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If you could only teach three subjects...

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Obviously none of us are limited in the number of subjects we can teach (although there are only so many hours in a day) but I've been pondering this as I decide what's REALLY important to me, and what isn't. It's actually started a pretty good dialog between dh and I, as he pointed out that formal logic is definitely included in his list, and why.


So. What are your three?


Edited to add: for the sake of the conversation very basic competency in math/reading/writing is assumed.

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if i could only teach 3 subjects, i would choose bible (which would serve as a great spine for history, geography, philosophy, science, etc), math & language arts (which covers spelling, grammar, & writing for us). we teach much more than this, but if i had to pick just 3, those are my choices :).

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history, science, and art. History because it's the story of us all- although I'd probably teach from a philosophical angle if I only had one way to teach it, science because scientific literacy needs to be greatly improved (mine as well), and art because it is art - another window to the soul.

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Recess, lunch and nap. Maybe nap twice.


I mean, we're talking about a dream world here, right? ;)


For real, I think I might say, math, reading and art. Math is just a life and problem solving skill. By good reading you can learn history, science, and even how to write well in any number of other subject areas. I surprised myself with Art. I wasn't educated in art, but it takes some understanding to appreciate it. It would also be a good window at history.

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After the 3Rs, the Amish teach art, geography and health in that order of importance. Most don't get to health at all, and some don't even attempt geography. Music is taught intensively at home and church and most children can read music and sing acapella. So I guess the true order of importance for the Amish is music, art and geography in that order.


150 years ago, geography and handwriting were often the only subjects taught after the 3Rs.



Math, reading and copywork...


Ok so copy work isn't a subject but you can learn so much from coping not only the subject content like history, science etc. but also grammar, handwriting, poetry etc.



If I had to do some crazy ultra-radical streamlining, I'd do How to Tutor (reading, handwriting and arithmetic mostly through copywork), Draw Write Now (art, copywork, and geography) and the ORIGINAL Doubleday hardback What Your _ Grader Needs to Know series grades 1-6 (all subjects, narration and copywork).

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writing, math and Latin. Having said that, I know good and well that DD and a decent library will take care of most else. Science might need to come in when DD gets out of the level that she can get project books on her own and make up the projects in the back yard with minimal supplies.

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Edited to add: for the sake of the conversation very basic competency in math/reading/writing is assumed.



So since LA/Math is included (5 subject then? lol) mine would be:



Australian History/Culture & Aboriginal History

Creative Thinking


....ha! thats close to what we're doing now (there's "always" other subjects, but apart from the 3R's I tend to focus on the above three.)


If we weren't including 3'Rs it would of course be:


Language Arts





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Obviously the 3 R's.. I believe they are the most important in the academic setting. If we are going off of our personal favorites I would choose Bible, Reading and Science/History. See what I did there? :p that's my "3"


P.s. I didn't include bible in the 1st answer bc I don't see it as school.. idk its certainly most important and we study it every single day, but I guess I see it as "above" the usual school workload.

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