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what is on your children's school reading list for the year?

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I'm still working on it. It will be based on the Middle Ages historical fiction with a couple good reads mixed in. 


Castle Diary

Adam of the Road

Crispin and the Cross of Lead

The Adventures of Robin Hood (Puffin Classics version)

The Apple and the Arrow

The Door in the Wall


A Wrinkle in Time

Some books by Roald Dahl


That's all I have planned for now and that isn't in stone because I don't have all the books to plan the chapters for daily reading.  


I generally purchase them because it always seems like the books aren't available at the library when we need to read them. It's better to have them on the shelf at home, lined up in order, and ready to read.


This list might be helpful to get you started on some suggestions: http://www.abebooks.com/books/children-reading-lists-parents-teachers/50-books-children.shtml

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Our reading lists are in the link in my sig. It's a 40+ page document which will probably one day be used in a shrink's office to demonstrate my OCD issues. There's a TOC.


We always bought our books because we moved a lot and I felt the need to plan the year exactly. I'm over that now. :-)


Have you seen Heritage History? They have many public domain history books arranged by geographical and time periods. The books are online for free, or you can buy the collections on CD. In the beginning, I was uncomfortable with older books. I didn't like reading them aloud, and I had a bad attitude about giving them to the kids. However, I now realize that old children's books are the training ground for old adult books. Children who have read lots of old children's books aren't going to be as bothered by the syntax and vocabulary when they start reading old lit and primary source books.

If I had it to do over, I'd buy HH and an ereader. Then, I'd ask here for the "don't miss" books for each stage and time period, and I'd buy a few of those if the library didn't have them.

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Slightly young for grade fourth grade boys...  My kids can pick their books from the list - one per month.  The starred books we'll all read together.


* War Horse

* Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

Bud, Not Buddy

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM

One Crazy Summer

The Book of Three





Surviving the Applewhites

The One and Only Ivan

The Cricket in Times Square

Ramona's World

Emil and the Detectives

The Water Horse


I haven't worked out our read alouds list yet, but I know from history that we're studying that we may do When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit and The Winged Watchman.


We'll also read shorter things for science and history.  I know we'll do all the Seymour Simon body systems books, for example, and the book Blood and Guts.

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10yo boy who will turn 11yo this fall. He is obviously studying ancient history. Some books I already own and some I will get from the library. If the neither the library or I already have the book, then I will purchase it.


First Semester Literature
Motel of the Mysteries by Macaulay (not part of CHOLL, no study guide)
Maroo of the Winter Caves by Ann Turnbull (not part of CHOLL, but will use a similar study guide)
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from around the World (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
Gilgamesh Trilogy by Zeman (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
Hittite Warrior by Joanne Williamson (not part of CHOLL, but will use a similar study guide)
Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
Tales of Ancient Egypt (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
I Once Was a Monkey (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)

The Ch’i-lin Purse (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
Wild Orchid (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)

Second Semester Literature
DK Illustrated Bible- selections from (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
Aesop’s Fables (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
D’Aulaires Greek Myth (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
In Search of a Homeland (CHOLL: Ancient Times Grammar Stage)
The Odyssey (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
The Tale of Troy (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)
The Bronze Bow (CHOLL: Ancient Times Logic Stage)


This summer he read A Wrinkle in Time with the MBtP literature guide. I actually already owned 2 copies of this book. No idea how that happened. He read Motel of the Mysteries this week- from the library. These are just the required books that we will discuss. He also reads other books.


He read George's Secret Key to the Universe this summer- from the library. He is currently reading the first book in the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher which is totally inappropriate for most 5th graders, but, hey, he already listened to one of the books on audio. I got the audio of one while I was painting this summer and he was totally sucked into it. On the way out of the library on Wednesday, there was a copy of Spiderwick on the free paperback pile and he grabbed it. He has seen the movie and thinks that he would like to read the book. He has also been grabbing a few short biographies (by short I mean really short and well below his reading level) at the library every week for the past several weeks. I have no idea what that is about, but I am not going to stop it. Whatever floats his boat. I suppose they are more interesting than looking someone up in Kingfisher, they have large, easy-to-read font, they are often very visual, and he can finish them in any 10 minutes that he has free.




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List below is for my rising 4th grader. My boys are in virtual academy so their K12 materials are supplied.


Language Arts/Literature (pick from list)

Title and Author,    Lexile LevelA Lion to Guard Us, by Clyde Robert Bulla, 360
Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner, 550
Sarah, Plain and Tall, by Patricia MacLachlan, 560
Henry Huggins, by Beverly Cleary, 670
Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White, 680
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, by E.L. Konigsburg, 700
Li Lun, Lad of Courage, by Carolyn Treffinger, 720
In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson,by Bette Bao Lord, 730
A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'Engle, 740
The Bronze Bow, by Elizabeth George Speare, 760
Little House on the Prairie, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 760
The Book of Three, by Lloyd Alexander, 770
Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt, 770
The Sign of the Beaver, by Elizabeth George Speare, 770
War Comes to Willie Freeman, by Christopher and Lincoln Collier, 770
The Cricket in Times Square, by George Selden, 780
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, by Robert C. O'Brien, 790
My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George, 810
Call It Courage, by Armstrong Sperry, 830
Johnny Tremain, by Esther Forbes, 840
Ramona Quimby, Age 8, by Beverly Cleary,860
Pippi Longstocking, by Astrid Lindgren, 870
The Hundred Dresses, by Eleanor Estes, 870
Dragonwings, by Laurence Yep, 870
Shiloh, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, 890
Caddie Woodlawn, by Carol Ryrie Brink, 890
Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson, 910
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis, 940
Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, 990
The Door in the Wall, by Marguerite de Angeli, 990
Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O'Dell, 1000
Ben and Me, by Robert Lawson, 1010
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne, 1030
Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1090
Swiss Family Robinson, by Johann Wyss, 1260
The Incredible Journey, by Sheila Burnford ,1320


Language Arts/Literature (compulsory)

Robinson Crusoe


Classics for Young Readers, Vol 4A

Classics for Young Readers, Vol 4B


Science (compulsory reading)

How Bodies Work: Animal Physiology (Come Learn With Me)

The Kingdoms of Life: Classification (World of Science: Come Learn with Me) 


History (compulsory reading)

The U.S. Constitution and You (2012 edition)





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We will be studying the Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation and church history.  Our dd10 will be reading: (in addition to her core history)


  • The Edge on the Sword - Tingle
  • Adam of the Road - Gray
  • The Adventures of Robin Hood - Green
  • King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table - Green
  • Beowulf Dragonslayer - Sutcliff
  • Joan of Arc Warrior Saint - Williams
  • Anna of Byzantium - Barrett
  • The Shakespeare Stealer Series (we'll see how may of these we get through) - Blackwood
  • Raiders From The Sea - Johnson
  • Galen & The Gateway to Medicine - Bendick
  • Tales from Shakespeare - Yesterday's Classics
  • Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare - Yesterday's Classics
  • Trial & Triumph
  • Peril & Peace
  • Monks & Mystics
  • Courage & Conviction

I have several others listed, but these are the main ones I want to concentrate on.  If we have time left, we'll get to the extras :tongue_smilie:

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How many books must he read from the pick from list? One? One/semester, so 2 for the year? One/quarter, so 4 for the year? One/ month, so 9 or 10 for the year?




List below is for my rising 4th grader. My boys are in virtual academy so their K12 materials are supplied.


Language Arts/Literature (pick from list)

Title and Author, Lexile LevelA Lion to Guard Us, by Clyde Robert Bulla, 360

Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner, 550

Sarah, Plain and Tall, by Patricia MacLachlan, 560

Henry Huggins, by Beverly Cleary, 670

Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White, 680

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, by E.L. Konigsburg, 700

Li Lun, Lad of Courage, by Carolyn Treffinger, 720

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson,by Bette Bao Lord, 730

A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'Engle, 740

The Bronze Bow, by Elizabeth George Speare, 760

Little House on the Prairie, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 760

The Book of Three, by Lloyd Alexander, 770

Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt, 770

The Sign of the Beaver, by Elizabeth George Speare, 770

War Comes to Willie Freeman, by Christopher and Lincoln Collier, 770

The Cricket in Times Square, by George Selden, 780

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, by Robert C. O'Brien, 790

My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George, 810

Call It Courage, by Armstrong Sperry, 830

Johnny Tremain, by Esther Forbes, 840

Ramona Quimby, Age 8, by Beverly Cleary,860

Pippi Longstocking, by Astrid Lindgren, 870

The Hundred Dresses, by Eleanor Estes, 870

Dragonwings, by Laurence Yep, 870

Shiloh, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, 890

Caddie Woodlawn, by Carol Ryrie Brink, 890

Old Yeller, by Fred Gipson, 910

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis, 940

Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, 990

The Door in the Wall, by Marguerite de Angeli, 990

Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O'Dell, 1000

Ben and Me, by Robert Lawson, 1010

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne, 1030

Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1090

Swiss Family Robinson, by Johann Wyss, 1260

The Incredible Journey, by Sheila Burnford ,1320


Language Arts/Literature (compulsory)

Robinson Crusoe


Classics for Young Readers, Vol 4A

Classics for Young Readers, Vol 4B


Science (compulsory reading)

How Bodies Work: Animal Physiology (Come Learn With Me)

The Kingdoms of Life: Classification (World of Science: Come Learn with Me)


History (compulsory reading)

The U.S. Constitution and You (2012 edition)


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How many books must he read from the pick from list? One? One/semester, so 2 for the year? One/quarter, so 4 for the year? One/ month, so 9 or 10 for the year?




The pick from list is 4 per year, roughly spread out to be one per quarter. Each book will be analyzed in about 10 lessons.  There is an overlap between the 3rd grade and 4th grade "you pick" list. He read and analyzed these for 3rd grade, he read much more on the list than these unofficially.

Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner

My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis

Ben and Me, by Robert Lawson


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I keep our books on the bookshelf or on a kindle.  I don't have gobs of books, just a bookcase full of really, really good ones.  I figure if they read all of those, then I'll get some more.  I let them choose what to read at this stage of our schooling, except for Greek Myths for my dd7 and Famous Men of Rome for my dd9. 

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Here's my list for 7th grade dd:


A Wrinkle in Time

When You Reach Me

The Call of the Wild

The Dark Is Rising

The Prince and the Pauper

Watership Down

Julie of the Wolves


The plan is to also do some short stories, and she's taking a couple of writing classes that will include reading but I'm not sure of the list yet - I know Wrinkle in Time is one of them, so that will overlap, but I'm not sure about the rest yet - it'll be an additional 4-5 books.


10th grade dds' list (they're also in public high school, but they'll read these for book club on top - where I've got two books they'll have a choice):


Fahrenheit 451

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Till We Have Faces

Cat’s Cradle

Girl with a Pearl Earring

Emma or P&P

Nine Tailors


Jane Eyre

Life of Pi or The Bean Trees

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My daughter is 9. I don't think the reading choices I made would be much different if she was a boy. We're doing MBTP lit units with these books:


Charlotte's Web

Little House in the Big Woods

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH



The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe


For fun read-alouds:


Percy Jackson

The Hobbit


For DD to read independently:


The Strange Case of the Origami Yoda

Hardy Boys mysteries

whatever else strikes her fancy at the library

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My 10 year old ds assigned Reading/Literature list for 5th:

Childhood of Famous Americans: George Washington

The Hobbit

Johnny Tremain

The Little Prince

Rabbit Hill

Moho Wat

The Secret Garden

Gentle Ben

The Saturdays


He will also be reading his own History and Science with HOD CTC.


My dd for 2nd is reading through this list she is currently on Days with Frog and Toad.


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And do you buy any of the books you can't get at a libray...or do you buy them all just so they are on your bookshelf...or how do you make that decision??

I don't go to the library and I buy all of our books. Most of the lit books I found used at thrift stores or at our local used book store.

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Here's DS's list (the number in parenthesis is my reading level note):


Shiloh (4.4)

A Wrinkle in Time (4.7)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (4.8)

Sing Down the Moon (4.9)

Where the Red Fern Grows (4.9)

Little House on the Prairie (4.9)

Tuck Everlasting (5.0)

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (5.1)

Pippi Longstocking (5.2)

My Side of the Mountain (5.2)

The Borrowers (5.3)

Abraham Lincoln (In Their Own Words) (5.3)

Island of the Blue Dolphins (5.4)

Redwall (5.6)

Paul Revere (In their Own Words) (5.6)

The Witch of Blackbird Pond (5.7)

The Voyages of Dr. Doolittle (5.7)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (6.7)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (6.8)



We own all these books.  Many of them were books that I had from when DD was homeschooled.  Others I bought through Amazon.  I hate relying on the library if I can at all avoid it.



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I love threads like this! Here is my list for ds 9:


Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH


The Phantom Tollbooth




The Secret Garden


Where the Mountain Meets the Moon


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


The Invention of Hugo Cabret


Walk Two Moons


A Wrinkle in Time


My Side of the Mountain


Nim's Island

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This is what we will be using for ds9 and dd7. http://wateronthefloor.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/our-2013-3014-literature-selections/. This is only for literature. They also read picture/ short chapter books for science and history.


As far as buying the books or not, I try to find used books at garage sales or library sales (since I can usually get them for about 25 cents), but if we can't do that I just borrow them from the library.

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13 year old dd, I own them all.


Tales of Ancient Egypt, Roger L. Green ï€


Mara, Daughter of the Nile, Eloise McGraw ï€


Famous Men of Greece ï€


The Eagle of the Ninth, Rosemary Sutcliffe ï€


The Bronze Bow, Elizabeth George Speare ï€


Bullfinch's Mythology Age of Fable ï€


In Search of a Homeland, The Aeneid, Penelope Lively ï€


Famous Men of Rome ï€


Journey to the Center of the Earth, Jules Verne ï€


Frankenstein, Mary Shelly ï€


The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien ï€


A Wrinkle in Time, Madeline L'Engle ï€


King of the Wind, Marguerite Henry ï€


Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame ï€


Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne ï€


The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster ï€


My Side of the Mountain, Jean Craighead George ï€


To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee ï€


Inkheart, Cornelia Funke ï€


Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carrol ï€

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Somehow I missed the "do you buy the books" question.  For the books the kids read themselves for "required reading" I buy them all.  I didn't initially because I'm usually a fan of getting things from the library, but the way I do it is to let them choose and I can't have all the books on hand if I get them from the library, so I ended up buying them all.


I don't buy the books we use for history, science, etc. unless it's something I really want and the library doesn't have it.  I don't buy read alouds unless the library doesn't have it.  I do buy pleasure reading for the kids a lot in part because the library usually doesn't have the books they want when they want them.  We've recently started a special "book allowance" that has some rules, but essentially they get to buy a couple books a month for pleasure reading.

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I have a large personal library that I pull books from but I also use the library extensively.




I have not listed all the books I have and plan to use but this is the general  booklist I created a few months ago for US History. I do not have the science books typed up yet but DS is doing NOEO Biology 2 this fall and I am just pulling books that are related to the topics as they come up in NOEO. 




US History broken down by era and theme



1. Native Americans
-The Light in the Forest
-The Courage of Sarah Noble
-I Am Regina
-Night Bird: A Story of the Seminole Indians
-Calico Captive
-The Sign of the Beaver
-Children of the Longhouse
-The Birchbark House

2. Exploration
-Pedro's Journey
-If You Were There in 1492
-Around the World in a Hundred Years
-The Tainos
-I Sailed with Columbus
-Voyage of the Half Moon

3. The American Revolution and the Constitution
-The Fighting Ground
-My Brother Sam Is Dead
-War Comes to Willy Freeman
-Phoebe the Spy
-The Secrete Soldier
-Guns for General Washington
-George Washington's Socks
-George VS George -A look at both sides

4. Slavery and the Civil War
-Shades of Grey
-Charley Skedaddle
-A Separate Battle
-Freedom Crossing
-The Ghost Wore Grey
-The Boys' War
-Runaway to Freedom
-War Comes to Willie Freeman
-Jump Ship to Freedom

5. Pioneer Life and Westward Expansion
-Caddie Woodlawn
-Prairie Songs
-The Cabin Faced West
-My Prairie Year, Based on the Diary of Elenore Plaisted
-Sarah, Plain and Tall
-Mr. Tucket
-Dear Levi
-Magical Melons

6. Immigration
-Land of Hope
-Molly's Pilgrim
-Immigrant Kids
-In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson
-Angel Child, Dragon Child
-An Orphan for Nebraska

7. Industrial Revolution
-East Side Story
-The Factories
-Kids at Work
-Fire! The Beginnings of the Labor Movement
-Hannah's Fancy Notions

8. World War 1
-After the Dancing Days
-War Games
-The Night Bells Rang
-Hero Over Here
-Good-bye, Billy Radish
-Riding the Waves

9. World War II
-Hilde and Eli
-Parallel Journeys
-Rosie the Riveter
-Lisa's War
-Snow Treasure
-Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two
-The Lucky Baseball: My Story in a Japanese-American Internment Camp
-Silver Like Dust: One Family's Story of America's Japanese Internment

10. The Korean War
-Year of Impossible Goodbyes
-Echoes of the White Giraffe
The Korean War Soldier at Heartbreak Ridge

11. The Civil Rights Movement
-Just Like Martin
-Ludie's Song
-Mayfield Crossing
-Witness to Freedom: Young People Who Fought for Civil Rights
-The Year They Walked: Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
-The Gold Cadillac
-The Girl on the Outside
-Not Separate, Not Equal

12. The Women's Rights Movements
-The Day the Women Got the Vote: A Photo History
-Radicle Red
-You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton
-Mother, Aunt Susan and Me: The First Fight
-I Speak for the Women: A Story about Lucy Stone
-A Long Way to Go: A Story About Women's Right to Vote

13. Space Exploration
-The Day We Walked On the Moon: A Photo History of Space Exploration
-Heroes of the Challenger
-The Space Shuttle

14. The Vietnam War
-Charlie Pippin
-Tough Choices: The Story of the Vietnam War
-Always Remember: The Story of Vietnam Veterans Memorial
-December Stillness
-And One for All
-Park's Quest
-The Monument
-The Purple Heart

15. Celebrating Our Multicultural Heritage
-Indian Summer
-My Name is Maria Isabel
-Journey of the Sparrows
-Children of the River
-Crossing the Starlight Bridge
-Going Home
-Racing the Sun
-The Shimmershine Queens

16.The Persian Gulf War
-Operation Desert Storm
-Operation Desert Shield
-Saddam Hussin

Books added to the list Books that cover more than one topic in American History

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My daughter is 12 and my son is 9. We do the majority of our reading as read-alouds. We are currently working our way through the last several years of major award (and honors)winners: Newbery, Orbis Pictus, Jane Addams, Coretta Scott King, Scott O'Dell. We are having a great time!

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I buy almost all of ours because I want to make sure we have the book on hand when we need it. Our public library is small, and they usually have just one copy of a title. 


Chapter books:

The Magician's Nephew

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Horse and His Boy

Prince Caspian

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The Silver Chair

The Last Battle

When the Siren Wailed

Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess

Gypsy Girl

Kon-Tiki and I

George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt

Sassafras Science Adventures: Zoology

The Midwife's Apprentice

Matilda's Secret

The Lyon's Roar

Picture books:

Anno's Medieval World

Good Queen Bess

The Voyage of the Poppykettle

The Story of Mrs. Tiggy Winkle

The Tempest (ill by Kincaid)

Favorite Medieval Tales

One Small Square: Coral Reef



Read Aloud:

Black Horses for the King

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade

One Thousand and One Arabian Nights (McCaughrean)

The Trumpeter of Krakow

The Good Master

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Shakespeare: His Work and His World

Tales from Shakespeare

Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village (audio)

King Arthur and a World of Other Stories

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especially if you have boys ages 9ish and 11ish...and a daughter age 13. 


And do you buy any of the books you can't get at a libray...or do you buy them all just so they are on your bookshelf...or how do you make that decision??


I have a just-turned-12 year old boy, and I purchase nearly all of the books. I have started getting the Kindle version so at least we will never lose/damage it!


He is a very reluctant/under-confident reader although he is much better than he realizes. He only reads what is required, never for fun. So I schedule fun reading for him. Hopefully this is the year that the spark is lit, right?


Literature done iwth Moving Beyond the Page lit units - doing selected activities:

A Wrinkle in Time

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Best Shorts (short stories collection)

Albert Einstein

D'Aulaire's Greek Myths

People of Sparks

Esperanza Rising

Number the Stars

Tuck Everlasting

The Tree that Time Built (poetry)


Fun reading/no assignments that may or may not correlate with history:

The Red Pyramid

The Throne of Fire

The Serpent's Shadow

The Lightning Thief

The Sea of Monsters

The Titan's Curse

The Battle of the Labyrinth

The Last Olympian (so basically I am hoping he likes Rick Riordan)

The Rainbow People

The Bronze Bow

Story of Dr. Dolittle

Babe: The Gallant Pig

The Chocolate Touch

City of Ember

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I won't assign reading until the logic stage, but currently the following are on my DS8's ''To Be Read'' shelf (these won't last the year, but he adds to it consistently):


The Count of Monte Cristo (one of his current reads)

The last three installments of the Three Musketeers series (originally one book, but the English translation is broken into three)

Frankenstein (the other current read)

The Complete Sherlock Holmes (some he's already read)

A collection of seven Jules Verne novels

A collection of seven H.G. Wells novels

The Dark is Rising complete sequence

Gentlemen's Blood--A History of Dueling (inspired by the Dumas obsession)

The Sea Wolf

Gulliver's Travels

Moby Dick (I'm skeptical about this one)

Treasure Island


The first three Wrinkle in Time books

Mendeleyev's Dream--The Quest for the Elements (I don't seem him finishing this one necessarily)

1001 Arabian Nights


I've recently made a list of classic children's literature I'd like to see them read before they're no longer children, and I'll be making suggestions (but not demands) from that list for the next couple of years.

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I love threads like this! Here is my list for ds 9:


Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH


The Phantom Tollbooth




The Secret Garden


Where the Mountain Meets the Moon


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


The Invention of Hugo Cabret


Walk Two Moons


A Wrinkle in Time


My Side of the Mountain


Nim's Island


That's a fantastic list for a 9 year old. I have most of those listed in anticipation of my 5 year old's 3rd or 4th grade year. I also have listed The Search for Delicious and The Island of the Blue Dolphins as my older son loved those at the same stage.

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I have an extensive reading list for Medieval/Early Renaissance for this coming year posted on my blog. My boys are 9 and 11. (The 11 year old in particular is a very strong reader.) I wouldn't require all of the books on that list, but I have the hardest time keeping my boys in books!


My sister and I have been collecting books for years and years (we offset our history studies so that we can share collections), so most of those are from our personal library. But I also do use our public library a great deal.


I have no idea what books to put on their lists for general reading, because my oldest son has exhausted our personal collection and all my ideas! I think I'll pick up a few books they haven't read from these reading lists.

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Ds9's reading list. He'll be 10 next month and starting fifth grade. We're studying Modern History.





Across Five Aprils

The Secret Garden

Little Britches

Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Black Beauty


Bully For You, Teddy Roosevelt!

The Flying Scotsman - A Biography


A Midsummer Night's Dream by Bruce Coville (audio)


100 Best Children's Stories from China


Independent Reading (mostly - some may be too difficult for him, then I will read with him)




Abe Lincoln - Log Cabin to White House (Landmark Books)

Stonewall (Unforgettable Americans)

Young Abe Lincoln by Cheryl Harness

Journey to Freedom - George Washington Carver

Martin Luther King, Jr. (DK Biography)

Louis Pasteur Disease Fighter

Steamboat! The Story of Captain Blanche Leathers

Freedom Train - The Story of Harriett Tubman

Nikola Tesla - Physicist, Inventor, Electrical Engineer

The Wright Brothers - Pioneers of American Aviation (Landmark Books)

Flying Aces of World War I

Amelia Earhart (DK Biographies)

Booker T. Washington

TallChief: America's Prima Ballerina

Albert Einstein: A Life of Genius

Young Teddy Roosevelt

Annie Oakley (DK Biographies)

My Great-Aunt Arizona

Serving the Poorest of the Poor - Teresa of Calcutta

Surprising Myself - Jean Fritz

Girls Who Looked Under Rocks

Here A Plant, There A Plant, Everywhere A Plant, Plant! The Story of Luther Burbank

A Wizard from the Start - The Incredible Boyhood and Amazing Inventions of Thomas Edison

Snowflake Bentley

Radio Rescue

Marie Curie's Search for Radium

Monet (Getting To Know the World's Greatest Artists)

Van Gogh (Getting To Know the World's Greatest Artists)

Picasso (Getting To Know the World's Greatest Artists)

Linnea in Monet's Garden

The First Starry Night

Pablo Picasso (Artists In Their Time)

Famous Mathematicians

Mathematicians Are People, Too

Carl Sandburg (Poetry for Young People Series)

Maya Angelou (Poetry For Young People Series)


Graphic History Library Titles: Harriet Tubman, Alexander Graham Bell, Transcontinental Railroad, The First Moon Landing




The Black Stallion

The In-Between Days

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The House of Sixty Fathers (WWII)

The Hobbit

Swallows and Amazons

The Moffats

Twenty and Ten (WWII)

There's An Owl in the Shower

Snow Treasure (WWII)

Miracles on Maple Hill (after WWII)

Island of the Blue Dolphins


Civil War on Sunday (Magic Treehouse)

Tonight on the Titanic (Magic Treehouse)


Picture Books


The Language of Doves (WWI)

The Last Brother (Civil War)

War Game (WWI)

War Boy (WWII)




Florida History (Heinemann State Studies)

Gettysburg (Landmark Books)

Balto and The Great Race (Stepping Stones)

Where Poppies Grow (World War I)

The American Story (relevant modern history stories)

Titanic Fact Tracker (Magic Treehouse)

Rivers and Oceans (Kingfisher Young Discoverers Series)

The Florida Water Story

Life In a Tidal Pool

The Story of the Orchestra

The Story of Music


DVD- America: The Story of US (relevant Modern History chapters such as those on Civil War and World War I)

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My dd9 will be reading:


The Whipping Boy

The Big Wave

The Cabin Faced West

A Lion to Guard Us

Prince Caspian

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Caddie Woodlawn

The Doll People

Pinky Pye

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

On the Banks of Plum Creek

The Saturdays

The Matchlock Gun

Homer Price


The Borrowers


I make a word document with the list of titles, copy the book descriptions from Amazon, and let my dd choose what she wants to read. I buy all of her assigned reading books since most of them you can find very easily.

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I bought all that we're doing - our library isn't well stocked, and more than anything, well, we never remember to get there on a regular basis - we may get stuff checked out, but be late turning it back in - that sort of thing.

Link (9):

The Secret Garden

Through the Looking Glass

Treasure island

Little Men

Eight Cousins

Captain's Courageous

Around the World in 80 Days


The Prince and the Pauper

Robinson Crusoe


Astro (7) These will be read aloud:

The Jungle Book

Little House in the Big Woods

Little House on the Prairie

Farmer Boy

On the Banks of Plum Creek

By the Shores of Silver Lake

The Long Winter

Little Town on the Prairie

These Happy Golden Years



Together we will also be reading aloud - James and the Giant Peach, Charlotte's Web, Sarah, Plain and Tall, The Whipping Boy, The Cabin Faced West, The Wizard of Oz, King of the Wind, The BFG, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Two Tickets to Freedom, The Cuckoo Clock, The Incredible Journey

Those are all just a mashup of what we have that we haven't read/fit in with our stuff/whatever.  

The boys' lists are from the Good Books list at greatbooksacademy.org

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I would love to hear more about your "book allowance"...


One of my boys went through a crazy reading spree this summer.  He went through literally 7 new books in a week and a half.  Always before, if the kids were really on a roll, I would buy more books, but this was a crazy roll.  I felt like it might be too much, too easy.  Ebooks just makes everything a little too immediate.  And it wasn't like there weren't other books he might try reading instead around the house and from the library.


Anyway, the system I decided on was that I give the kids $20 a month for books.  In order to use it, they must finish a book.  Then they can buy a book.  Finish another book (doesn't have to be the one bought) and they can buy another.  Up to $20 for the month.  And then at the end of the month, it resets and starts over for the next month.  The money never carries over - it just resets.  We've only been using it for a couple of months now, but so far, so good.

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I am not as organized. We are doing MCT Lit, so for school my 8 year old is reading aloud Alice (finished), Peter Pan (current) and Wind on the Willows. Since I am working through vocabulary with him through these books, I am thinking I have at least two more months before I have to plan. I am letting him read what he wants in the evening. He has read seven Percy Jackson books (some involving Roman gods?) over the past couple of months and he plans on reading through all of it. Then he wants to read through all of Prydain Chronicles (recommended by his friend), so it looks like he will be busy for a while. I did get him to read My Side of the Mountain in between Percy Jackson books, but he is obsessed.

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My kids are right in that zone!


We're doing Sonlight Core F this year - so everything on that list is their "assigned" reading. They'll read a ton beyond that. I am considering  posting the SL list in order and just letting them finish is up in a couple of months, and then start another core.

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