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Anybody else done something REALLY stupid today...


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Besides me? I just put two eggs in a pan of water on the stove to boil. Then I came in here, got on the computer, and completely forgot they were on there until one of them literally exploded. The pan is now completely out of water and I have egg over one wall to clean up... not to mention the fact that I have to do it over again since I clearly can't eat those two eggs. Sheesh, Luanne! Wake up and smell the eggs boiling! :huh: :mellow: :sad:

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I was making sauteed spinach for lunch. Mounded the spinach in the pan, turned to stir some wontons and knocked the tongs that were in the spinach pan. Pretty much all of the spinach leaves landed on my kitchen floor. Bummer.


I've had to clean egg shrapnel off the walls before. No fun.


I think it is one of those days when chocolate is called for.

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I don't know who it is (I can guess) who keeps giving me ONE star no matter what I post. I still say you need to get a life. If you don't like me, just ignore me, but stop acting like this is grade school.


I just gave you 5 stars to make up for it. :)

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Yup...totally...walked many blocks with a heavy bag of library books just to find out that library wasn't connected with our home library and had to walk back with said heavy books (and a dog trying to drag me + 4 kids)


But I think I'd rather do that than clean up exploded egg mess lol

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I don't know who it is (I can guess) who keeps giving me ONE star no matter what I post. I still say you need to get a life. If you don't like me, just ignore me, but stop acting like this is grade school.


You have a "bully" on the WTM board? :huh:


I did not even know you could "rate" a thread. I learned something today.


I will try and give you 5 stars for the egg shrapnel. :D

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Can't think of anything unusually dumb today, but your post reminds me of many incidents that . . . weren't funny at the time! LOL. When I was a teen I left some water in a canteen until it got mildewy. Brilliant me decided boil water in the [metal] canteen to get the nast out. The canteen didn't have a way to let off that much steam so BOOM! it flew through the kitchen. Almost as funny as exploded eggs, no? LOL.

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Not so much a something I did today but I feel dumb today - ds's last pre-college music classes are tonight. I thought they went another couple weeks and so agreed to let ds skip them so he could get a particular scouting project/merit badge done (necessary to complete his Eagle). Got an email from one professor saying she was sorry he'd miss the final class... :banghead: . Nothing we can do about it now. 5 Stars for you, Luanne, I need threads like this!!

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I just gave you 5 stars too. I've noticed the "bullying by rating" much more lately. I'd like to think most people are just accidentally hitting the 1 star rating while on their phones or something, but I'm starting to get the sense that it's not so random. :glare:

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I just gave you 5 stars too. I've noticed the "bullying by rating" much more lately. I'd like to think most people are just accidentally hitting the 1 star rating while on their phones or something, but I'm starting to get the sense that it's not so random. :glare:



I might think it was just random as well if it had only happened once, but it has been more than once.

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I do something stupid every day B)


Fortunately, not every day involves something stinky like your egg incident LOL.


Today, in my distracted state, I gave my daughter the go-ahead to use the Sharpie markers.


I forgot to remind her to put down a placemat first. She has never remembered to do this on her own.


I just brought home a new-to-us table this weekend. It's now decorated with Sharpie hashmarks.


Oh, and it's my brother's table - not mine.

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I was filling out a form I need for tomorrow and decided I'd be clever and use last year's form as a template (it never changes). That proud-of-myself feeling evaporated when I noticed that I'd changed the date, as last year's event was earlier in April, but had dutifully copied 2012 after the correct day. Derp.


At least I was able to reprint the form and salvage my pride (except now I've told all of you). Sorry about your egg shrapnel, Luanne.

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Besides me? I just put two eggs in a pan of water on the stove to boil. Then I came in here, got on the computer, and completely forgot they were on there until one of them literally exploded. The pan is now completely out of water and I have egg over one wall to clean up... not to mention the fact that I have to do it over again since I clearly can't eat those two eggs. Sheesh, Luanne! Wake up and smell the eggs boiling! :huh: :mellow: :sad:


I can't believe you're still in the mood for eggs LOL.


I blame these newfangled computer things. That was my distraction, too.


I was knee-deep in Amazon reviews for books I had no plan to buy today.


That'll learn us both!

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I do something stupid every day B)


Fortunately, not every day involves something stinky like your egg incident LOL.


Today, in my distracted state, I gave my daughter the go-ahead to use the Sharpie markers.


I forgot to remind her to put down a placemat first. She has never remembered to do this on her own.


I just brought home a new-to-us table this weekend. It's now decorated with Sharpie hashmarks.


Oh, and it's my brother's table - not mine.



Have you considered painting the table?



:lol: :lol: :lol: I couldn't resist. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I flooded my kitchen today. I wish I could say it was someone else's fault but no, it's on me. My older son was still asleep and my younger was just waking up. I cleaned the kitchen, sprayed down the oven and burner drip trays to clean them. Scrubbed the stove. Washed off the front of the cabinets. Started some sauce in a small crockpot to warm for lunch and dinner. I got breakfast ready and stacked up the school books we needed for the day. I thought yay, it's a good day. I'm ahead of the game. Look at me, on top of everything.


Then. Then. Then I loaded and started the dishwasher. Still going good. There were a few things left over that I wanted to hand wash rather than wait to run a second load. I put the stopper in the sink, turned on the water, squirted in some dish soap and turned away for a second to help my just rousing 4 year old son in the bathroom. Then, totally forgetting about the dishes, I changed the laundry over to the dryer, walked the clean and dry stuff to my bedroom, got my son settled on my bed with some toys, folded the clothes and then hopped in the shower. I was feeling super on top of it and productive.


Then. Then. Then I came out and heard the faucet running. My stomach flipped over 17 times as I ran to the kitchen. Water was everywhere, rapidly spreading over most of the kitchen floor. I flung every absorbant towel in the house, including my 40 plus newly cleaned and folded hand and dishtowels onto the seams where the floor meets the walls and the carpet into the living room and then my biggest towels and blankets over the middle with big towels. I realized the towels were at best a stop gap measure to slow/stem the water from soaking into the walls. I cursed myself for getting rid of our shop vac when we downsized to an apartment and called my brother to bring over his massive shop vac. Oh did I mention, I am not dressed at this point? I came out in a towel which I immediately donated to the cause. I threw on some clothes once I knew a shop vac was en route.


Then. Then. Then I sat down and breathed and waited. Breathed and waited. I checked my email and these boards to keep myself from blowing a gasket or pacing a hole in my carpet. My brother lives 45 minutes away in typical traffic but somehow got here in 30 ish. Whew. No gasket blown.


My brother and I got all the water up, the towels and blankets rung out and the blankets into the dryer to spin out the excess water. I have my first load of towels in now and the rest of the rung out wet towels in the tub waiting for their turn in the washer for a spin plus wash. His younger daughter and my sons played in my sons' room to stay clear.


Then once we got things in order, we all walked over to a hamburger and shake place for a calm down and thank you world's greatest brother lunch. I think I have new gray hairs and I need to drink some more soda water to settle my stomach.


Then I called my husband to share the news. Good news first. "you got all the water cleaned up out of the kitchen? Wait, what water??" Then the bad news. "You flooded the kitchen? How? Well, of all the things you could forget about, at least it was water and not flame."




I need to drink. And go give my forgetful butt 1 star on the mom rankings for the day. :coolgleamA:

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I do something stupid every day B)


Fortunately, not every day involves something stinky like your egg incident LOL.


Today, in my distracted state, I gave my daughter the go-ahead to use the Sharpie markers.


I forgot to remind her to put down a placemat first. She has never remembered to do this on her own.


I just brought home a new-to-us table this weekend. It's now decorated with Sharpie hashmarks.


Oh, and it's my brother's table - not mine.



Rubbing alcohol removes sharpie...I've had more experience than I want to admit.

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Rubbing alcohol removes sharpie...I've had more experience than I want to admit.



I had no idea! I'm going to try that, thank you!!


Then I'm going to hide the Sharpies. Or send them to you ;)




Katie, .. see, everytime I get motivated to clean I think: "Why? What good can come of it?" And your experience today has just confirmed my beliefs. See, and again - it's the computer! These things are supposed to make our lives easier, and yet ... they're just making us all do most stupid stuff!

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I had no idea! I'm going to try that, thank you!!


Then I'm going to hide the Sharpies. Or send them to you ;)




Katie, .. see, everytime I get motivated to clean I think: "Why? What good can come of it?" And your experience today has just confirmed my beliefs. See, and again - it's the computer! These things are supposed to make our lives easier, and yet ... they're just making us all do most stupid stuff!




Be careful; rubbing alcohol can damage the finish on some tables. Don't ask me how I know.

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I just gave you 5 stars too. I've noticed the "bullying by rating" much more lately. I'd like to think most people are just accidentally hitting the 1 star rating while on their phones or something, but I'm starting to get the sense that it's not so random. :glare:



People were like that with the old system as well.


It is sad that people posting on a parenting board cannot be mature.

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Here's one to make your jaw drop! I feel so dumb!


Last Friday night, I had my crockpot going on high with some red lentil curry for Saturday lunch. On the Jewish Sabbath, we cannot adjust electrical appliances. The curry was bubbling too hard and I worried that it would burn before lunch. So I took of can of tuna (full and sealed) and stuck it underneath to lift it off the bottom of the heating element. I went to bed and around 5am I heard and felt a tremendous whump (I thought it was another earthquake -- we live in Japan) and then the fire alarm went of three times (saying "There's a fire." in Japanese) then it stopped. One of our guests came up a minute later and knocked on our bedroom door to tell us that something was very wrong in the kitchen.


When I can down, the whole kitchen was covered in curry as well as part of the living room/dining room (up to 12 feet away) and there was a 7 inch hole right above the crokpot, which was mangled beyond shreds and shards of the crock all over the kitchen! It took four adults working hard 2 hours to clean the place. There was curry in the weirdest places!


We were so thankful to G-d that it didn't happen when anyone else was around. Several people thought about coming down to read or get water right around that time. I just had the repair guy over and it looks like it will cost us 500-600$ to fix the hole (and another small hole from another adventure). I told my husband, "This is the first mistake of my homemaking career. Hopefully, it is the last."

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Be careful; rubbing alcohol can damage the finish on some tables. Don't ask me how I know.


There's just no winning sometimes, is there? LOL


I went and got some rubbing alcohol after scouts tonight, then decided to try in the morning. I'll have to try on the underbelly of a chair first - I appreciate the heads up. This is the Universe trying to cure of my need for a table and hutch to match, that's for danged sure!


My husband's family makes moonshine. One batch in particular did take the varnish off of my SIL's table once the guys started spilling it from the shot glasses. I was like ... whoa ... WTH is that doing to the insides of these men?? Yikes!

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I don't know who it is (I can guess) who keeps giving me ONE star no matter what I post. I still say you need to get a life. If you don't like me, just ignore me, but stop acting like this is grade school.



You can give people stars :001_huh: I must figure out how to do that. (Obviously it wasnt me I didn't know you could do it LOL).

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I just wrote a check to someone. I only wrote half of her last name. I noticed bc/ my carbon has just half of it and now I remember stopping while writing it as I was thinking about the spelling of it. I must have gotten distracted. Then I gave it to her like that and she drove away. That's today. I think I do something stupid everyday. Perhaps the dumbest was the time my husband said he didn't really want me pulling between cars parked in our parking deck to exit the fast way from the deck. That same week I was in a rush. There were only a few cars, but one was right in front of me to the right and a wall was to the left. I decided to squeeze through just this once. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The truck's bumper scraped my side of my van. I panicked and backed up, deeply running the bumper further in and then catching it into my wheel well. Then I had to go tell my husband and the new neighbor. He had moved in the NIGHT before! And they had to remove my tire to get the truck's bumper out of my wheel well. Of course I was hours late for the thing I was rushing for and have never lived it down in my own conscience. My husband is super nice and never said a single word. Nothing. Just cheerfully fixed it. The repair was $1600. It does make me remember not to rub stuff in that he does. Grace is a beautiful thing when received ; )

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Walkermama, when you open a thread, right under the Peace Hill Press banner and above the thread title is a row of stars. Click on the first star on the left to give the thread a one-star rating, the 2nd star for a 2-star rating...and so on.


So we don't actually get to use a Star-On Machine, like in The Sneeches?

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It's only 1230 and if I answer in the negative I will jinx things and end up doing something monumentally stupid in 5 minutes. But your egg story reminds me of the day I came home and found tuna on my kitchen ceiling thanks to my kids wanting to copy mythbusters. I foudn nothing funny about it at the time, but it will forever be the story shared at family gatherings in the future.

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