreign Language:  Hebrew


Typing:  3 months of something?







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I've been on auto pilot for several years, just continuing with our curriculum, but now may have to think about what to use! Some of them seem to be coming to an end. 4th grade sounds like a need a better plan!


Here's what I know we will continue with


Sonlight ( finish C and move into D)

Singapore 5a/b, plus IP and CWP

MUS Epsilon

FLL 4 (finish)


Finish Getting Started With Latin

Miscellaneous workbooks like mind benders, geography stuff, grammar cop, grid perplexors, and critical thinking skills.

Drawing Textbook


And then the questions!


We will have finished WWE 3 and not sure whether to continue. If not, what do we do?


We will have finished IEW SWI A. Do we continue with SICC A or move to something else in the IEW line?


What do we use after GSWL? It's simple, quick, no nonsense, no fluff. What else would be similar?


We will have finished HWOT cursive? Do we just move to next level? Or drop it?


What else should we do?! Seems like I need to ramp up on science or history. We do CC. we do monthly science classes. Have listened to SOTW for the past several years, and the kids all enjoy history and read books on it too. Do I need to do something formal? For science and history? I don't want to be lazy, nor waste our time if it's okay to just learn through books, CC experiments, and a monthly science class. If I need more, what do I need? Not a specific curriculum, but a description of what we should be doing.


I'll have a 4th grader next year, too.


She finished IEW SWI-A just like yours.  I will have her do an IEW theme course (maybe Geography) for 4th and then do SICC-B for 5th.  I am currently using SICC-B with my 5th grader (will complete it over two years), and I am extremely happy with it.


As for history, you could add some projects and reports along with the reading.  I will have my 4th grader do three history lapbooks plus a report of 3+ paragraphs on a related history topic for each one, plus a civics lapbook.  You could also add state history as this is the time when public schools often do a year of state history.  An easy-to-use resource to accomplish state history is Studies Weekly social studies newspapers plus the accompanying quizzes each week.


As for science, that is just a difficult subject to teach well, even for my husband and me who both have careers in the science field. 

--We do CC which I think is excellent.  You can use the CC science cards and a science encyclopedia (i.e. Usborne Science Encyclopedia) to explain the concepts each week. 

--You could try BFSU if you are a sciency person along with keeping a science binder with tabs for each thread. 

--Again an easy and good quality resource to add is Studies Weekly science newspapers plus the accompanying quizzes. 

--We will also add a BJU science course next year.  You could look at the 4th grade course with the DVD lectures, or try the 5th or 6th grade course if 4th grade looks to easy.

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I am loving Duolingo.  (All of my kids are using German.)  I have tried so many other programs, including having my kids try learning from my dad who is a native speaker, but all of those bombed.  I think I started Duolingo because of one of your old threads.  Thanks!!!

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Thanks for the info on studies weekly. That looks perfect! And I forgot about our CC science cards.


Have you tried them for other than state history? I see several other options as well that look tempting. My kids love reading magazines and newspapers.



I'll have a 4th grader next year, too.


She finished IEW SWI-A just like yours. I will have her do an IEW theme course (maybe Geography) for 4th and then do SICC-B for 5th. I am currently using SICC-B with my 5th grader (will complete it over two years), and I am extremely happy with it.


As for history, you could add some projects and reports along with the reading. I will have my 4th grader do three history lapbooks plus a report of 3+ paragraphs on a related history topic for each one, plus a civics lapbook. You could also add state history as this is the time when public schools often do a year of state history. An easy-to-use resource to accomplish state history is Studies Weekly social studies newspapers plus the accompanying quizzes each week.


As for science, that is just a difficult subject to teach well, even for my husband and me who both have careers in the science field.

--We do CC which I think is excellent. You can use the CC science cards and a science encyclopedia (i.e. Usborne Science Encyclopedia) to explain the concepts each week.

--You could try BFSU if you are a sciency person along with keeping a science binder with tabs for each thread.

--Again an easy and good quality resource to add is Studies Weekly science newspapers plus the accompanying quizzes.

--We will also add a BJU science course next year. You could look at the 4th grade course with the DVD lectures, or try the 5th or 6th grade course if 4th grade looks to easy.

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Thanks for the info on studies weekly. That looks perfect! And I forgot about our CC science cards.


Have you tried them for other than state history? I see several other options as well that look tempting. My kids love reading magazines and newspapers.




So far I have used Studies Weekly for social studies, science, and health, and I like all of those.


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DD is 4th grade by age this year, and I just switched up some things that I hope work better than what we had. 


Math: CLE 400, Lial's BCM, Key to Fractions

Grammar: FLL4

Writing: Writing & Rhetoric (Fable, Narrative 1), MBtP 9-11 poetry unit

Spelling: Apples & Pears C and Phonetic Zoo 

Literature: Further Up and Further In (not using science or social studies), plus reading the recommended books in WP ES

History: A Child's History of the World and SOTW4 (we've done ancients twice and I wanted to run through the rest of history before doing OM6 next year)

Science: WP Equine Science (she's horse crazy) and Sassafras Zoology 1 (just the reading and journal, she's always loved animals, so I got it based on her interest)

Foreign Language: GSWL (sorta-kinda, we stopped for awhile and are reviewing right now. We may not finish.)

Art: covered by FUFI and WP ES

Music: guitar lessons, Breezin' Thru Theory

PE: tumbling, horseback riding

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I am loving Duolingo.  (All of my kids are using German.)  I have tried so many other programs, including having my kids try learning from my dad who is a native speaker, but all of those bombed.  I think I started Duolingo because of one of your old threads.  Thanks!!!

I am so glad! We love it too, and we STICK TO IT, which is awesome. Kids have learned a lot, and DH is doing German, French and..some other language and he loves it too. He is already fluent in Italian and knows a fair amount of French and German and he feels it's a great system. 


Adding in some easy Spanish books is a great thing to do too. We bought a few of these and the boys like theM: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_21?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=bilingual%20fairy%20tales%20spanish&sprefix=bilingual+fairy+tales%2Cstripbooks%2C174

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MUS Delta

Bravewriter, Write On

cursive copywork

Spelling Wisdom 1

literature--still need to work on booklist



finish 106 Days of Creation, not sure what we'll be using after that

Getting started with Spanish and/or Memoria Press Latin

CM style studies for poetry, art, music, nature, etc.

piano lessons


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Math: Singapore 4A & 4B

Reading/Literature: A variety of books to go along with our history cycle & his current interests (still working on that list)

Grammar: MCT Island

Writing: Daily writing block, journaling, & narrations

History: Ancients & Middle Ages w/variety of living books

Science: Biology w/Focus on Middle School Biology (formerly Real Science 4 Kids) and a variety of living books

French: Galore Park French 1 (So You Really Want to Learn French)

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3, Bk 3

Music: Piano lessons

Extra: Baseball, swimming, soccer, & Cub scouts


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Technically by age I will have 3rd/5th graders next year, but since I'm burned out on teaching everything twice they will be combined into 4th grade.  Only math will be taught separately.  So here are my tentative plans:


Latina Christiana I

Horizons Math 3/Horizons Math 6, LOF

G.U.M. Drops 4th grade

MP 3rd grade literature guides

MP Intro to Composition

Christian Studies II, Christian Heroes Unit Studies

Geography/Science/Music/Cooking - I'm making unit studies similar to MFW countries and cultures.  Adding Master Books Weather unit and Steck-Vaughn True Tales science/geography readers (we love these!)



I'm really excited about this!  Hopefully our days will run much smoother.  

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Hmm, I don't know. Want to help me?


Math: dd will finish Singapore 5B this year. Not sure where to go next, given that she's so young. AoPS is where I want her eventually, but I don't know if she's mature enough for their pre-A yet.


Latin: she'll finish First Form Latin this year. I don't like the lack of reading and translation in this series, so I'm looking to switch, maybe to Latin Alive? Not sure.


Grammar: MCT Grammar Voyage, definitely.


Vocabulary: Caesar's English, definitely. Finish level 1 and move on to level 2.


History: it's time for ancients again. She's read SotW 1 at least 3 times, so it's time for something a little meatier. Maybe Mystery of History?


Science: I really need to plan a good science sequence for grades 4-7. Science was hit or miss in K-2. This year she had Apologia Land Animals at tutorial, and she's doing Mr. Q life science and earth science just to fill in holes. She doesn't like Mr. Q because she thinks the text is condescending. She likes to read it in a sarcastic voice. I'm considering Apologia's elementary chemistry/physics text because that would finish out the rotation and because she likes the Land Animals book.


Writing: still thinking this one through. We paused Paragraph Town this year because it was so intense. IEW Fables, Myths, Fairy Tales worked well, we probably won't get through all of it this year though. I'm thinking maybe IEW Ancient History writing lessons, but dd is rather fanciful and maybe needs an outlet for being more creative. She likes the IEW style....


On top of all this, she still would like to learn Greek. We did the Greek Code Cracker two years ago and never went any further (my fault).

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Well I'll tell you what's working for my dd to give some ideas:




Calvert History, Writing (love love love the writing), Art and pretty much in general the core curriculum is pretty balanced and not too heavy.  We actually like the Science but then again I actually waded through the list and bought/ordered everything we would need for the hands on experiments and projects.  History of the World is always a big hit.



Rosetta Stone Spanish...at first this seemed like such a great idea.  Your child, learning Spanish, on her ipad, and pretty happy about it.  But she really didn't get very far, considering the entire year and a half and the 250.00 we spent on it.  I think it's not sticking because we aren't really following it up with studying of vocabulary and are also not as consistent as we should have been. 



Had to go back to Sequential Spelling because she really struggles with spelling.  We had success remediating my son using SS and it helped him long term, using 2 years of SS.  


So-So....Calvert Math is so so because review is spotty, but Horizons is making my dd almost cry because of how hard it is in the 2nd 4th grade book.  So...we will probably just pick through Horizons for review and continue with Calvert as our main course. 


Hope this helps



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Technically by age I will have 3rd/5th graders next year, but since I'm burned out on teaching everything twice they will be combined into 4th grade.  Only math will be taught separately.  So here are my tentative plans:


Latina Christiana I

Horizons Math 3/Horizons Math 6, LOF

G.U.M. Drops 4th grade

MP 3rd grade literature guides

MP Intro to Composition

Christian Studies II, Christian Heroes Unit Studies

Geography/Science/Music/Cooking - I'm making unit studies similar to MFW countries and cultures.  Adding Master Books Weather unit and Steck-Vaughn True Tales science/geography readers (we love these!)



I'm really excited about this!  Hopefully our days will run much smoother.  


Have you looked at Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Exploration? You can use it with both kids and have them do their math separately. It includes all subjects except for math.


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Hmm, I don't know. Want to help me?


Math: dd will finish Singapore 5B this year. Not sure where to go next, given that she's so young. AoPS is where I want her eventually, but I don't know if she's mature enough for their pre-A yet.


Latin: she'll finish First Form Latin this year. I don't like the lack of reading and translation in this series, so I'm looking to switch, maybe to Latin Alive? Not sure.


Grammar: MCT Grammar Voyage, definitely.


Vocabulary: Caesar's English, definitely. Finish level 1 and move on to level 2.


History: it's time for ancients again. She's read SotW 1 at least 3 times, so it's time for something a little meatier. Maybe Mystery of History?


Science: I really need to plan a good science sequence for grades 4-7. Science was hit or miss in K-2. This year she had Apologia Land Animals at tutorial, and she's doing Mr. Q life science and earth science just to fill in holes. She doesn't like Mr. Q because she thinks the text is condescending. She likes to read it in a sarcastic voice. I'm considering Apologia's elementary chemistry/physics text because that would finish out the rotation and because she likes the Land Animals book.


Writing: still thinking this one through. We paused Paragraph Town this year because it was so intense. IEW Fables, Myths, Fairy Tales worked well, we probably won't get through all of it this year though. I'm thinking maybe IEW Ancient History writing lessons, but dd is rather fanciful and maybe needs an outlet for being more creative. She likes the IEW style....


On top of all this, she still would like to learn Greek. We did the Greek Code Cracker two years ago and never went any further (my fault).


We have really like Human Odyssey by K12-you can get the Ancients book on Amazon for a good price, I think. It's wonderful, IMO. For Latin, we like Lively Latin. A reasonable amount of translation. Science-I'm all ears. We are thinking SYRWTL Science from Galore Park, plus lots of read alouds and Young Scientist Kits. 

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Well I'll tell you what's working for my dd to give some ideas:




Calvert History, Writing (love love love the writing), Art and pretty much in general the core curriculum is pretty balanced and not too heavy.  We actually like the Science but then again I actually waded through the list and bought/ordered everything we would need for the hands on experiments and projects.  History of the World is always a big hit.



Rosetta Stone Spanish...at first this seemed like such a great idea.  Your child, learning Spanish, on her ipad, and pretty happy about it.  But she really didn't get very far, considering the entire year and a half and the 250.00 we spent on it.  I think it's not sticking because we aren't really following it up with studying of vocabulary and are also not as consistent as we should have been. 



Had to go back to Sequential Spelling because she really struggles with spelling.  We had success remediating my son using SS and it helped him long term, using 2 years of SS.  


So-So....Calvert Math is so so because review is spotty, but Horizons is making my dd almost cry because of how hard it is in the 2nd 4th grade book.  So...we will probably just pick through Horizons for review and continue with Calvert as our main course. 


Hope this helps

Take a look at DuoLingo for Spanish. It's free and my boys LOVE it. We've tried to do Spanish for 2 years and this is the first year where they are REALLY making headway. 

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Not sure exactly what my DD3's grade is: she'll be 10 in late October, so either an older 4th grader or young 5th. Since she'll likely attend B&M high school, I guess I should go by state cut-off (in which case, she'd be in 4th).

Anyway, here goes-

English: CC Essentials (grammar & writing), AG Jr. Mechanics, MCT Caesar's English*

Math: MM 6, CWP 5

History & Lit: SOTW 4

Science: Story of Science (Hakim), Galore Park Jr. Science 3

Memory: CC Foundations

Classical Studies: MP Introduction to Classical Studies*


Enrichments: Swim team, ballet, sewing, & maybe another art/handicraft

*I've been planning to start Latin this year but I'm not sure if I should. Might 'classical education-light' suit us better? I'm trying to decide if an intensive study of Greek/Latin roots (Caesar's English) paired with Greek Myths/Bible/Famous Men of Rome (MP's Intro to Classical Studies) would be a better use of our time? Foreign language options at high school level will be Spanish, French, & Mandarin. Opinions welcomed.

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Have you looked at Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Exploration? You can use it with both kids and have them do their math separately. It includes all subjects except for math.


Wow...I've never seen this curriculum before.  This would have been perfect 2 years ago!  

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We are very happy with our lineup this year, so we will continue the course.


English - MCT will be our core program (vocab, grammar, writing). We will continue with CAP writing program and do another round with Killgalon (this time with the Middle School book). This year web are using MCT lit as our main program (he reads these books out loud to me and does one written assignment per book) + loads of other books he reads on his own. We might just pick up next level for next year. The only big change in English will be spelling. We'd are moving on from LOE to Megawords.


Math - SM 5B + beast and some sort of preA in the second half of the year.


Science - keep on with BFSU and mix in SM science as enrichment


History - SOTW 2


French - SYRWTLF 2. We are going to finish the phonics book and do j'apprend a lire magazine in its place.


So minimal changes here.

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My oldest DD is in 4th this year. We're doing these.....


Math: Abeka 4. We've been really happy with Abeka since 1st grade. But I'm horrible at math and having a hard time explaining things to her since we got into fractions. We're looking into Teaching Textbooks 6 or 7, but we'll see. We're going to keep plugging away at Abeka 4 for now since we do like it. We're currently taking a break and going through Life of Fred Fractions to see if anything will click.


Grammar: Winter Promise (we're actually using the 3rd grade level because while she knows the rules, she's not great at applying them yet). But we finished it a few weeks ago.....looking for something else to finish out the year.


History: Queen Homeschool - A Living History of Our World. We actually just began this a few weeks ago. We were using Heart of Dakota, but my kids thought the read alouds were very boring, so we switched. We're really enjoying Queen. We read the chapter and I also check out some supplemental books from the library, as well as look up a corresponding project on Pinterest.


Science: I'm kind of throwing stuff together right now. Again, we began with Heart of Dakota, but found it to be rather dry, so I'm doing various things right now. Basically, going through Creation with the kids. We learned about Creation, Dinosaurs, and now we're about to begin the Rainforest (followed by the other biomes afterwards). Like with history, I check out books from the library and usually use a project from Pinterest.


Logic: Thinking Skills (I put this together through various internet searches and printed it and bound it).


Writing: She did some writing with her grammar book. But I'm looking for something else.


Enrichment: American Heritage Girls, soccer, AWANA, typing, Minecraft Westward Expansion class

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I saw this thread and though, nope, not a thread I have to read because I don't have a fourth grader. I can't even imagine having to plan fourth grade.


damn.  I will have a fourth grader next year.


So off the top o'me head I say we are doing:


Math: SM 4a&4b and BA


Language arts:

R&S spelling 4




History SOTW 4 and all the various and sundry 'stuff' that goes with it


Science: BFSU 2


Latin: Big Book of Lively Latin 1


and you know that there will be other stuff that I have around the place.


If fourth grade comes. Which it is not because there is no way my baby is about to be a fourth grader.

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Today, I'm thinking: 


Math: Singapore 4

English: Junior Analytical Grammar

English from the Roots Up (although I'm tempted to try Caesar's English)

Spelling Wisdom 

Composition will depend on how the rest of this year goes...

History: Story of the World 1, Augustus Caesar's World, The Story of the Greek People, The Story of the Roman People, etc. 

Literature: Aesop's Fables, Stories from the Classics, The Odyssey, Iliad and Aeneid for Boys and Girls, The Children's Plutarch, D'Aulaire's Greek Myths, My Book House, The Jungle Book, The Wind in the Willows, Black Beauty, Trumpet of the Swan, The Cricket in Times Square, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Peter Pan, The Neverending Story, The Borrowers, The Chronicles of Narnia

Science: Mr. Q Earth Science + books

Latin: Lively Latin 1


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Yay, Halcyon, thanks for starting this thread too!


Math -- DS1 adores Singapore, so we'll move on to 4 whenever we finish 3, and if we finish 4 before the end of next year, we'll move on to 5.


Writing -- finish WWE3, move on to WWE4.


History -- History Odyssey has been a really good fit for DS1, so when he finishes Early Modern Level 1, he'll move on to Modern Level 1. Mapwork with that.


Language -- continue GSWL, move on to LNST (probably Level 3). Continue Mango Italian and then maybe DuoLingo or a different Mango language.


Literature -- independent reading on his own from a list of my choosing, family readalouds, Narnia, with FUFI and some other books.


Bible -- Lessons from FUFI, daily Bible reading and memory work, some biographies.


Grammar and spelling -- maybe some of the Glencoe books. Haven't really decided yet. Might depend on how he does on the standardized tests this spring, whether I think he needs some extra work or not.


Poetry -- I will work through R is for Rhyme with him, helping him to compose some poetry periodically.


Fine Arts -- continue Artistic Pursuits, and picture and composer study with artists and composers to be determined later. He will probably also continue to draw on his own. Also Adventus MusIQ. And we'll continue reading the Mr. Pipes series and listening to the hymns from it on youtube.


I'm hoping to do some religious biographies with the kids, plus daily Bible reading and memory verse work. FUFI and some of the other books I got to go with it have Bible lessons in them too.


Science -- Not entirely sure. We started this year on Mr. Q Chemistry, and we've really enjoyed it. We took a break to do the student book with our big SnapCircuits set, so we won't finish the Chemistry this year. I also bought the Earth Science book from Mr. Q, and that would be good to do in the summer when we're outside. So we might not pick the Chemistry back up for a while, and that's okay with me too.


Geography -- I'd also like to work through A Child's Geography: Explore His Earth with the boys.


Extracurriculars -- tennis over the summer, not sure about during the year -- possibly swimming and/or martial arts.

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We are half way through 4th grade this year.  Here's what we are using:


Math ~ Teaching Textbooks and LOF Elementary.


Grammar ~ We just quit MCT Grammar Island...it was a major fail.  Dd couldn't take it anymore...she was crying last week because of it.  I'm switching to an old Humpties Grammar set of workbooks I have.  I have all the Grammar Tales, Parts-of-Speech Tales, and Punctuation Tales story books, so we'll read those too.  I have Exercises in English C that we might do too.


Writing ~ Excellence in Writing 4.  It's going ok.  She's not overly thrilled with it. 


Spelling ~ Sequential Spelling and Apples and Pears.  Both are going really well.


Literature ~ I have the MBtP lit unit for Helen Keller we'll be starting soon.  We do a lot of read-alouds, and she reads on her own too.  Our absolute favorite read-alouds for 4th grade have been The Doll People series.  She LOVED them so much, she made her own Doll People house on freezer paper and made all of the dolls from all three books.  They are amazing. 


Science ~ Noeo Biology 2.  We both are enjoying this.  I also have all of the Home Science Adventures from when my older two were young.  I think we'll start those too, probably the one on Birds since dd is majorly into bird feeding and bird watching this year.  She is determined to get the chickadees to eat out of her hand.


History ~ Beautiful Feet Early American History Primary.  We are really enjoying this too.


Geography ~ We're using a few geography workbooks plus States and Capitals Songs dvd, and Geography Songs.  Dd is loving Stack the States and Stack the Countries on her kindle.  I highly recommend those.


Foreign Language ~ French for Children with some various other French stuff.  Ummm....haven't even started it yet.  :blushing: 


Art ~ Home Art Studio and Creativity Express.


We have a lot of miscellaneous stuff that would fit into all of these categories plus we got lots of games for this year.  So far 4th grade has been great...other than that major snag with grammar.


ETA: Uh-oh...I forgot, we are supposed to be doing Health too.  Well, I have all the Human Body Detectives books and workbooks, plus an old set of Five Kids and a Monkey.  I'm just going to use stuff like this and take it slow and stretch it so it can count for Health for maybe two years....or 3 if I really stretch it.  LOL! 









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Probably going with 



Handwriting- HWT4


History-Follwing the Guest Hollow blog American History lesson plans

Writing-CAP narrative 1 & 2

Latin-Lively Latin1

Art/Music- Harmony fine arts w/artistic pursuits/ tin whistle

Lit-Mosdos press ruby

Grammar- MCT Town level

Geography- Confession of a homeschooler world geography note booking plans

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Our 4th grade line up for next year includes:


Grammar: Rod and Staff


Writing: CAP Writing and Rhetoric Fable and Narrative 1


Spelling: CLP Building Spelling Skills


Literature: read alouds from MFW, finishing up Chronicles of Narnia, and adding in a variety of other books


Math: Horizons


History: MFW ECC


Science: we may be adding in Mr. Q Life Science depending on how the science goes in MFW ECC

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We do a lot of Bill Nye here.


Did you know that he has a newer series called, "in the eye of Nye" and he even has two videos about math.


No! Will totally check it out.  All of my kids love Bill Nye.  I was so happy to find so many of his videos on YouTube. I'd buy the boxed set, if they had itĂ¢â‚¬Â¦but can't seem to find it.  He also has questions/etc. on his website, which is cool. 



Oh, forgot to add that Calvert's Writing Fun (think that's what it's called) totally worked for my son to learn cursive at the beginning of 4th.  It's the type of program that can be re-used quite easily.  


Also, Typing Island has been fun for typing and the Youth Digital Mod Design 1 has been a complete, utter success!!


We've also really enjoyed the Galore Park Jr. stuff--English and Science.

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Bible: daily reading, plus ?

Math: Singapore 4

LA: Language Lessons through Literature, Dictation Day by Day, McGuffey, cursive copywork, Story Starters, narrations from Lit., History, and/or Science

Lit.: My Book House 3 and 4, plus a book list I need to work on

History: Mystery of History Vol. 2, plus various biographies

Science: Undecided.  I want to use living books with him, but he wants more hands-on than my oldest.

Art: Home Art Studio and Draw & Write through History

Foreign Language: Hey Andrew! ... Greek!

Logic: Logic Liftoff

Other: TKD

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