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Are your children taller than you?


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Well, as a mother of three boys I assumed I'd likely be outgrown, even though I'm 5'7" myself. so far, one is 4 1\2 inches taller, and one is 6 1\2 inches taller than I am! The almost 12 yo will be taller soon too. As I expected. It's still a bit of a shock though.


I'm finally NOT the tallest in my class! All those embarrassed seventh grade moments come back.

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I'm only 5'2", so my DS 13 is taller than me. He is 5'6" right now. His twin sister is about my size, and I am not sure if she will grow more or not. She would love to be a little taller than me, but it may not happen. Youngest, at 9, is still shorter than me, but it won't be long until he passes me by. :)


I'm under 5" and my twin (brother) is 6'3".


I joke that he got the tall genes, but I got the good-lookin' ones ;) LOL.


He's freakishly tall for our family.

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Not yet, but DS will be for sure. By middle school age I bet! Yikes!

I'm 5'8" and DH is 6'1". but we have loads of 6'4" and taller on both sides of our family and DS is consistently in the high 90% for height. At almost 6, he is the average height for a 7.5 year old!

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My dh is 16 inches taller than me, so it was inevitable that my kids would be taller than me. The oldest passed me at 11 yo, the second one at 12 yo, and the youngest is exactly my height at 11 yo. She'll turn 12 in July, so I'm sure it won't be long until she passes me.

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My three sons are all taller than I am. And, I'm 5'10"!!!! Yes, my 12 yo is nearly 6 feet tall!


Meg is still very short and 7, so I don't think she'll get as tall as I am.



My dh was 6 ft tall by the 6th grade. He said it was awful being that tall that early because he had no coordination. It got better eventually, though. :001_smile:

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At 5ft11in and a dh just one inch shorter (which he denies, lol) I knew our dc would be tall. My 2nd ds, however, started growing about 2 years ago and is now 6ft4in and still growing. His inseam is 36". Quite disconcerting the day I got in his face about something and realized I was looking UP!



My mother-in-law used to stand on the stairs when she wanted to get onto her sons. She was 5'9 or 10", but her sons were all well over 6'. I think the shortest one was 6'3".

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I'm 5' 3". DD passed me up at age 10. She's now 15 and 5' 6". DS didn't pass me up until he was 14. His happiest day, though, was passing his sister up a year later. He's 17 months older than her, but she had been taller than him for years.


DH is 6' 2", so I'm not surprised at all that my children are taller than me.

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I am 5'3" and DH is 6'4". Not only that, but he was six feet by age 11! We have four sons, and it's only a matter of time.


The oldest is not yet seven and hits my shoulder! Our doctor thinks he'll be even with me by eight, but my MIL thinks it'll be a bit later.


Neither my parents or my in-laws are tall, though, so maybe they won't all tower over me.



My DH is 6'3" and hit 6ft at 13. 11 is crazy! I'm 5'7" so DS may not end up as tall as his dad, but he's been at the 95th percentile so far, so if he continues on that path he should pass me up around 12-13. Or he may shoot up early like his dad! DH is taller than his dad (6') and his mom is only about 5'3", so DS may still catch up with DH.

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I'm under 5" and my twin (brother) is 6'3".


I joke that he got the tall genes, but I got the good-lookin' ones ;) LOL.


He's freakishly tall for our family.



You didn't happen to go to college with me, did you? There were boy/girl twins at my school who were 6'3" and 4'10" or so. They both ran cross country and we would joke that she was twice the runner he was because her legs were 1/2 as long. :laugh:

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My first 4 are taller than I am ( ds is 6'4", ds 5'11", dd 5'7", dd 5'8") I am 5'6". My 12yo is closing in on me fast. The only one who might be my height is the 9yo who is just 'average', LOL. My 5yo is completely off the chart and is looking at 6'0" according to the doc but we shall see.

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It is only a matter of time. I am 5'4" while my 9 year old is 4'9" and about the same height I was at 12. I expect all of my children to end up taller than me, although my middle one is following a much shorter pattern than her sisters.

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Nope. Oldest is 1.5 inches shorter than me. We're on the slow-growth plan here ;) Oldest DS's foot is much larger than both mine, and dh's (currently, a size 11). Pediatrician and I have some funny discussions about height. I'm not trying to be disagreeable, just pointing out that until they are actually full-grown everything else is just an educated guess. Genetics are crazy things in my family...that and having slow-progressing puberty really screws up those charts! If ds only grows 2" a year for the next 4 years (until he's 18), he'll be 6'2, DD will be 5'5 (assuming she stops growing when I did), next ds will be 5'10, next dd will be 5'7, next dd...ha! she'll be lucky to be as tall as me (she's only 4, but has been floating between the 15-25% for height for the past 3 years. I'd say the only one who seems a little "off" using that gauge is 2nd DS...and that's a difference of 1-2". But, as I said, genetics are crazy in my family. Nothing is written in stone at this point. Using standard "guesstimating" tools for my oldest brother had him reaching a height of 5'10...and he's 6'5, married to a woman who is 5'2. Their kids are all over the map, with the tallest (thus far) 6'7 (at 16 years). It's all how those height alleles line up!

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Dd10 is inching past my chin. The last time she had a check-up, the Dr. projected her to reach 5'11". I'm not holding my breath, but it wouldn't shock me. Dd3 is taller than Dd10 was at the same age, so I imagine she will be tall, also. The boys aren't as tall for their ages as the girls are, but I expect them to get taller than I am . I am 5'6" and their father is 6'3". My dad was 6'3" as well, and my brother is 6'6". My "short" Ds will probably still make 6'. The other will probably land somewhere between 6' and 6'3" like his dad. That is pure speculation about the boys, but I assume I'll be the shortest in our family by the time our youngest is 12.

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My boys are taller than me. I'm 5'3". My 19yo son is 6' and my 13yo son is 5'7".


My oldest daughter is actually shorter than me at 5'1".


Youngest daughter is 4'8" and still growing so it won't be long before she's taller than me, too! She has really long legs. LOL

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