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Please share your homeschool room!


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I don't think I'm going to share pictures of it just now. It's a mess!


Our front room is the homeschool/toy/craft room. The family altar is also in here. DD and I have desks, plus we have another desk and a table, with the desks and table forming a "U" on the north wall, leaving just enough room on the west side of the room to walk by (the hallway opens off of it on one side of the west wall, the kitchen on the other). On the West wall are two big maps, one of the U.S. and one of the world, partially obscured by wall hangings when not in use. Our SCA scrolls and a big print of "The Accolade" are also on that wall. On the North wall above the bottom of the U, we have DD's cork board, the dry erase board that holds our lesson plans for the week, and a pinboard where I put things I need to keep track of. My desk is below the pinboard, and I have assorted plastic drawer tubs on top of it with just enough room to also hold a sewing machine and my laptop. The file box with most of the daily school stuff in it is on the "extra" desk to my right as I sit at the computer,and both that desk and the craft table are, well, piled with stuff. DD has a small shelf tucked in the corner between her computer desk (which is tiny) and mine. To the East of the desks on the North wall is a large china hutch which serves as the family altar and holds religious books, etc. Beyond that is a corner full of stuffed animals, semi-contained by the hutch and a beat-up couch, which sits under the large windows on the East side of the room. The front door with a parquet entry (great for putting together puzzles, we don't use the door much) is South of the couch, and on the South wall are some of DD's school posters that she's made--currently, a painting of a wizard, a report on the Wright Brothers, and three "math wall" posters. Most of the South wall is taken up by bookshelves--a large Ikea 5X5 cubby, a 5-shelf cheapie bookshelf from wal mart, and a smaller "cheapie" 2x4 cubby from Ikea. Tucked against the south end of the spare desk is DS's toy kitchen, and both books and toys crowd the space on the shelves. (and right now are all over the floor). We have a small square green table from Ikea that sits in front of the couch, and one little-kid-sized chair (painted pink) next to it. A lot of work gets done at the little green table and on the couch, except when the 2yo. is trying to get in to everything, then we clear space on the craft table for DD to work.


The whole thing really needs a major clean-up, but the furniture arrangement is one that seems to be working for us.

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I am in the process of moving 4 rooms of my house around and the Homeschool Room is one of them. It is moving from my living room/spare room upstairs into my current bedroom. I am moving into a bigger room and my kids are moving upstairs into the spare room. I am looking forward to getting all my HS items into one room and out of the living room. I'll post pictures when I am done! (Hopefully today)

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I'm in the process of settling into our new space. Oddly, opposite of Michelle above, we had been in another room in the house (former garage), but after all these years I realized that it was really too much out of the flow of the home. So, what was going to be my library/reading nook off my living room (because I wasn't allowed to HS any longer) will become the library and project area, and the HS/crap/craft room will become the adult office/work from home room.


I really prefer the project word because that is how I envision the space. I have standing height tables, and the kids can sit or stand and build, draw, basically... anything they want! And, it just isn't the kids that like the space :D I feel like after 9 years at this I finally have it figured out. Now to get it done.


I'd take a picture of how it is so far - but, well, I'm slightly embarrassed that I can't bring myself to take the plastic and cardboard off the tabletops. They are so nice and protected that way! :p (I forgot to buy desk mat thingys at IKEA. Oops!)

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OK, I love seeing faces with names - and gee, you have cute kids!!!


I hadn't seen your room on the Blog hop - it looks great! And, did you have to sand the Ikea paper roll before staining it? I'm going to have to do that because the natural color is going to stick out like a sore thumb once I unwrap my desktops.

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Thank you! I love these!


We're looking at buying a house, and we found one today, but I don't know if it will work out, obviously the process of buying a home isn't something that happens overnight. However, it is a place we really want to make an offer on, and God willing, we could buy it. We would have the opportunity to have a homeschool room. So these ideas might be able to come into play, sooner than I thought, but we'll see!!!

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I actually just wrote a post about where we learn on my blog. You're welcome to check it out and glean some ideas from it. We live in a very small apartment and no longer have room for a separate school room, so I have had to get clever with my storage.




I am really impressed! Your home looks very welcoming and cozy, and you've really made the most of every square inch. I love your one-woman kitchen!

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I am really impressed! Your home looks very welcoming and cozy, and you've really made the most of every square inch. I love your one-woman kitchen!


Thanks! Yes, I've had to get quite creative in decorating. I don't mind school posters and such being displayed, it's more the books. I've got books stashed in all kinds of places.

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I'm trying to attach photos of our school room - I hope I can get it to work. We just moved, and it's still a work in progress. I've got a bit of painting left to do. The little extension area past the built in book case is the art area - the kids have their own work areas if they want to work alone, and we have a big table in the center to work together. The science center is in between the windows, and we also have a computer area. I'm still working on getting the shelves and closet organized.... someday! :)



















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We don't have a homeschool room *gasp*


we have the verandah we're we do messy play (has a seat for me, plastic tables and chairs for the kids, plus a wooden play kitchen they use for mud parties, pretending and storing. I also plonked a 4 drawer filing cabinet out there, and put all the dirt/seeds, paints and other supplies in there).


We have the old loungeroom which is now a room thats empty except for a spare bed (for daytime naps, or playing or whatever) and that room is used for building their big projects (cubby houses etc).


Then they have their spire, which is where they can play/pretend, read or hangout.


And finally there is the Atelier, for their main projects.


One day I will take photos, preferably after I have re-painted the walls (the person who had this house before we bought it was insane. The WHOLE kitchen is mint green. Everything. Then in the spire, they have covered blue halfway up the walls. The lounge has faux wood pannelling that looks like something out of a bad 80's movie, the kids bedroom is a very sharp purple, and in the Atelier they painted one wall blue, and its across from the mint green kitchen. I think they were colourblind, its almost as bad as my mums house that she purchased was (why would someone paint a stairway neon orange and the landing people, with a red and green kitchen? People who don't have coloursense, should not be allowed paint or interior design choices (that includes me, but even I wouldn't do something that ugly).


I finally found an idea for a colour scheme for the Atelier & kitchen (since removing the green would require removing the whole kitchen) so now know how to focus the colours in both rooms in order to make it look less of an eyesore (and the green barnyard curtains on the kitchen window will be the first to go.)


So nope, no pictures from me, rofl. One day, maybe *crosses fingers*

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school room from my blog almost a year ago: http://lookwhaterinmade.blogspot.com/2012/06/school-room.html


BUT I'm moving it this weekend! I've decided that I don't like it separated from the main parts of the house (it's in a room that was formerly a garage, and has been converted). So I'm swapping it with the living room. School stuff will move to the living room, right smack dab in the middle of the house, and the TV, etc will move to the "front" room, and that room will become known as the "den". I'm excited! If this thread is still going next week, I'll post an updated picture.

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school room from my blog almost a year ago: http://lookwhaterinm...chool-room.html


BUT I'm moving it this weekend! I've decided that I don't like it separated from the main parts of the house (it's in a room that was formerly a garage, and has been converted). So I'm swapping it with the living room. School stuff will move to the living room, right smack dab in the middle of the house, and the TV, etc will move to the "front" room, and that room will become known as the "den". I'm excited! If this thread is still going next week, I'll post an updated picture.

We had the same set up and I came to the same conclusion! Be sure to post back with pictures :D

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Currently we don't have one. Everything is in baskets we haul them out to the kitchen table and do our thing.


In the past we always had an eat in kitchen and used our formal dinning room as the school room. The new place we are looking at we won't have the space for one but I plan to make a spot for our stuff and not cart baskets around. It all depends if my 7 year old nephew is with us still or not he can not stay out of things and I have to keep supplies under lock and key.


Honestly I like not having one. I don't feel like I need to create a "classroom" we can do school on the floor, outside, on the couch,in the mountains, etc,

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Not sure if I have a good picture somewhere. We re-painted our school room recently, but I need to de-clutter a bit before I take a pic. hehe Maybe tomorrow.



I actually just wrote a post about where we learn on my blog. You're welcome to check it out and glean some ideas from it. We live in a very small apartment and no longer have room for a separate school room, so I have had to get clever with my storage.




Wow! And I complain about my kitchen being small! (Of course we have 7 people to fit in it, but still.) I can tell you are very organized and creative, as you almost have to be with a real small space. Awesome idea to put the pans on the cupboard doors!





That's my contribution


Love it!! Turned out so pleasant and clean looking!

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Ours is one corner, a bookshelf and a third of the closet in our play room. (We do store some art supplies in another room.) We complete most lessons there. But, we also read on the couch, and complete art, science and sometimes history in the kitchen. You can get a feel for our space by clicking through the pics on my blog.

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I don't know why I'm having trouble uploading more than a couple pics. I have more, and they're only like 50K each, so I think I can't be going over the limit...


But anyhoo, here are these 2.


When you walk in the room you see the computer in front of you, with 2 huge bookshelves on each side. My beloved printer is on the bottom shelf of the right-hand bookshelf.


When you turn to the left, there is our little table where the kids do their written work. The piano needs to get its own stand so we can get it out of the way, but alas... In that pic you can also see my desk which is a bit of a cluster, as usual. :tongue_smilie:


It's a fairly small room, but it helps, especially for storage. Once I get the piano off the table I will try turning the table the other way so I can fit more kids at the table.



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I don't know why I'm having trouble uploading more than a couple pics. I have more, and they're only like 50K each, so I think I can't be going over the limit...


But anyhoo, here are these 2.


When you walk in the room you see the computer in front of you, with 2 huge bookshelves on each side. My beloved printer is on the bottom shelf of the right-hand bookshelf.


When you turn to the left, there is our little table where the kids do their written work. The piano needs to get its own stand so we can get it out of the way, but alas... In that pic you can also see my desk which is a bit of a cluster, as usual. :tongue_smilie:


It's a fairly small room, but it helps, especially for storage. Once I get the piano off the table I will try turning the table the other way so I can fit more kids at the table.


I love your screen saver!

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OK, I love seeing faces with names - and gee, you have cute kids!!!


I hadn't seen your room on the Blog hop - it looks great! And, did you have to sand the Ikea paper roll before staining it? I'm going to have to do that because the natural color is going to stick out like a sore thumb once I unwrap my desktops.


Awe thanks! :)


I actually cheated ... my dad owns a cabinet shop so I dropped off that paper roll in his car and got back like that! :lol: spoiled I know! I don't know if he sanded it, but I will ask! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is where the chaos happens.




We use that exact same table. :hurray:


Here is our messy homeschool room. http://mybluedaisy.blogspot.com/2013/04/counting-costs.html

Drench yourself in grace before you opent hat link. :laugh: We just moved and still need bookshelves (planning built-in shelves with doors on each side of the window soon. Just need $$.) Our last home had built ins...

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I actually just wrote a post about where we learn on my blog. You're welcome to check it out and glean some ideas from it. We live in a very small apartment and no longer have room for a separate school room, so I have had to get clever with my storage.





Great set up! and gives me some ideas for my small space(though not nearly as cramped as yours). I LOVE the charlets you have up on the wall with the butterflies and birds and such they are beautiful. Where did you get them?

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I don't have a separate school room, I have a school house. Most stuff is kept in the kitchen, or my office, or my bedroom. A new development has been the white board being brought into the livingroom and teaching in there with kids sprawled out on comfy furniture and floor. I did that because I started konos and had put up a table/shelf to display the books and items to go with the theme and propped the white board on top of it. I'll try to take some pictures over the weekend but we will see if it actually happens.

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