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I broke up with my principal today!


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After eight years, I am finally pulling my kids out of public school and teaching them at home.  I have wanted to since my daughter started kindergarten, (she's in 7th grade) my husband, not so much, so we kept them in school. I have two boys 10 and 6. Tomorrow is their last day of school.  I have been putting off telling the principal, honestly because I'm still a little nervous, ok a lot nervous about doing this!  I know in my heart that we are doing the right thing, but its still a bit scary.  


I work at the school as a substitute teacher, so it was little awkward when I went in the principal's office to tell him and present him with the withdrawal letter.  I told him that I appreciate everything he has done for us, that this is a lovely school, but my husband and I have made the decision to homeschool our children and Friday would be their last day. I could see the look of panic on his young, first time in administration, overachiever face.  I reassured him that it was nothing he or the teachers had done and not to worry about that.  "Really its not you its me" routine, I just wanted to get this over with and get out of there.  He then turned a bit arrogant, and ask "well then why may I ask are you taking your kids out of school?" I smiled, held my tongue, and replied, "We have our reasons and they are our own, I appreciate your concern, but If I could just have you mail their transcripts to my address and have their things ready Friday, that would be great, thx." He then proceeded to tell me the my online academy would request the transcript. I said, "I am not enrolling my children in an online academy.  I am going to give them a classical education."  He looked at me like I had two heads, "You can't do that!" "Oh yes I can and its really none of your concern how I choose to educate my children, thank you very much." Oh he made me so mad! He was treating me like some idiot who had know idea what I was doing! Like I hadn't spent month reading and researching Homeschooling! Like I hadn't spent countless night stressing over the decisions I had made!  Like somehow I was qualified to teach at the school but not qualified to teach my kids at home! Seriously!  


Luckily I only sub in the elementary occasionally, and I won't have to see him that often. I left his office and went back to class, calmed down and finished my day.


During a break I called over to the high school  and spoke to my daughters principal. Let me tell you, that was so refreshing! He was very supportive and encouraging.  It made my day a lot better. 


Anyways, thanks for letting me vent! I am excited to find this forum, where I know there are people who are going through or have been through this hs journey I am about to embark on.  

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This is why I'm not in favor of laws where you have to ask permission to homeschool.  My two older kids went to public school for a very short time (my son went for a year) and when I withdrew them, people were spewing anti-homeschooling comments from all directions (people who were friends, family members, neighbors, heck-cashiers at Target even contributed).  No teacher I ever spoke with supported homeschooling.  In fact, their faces scrunched up by the mere mention of the word.  After I withdrew them, our school district even sent us some weird packet in the mail about my responsibilities as a homeschooler.  Um, thanks.  I'm surprised harpies didn't fly out of the school office and attack us as we left the building.


I'm glad your other principal was encouraging.  He sounds like a nice guy.


Good luck on your homeschooling journey! 

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After eight years, I am finally pulling my kids out of public school and teaching them at home.  I have wanted to since my daughter started kindergarten, (she's in 7th grade) my husband, not so much, so we kept them in school. I have two boys 10 and 6. Tomorrow is their last day of school.  I have been putting off telling the principal, honestly because I'm still a little nervous, ok a lot nervous about doing this!  I know in my heart that we are doing the right thing, but its still a bit scary.  


I work at the school as a substitute teacher, so it was little awkward when I went in the principal's office to tell him and present him with the withdrawal letter.  I told him that I appreciate everything he has done for us, that this is a lovely school, but my husband and I have made the decision to homeschool our children and Friday would be their last day. I could see the look of panic on his young, first time in administration, overachiever face.  I reassured him that it was nothing he or the teachers had done and not to worry about that.  "Really its not you its me" routine, I just wanted to get this over with and get out of there.  He then turned a bit arrogant, and ask "well then why may I ask are you taking your kids out of school?" I smiled, held my tongue, and replied, "We have our reasons and they are our own, I appreciate your concern, but If I could just have you mail their transcripts to my address and have their things ready Friday, that would be great, thx." He then proceeded to tell me the my online academy would request the transcript. I said, "I am not enrolling my children in an online academy.  I am going to give them a classical education."  He looked at me like I had two heads, "You can't do that!" "Oh yes I can and its really none of your concern how I choose to educate my children, thank you very much." Oh he made me so mad! He was treating me like some idiot who had know idea what I was doing! Like I hadn't spent month reading and researching Homeschooling! Like I hadn't spent countless night stressing over the decisions I had made!  Like somehow I was qualified to teach at the school but not qualified to teach my kids at home! Seriously!  


Luckily I only sub in the elementary occasionally, and I won't have to see him that often. I left his office and went back to class, calmed down and finished my day.


During a break I called over to the high school  and spoke to my daughters principal. Let me tell you, that was so refreshing! He was very supportive and encouraging.  It made my day a lot better. 


Anyways, thanks for letting me vent! I am excited to find this forum, where I know there are people who are going through or have been through this hs journey I am about to embark on.  

I am sorry that he wasn't supportive but grateful that he didn't make things more difficult.  There have been some incidents in my state where schools got downright nasty about withdrawal.  Not all, but some, especially when you pull them out mid-school year.  They get really offended by that and think homeschooling is for crazies anyway so they MUST step in to prevent you from ruining your children's lives.


Good luck with this journey.  We started ours about two years ago (also pulled kids from school, also met some resistance from certain parties but thankfully not the principal).

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I broke up with my kids schools 3 years ago!  I was the chair of the parent council for the grade school and the high school.  It was quite a shock for them to hear me say I was walking away from all of it and homeschooling my kids instead!  Hopefully, you will be able to keep "goodwill" towards the school and towards the principal.  My Principal has been wonderful towards me and my children since we have left.  I think he secretly hopes I will return! LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all so much for the well wishes and wonderful comments!  Sorry it has taken me so long to get back here. Hope everyone had a happy holiday season.  This forum is such a blessing.  It is so good to know there are folks who also feel this is the right thing to do.  I know I am not alone out here. So thank you, thank you! 

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