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DH fell off ladder from about 15-16 up from ground!


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We enjoyed our vacation to Atlanta a week ago, got home and continued with our schedule. Today after church, dd and I ran an errand or two. DH was on the ladder and has been going up a lot lately to fix a broken window in dd's room. He's also doing "things" to help in selling our house. Well, we were rounding the corner to come home when he called and I learned he fell from a ladder! This was about 12'ish. It's a miracle, truly, he did not land on his back rendering a possible broken back or bump his head causing a seizure. He landed on his foot. After we arrived he was on the sofa and as time unfolded dd and I agree that he was in shock b/c he became very, very cold AND he exhibited slight mental confusion. DD and I took him to the emergency room. They said that they are not sure if it was a sprain or a slight fracture b/c his ankle is slightly swollen. He is to have a f/u appt. with the dr. in a week to assess the situation at that time. All in all, he's fine. :)

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Woah- glad he is okay! Shock is no joke, I put a knife through my hand, and was "okay" (ie, not going to die or anything) but I went into shock and had to rushed to the hospital for that. Our bodies are so interesting, the actual injury required some stitches and a tetnus shot, but the shock was what kept me at the hospital for so long and was way worse than the actual injury.


I hope he makes a full recovery soon, and that you were home in time to help him!

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glad he's fine, and hope he stays that way.


This is one of those times it does need to be an ER vs urgent care. urgent care told dh he had a mild sprain. it wouldn't heal. it wasn't a sprain, he ended up with an orthopod. for treatment.


ds fell a similar distance when the branch he was standing on broke. he landed on his feet in soft dirt. I didn't hear about it for quite awhile afterwards. he appeared fine. It was manifest months later he was most definitely NOT fine. It took two years to figure out what was going on. the allopathic doctors noted the fracture of a vertebra, and ignored it as not the cause of his problems becasue it was healed. they ran many, many tests. the chiropractor looked at the x-ray, said "ah ha". and successfully treated the problems he said were caused by the fracture pinching a nerve. (his description made perfect sense. whereas the allopathic had no clue the cause of the problem.)


I would suggest you also have a chiropractor look at him.

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Glad he only hurt his foot. :grouphug: I knew a builder who fell off a ladder. He died instantly. My brother, an electrician, fell 1 1/2 stories off a roof. He landed flat on is back onto the footpath (pavement). He broke several ribs and tore many ligaments in his back, but luckily he didn't have any spinal damage.

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Wow! My dad fell off a ladder a few years ago (well, actually the whole ladder fell) and completely shattered the bones in his foot. Your DH is very blessed that he's okay!

Yes, it is a blessing. We had just gotten home from church and within 2 hours he fell. God protected him even in this.

glad he's fine, and hope he stays that way.


This is one of those times it does need to be an ER vs urgent care. urgent care told dh he had a mild sprain. it wouldn't heal. it wasn't a sprain, he ended up with an orthopod. for treatment.


ds fell a similar distance when the branch he was standing on broke. he landed on his feet in soft dirt. I didn't hear about it for quite awhile afterwards. he appeared fine. It was manifest months later he was most definitely NOT fine. It took two years to figure out what was going on. the allopathic doctors noted the fracture of a vertebra, and ignored it as not the cause of his problems becasue it was healed. they ran many, many tests. the chiropractor looked at the x-ray, said "ah ha". and successfully treated the problems he said were caused by the fracture pinching a nerve. (his description made perfect sense. whereas the allopathic had no clue the cause of the problem.)


I would suggest you also have a chiropractor look at him.

Boy, children are more sensitive to injuries too. Glad that, in time, your ds in doing much better. We have a chiropractor we go to a couple of times a month - we've been going to him for about 15 years. He's good and will likely pick up anything that needs to be evaluated. Thanks.

Glad he only hurt his foot. :grouphug: I knew a builder who fell off a ladder. He died instantly. My brother, an electrician, fell 1 1/2 stories off a roof. He landed flat on is back onto the footpath (pavement). He broke several ribs and tore many ligaments in his back, but luckily he didn't have any spinal damage.

Melissa, I just can't even imagine your brother falling on his back. To me that is far more serious, or has the potential to be. That was my concern; if he fell on his back, bumped his head or as Catwoman said, his neck. Very good to know your brother is doing fine. So sorry to hear about the builder. Was he a commercial builder? Wondering how high up he was.

My dad (construction worker) fell off a two story building when he was younger and landed on his feet. He shattered one of his ankles and had problems for many years afterwards. I'm so glad that your dh will be ok!

Sorry to hear about that. Did he have to have therapy? All in all, it could have been much worse, but I know it must be painful. How is your dad doing today?

I was afraid to open this thread...and I'm so relieved he is okay.

Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I should have been more discerning in the title. It could have been bad, but overall he is doing well. It really could have been more serious and we're grateful that it's not. My apologies for the scare. Thanks.
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the builder was a contractor. he hit his head on landing, he was on a ladder the height of a normal roof. Because tradies have had such terrible injuries from falling from ladders that WorkCover has practically outlawed the use of ladders. Just about every building site has to use harnesses, scaffolding and/or scissor lifts

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My uncle died from a fall from a ladder while bricking the second story of his house. Very scary. I am so glad your husband is ok!


Thanks for all of the most recent replies. Mandy, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle. I know ladders can be dangerous, but these replies have opened my eyes a bit more. :grouphug: :grouphug:
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