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Summer camps!?!?

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I am curious if your kids will be heading to any fantastic summer camps this year? Mine are signed up for a few and are super excited. Each camp fits their interest level perfectly and I am so excited for them.


Okay, so today I got word of another excellent summer camp. It fits my 4th grader perfectly. Now I am wondering how many weeks of summer camp is too many? My kids have plenty of downtime all year long. We spend plenty of time at the beach and pool through November. So should I sign him up for another camp? He'd say yes if I asked him! It is this mom who worries about doing too much ;)

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DS is up for a week at Boy Scout Camp up in the Black Hills.

DD has three days at science camp.


They both have four days at Rodeo Bible Camp (and I'm a counselor).


Near as I can tell, three is the max. ;)


(We also do 4H, though. Horses, dogs, shooting sports and another project or two, so that keeps us plenty busy!)

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Honestly, it really would depend on the kid and how much personal space that they need, as well as the money involved. None of these things are cheap, lol. My kids do about three weeks of camp a year between church camp, scouts and theater camp. They would not do well with more than that because they need some alone time, but extroverted kids would not think that is enough, I'm sure.

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I don't like to "fill up" our summer, so I limited each kid to 2 weeks, and they had to be the same week! Ended up just signing my boys up for 2 weeks of YMCA daycamp that is just a bunch of outdoor stuff. Dd is doing 1 week of half day princess dance camp and one week of general camp at her montessori school. Usually we also do VBS too, but it conflicts with other plans.


In the past my kids have done wilderness camp, lego camp, space themed camp, etc. It's up to their interests, but it's getting harder now that they are older to find camps that are at the same or similar locations and times, which is why we went with YMCA this year for the older 2.

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my daughter is quite the extrovert and my husband happens to work at a local Christian day camp so we get free tuition - I agreed to allow her to go every other week (total of 4 weeks). Each week is themed, so she's super excited for each different theme she gets to go to.


Since it's free for us, I feel free to manage her time at camp differently than most people, though, and will make her stay home a day if she shows she needs a break by not being able to manage her attitude/emotions in the evening. We did this last summer too and it worked out quite well.

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We're the oddball - we don't do camp or VBS. Part of why I homeschool is so I can control who & what my dd is exposed to, and I can't do that at camp. Plus here they cost way more than we can afford too.


Maybe when dd is older, but not right now.

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My 9 year old is going to one week of a classic sleepaway camp that he went to last year also. He had a blast there. He’s also going to Cub Scout camp for a week this year. He is signed up for a robot day camp (really 1/2 days) for one other week.


My 6 year old has no desire to do any kind of camp, even in things that he loves or activities that he is already involved in.


I think “how much is too much†depends on the kid. I actually feel less worried about overscheduling the summer than I would if they were in traditional school. I figure we spread the downtime throughout the year rather than trying to fit all the fun free time into 8 weeks in the summer. My oldest likes structure. He’s also very introverted but really wanted to go away to camp completely on his own last year. I think it was fabulous for his self-confidence and independence. I really saw him grow after his week there. So I’m excited he has the chance to go back.

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I think “how much is too much†depends on the kid. I actually feel less worried about overscheduling the summer than I would if they were in traditional school. I figure we spread the downtime throughout the year rather than trying to fit all the fun free time into 8 weeks in the summer. My oldest likes structure. He’s also very introverted but really wanted to go away to camp completely on his own last year. I think it was fabulous for his self-confidence and independence. I really saw him grow after his week there. So I’m excited he has the chance to go back.


Thanks! This has been my thought all day. We are pretty relaxed Sept-May, so a little bit more on the schedule for a few months won't be so bad. Mine is an introvert as well, but he absolutely loved each of his camps last year so much. He really thrived and gained a lot of self-confidence.

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My oldest does a week at scout camp, but then he also camps one weekend a month the other 11 months, so that is plenty for him. He earns the money himself for summer camp through fundraising.


DS8 has a robotics camp. Fortunately, I thought ahead and volunteered last winter at the museum in exchange for a camp voucher, otherwise it would be very pricey.


That's it for us this summer, but that's mainly because the budget is at zero. We dropped $1500 on airfare so we can fly the kids out to Michigan at the end of this month to compete in the world finals for Odyssey of the Mind. With camp, that gives them both two major activities for the summer. Plenty for DS13, who prefers lots of downtime hanging with close friends. DS8 prefers a fuller schedule and would love to fill every moment with science classes and camps. He and I may take a week off for the Table Mountain Star Party if others in his astronomy club decide to go.

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As a child I thought Americans must be awful to send their children to summer camps. We just didn't have them here and I didn't realise just how long the summer breaks are in some states. Now I think i would consider it if we had the more specialised camps and i had the money.

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My DD is doing gymnastics camp (3 hours/day) for a couple of weeks-she loves it there, and may end up there more weeks than that, but I only registered her for the very first one, because it's a nice transition (we school year-round, so having a week of just bouncing on trampolines and doing cartwheels is a nice change for her) and for one in late summer when it's hot and she's likely to need a break. She's also doing a pretty intensive music camp at the university as a piano student, but mommy's teaching theory, so I'll be on campus as well-even though I'll be with other groups most of the time. She's been at the piano camp pretty much every summer since she was born, and at about age 3-4, started taking some of the classes (and spending the rest of the time with a grad student babysitter while I taught). Last summer, she moved to being a regular student, and handled the long days well, even though she was exhausted by the end of them. She'll still be the youngest there, since most of the kids are 12-18.


She wants to go to Space camp, but at age 8, she's too young for anything but the "Family camps". I'm thinking that we may try one of them this fall (they're cheaper in the school year) and if she likes it and I feel good about the program, let her do a week of the camp (probably, again, during the school year due to cost) once she's 9 and age-eligible.

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Dd9 is heading off to BVI for 3 weeks with ActionQuest. She is so excited to get scuba certified and learn more about marine ecology. This is one time that I wish I was young again... it looks like such a fabulous program!


The rest of the summer will be spent here at the beach and on the boat. There is something so magical about the combination of the summertime sun and the way it dances on the water. The countdown is on... 48 more days!

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Hopefully the paperwork will make it to camp by next Friday for DD's camp. She is going to a fun academic style of camp where they learn without feeling like learning. She is very anxious about going somewhere she doesn't know anyone. I do not think she could handle more than one week of camp because of this. I should look into sending my twins off somewhere as well.

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If we had the money, I would do more. As it is, I haven't felt like the payoff has been worth it. And now that my kids are old enough that I can leave them on their own for short times anyway and they know to stay out of my hair if I need a "day off" then the babysitting benefit isn't worth the money either.

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Dd9 is doing a week of ballet camp and a week of craft camp. Ds7 is doing a week of soccer camp and a week of science camp. I try to always do 1 or 2 weeks with each school age child. I feel like it give them an opportunity to be more independent.

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I think he's old enough to decide that if he wants to do it (and you don't mind the logistics) he can. I used to feel strongly about limiting outside activities and letting kids be kids and have downtime....and then I realized my oldest CRAVES certain activities he can't get at home. For this child, the more the better, and he never complains, balks, or tires out. This child is also ,y guy who craves structure. Is just his personality. My younger ds is showing to be the complete opposite and I will continue to protect his downtime.

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My 16yo old son is going to a 10 day CAP Powered Flight Academy and a one-week Worldview Academy camp.


My 14yo is going to a week of Boy Scout Camp


Hopefully, they are all going to Summer Camp through our church for five days since it would be at the same time and my husband and I would actually be alone. It would be the first time EVER without kids for that length of time.

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DD is doing three camps:


One week of half day tennis

One week of Girl Scout day camp with one night of camping

Two weeks of half cooking camp and half art camp


I love camps and I wish I could do some of them with her ... actually I am. I'm going to Girl Scout camp with her!

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A camp-packed summer was fine for my oldest at that age, because both the school year and her social life were pretty relaxed, lol. It doesn't work as well now that she's older, because we really have to work to stay on top of high school, and she would miss a lot of time poolside with her friends.


She did 6 weeks last year, in between 8th & 9th. I really think it added to our struggles with feeling like this school year is never going to end, lol. This summer will be 3 weeks. It's actually more of an academic workshop, so it will allow for an easier 1st semester schedule as well.


My youngest is much more camp-aversive. She'll be doing 2 weeks of art camp and will by no means consider more.

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My ds15 and dd go to a Celtic music camp. Dd is going to do another Irish music camp in AZ but in October. Their camp experiences are limited to those they are able to get scholarships for and by our free time. Camps are expensive and dd will not do a camp unless I can go with her and I have to work sometimes to help pay for it all.


My ds17 will do 3 different wrestling camps (two with his high school team and another with his club team) and may add one more at one of the colleges he is interested in. He worked to help pay for his camp experiences this year...though wrestling camps are not nearly as expensive as the music camps.

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So far DS11 is signed up for a week of Boy Scout Camp in OR, both kids are signed up for a huge carnival of a VBS (full-day day camp) courtesy of their grandparents, and DD7 is signed up for another VBS with her bestie (1/2 days). DS wants to take a babysitting class and DD wants to go to tennis camp and soccer camp and would also like to do a month of TKD. Both would like to get a membership to the local rockclimbing gym as well. I want free time so I may let them each do one more thing, but that's it.

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Camp lovers here! I love having tons of options for focused camps that appeal to DS's interest level. I wish there were camps year round! One specialized 4 day intensive camp per month would be great!


No overnight camps due to age but DS does several specialized day camps every year. I do not mean day care called camp I mean specialized, focused, intense camps. DS is doing a speed skating camp that is out of state but is a day camp and they want parents there for part of it. He is also doing a couple of other sports camps as well. Due to the budget he is not getting to do all the camps he would love. The robtics camps is far and is more than every other camp within 2 hours, including some overnight camps!

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I love summer camps for enrichment activities we can't fit in during the year. T is going to a theater day camp that's 8-5 M-F for 2 weeks in order to put on a short musical. It's a great chance to sing, dance, act, build the set and learn about lighting and sound. If she enrolled in a theater class during the regular school year, it would mean giving up violin or sports and she wouldn't want to do that. She's also going to a GSA week long sleep away horse back riding camp and then, a month later, a GSA pioneer camp. She's looking forward to them and will love the break from school work because we hs year round.


Geezle is going to a summer social skills/academic tutoring camp. He's very excited because he already met a kid his age at the school when we went to visit.


Houston in the summer isn't really a time to hang out outside playing. It's just so hot and humid that it's best to be inside if at all possible during the day.

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DD will be 15 is doing a week-long residential intensive writing camp. We are thrilled she was accepted since it is difficult to get into. You have to submit a portoflio of work and usually only students finishing 10th and 11 th grade are accepted. Rarely, some particularly talented finishing 9th graders have been accepted. It is not a pay and you are in camp-they only choose the best of those that apply up to I think 15 in each type of writing(poetry, ficton and one other type I can't remember). Dd is just finishing 9th and is in the fiction group. People come from all over the country to attend. She isn't into the traditional type of camp. This camp is very pricey, but it is a good fit for her. If we found more camps she would like, we would consider sending her if we could afford it. She also does some weekend or once a week softball camps thruought the year.-but they are just daytime or evening events. It is hard to fit in anything in the first half of summer for her since she plays softball till mid-July.


DS 7 has attended a history day camp for one day last year and will attend again this year. I will consider some others for him this year too. A local art group offers a camp I may try. He will also attend Vacation Bible School one evening a week for 6 weeks at our church. This will be his 4th year. He also attends VBS at my in-laws church and sometimes the church our neighbor attends. He is very extroverted and would love camp every day for the whole summer if we could manage it.


DD 3 is too little for most camps, but she will do Vacation Bible School at our church for a week of mornings. She would not like to be away from me anyway. VBS only works since she knows all the leaders.


I think deciding how much camp to do depends on a lot of things: The child's personality, his/her interests, financial considerations, scheduling, impact on the rest of the family...

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So far DS11 is signed up for a week of Boy Scout Camp in OR, both kids are signed up for a huge carnival of a VBS (full-day day camp) courtesy of their grandparents, and DD7 is signed up for another VBS with her bestie (1/2 days). DS wants to take a babysitting class and DD wants to go to tennis camp and soccer camp and would also like to do a month of TKD. Both would like to get a membership to the local rockclimbing gym as well. I want free time so I may let them each do one more thing, but that's it.


Our church is doing the carnival VBS too!

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