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Christian Colleges in the southeast

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If you have personal experience or family with experiences at Christian colleges in the southeast, would you be willing to share the pros and cons here? Dd really would love to go away to college but only a Christian college. She is not interested In Bob Jones or Pensacola. From what I understand, you have to sign a statement that you won't listen to secular or contemporary Christian music as well as other things, so something that conservative isn't for her or us. 





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My oldest has enjoyed his time at Covenant College in GA (right next to Chattanooga, TN).  What kind of pros/cons are you looking for?


We looked at Palm Beach Atlantic (FL) (in person) for youngest and only axed it due to their Marine Bio program not being nearly as in depth as others.  We otherwise liked the school.


Oldest's second choice was Union (TN).

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Liberty University in VA.  :)


I can't really tell you much about it except that I've heard good things about it.  I know I've known several people to go there since it is fairly close to me.  I can't remember why I didn't look more closely at it.


I went to Cedarville University, which is in OH, so not SE, but a very good Christian college anyway. 

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I guess what things she would be looking for would be a good place to start. Sorry I didn't think to post that.



Somewhat conservative views, especially about scripture


Several different kinds of majors; not just a short list (considering communications, English with writing, business, computers, etc., but not really sure)


Theater, not to major in, but possibly minor and definitely participate in


Travel opportunities for education abroad, even short-term trips but still get some kind of credit


Good scholarships and financial aid (this is a must for us and she doesn't want much debt; she is normally a very good test taker so we are hopeful for very good SAT/ACT scores)







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Again, not in SE, but Cedarville University in OH really fits those requirements very well. I went there for 2 years.  Ran out of money and didn't want loans (one of the best decisions I ever made!).  I went home to work and save to go back, but got married instead because we were tired of long distance. LOL! My sister graduated from there.  It's a great school.  They are Baptist, but have people from many denominations. 

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Again, not in SE, but Cedarville University in OH really fits those requirements very well. I went there for 2 years.  Ran out of money and didn't want loans (one of the best decisions I ever made!).  I went home to work and save to go back, but got married instead because we were tired of long distance. LOL! My sister graduated from there.  It's a great school.  They are Baptist, but have people from many denominations. 


I looked it up, and it is actually only 1 hour from my in-laws. I think she'll want to come home more often than she could from that far a distance, but I'll mention it to her. 

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I was 8.5-9 hrs, so was my sister.  I thought I'd want to also, but I loved my school so much that I was okay with it.  I also brought my car, after the first semester because you aren't allowed one then...when I went there 15 years ago, and was able to get back more often than I expected to.  (My sister graduated much more recently, but she is blind and can't drive. I have no clue if they still had that rule. ;))


Anyway, I knew it was far, just throwing it out there because it is one of the few I know of and it definitely fits the requirements you mentioned.  :)


Good luck with the search!!!

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I guess what things she would be looking for would be a good place to start. Sorry I didn't think to post that.



Somewhat conservative views, especially about scripture


Several different kinds of majors; not just a short list (considering communications, English with writing, business, computers, etc., but not really sure)


Theater, not to major in, but possibly minor and definitely participate in


Travel opportunities for education abroad, even short-term trips but still get some kind of credit


Good scholarships and financial aid (this is a must for us and she doesn't want much debt; she is normally a very good test taker so we are hopeful for very good SAT/ACT scores)


I am another Cedarville graduate, and they have a great Technical and Professional Communication major. It's top notch and prepares graduates for many different fields. http://people.cedarville.edu/stuorg/tpcu/


I also had a long drive home, but it was a great place.

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I graduated from Bryan College and grew up where it is located in Dayton, TN. I believe it to be a very good school, however it is stronger in humanities and music than in other majors and, being small, has a shorter list of major possibilities than many schools. I am not very aware of current financial aid options, but I do know that they have added some significant academic scholarships since I attended. Their theater program productions are always well attended and very enjoyable. Both my brother and I participated in education abroad opportunities. He went on a fine arts credit trip to London, and I went on an amazing tour of Israel/archaeological dig participation trip with a Bible credit option.

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I guess what things she would be looking for would be a good place to start. Sorry I didn't think to post that.



Somewhat conservative views, especially about scripture


Several different kinds of majors; not just a short list (considering communications, English with writing, business, computers, etc., but not really sure)


Theater, not to major in, but possibly minor and definitely participate in


Travel opportunities for education abroad, even short-term trips but still get some kind of credit


Good scholarships and financial aid (this is a must for us and she doesn't want much debt; she is normally a very good test taker so we are hopeful for very good SAT/ACT scores)

IF conservative views also includes YE and/or Creation over evolution, scratch Palm Beach Atlantic as they are an evolution school (God directing evolution).  Otherwise, they seemed pretty conservative and very into community service.  We liked the setting and the students we came across.  We sat in on one chapel service and loved it.


I honestly don't know about Covenant or Union with regards to science as my guy majored in Business and Community Development, so we never investigated their science beliefs (not important to me).  I do know Covenant is conservative in general (and Calvinist), has several major options, has theater, insists upon some sort of cross cultural experience for many students, and was super good on both scholarships and financial aid for us.  It has a gorgeous location - though not much for a college town experience if that is important.

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I guess what things she would be looking for would be a good place to start. Sorry I didn't think to post that.



Somewhat conservative views, especially about scripture


Several different kinds of majors; not just a short list (considering communications, English with writing, business, computers, etc., but not really sure)


Theater, not to major in, but possibly minor and definitely participate in


Travel opportunities for education abroad, even short-term trips but still get some kind of credit


Good scholarships and financial aid (this is a must for us and she doesn't want much debt; she is normally a very good test taker so we are hopeful for very good SAT/ACT scores)


Covenant College matches a great deal on this list.  I transferred into that school at the start of my Junior year and loved every minute of it.  The class sizes were small and the courses were rigorous (beyond some of the fluffy pre-reqs anyway...)


1) Covenant would be considered conservative, especially about Scripture. It is a school affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

2) There are many different majors, including the sciences.  It offers both a strong pre-med and pre-nursing program.  It also offers an engineering program that, I believe, partners with Georgia Tech....I think...but that would need confirmation.

3) They have theater. :)

4) Every student is required to participate in an "abroad" experience.  This could be by way of a short-term mission, but they also offer study abroad programs for a semester/summer.  When I was there, places such as Oxford and Ireland were options.  I went to Ireland and LOVED it. :)  The study-abroad experiences of course went on the transcript.

5) I believe there are many financial aid options, including a work-study that can be done on campus.  


Hope that helps!  Another school to consider is Grove City College.  I've heard good things about that one as well.

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My daughter is a student at Samford University in Birmingham, AL. Historically Baptist college, may not be as conservative as you are looking for, but she has had a good experience there. Can't say enough good things about their University Fellows program.  Lots of majors, great theater department.


Feel free to PM.

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I can't give you much detail about them, as it wasn't close family who attended, but I know people at the following:

Liberty University (VA)

Regent (is that a University? lol...VA)

Lee University (TN)

Southeastern something or other... is it Assemblies of God University?  (FL)


seems like I know someone who went to school in Georgia, too, maybe around Royston or something?  I can't remember...

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I don't know that it meets your other criteria, but we know students who are getting fabulous financial aid at Piedmont and Toccoa, both small schools in N. GA. Covenant is a gem as well. Families I know who have applied to Liberty these last few years have not been offered very generous aid at all. The one who did attend, game home for soph. year after having a terrible freshmen experience.

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Berea in Kentucky is a work college where tuition is free (covered by a full scholarship offered to every accepted applicant) and mandatory 10hr/wk work study covers most of the room and board. It is Christian with required religion classes, though I believe it fairly progressive so that might cross it off the list. You simply can not beat that price though. Three quarters of their students are from Appalachia or the south. I have a few friends who went and loved it and none of them carried a dime of debt.

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Hubby teaches at Baylor. I guess I might have a different opinion of conservative, but we consider it pretty darn conservative!!


It really is a microcosm in itself, and there is a reason it is known as 'the Baylor Bubble' around here. I wouldn't say it is the absolute most conservative school you could choose, but if a larger conservative school with lots of academic options is needed, I would recommend it.

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The College at Southeastern in Wake Forest. I went to Southeastern Seminary there and it was amazing but they have a full bachelor's program. It's a great environment! We live near North Greenville University in SC and it's very conservative. My sister went to Palm Beach Atlantic and they kids there were WILD.

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