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Not fair! (a JAWM thread)


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It snowed yesterday and it is cold and wet today. It is MAY. MAY!!!!!!


That is so not fair. :glare:



And then, I made cream of mushroom soup for supper -- from scratch, with 4 kinds of mushrooms. It is one of ds's favourite soups. When I went to get him for supper, he was in bed. He'd said he wasn't feeling too hot earlier, so I checked and he had a low fever. Instead of supper, we went to the clinic. Strep. :( Got meds and came home. Then, he asked me what I made for supper, and when I told him, he said:


That is so not fair!

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Sorry! It's supposed to be in the 90's here tomorrow, but the wind is blowing like crazy. Just wondering... wouldn't warm soup help his throat feel a little better. I hope he gets well soon.



Theoretically, yes, but he tends to get nauseated very easily when he has a fever. I don't really want to clean that up, KWIM? :ack2:

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Hope your son feels better soon. And the soup sounds awesome. :) Out of curiousity... Do you put red wine in it? I have a cream of wild rice/mushroom soup recipe that calls for a bit of red wine at the end. I wasn't sure how it would taste the first time I made it but it turned out well.


I hear you about the cold and snow. It's still freezing hard here at night and we still have snow pack along the north sides of treelines and in the bush. At this rate, we'll simply miss summer and before we know it, it'll be next winter. :grouphug: for putting up with the weather.

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It is over the top hot here and when I come up there in a couple weeks I am bringing it with me!!! You guys can have it! :001_cool: However, my kids are hoping to play in the snow and maybe snowmobile when we get there. :laugh:


:grouphug: To your DS. I hope he feels better soon.


My DD LOVES cream of mushroom soup. Can you share your recipe?

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It's snowing here too, in May! :grouphug: Sorry for the all around rough day. I hope DS feels better soon.... And your soup sounds delicious! Would it make you feel better to share the recipe with us?? ;)


Sure. I adapted this recipe from one I got out of a Canadian Living magazine several years ago. The brown rice, thyme, portobello and creminis are not in the original recipe.


Cream of Mushroom Soup

1 large portobello, cleaned and chopped

12 medium button mushrooms, chopped

12-18 medium cremini mushrooms, chopped

6-8 dried shitake mushrooms, soaked and chopped (discard stems)

2 shallots (or 1/2 medium onion), minced

3 large cloves garlic, minced

1/2 tsp. dried thyme

3 cups chicken broth (or more if you like a thinner soup)

1 cup cream

1/4 cup sherry

1/4 cup flour

1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons butter, divided

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt to taste

1-2 cups of cooked brown rice (depending on how hungry you are or how thick you like your soup)

Fresh parsley, chopped


In a sauté pan, sauté the mushrooms in 2 tablespoons butter and the olive oil for about 10 minutes. Add the shallots and garlic and cook until everything is lightly browned. Add the thyme and the sherry and cook until liquid is evaporated. Add 2 cups of the chicken broth, bring to simmer, cover and let simmer 10 minutes.


In your soup pot, melt the remaining butter. Stir in the flour and cook for a minute or two, whisking all the while. Slowly add in the remaining chicken broth, then the cream, whisking the whole time. Add in all the mushroom mixture, stirring well to blend the consistency. Add in rice. Gently simmer another 5-10 minutes. Add salt to taste, if needed. Finish with parsley.

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:grouphug: I hope your ds feels better soon. I had strep twice as a teen and it was horrible!


Snow! Dh was in Iowa yesterday for work and he said it was snowing when he left. He also remembers as a teen being in Maine when it snowed Jul 4.


It was practically summer here just a couple weeks ago and now it's back down to the 60's. I actually like it. I hope your spring comes soon!

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Your post reminds me of the most wonderful soup I remember from childhood - I was at a neighborhood friend's house whose German mother had just finished making cream of mushroom soup. I can still taste that creamy deliciousness in my memory. Thanks for posting your recipe - it looks perfect!

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Hey, thanks everyone. I appreciate the commiseration. :)


Ds is really feeling awful today, but I've got him to keep down his amoxycillin and some chicken broth with rice. He's slept most of the day, which is good. He needs it. I promised I'd make the mushroom soup again as soon as he was up to eating it. He smiled. I needed that. :)

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