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Kitchen Nightmare-you have to watch this!


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Wow. That was actually painful to watch.


You think so? I thought it was hilarious! That woman was a Grade A Loony Toon, and her husband was not far behind her.


ETA: I did really want to just punch her in the face, though. I can only imagine how satisfying that would be.

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I watched the whole episode now.


I am doubting that Amy makes all the desserts for 3 reasons:


1. She lied about the ravioli so she's shown she's capable of lying about what she prepares.


2. Where is her baking kitchen and ovens? There is no way she can crank out desserts in the tiny kitchen they showed.


3. When does she make the desserts? They have lunch and dinner and she is the only chef. Unless she is SuperChef/Baker, then I can't see how it is possible.

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I watched the whole episode now.


I am doubting that Amy makes all the desserts for 3 reasons:


1. She lied about the ravioli so she's shown she's capable of lying about what she prepares.


2. Where is her baking kitchen and ovens? There is no way she can crank out desserts in the tiny kitchen they showed.


3. When does she make the desserts? They have lunch and dinner and she is the only chef. Unless she is SuperChef/Baker, then I can't see how it is possible.


Agreed. Has anyone ever called her out on that fact, I wonder.

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I couldn't stop either. It was oddly fascinating. They doing this for attention, I guess? They going for even negative attention is good attention?


I think this. If you look at their Facebook page they have posted the link to the videos themselves about a dozen times, and they certainly didn't look good.


Unless, of course, they have decided they did look good, which I suppose wouldn't really be all that surprising.

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I watched the whole episode now.


I am doubting that Amy makes all the desserts for 3 reasons:


1. She lied about the ravioli so she's shown she's capable of lying about what she prepares.


2. Where is her baking kitchen and ovens? There is no way she can crank out desserts in the tiny kitchen they showed.


3. When does she make the desserts? They have lunch and dinner and she is the only chef. Unless she is SuperChef/Baker, then I can't see how it is possible.


On Facebook people are saying she does not bake anything and has admitted to not baking anything. She says that other stores resell baked goods and she is doing the same.


I did work at a local bakeshop in high school that did not bake anything (unknown to its customers). I still feel guilty 30 years later selling someone a frozen cheesecake (that I just had removed from its box and put in the display case).

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On Facebook people are saying she does not bake anything and has admitted to not baking anything. She says that other stores resell baked goods and she is doing the same.


I did work at a local bakeshop in high school that did not bake anything (unknown to its customers). I still feel guilty 30 years later selling someone a frozen cheesecake (that I just had removed from its box and put in the display case).



I'm not surprised.


I use my WTM powers to absolve of guilt about frozen cheesecake!


Did the owners tell you to lie? Or was it less overt...like a don't offer up the info.

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On Facebook people are saying she does not bake anything and has admitted to not baking anything. She says that other stores resell baked goods and she is doing the same.


I did work at a local bakeshop in high school that did not bake anything (unknown to its customers). I still feel guilty 30 years later selling someone a frozen cheesecake (that I just had removed from its box and put in the display case).



It happens all the time. My aunt worked for a gift shop in a tourist area. One of her jobs was to soak the labels off the WM honey and put a "fresh Ozark honey" label on it. Trust no one!!

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On Facebook people are saying she does not bake anything and has admitted to not baking anything. She says that other stores resell baked goods and she is doing the same.


I did work at a local bakeshop in high school that did not bake anything (unknown to its customers). I still feel guilty 30 years later selling someone a frozen cheesecake (that I just had removed from its box and put in the display case).



Wait...that was YOU!?!?!? I KNEW you were familiar!!!!!!! I've been scarred for life and have trust issues ever since my infamous Cheesecake Incident.




(P.S. I think it's safe for you to give yourself a pass on this one now).

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We watched that episode the other night. Those owners are completely off their rockers (specifically the woman). Their behaviour on the show combined with how they treat customers I doubt they still have a business in a year. She is so sure she was perfect and everyone was jsut haters, yeah not so much victim as delusional hag.

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Gracious. As the Huffington Post reporter says, it says something that Ramsay is the reasonable one.


Gordon, at least TV Gordon, is kind of a jackass (oddly, he was so much calmer and quietly authoritative on the BBC Kitchen Nightmares; I guess somebody decided Americans need DRAMA). But the man knows what he's talking about when it comes to food and restaurants. I'm always amazed when people running some fourth-rate diner argue with the Michelin-starred chef about the quality of their food.


Crazy eyes, indeed. I hope that poor little waitress got a job working for sane people.

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I'm starting part 2.


The look Amy gave to the server when Gordon slipped the server a tip was wicked.



Oh a part 2? I didn't know that, off to check online to watch it. I only saw the episode when he up and left and took down all the cameras

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Thank for posting the links. I've been multislacking the day away and this was very entertaining!! I have never seen Gordon so controlled and rational. I think he realized SOMEONE had to be the sane one.


Samy is nearly as bad as Amy though. Not letting the waitstaff keep their tips? Yikes!

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Oh a part 2? I didn't know that, off to check online to watch it. I only saw the episode when he up and left and took down all the cameras


I meant part 2 on the website I was watching.


I think the end was when they took down the cameras. You've seen it all.

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Wow. I'm only 8 minutes in (and unfortunately can't watch the whole thing right now), but I have a hard time believing these people are for real. And how can they possibly keep their employees? No matter how hard up I was for money, I wouldn't work for people like that beyond one day. I have to think that the novelty factor is the only thing keeping their business afloat - people go there to experience the crazy. :001_huh:

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Thank for posting the links. I've been multislacking the day away and this was very entertaining!! I have never seen Gordon so controlled and rational. I think he realized SOMEONE had to be the sane one.


Samy is nearly as bad as Amy though. Not letting the waitstaff keep their tips? Yikes!


And you know he isn't reporting those on his taxes! Hope the IRS gets him!

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I don't understand why these people agree to go on TV. When I act crazy or off balance I make a point of not doing it when there are cameras or even other people around.

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I don't understand why these people agree to go on TV. When I act crazy or off balance I make a point of not doing it when there aren't cameras or even other people around.



No such thing as bad press. Part of me wonders if the whole thing is an act.

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How have they been in business for two years? I know they say that there is no such thing as bad press but does that count if it's food? I wouldn't eat at a place that was known for bad food.

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How have they been in business for two years? I know they say that there is no such thing as bad press but does that count if it's food? I wouldn't eat at a place that was known for bad food.



No kidding. Bad frozen ravioli with a side of cuckoopants? No thanks...I think I'll just go to Panera.

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I don't understand why these people agree to go on TV. When I act crazy or off balance I make a point of not doing it when there aren't cameras or even other people around.



That's the thing. These people are so bat$hit crazy that they believe they're right and everyone else is wrong. They truly believed that Gordon Ramsay was going to redeem them. They embody what it means to be delusional.


I finally watched the whole thing. I don't think I've ever seen anyone quite as crazy as Amy, and I've seen some crazy in my time. That woman is scary. I think their best bet at this point is to embrace the hot mess they've created and rename the place "Crazy Amy's Baking Company". Make it all about the bad food and insults. Like those restaurants (I forget the name) where part of the appeal is that you know your server will insult you and mistreat you during your meal - it's all part of the experience. When you can't beat the crazy, embrace it! :w00t:

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ok, I am not a psychologist(but I play one on the WTM forum), but I think that lady has OCPD...seriously...

But my question is doesn't a producer or staff from the show check out the applicants before Gordon shows up???

Or did they and they decided they wanted an episode that showed there are people out there that are "more out there" than Gordon???

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ok, I am not a psychologist(but I play one on the WTM forum), but I think that lady has OCPD...seriously...

But my question is doesn't a producer or staff from the show check out the applicants before Gordon shows up???

Or did they and they decided they wanted an episode that showed there are people out there that are "more out there" than Gordon???



I think they knew exactly what they were getting, and they thought it would make for great TV. Nothing like watching a trainwreck. Plus, Amy & Samy did make Gordon look like an incredibly sane, balanced person. ;)

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All I can think in watching this is -- this is a man that will do anything to make his wife happy. And something in that is so sweet, well except for the whole drama involved too. But that thought just keeps coming back to me over and over again.

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