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Do you line your shelf drawers?


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We are moving and just thinking about things that need to get done.  Do you line your kitchen shelves w/ stuff from Contact Paper manufacturer or do you not line your shelves?  Just curious.  We moved into current house 16 years ago and lined them then - wondering if this is just what my mom taught me or what I should be doing or why.  :)

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I line them with this stuff:




It's not contact paper. It's kind of a thicker foam mesh that protects the dishes from chipping and the cabinets from being scratched. You just cut it to size and lay it down, pick it up to wipe the cabinets. I don't know how long it lasts because I've never had to replace it. It does require you to set things straight down on it; because it's not stuck it will scrunch if you slide things. Also available at Home Depot, I think.

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I actively ripped it out of this house when we moved it. Those liners are never cut properly to size (which drives me crazy), and I think it looks cheap (just my opinion). I'd rather just scrub the wood if it gets dirty, and deal with moisture if/when it becomes a problem.

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I use the non-slip stuff others have mentioned.  Contact paper -- Not since my first house many years ago, when I figured out what a major nuisance it is to put down and remove and how unnecessary it is.  I don't place dirty or wet things in my cabinets to begin with.  I do keep a couple of thicknesses of paper towels under the few things that could drip, like containers of oil.

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I've never used contact paper, but I do use that foam mesh gripper stuff in drawers and some cabinets. I don't like things sliding around when I open a drawer and I put it in cabinets with glassware, not plates because I want to be able to slide those on the shelf.

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I tried the foam mesh stuff and hated it. It was gone within a week.


Me, too. I 'thought' I would like it and bought a lot, too. Bummer.


I don't have anything in my current house (new construction with nice, finished shelves and drawer bottoms), but I used it in all my other homes/apartments. I have used it to cover unsightly stains made by water, the bottoms of pots & pans, and mystery food stains (jams?).


I also used it is ds' dorm room--- his drawers were very rough and would snag his clothes and probably leave splinters in the garments, so I bought some 'wood look' paper and laid it in them. I didn't remove the backing, though.


One thing I learned after my first apartment and having to tear out entire shelves of the stuff was that I only really needed to expose the glue along the two back corners and an inch along the front edge of the paper. The rest, I just left the backing on. It makes for a much easier removal processs.

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