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My hair....sigh.


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My hair used to be thick and lovely.


Now that I am in my mid thirties, it's.....not.


You know the movie the princess bride...Miracle Max's wife???? That's IT!


Okay, maybe not exactly.


Here's my problem....kinda thinning. but not balding spots where you can see the scalp. There's just not as much hair in the ponytail.


Frizzy and dry. Just poufy hair. Its always had a bit of body, but not too much, but now it's just a big puffball. Nothing really settles it down.


Things I've tried. Moisturizing, anti-frizz shampoos. Switching to washing it every other day.  Don't blow dry much at all...maybe once a month.


Recently, I though that maybe my eternal ponytail was the problem, even though I always tie it back loosely with gentle hair ties.  So I am trying to figure out how to keep it out of my face without the pony.



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Have you had your thyroid levels checked. My main symptom of low thyroid is losing hair.

that was my first thought.  I had thick hair when I was younger, then it thinned. THEN someone finally tested my thyroid and after starting rx, it started thickening up again.

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I never had super-thick hair, but now my ponytails look more like little rat tails.

Sigh...me, too.  I inherited my mom's hair.  Blah.  I gave up going to a salon because every time the first comment was, "Wow, I've never seen hair so fine or thin!  Not sure what to do with this..."  Not worth paying $ for someone to not help me look better.  :)

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I have high androgens that we're causing me to loose hair. I did two things that helped. I got an AWESOME pixie cut. That really hid the thinning. I also talked to my dermatologist and he told me to use men's Rogaine once a day. It is a miracle worker for me! My hair is thicker then it has been in years!

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Sigh...me, too. I inherited my mom's hair. Blah. I gave up going to a salon because every time the first comment was, "Wow, I've never seen hair so fine or thin! Not sure what to do with this..." Not worth paying $ for someone to not help me look better. :)

I had a new stylist ask me once if I was on chemo. Clearly, bedside manner was not a class in beauty school.

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My hair used to be so thick and I used to get away with abusing it so bad.


Now one of my two braids is thinner than one of my ds's twelve braids.


I'm fiftyish, so I think most people assume that I cut it not much longer than chin length a few months ago when I started wearing it in a bun fastened with a single hair tie instead of a zillion hair pins and pretty barrettes. It's actually tailbone length, there just isn't very much of it.


Silver linings: it's very low maintenance, I hardly ever have to wash it, I never run out of product, and my son likes long hair so I get to play with his.


ETA: You have a right to wear your hair long after your 30th birthday if you want to. Nobody has the right to shame or trick you into amputating a body part that is part of your self-image. There are always hats, scarves, and wigs if you need to "fit in" or avoid attracting attention. It's probably best to avoid the salon, but you can learn how to trim it yourself if you like even, manuicured ends.

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Besides your thyroid, have you had your ferritin levels checked?  Progesterone?  Estrogen? 


not had any of these checked. Thanks for these suggestions.

Instead of a pony tail, you could use a short clip in each side, above and behind your ears.  That gets it totally out of your face, and doesn't pull on the follicles nearly as much.

This is what I am doing now. I've been pony tail free for over a week. I remember back when my hair was so thick, I couldn't clip it up on the sides because it woud just slide down.


Doctor's appointment today.

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I've posted about hair loss and hair problems several times and try as I might, I cannot seem to find those threads. There's a very helpful thread about it here and I posted all my info here also. You'll see my posts there also, but obviously almost everyone else has fabulous tips also. Not trying to toot my horn or anything. I just want to share what I've read and found to be helpful. This site has lots and lots of great tips for hair loss, etc. 

Okay, now I've found some of the threads here about hair loss. I hope all this info helps. Diet plays a big part. Scalp massages and using sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners are really helpful. Regular scalp massage is one of the best things you could do. There's lots and lots more tips. I try to do something daily. I made a chart of daily tips - sort of like a checklist. Now that I'm in my mid-40s, I no longer wash my hair every day. Also, avoid very tight ponytails. 

HTH :grouphug: . Let me know if you have any questions. This is a subject that I've read quite a bit about. 

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Thyroid is normal. Nurse will be calling me today to talk about the next step.


I had a haircut this weekend and wanted to cry. My hair used to be gorgeous. Now it's wispy.


I did get a great stylist who gave me a good cut. She also recommended some products to improve the texture, which I bought. This is the best cut/style I've had in awhile.


I also bought some supplements. I think this is related to hormones/diet. My cycles are so weird.

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My hair used to be thick and lovely.


Now that I am in my mid thirties, it's.....not.


You know the movie the princess bride...Miracle Max's wife???? That's IT!


Okay, maybe not exactly.


Here's my problem....kinda thinning. but not balding spots where you can see the scalp. There's just not as much hair in the ponytail.


Frizzy and dry. Just poufy hair. Its always had a bit of body, but not too much, but now it's just a big puffball. Nothing really settles it down.


Things I've tried. Moisturizing, anti-frizz shampoos. Switching to washing it every other day.  Don't blow dry much at all...maybe once a month.


Recently, I though that maybe my eternal ponytail was the problem, even though I always tie it back loosely with gentle hair ties.  So I am trying to figure out how to keep it out of my face without the pony.



All problems of mine, too. I went to "low 'poo." I only wash it about once a week now. I use a very typical shampoo and conditioner (Pantene, if you care) and follow with a Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. 


I rub a little Jojoba oil through it, avoiding the scalp. I let it dry naturally. I use a curling iron to rectify any surface frizz, but the frizz is much less with this regimen. 


Not to brag, but I get many, many compliments, often from total strangers, on how beautiful my hair is. A lady at the mall just said this to me and it was *MISERABLE* weather outside, which used to bring on hopeless frizz. 


I put it in a pony daily, too, but one way to get it off my face if I don't want "hair dents" is to pull it partially up in those jaw-clip things, leaving the length down, but getting the close portion up. Then I can unclip if I'm going out and want it to look pretty. 


P.S. It would not hurt to wait until a period of time when you won't super-care to try stretching the shampoos. I wouldn't try this right before Christmas, unless that isn't an issue for you. 


ETA: I am 42. 

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You should get the numbers for the lab results (number and the range) and then research and decide for yourself whether your thyroid is normal or not.  Things have changed on how they interpret thyroid labs, and some docs are still using old standards or not running all the tests.  Don't drop it with a simple blow-off.

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You should get the numbers for the lab results (number and the range) and then research and decide for yourself whether your thyroid is normal or not.  Things have changed on how they interpret thyroid labs, and some docs are still using old standards or not running all the tests.  Don't drop it with a simple blow-off.




And you should make sure that T3 and T4 were tested. Most doctors will test only TSH. My TSH is usually within normal range; it's my T3 and T4 that prove I'm hypothyroid. I finally was referred to an endocrinologist who seems pretty savvy--he ordered tests for everything that can be measured with bodily fluids o_0 . Now everything is within normal ranges, but I feel as if my body is working on 20 years of undermedicated thyroid. :cursing:


FTR, I was 62 last July, and my hair is long enough for me to sit on. :-) I wash it daily (I use Pureology products), blow it dry once or twice a week, mostly wear it down (because I'm totally inept with my own hair and it's the image/definition of "straight hair"). There has definitely been hair loss, but since being on a decent dosage of Armour I've seen fewer gobs of hair on the bathroom floor.

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In addition, my thyroid is fine, but I lost about half of my hair due to low B12 and then low iron. Fixing both issues gave me my hair back. Thyroid is not the only medical cause of hair loss. My B12 was in the low normal range when I had terrible symptoms. I had a great doc who treated the symptoms and not the number, and I got my life back.

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