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Please list all you your favorite positive parenting/discipline books

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Good and Angry: Exchanging frustration for character, in you AND your kids by Scott Turansky. This link is to a copy I have for sale at the wtm-inspired FB homeschool curriculum swap group if you're interested. Turansky takes a calm, positive approach to handling the anger you feel with issues that arise with children. Loved it. ETA - is it Christian in approach as I recall, in case that matters.

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Glenn Latham's books have been the most helpful to me.


I also like All Children Flourishing by Glasser. It's actually a similar concept to Latham's approach, but Glasser's book doesn't have religious over-tones. Latham's has some practical and unique things that make it my favorite, I think. But I like both.


I liked Playful Parenting, though it has been a while since I've read it.

Kid Cooperation was one I also read quite a while ago, but I recall it being good.


There is another that I really liked, dealing with parental (and child) anger, but I can't remember the title. I will post back if I recall. edited: Oh, it's posted upthread! The Good and Angry book is excellent.

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Kids Are Worth It: Giving your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline by Barbara Colorosso: An excellent book about how to be a parent with a backbone, not a wishy-washy parent or a brick wall.

The Discipline Book by William Sears an old favorite. Although many people see the Sears' as permissive, this book convinced me that they are not. I learned a lot about discipline as teaching as opposed to punishment

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Faber and Mazlish an oldie but a goodie. She gives specific language on how to have a more positive relationship.

Loving Your Child is Not Enough: Positive Discipline that Works by Nancy Samalin Tons of concrete examples of how to discipline in a positive manner.

Parenting With Grace: Catholic Parent's Guide to Raising Almost Perfect Kids by Gregory Popcak Yes, it is written for Catholic parents, but his tongue-in-cheek style plus no-nonsense advice made a fun, helpful read.


And, last, but not least, the website of our own Joanne ... Get Off Your Butt Parenting.

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Positive Discipline A-Z by Jane Nelsen (this one because it is a lot more application and reasoning rather than theory like the others)

Kids are Worth it by Barbara Coloroso

Raising a Thinking Child by Myrna Shure (basically a problem-solving curriculum)

The Connected Child by Karyn Purvis and Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control by Heather Forbes (primarily for adoptees though the latter could be for any child who may be extremely challenging, especially if caused by trauma such as medical issues, insufficient attachment, certain disorders, etc).


Several others listed above also, but if I were to say two, it'd be Positive Discipline and Raising a Thinking Child. I prefer action over theory :)

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The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents by Deepak Chopra

Positive Discipline A to Z by Jane Nelsen (when they were toddlers/younger)

The Happy Child by Steven Harrison (more of an education/homeschool kind of book, but I thought it had lots of great parenting insight)

Between Form and Freedom by Betty Staley (geared toward parents of teens)

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Biblical Parenting by Crystal Lutton (Grace-Based Discipline)

Hints on Child Training by H. Clay Trumbull

Dr. Sears' books



I know her!!!! Okay, in complete honesty, I was in a homeschool group with her and she probably would have no clue who I was. :D But, seriously, I read this and after googling her, it is the same gal I know. Too funny, now I want to look her book up; I didn't know she wrote.

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And for little ones: Baby and Child by Penelope Leach.



An English colleague gave me a copy of that book when I was pregnant with Great Girl. There were some parts that were culturally bewildering, but it was very good. Infinitely closer to how dh and I wanted to raise our children than the then-popular What to Expect baby and toddler books.

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"Positive Parenting/Discipline" --there's a wide-open category :). I'm intrigued by the range of books listed here :).


Nobody's mentioned this one yet, but one of my favorites is "Heartfelt Discipline," by Clay Clarkson. I believe he's just put out a new printing of it --haven't read the "new and improved" one yet. Comes from a very Christian perspective, so YMMV on that, but I found it was really reassuring, balanced, and helpful.

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