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Night Elf

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If they are unsettling or scary I do remember them usually. I find that if I wake up around 5am and go back to sleep I am far more likely to remember the dreams I have from 5am on. It is weird, but that is how it seems to work for me.



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I don't remember all my dreams but some, yes, vividly. Sometimes they are unsettling. Some of those I can still remember many years later. Sometimes not. Like the one I had the other day about a favorite place we used to go to where we used to live. It was a spot along the river, quiet, with a country store. We'd buy a rootbeer or sasparilla and throw rocks into the river. I dreamed this place had been covered over in concrete. The store was gone, replaced by a concession stand. A building nearby was falling down and a man was stuck inside. But Nathan Fillion showed up--a superhero!--and saved the guy. Then I went back to my rv and tried to figure out why the combo shower/dishwasher wasn't working. :laugh:


I think I have more bad dreams when I'm stressed. When I first started working there were a lot of things I didn't like about my job situation. I had a lot of bad dreams then. A couple years later my situation changed and I stopped having those dreams. But I still remember them well.

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I remember my dreams often. I still remember some dreams I had as a child. They were so vivid. Sometimes in the middle of a dream I get the feeling I can direct the dream to go a certain way if I don't like how it is going...like I know I am dreaming within the dream. Sometimes I only remember parts of a dream when I wake up then later during the day, other parts will come back to me or I'll get a deja vu feeling and think I had dreamed something similar.


In college and grad school, I would have "snake" dreams when stressed...all sorts of snake dreams- jumping snakes, pools full of snakes I had to swim through, snake heads in grass I had to walk through....I hate snakes!

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I remember a lot of my dreams. I even remember childhood dreams, but that is because they were recurring.


The other day, my dd quipped, "I know I'll never be like Martin Luther King Jr when I grow up, 'cause my dreams are nothing like his!"

Giant killer teddy bears, anyone?

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Do you remember your dreams? Vividly? My dreams feel so real as I wake up, and they sit with me all day. Mostly they are unsettling or scary dreams.


Yes. I remember my dreams. They are very vivid. They can alter my mood the next day for hours. I also am sometimes a lucid dreamer.

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I remember my dreams often. I still remember some dreams I had as a child. They were so vivid. Sometimes in the middle of a dream I get the feeling I can direct the dream to go a certain way if I don't like how it is going...like I know I am dreaming within the dream. Sometimes I only remember parts of a dream when I wake up then later during the day, other parts will come back to me or I'll get a deja vu feeling and think I had dreamed something similar.


In college and grad school, I would have "snake" dreams when stressed...all sorts of snake dreams- jumping snakes, pools full of snakes I had to swim through, snake heads in grass I had to walk through....I hate snakes!



I dream about snakes when stressed too. I don't even particularly hate snakes....but in my dreams they are clearly to be feared.


I think I dream about snakes because of the symbolism of evil.

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Do you remember your dreams? Vividly? My dreams feel so real as I wake up, and they sit with me all day. Mostly they are unsettling or scary dreams.

Yes and yes. I never knew that not everyone experienced lucid dreams until friends started a conversation about their dreams.

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Sometimes, for just a few minutes after waking and then it is gone.


I dream about spiders sometimes when I am stressed, and those will stick with me. I am not afraid of spiders, but will dream that I am asleep and in my dream is see a quarter sized spider run across the floor or it will run over the blanket I am covered up with. When I wake up, I often find myself standing up, looking for the spider under the blanket.....wondering if it was a dream or if I actually saw a spider. Ugh. In real life this would startle me, but not scare me, so I have no idea why I dream of spiders.

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I usually dream every night. It's often pleasant, sometimes slightly disturbing, rarely upsetting. A lot of times, rather than being a storyline or event, it's more of an emotional or atmospheric impression. Does that make sense at all? And I often dream about the same places for weeks at a time. I have "memories" of dreams that I had a long time ago, even from childhood, stuff that I can remember dreaming very clearly.


I enjoy my dreaming a lot.

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Sometimes, for just a few minutes after waking and then it is gone.


I dream about spiders sometimes when I am stressed, and those will stick with me. I am not afraid of spiders, but will dream that I am asleep and in my dream is see a quarter sized spider run across the floor or it will run over the blanket I am covered up with. When I wake up, I often find myself standing up, looking for the spider under the blanket.....wondering if it was a dream or if I actually saw a spider. Ugh. In real life this would startle me, but not scare me, so I have no idea why I dream of spiders.


That is how I am about the snakes in my dreams.

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I usually dream every night. It's often pleasant, sometimes slightly disturbing, rarely upsetting. A lot of times, rather than being a storyline or event, it's more of an emotional or atmospheric impression. Does that make sense at all? And I often dream about the same places for weeks at a time. I have "memories" of dreams that I had a long time ago, even from childhood, stuff that I can remember dreaming very clearly.


I enjoy my dreaming a lot.


I enjoy my dreams a lot too. I do a lot of flying in my dreams. It is awesome. Once in my dream I looked over to see my Brittany flying next to me....trying to catch a bird.

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I would say it is rarer for me to forget dreams than it is to remember them. I have vivid dreams, and supposedly am also a sleep talker. I have also been known to bang my head on the dresser next to the bed, scratch myself, and other things. Thankfully I do not sleep walk.


I also remember quite a few dreams from years ago. I still remember one from when I was 5. There was a picnic table in the middle of pure blackness. On the table was a tin lunchbox. It opened by itself and huge monsters came out of it and stood in front of the picnic table. I think I watched too much Pooh Bear. Maybe the Heffalump episodes? :confused1:

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My dreams are not usually scary, but extremely vivid, and I have lovely reoccurring dreams about movement, such as figure skating, ballet, snow skiing, and flying.


I used to wake up from dreams and not be able to move, I would have to lie there and keep trying to move while the ability slowly returned. I was partially waking up in a certain part of the sleep/dream cycle in which the brain inhibits movement. I eventually grew out of it, but it was not pleasant.


Here is a question for those of you who are multi-lingual: Do you dream in different languages?

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I enjoy my dreams a lot too. I do a lot of flying in my dreams. It is awesome. Once in my dream I looked over to see my Brittany flying next to me....trying to catch a bird.



I have flying dreams as well. I also have dreams where I am running away from something. I find great hiding spots but "it" always finds me though I never see what "it" is. When I run, I run down stairs so fast, I nearly fly.

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Sometimes in the middle of a dream I get the feeling I can direct the dream to go a certain way if I don't like how it is going...like I know I am dreaming within the dream.


I think this is lucid dreaming. My youngest dd told me about it. There is something about writing something on the back of your hand before you go to sleep and it playing a part in your dream for you to know it's a dream. That's just too deep for me. I wish I could direct my dreams. I might be able to head off some really weird things.


Last night I dreamed that I was in a mini-van on a highway with a marshy area to the right of the road. For some dumb reason, I got out of the van and accidentally dropped my purse down the hill into a watery area. I couldn't go down for it because the slope was too steep. I had to walk down the road a little ways and started down. A big monster, sort of like an alligator on steroids, came up out of the water, picked up my purse and started up the slope to the road. I ran back to the van and yelled for him to drop my purse. (yeah, like that would happen!) So he drops the purse, turns his head and runs towards me. I jump into the van and he hits it, sending it spinning. The front wheels are hanging over the edge leading into the marsh. I scream and wake up. (I feel like I'm too old for monster dreams. (sigh))

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If you are having really nasty, vivid dreams, you ought to rule out sleep apnoea.


Mine are clearly anxiety and stress. At the times my dreams get scary, I'm upping my anxiety meds during the day. It only lasts a few days and then I go back to regular weird dreams, like still being married to my 1st husband. Ack! :tongue_smilie:

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Mine are clearly anxiety and stress. At the times my dreams get scary, I'm upping my anxiety meds during the day. It only lasts a few days and then I go back to regular weird dreams, like still being married to my 1st husband. Ack! :tongue_smilie:


Me too. Anxiety driven....oh but I am also a lucid dreamer. It is like I am running a camera filming a movie and I 'see' the direction the movie/dream is going and I say, hmm, no, and I turn the camera and it goes down a different path to a different story.


Very cool. I can't always do it though.

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I enjoy my dreams a lot too. I do a lot of flying in my dreams. It is awesome. Once in my dream I looked over to see my Brittany flying next to me....trying to catch a bird.


I fly in my dreams too!! In mine, I have to run really fast and then jump, wiggling my legs, in order to fly... Just like Mario from the old Super Mario Bros. 3 :)

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I fly in my dreams too!! In mine, I have to run really fast and then jump, wiggling my legs, in order to fly... Just like Mario from the old Super Mario Bros. 3 :)



Ha ha. Funny. When I went to WDW there was a virtual flying ride that took you over the California wine country. It was so awesome and EXACTLY like my dreams.

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I have all kinds of dreams. I have forgiveness dreams where I let go of anger I feel toward people......I have dreams about dead loved ones and how life might have been. I have fighting dreams where I try in vain to hit people......usually my mom and no I don't want to analyze that...lol.



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