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Dr Hive, please help me...and I promise to try not to get too graphic..:)


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at about 3 in the morning Saturday, I woke up with HORRIBLE gassy stomach cramps...the worse I have ever had...I was on the floor, cryng in pain, it hurt so much.   I did end up with some diarrhea (but not the horribly explosive kind you can sometimes get)....but the cramps would hit and it was so painful. 


All day Saturday they would come and go.  I didn't eat much, but when I did the cramps would come back and I might have a trip to the bathroom included too.  I did end up taking some Imodium AD and that help with the bathroom trips, but not the cramps.


Sunday we went to a Christmas event at a museum about 3 hours away...walked around all afternoon, went out to eat and then to the hotel pool for a swim.   The cramps would come and go...some very painful, some not so much. 


Now it's Monday and the cramps are still there...same as before...some double me over in pain and stop me dead in my tracks for a few minutes, others short lived and I can continue with life.   


Am I being too impatient....should I expect to be feeling better sooner...or not....is there anything else I can do to assist this a little more...

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the night it started I ate some sort of spicy food...I had all of my kids c-section, so I don't know...what other syptoms would I have if it were gallbadder?  I have been on priloscect for a year for acid relux...and just recently took myself off it, since I basically put myself on it...(a doctor suggested it, but never saw me in his office).


I can't have gall bladder issues now...it's Christmas....too many places to go and things to do...

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I never had the bathroom issues, just the pain.


I would have rather given birth to THe Big Giant Head (DS#2) again.


But my SIL had the bathroom issues and she felt soooo much better after it was removed. She really thought she had either heartburn or a dairy allergy and it was gallstones.

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That is EXACTLY how my spouse's gall bladder issues presented.  You may want to have it checked out just in case.  FYI . . . if it is your gall bladder and you don't take care of it, it only gets worse. 


In the meantime try to stay away from fatty foods and even large meals of any kind.  Small healthy meals should keep the symptoms at bay. 

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That is EXACTLY how my spouse's gall bladder issues presented.  You may want to have it checked out just in case.  FYI . . . if it is your gall bladder and you don't take care of it, it only gets worse. 


In the meantime try to stay away from fatty foods and even large meals of any kind.  Small healthy meals should keep the symptoms at bay. 


Not trying to contridict you all, but I have been googling gall bladder attacks, gall stones, gall bladder problems and my symptoms are not listed at all....it talks about pain in your back, pain between your shoulder blades, pain in your upper right side....I don't have pain in any of those places...and the place where my pain is (right above my belly button and little higher...it hurts more when I press on it.) and the cramps that come and go...often worse when I bend over, or after I eat, but not overeat..or after I get up from a reclined position....that sort of thing. 


it mentioned symptoms like:

  • Constipation or frequent use of laxatives
  • Headache over eyes, especially right
  • Bitter fluid comes up after eating
  • Constipation or frequent use of laxative

none of which I have.


I guess i better call the doctor tomorrow and see what they say, huh?  Don't really have time to deal with this right now.

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Not trying to contridict you all, but I have been googling gall bladder attacks, gall stones, gall bladder problems and my symptoms are not listed at all....it talks about pain in your back, pain between your shoulder blades, pain in your upper right side....I don't have pain in any of those places...and the place where my pain is (right above my belly button and little higher...it hurts more when I press on it.) and the cramps that come and go...often worse when I bend over, or after I eat, but not overeat..or after I get up from a reclined position....that sort of thing. 


it mentioned symptoms like:

  • Constipation or frequent use of laxatives
  • Headache over eyes, especially right
  • Bitter fluid comes up after eating
  • Constipation or frequent use of laxative

none of which I have.


I guess i better call the doctor tomorrow and see what they say, huh?  Don't really have time to deal with this right now.


Keep in mind it only lists the common symptoms not the other ones.  DH had his removed and his only symptom was a little pain after eating greasy things.  His real pain was when it burst and he needed emergency surgery.  


Get a HIDA scan.

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is that something that would have to happen ASAP....or can I wait until Janurary....is there anyway to deal with the symptoms until then?


It does sound similar to the gallbladder attacks my DH suffered.  He has not had it removed and has managed symptoms by being more careful about what he eats.

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is that something that would have to happen ASAP....or can I wait until Janurary....is there anyway to deal with the symptoms until then?


Well, of course I can't be sure.  Her symptoms were ongoing (many months) before she finally went to the doctor and they found out it was her gallbladder.  Even then it wasn't like she had emergency surgery.  It was scheduled for some weeks later.


I suppose if it is actually gallbladder, it would depend on the severity and the stage of the disease.


Also, I saw the symptoms you posted and she had none of those.   I just asked her to be sure.  Her symptoms were exactly as you described.  That doesn't mean that yours is or is not your gallbladder, but I thought it was relevant to at least share. 


ETA: Regarding symptoms, she did the antacid thing as long as she could until it just didn't work anymore. Of course you don't really want it to actually burst, if that is what it is, so you may want to get it checked just to be sure.

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Not trying to contridict you all, but I have been googling gall bladder attacks, gall stones, gall bladder problems and my symptoms are not listed at all....it talks about pain in your back, pain between your shoulder blades, pain in your upper right side....I don't have pain in any of those places...and the place where my pain is (right above my belly button and little higher...it hurts more when I press on it.) and the cramps that come and go...often worse when I bend over, or after I eat, but not overeat..or after I get up from a reclined position....that sort of thing. 


it mentioned symptoms like:

  • Constipation or frequent use of laxatives
  • Headache over eyes, especially right
  • Bitter fluid comes up after eating
  • Constipation or frequent use of laxative

none of which I have.


I guess i better call the doctor tomorrow and see what they say, huh?  Don't really have time to deal with this right now.


LOL, I don't mind if you contradict me.  I was just offering some been-there-done-that.  It could be something completely different, but I would get it checked out just in case if it were me. 


The doctor can let you know IF it is gall stones and IF it is severe.  Even when we had our diagnosis, we had to wait about 3 months due to financial reasons and just managed with VERY CAREFUL diet in the meantime, so even if you get a gall stone diagnosis, it doesn't mean immediate surgery.  YMMV, of course. 


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I may have a different opinion.  I had my gallbladder removed, my symptoms were horrible stomach pain, but never the bowel issues.  Pain and vomiting, lots of vomiting.  Mine would always be connected to fatty dairy, like ice cream.  I could eat big meals, greasy foods, etc with no problems. 


My DH on the other hand has severe reflux.  To the point of Barrett's esophagus.  If he is unmedicated, he sounds like you.  Horrible stomach cramps and pain, diarrhea.  Comes and goes but lasts a fairly long time.  If you're worried that it may be connected to the reflux, take a quick acting acid med like Pepcid for a bit, and go back on the Prilosec (since it will take a few days to kick in.  If it is gallbladder, you should avoid fatty foods, possibly including dairy.  That should get you through the holidays, then either try to have a meal that would set off a gallbladder & see if you have symptoms, or go off the acid meds and see if it recurs.  Reflux might be set off by acidic food, spicy meals, eating too much, eating then reclining, bending down, etc. 


You can have your gallbladder checked and maybe an EGD (where they look at your stomach and esophagus with a scope to check for acid damage & ulcers). 


Hope you feel better!

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how do you learn what can be eaten and what can't....is it trial and error?  I would like to try and do this....


I am not a doctor, nor do I play one tv, but when my spouse was trying to fend off attacks she ate zero fat.  Even the smallest bit of fat spun her into an attack.  She also avoided overindulance.  She just had to eat tiny little meals througout the day, instaed of having 3 squares.  She's Hispanic and a big believer in sitting down for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so this was a big departure from our regular way of eating, but you do what you have to do. 


When her gall bladder was finally removed, the doctor said it was the grossest most diseased gall bladder he had ever seen in a 27 year career, so I don't know if your system will be as sensitive.  On the up-side . . . in the three months between diagnosis and surgery, she lost almost 50 pounds.  BIG diet changes. 

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Also, once I went in to the ER for my gallbladder, the symptoms had somewhat resolved.  They could find nothing.  Make sure if you go in, that you are actually experiencing symptoms, or you may be sent home repeatedly. 


Once I was actually seen in the ER as I was experiencing an attack, they discovered it was pretty serious, and I needed surgery.  However, it was 2 days before they would do it, and I had to sit in the hospital the entire time, with nothing to eat or drink (IV).  They said the whole system needed to "calm down" before they would do anything for it. 


So it was a case of needing to be really sick to be diagnosed, but then needing to be symptom free to remove!  It was a pain...

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how do you learn what can be eaten and what can't....is it trial and error?  I would like to try and do this....


I think it varies a bit, person to person. DH has to be careful not to each too much grease/fat.  He loves bacon, but will only eat 1/2 a slice, for example.  Try keeping a food and symptom diary.  That would help to show any patterns.

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how do you learn what can be eaten and what can't....is it trial and error?  I would like to try and do this....


The foods are different for everyone.  However, if you do have gallbladder disease and it is advanced, pretty much anything you eat is going to cause an attack.  If nothing else make an appt and get a scan.  They will be able to tell you if it is gallbladder disease and how long you may be able to wait to have surgery.

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It does sound a bit like gall stones to me. My problems developed when I was about eight weeks pregnant, and I was able to put off surgery until I was seven weeks pp, but it was not easy. I was really motivated because I didn't want to have surgery while pregnant. I figured out I could handle about 6 grams of fat every three hours, but everyone is different. Caffeine didn't impact me, but I know it can really irritate some people. My only symptom was extreme pain. It was centered between my belly button and rib cage on the right side, but mine did radiate into my shoulder.


I would for sure have it looked at. A simple ultrasound should let you know if you have stones. You don't want to let it get to the point where you need emergency surgery. The laparoscopic procedure is so much better than what you end up with in an emergency.


If it ends up being gall stones, make another thread or PM me, and I can give you plenty of perfectly boring, low fat food ideas.


I hope you feel better!


ETA: I just read about the person's spouse that lost 50 lbs. I lost 30 with s pregnancy thrown in there. While I would never choose to lose weight while pregnant if I could avoid it, it is a good diet. lol

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I think there is a bit of confusion here.  Gallbladder issues can be from gallstones or from a low-functioning gallbladder.  Low function can occur with or w/o stones.  An ultrasound should be able to detect stones.  To determine if a gallbladder is functioning correctly or not you need a HIDA scan.  In general if you suspect gallbladder issues you'd eat a bland, low fat diet to try to help control things until you can have it checked.  That type of diet will typically help with acid reflux, too.  I have been living with a slightly low functioning gallbladder for several years now, and as long as I eat a lower fat diet it behaves itself.

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That doesn't sound like my gall bladder attacks, which I would describe as having a knife of extreme, relentless pain stabbing me on the right just under my ribcage and radiating out between my shoulder blades. I was in so much pain I threw up during some of them, but nausea wasn't really a symptom. The pain was not centered on my stomach.


I would get it checked out ASAP. My uncle had severe stomach pains that made him double over, and he couldn't even walk because it hurt so much. It turned out to be a fairly serious ulcer that required emergency surgery.

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I get this with what i believe to be IBS.  My gallbladder is fine.  I have had that monitored because I had some issues that I thought might actually be a heart attack.  They weren't, so they checked gallbladder.  It wasn't that either.


I thought maybe I had celiacs, but I think now it is IBS.  Wheat can trigger it, but it isn't only the wheat.

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Let's throw gastroenteritis in the mix! I had it several years ago. I was doubled over in pain. Terrible pain. The x-ray showed a ridiculous amount of gas bubbles in my intestines.


isn't this the fancy word for stomach flu?  Nobody else here is sick.  And how does one get a riduculous amount of gas bubbles in your intestines and how do you get they out?

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an ulcer or IBS?  I did check into IBS...and with that, isn't the diareha really bad?  Mine isn't....(sorry, trying not to be too gross)...isn't much and isn't every time I get crampy.   But it hasn't completely stopped either.


I think I will call my doctor and see what they say...


I am still crampy this morning...woke up once in the middle fo the night (actually every night I do) with cramps and had to use the bathroom.   UGH...this is NOT the time of year to be messing with this....

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My first thought was gallbladder, too. If it is not gallbladder, but the location of the pain is as you describe, it could be from Prilosec withdrawal. The rebound symptoms when quitting PPIs such as prilosec are very prevalent and can be quite bad (just google), and many people go right back on the drug because it is so bad. If you can tough it out, rebound should taper off over a few weeks. Did you taper off your dose slowly, or did you stop cold turkey? Rebound symptoms typically show up a few days after the last Prilosec dose.


I would try taking antacids and possibly an acid inhibitor such as Zantac and see if it helps; that would be an indication that you may be dealing with prilosec rebound.

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I went off the Prilosect cold turkey on a wed and the following Friday night (early Sat morning) was the first of my horrible cramping.  I might try the Zantac or something and see what happens.  That couldn't hurt, right?  When I do that, should I feel better pretty fast? Or will it take a while for me to know?

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isn't this the fancy word for stomach flu?  Nobody else here is sick.  And how does one get a riduculous amount of gas bubbles in your intestines and how do you get they out?


I had food poisoning and no one else in the house got sick, even though three of us had eaten the same thing. I only know it was food poisoning because about a month later my mom sent me an email from Costco about a recall on a seafood salad we like, and sure enough, I was able to check my receipts and verify that we had indeed bought it the week I was sick.


Frankly, if it's your GB, that can be very serious, especially if you have small stones instead of large ones. A small stone can escape your GB and block your bile duct, which will cause your liver to fail. Liver failure = bad! That said, I'm more willing to bet it's related to you going off the Prilosec or a GI bug/food poisoning. Prilosec (and all systemic reflux meds) do bad things to my stomach, so I could see where abruptly stopping after a prolonged period on them would make your system unhappy. 


I still think you should go to your doctor, at the very least, to rule out GB issues. I know it's a pain, but it's something that can kill you. I had no idea that mine was LOADED with tiny stones--like, distended to three times its normal size--until I had an X-ray for kidney stones. My urologist was like, "Yeah, you want to get this dealt with right away!" 

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I went off the Prilosect cold turkey on a wed and the following Friday night (early Sat morning) was the first of my horrible cramping.  I might try the Zantac or something and see what happens.  That couldn't hurt, right?  When I do that, should I feel better pretty fast? Or will it take a while for me to know?


The timeline sounds about right for rebound. I don't think Zantac can hurt. Give it a few hours. Also take some simple antacids; they should give you quick relief, if the problems are acid related.


If this does not do anything, you might want to consult a doctor.

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I just talked to the nurse...she thought that I need to get back on the Priloscet and if it truely is a gall bladder thing, the prilosect won't take the symptoms away and i will know something in a few days.  She said if by Friday I don't feel any better I need to have an ultra sound done to see.


She also said there is a flu bug going around that might be like this...so who really knows.  I will wait and see, I suppose.  BUT, thanks for all of the things to keep in mind to be watching out for.



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I just talked to the nurse...she thought that I need to get back on the Priloscet and if it truely is a gall bladder thing, the prilosect won't take the symptoms away and i will know something in a few days.  She said if by Friday I don't feel any better I need to have an ultra sound done to see.


She also said there is a flu bug going around that might be like this...so who really knows.  I will wait and see, I suppose.  BUT, thanks for all of the things to keep in mind to be watching out for.


Let us know how you do, OK? I really hope it's rebound and not something more complicated after all  :grouphug:

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at about 3 in the morning Saturday, I woke up with HORRIBLE gassy stomach cramps...the worse I have ever had...I was on the floor, cryng in pain, it hurt so much.   I did end up with some diarrhea (but not the horribly explosive kind you can sometimes get)....but the cramps would hit and it was so painful. 


All day Saturday they would come and go.  I didn't eat much, but when I did the cramps would come back and I might have a trip to the bathroom included too.  I did end up taking some Imodium AD and that help with the bathroom trips, but not the cramps.


Sunday we went to a Christmas event at a museum about 3 hours away...walked around all afternoon, went out to eat and then to the hotel pool for a swim.   The cramps would come and go...some very painful, some not so much. 


Now it's Monday and the cramps are still there...same as before...some double me over in pain and stop me dead in my tracks for a few minutes, others short lived and I can continue with life.   


Am I being too impatient....should I expect to be feeling better sooner...or not....is there anything else I can do to assist this a little more...



I had the same bug....it lasted longer than I thought it should.  :)  I was sick from Saturday morning and on into Monday some.  If it goes beyond 3 days or so it could be something else.  Gall bladder always comes to mind these days.

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The prilosec rebound theory does sound credible, but just as an FYI in case that doesn't work out--my uncle got guardia and had these exact symptoms.  He was tested for it and the test came back negative.  He continued having the symptoms, and lost a lot of weight (he was pretty trim to start with--this bordered on dangerous).  Finally the doctors said that they would treat him for guardia even though he didn't test positive for it, in hopes that he would recover, because they couldn't figure out what else to do.  And he recovered, fairly quickly, so they are sure that that is what he had. 

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