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We haven't had a baby name thread in awhile


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We found out yesterday that baby #5 is a girl. My one daughter is ecstatic. My three boys, slightly less so :laugh:


We've been tossing around names for awhile and two we really like are Genevieve (possible nickname: Ginny) and Adelaide (nickname: Ada with the first A "long"--this is a family name).


First thoughts about these names? Our other kids have names that are a bit on the traditional and old-fashioned side but definitely pretty normal. Older people always say, "What nice names!". These two girl options would be significantly more old-fashioned (to my ear). We really like them but we don't wish to inflict weird names on our children, either.


Oh, and our last name starts with a J.

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While I love both names, I think Adelaide would be a better match with your last name.


I really like the old-fashioned names. My bff's little girls is Elanour (omg-how does she spell it?). They had planned on calling her Ellie for short, but everyone is using her full name instead.



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I like Adelaide and agree about not combining a G with J last last name. Especially if you call her Ada, I think it will not sound too "out there" with all the Ella, Eva, Ava, Emma, Mia, Maya, 2-syllalbe girl names that are popular right now.


My little 1st cousin, once removed is Genevieve/Ginny after her great-great-grandmothers on both sides of the family!

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My daughter's names are Eleanore and Adelaide. Adelaide is getting a big resurgence since a celeb named her daughter Adelaide recently...

Everyone nicknames my daughter Addie, so that will be an automatic nickname.

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I was gonna start one too :) not sure what we are having yet, the boy is decided Sevien Jay (it was what we had picked for dd)

Girl names are where we have problems :) we would like a name that goes with the middle name Ann and ends in ly or some variation of ly (dd's name is Cali Sue)

Our last name starts with M


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To the OP - I love Adelaide and Adeline. If you immediately started calling her Ada and only that, people might be less likely to want to nickname her Addy.


I have a friend who's name is Adelaide. She hated it though and decided at some young age she was going to be Victoria instead. Her mom still calls her Adelaide. :laugh:



I was gonna start one too :) not sure what we are having yet, the boy is decided Sevien Jay (it was what we had picked for dd)

Girl names are where we have problems :) we would like a name that goes with the middle name Ann and ends in ly or some variation of ly (dd's name is Cali Sue)

Our last name starts with M


Ashley Ann?

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I really like both names. I think that they're both becoming much more popular, so I wouldn't worry at all about then being too old fashion. In general, I prefer Genevieve, but it's hard to tell how it will sound with your last name. I can think of some J names where it sounds fine and others where it doesn't sound great. I think you might have a hard time getting Ada to stick as a nn especially since the A sounds are different. I think people will be inclined to call her Addie (which is nice, but not really my favorite). Good luck!

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Thanks for the feedback. We would call her Ada after a family member but I want my kids to have more formal, longer names as an option, too. The family member in question was just named "Ada".


Middle names we are less fussy about. Clare is in the running, as is Bernadette. But "Clare Bernadette" is also a possibility. Something like Rose or Rosemary is also a middle name option.

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I love the name Genevieve and tried to convince dh to use it. He never was a fan. I wanted to use the nn Evie for it. In the end, I didn't get to use Genevieve but did get an Evie, Evangeline. As for Adelaide, I like it but prefer Adeline. Addy is the typical nn for both but I prefer Ada. It might get annoying correcting everyone though.

Generally, I get many compliments on my kids names even though they are not common. Each of my children love their names so far so I must have done something right. Our names are Celena (pron. seh-LAIN-ah not like the teen star) Carol, Nathan Christopher, Evangeline Hope, Annabelle Scarlett, Zeke Wilson, and Elsa Rosalie. (CC, Nate, Annie, Evie, Zeke, and Ellie) Each has their own name and a family name.

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I love the name Genevieve and tried to convince dh to use it. He never was a fan. I wanted to use the nn Evie for it. In the end, I didn't get to use Genevieve but did get an Evie, Evangeline. As for Adelaide, I like it but prefer Adeline. Addy is the typical nn for both but I prefer Ada. It might get annoying correcting everyone though.

Generally, I get many compliments on my kids names even though they are not common. Each of my children love their names so far so I must have done something right. Our names are Celena (pron. seh-LAIN-ah not like the teen star) Carol, Nathan Christopher, Evangeline Hope, Annabelle Scarlett, Zeke Wilson, and Elsa Rosalie. (CC, Nate, Annie, Evie, Zeke, and Ellie) Each has their own name and a family name.



This!!! One of our son's name is Percival and it drives me insane when I constantly have to correct the same people when they call him Percy. That is NOT his name. If I introduce myself as Emily are you going to just immediately start calling me Em, Emma, Emmy without knowing me at all? I get it, his name is long and people like giving nicknames but don't call him something that isn't his nickname. DD's name is Rosalyn and I've heard Roz or Rozy from essentially complete strangers. Drives me insane

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I love an alliteration, so I think Genevieve J*** sounds lovely, especially since the first name has so many syllables separating it from the J of the last name. My friend's sister is a Genevieve who goes by Janie. I don't like the alliteration as much with such a short first name, for some reason.


I think if you start early with the Ada, most people won't even realize she's truly an Adelaide - unless they have access to that information, such as a medical office, school, scouts or sports (someone who sees her birth certificate, e.g.). Gidge is a made up nickname, but so many people assume it's my given name because it's all anyone ever calls me. Excepting teachers, medical staff, coaches and anyone who has ever issued me a paycheck LOL.


My friend's middle name is Adeline. She hates it. I think that probably influenced my own opinion of it being less desireable to Adelaide. Not a horrible name, but I prefer your two original choices :) Either one will sound lovely. Clare Bernadette sounds very old school Catholic B) We were all named after Saints, and have one of each in my family. My sister Clare always went by KC because she hates her name. Bernadette goes by Ettie and doesn't really put too much energy into caring about her name one way or the other LOL.

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Adelaide is having a huge comeback, so while it may sound "more old fashioned" to you right now, in a few years I think that wont be an issue. And with Abigail and Ava in the top 10, I think an Adelaide called Ada will fit right in sound-wise.


Honestly I like Genevieve better, but that's because I LOVE odd-ball names. And it seems like the rarer of the two. My husband and I scoured the S.S. departments list of top names whenever I was expecting because we didn't want any of our sons to have names in the top 100. Pronounceable and recognizable but rarely meeting anyone else with that name was our goal.

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I love the name Genevieve and tried to convince dh to use it. He never was a fan. I wanted to use the nn Evie for it. In the end, I didn't get to use Genevieve but did get an Evie, Evangeline. As for Adelaide, I like it but prefer Adeline. Addy is the typical nn for both but I prefer Ada. It might get annoying correcting everyone though.

Generally, I get many compliments on my kids names even though they are not common. Each of my children love their names so far so I must have done something right. Our names are Celena (pron. seh-LAIN-ah not like the teen star) Carol, Nathan Christopher, Evangeline Hope, Annabelle Scarlett, Zeke Wilson, and Elsa Rosalie. (CC, Nate, Annie, Evie, Zeke, and Ellie) Each has their own name and a family name.



I have a Zeke too! But mines Ezekiel (not that anyone ever calls him that, unless he's in trouble). It's my favorite favorite name by far, I picked it as a child, so I get a little excited every time there's another one.

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Genevieve Clare J--

Adelaide Clare J--


I absolutely love both names, and I think Clare sounds beautiful with them each equally. I have to say though, I'm not at all a fan of Bernadette. I often think in colors and that just makes me think of a muddy brown. Yep, I'm an oddball. :hat:

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I have a Zeke too! But mines Ezekiel (not that anyone ever calls him that, unless he's in trouble). It's my favorite favorite name by far, I picked it as a child, so I get a little excited every time there's another one.



I have an Ezekiel (Zeke - but goes by both pretty evenly) too. :)



OP - I like Adelaide better than Genevieve, simply personal preference, they're both great names. But the nn Ada tips it over for me, love that name too.

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Genevieve Clare J--

Adelaide Clare J--


I absolutely love both names, and I think Clare sounds beautiful with them each equally. I have to say though, I'm not at all a fan of Bernadette. I often think in colors and that just makes me think of a muddy brown. Yep, I'm an oddball. :hat:



Muddy Brown for Bernadette? That's pretty funny. What other names have strong color associations for you?


Dh is kind of nixing the Ada route because he thinks it won't sit well with some members of the family. But Genevieve Clare. Hmmm...

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Muddy Brown for Bernadette? That's pretty funny. What other names have strong color associations for you?


Dh is kind of nixing the Ada route because he thinks it won't sit well with some members of the family. But Genevieve Clare. Hmmm...



It's not something that I get with every name but when I do get it it's really strong. I actually think it's hilarious when it happens because it makes NO sense to me. :) For me, Genevieve Clare is clearly the green of the forest. A deep but very bright and earthy green. Adelaide, I don't get anything from.

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