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Downton Abbey: Season 4


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Anybody watching? Episode 1 aired last night, and you can find it some places online. This link worked for me tonight, hopefully it'll still work in the morning.


I think they did an excellent job opening up the new season and dealing with the grief and adjustments needing to be made in the family with Matthew's death.


(And I'm wanting to try to put some finger waves in my hair now. They were all over the place in this episode. :lol: )

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My tunnel bear is working and ready to go so I can watch the UK airing right here in the good ol' US of A.  I just haven't had time yet.  Tomorrow though.  Although I'm still grieving over Matthew.  Branson is going to have to work over time to keep me happy.  LOL



Just fyi- itv must have figured out about tunnelbear. You can watch but have to enter your post code. Which I googled for. You are browsing anonymously but they want to verify you are in their viewing area. 

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So, those who've watched it, what did you think?


I can't believe they got rid of yet another character right in the first episode, although I can't say I'm too sad to see that person go.


Thomas looks like he might be a bit more of a softy this season, keeping an eye on little Sybil.


And Michelle Dockery's performance... WOW!

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The time has always passed quickly. WWI was what? One season?


The Titanic sank before the first episode, that was in 1912. This season opened saying it is 1922. Ten years have passed.

It took a lot of skippage to get through a war, two full term pregnancies plus a period of mourning.

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I'm glad they skipped over the initial reactions to Matthew's death and started where they did with Mary still mourning but ready to begin coming back to the world.

I agree. I think they picked it up at just the right spot. Close enough that they're still dealing with the heavy emotions of the tragedy, but not so close that it's raw and all-consuming.


It looks like Lord Grantham is going to be a bit of a jerk again this season, however well intentioned, and I'm a bit miffed at who they brought back onto the staff. I didn't like her the first time around.

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I like the time skippage. If it moved in real time, Downton would be boring as heck. I like the big world changes!



Sure, but much of the appeal of this show is that it's a 90+ years ago period piece. If they keep blowing through a decade every 3 seasons, there'll be no more Downton way too soon!

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Sure, but much of the appeal of this show is that it's a 90+ years ago period piece. If they keep blowing through a decade every 3 seasons, there'll be no more Downton way too soon!

But if the outside world is changing in-real-time, we don't get to feel Downton's pressures. It just becomes Days of Our Lives, England. Blech.

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I was disappointed with the end of Season 3, but I'm totally hooked again! DH is out of town for the next few days....how many times will I watch the first episode?  :blush:



I agree. I think they picked it up at just the right spot. Close enough that they're still dealing with the heavy emotions of the tragedy, but not so close that it's raw and all-consuming.


It looks like Lord Grantham is going to be a bit of a jerk again this season, however well intentioned, and I'm a bit miffed at who they brought back onto the staff. I didn't like her the first time around.

:iagree:  :iagree:  :iagree:


I really hope Edith can be happy, but I don't know why she can't wait until everything is resolved...

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I agree. I think they picked it up at just the right spot. Close enough that they're still dealing with the heavy emotions of the tragedy, but not so close that it's raw and all-consuming.


It looks like Lord Grantham is going to be a bit of a jerk again this season, however well intentioned, and I'm a bit miffed at who they brought back onto the staff. I didn't like her the first time around.

Me too. I didn't like her at all and I don't like her now. And why is the cousin covering for her with the fictitious sick aunt stuff? I'm not a fan of the young cousin either.


I think Cora was very composed when she confronted the nanny. I totally would not have been nearly so composed or polite about it.

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Me too. I didn't like her at all and I don't like her now. And why is the cousin covering for her with the fictitious sick aunt stuff? I'm not a fan of the young cousin either.


I think Cora was very composed when she confronted the nanny. I totally would not have been nearly so composed or polite about it.

Yes, I couldn't understand why the cousin was so chummy with her either.


The scene with the nanny was one of my favorites of the episode. Cora can be rather wishy washy at times, but you mess with her offspring and mama bear comes out.

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Thanks so much for the link!  I had a cousin/sister retreat this summer and we spent much of our time watching all the episodes of DA from seasons 2-3.  We were bemoaning about how we had to wait until January.  Now I was able to see this first episode of season 4 and share the link with them.  My initial thoughts . . . I didn't care for how long Mary was grieving and not being motherly to George.  I thought it was very insightful that she thought she might not be a good mother.  On the other hand, how loving was her grandmother!  I never saw that side of her before.  

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No kidding, Thomas needs some new tricks. The whole slime-the-Bates is so first season. Not sure what to think of Cora, she has much more history with Anna, she should have recognized that such petty jealousy is out of character for Anna. She should have confronted Anna directly.


Lord Grantham sure is acting like a toad.


I wish some really nice fellow would come along for Daisy, someone entirely new to the story, not just a change of heart of one of the current house guys.

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I LOVED some of Lady Granthams lines.


Barrow needs a whack up the head.


And so does Cora and Lord Grantham. Seriously, did they really think Anna would be mean. Idiots.

I loved her line when she was chastising Lord Grantham: "When you talk like that I feel like I should ring for nanny and have you sent to bed without your supper!" :lol:

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Oh, and dressing Rose up as a maid is NOT keeping her out of trouble! Come on, Anna!

This was my first reaction, too. But I got to thinking about the alternatives.


Couldn't tell the suitor Rose was really an aristocrat - blackmail/scandal.


Couldn't tell him Rose wasn't home - he'd just come back another time.


It could have backfired big time, but to have Rose tell him that she was engaged and stop further interest seemed to have the least consequential outcome. Anna actually made a good decision about what to do.


I do think some time in the future we'll see this guy bump into Lady Rose on the street or somewhere else and then there will be trouble.

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