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Camping people - would you go if the weather forcast said


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Severe weather?


The front rolls through during the evening bringing a chance for severe weather.

Evening showers and storms, some of which could be strong or severe, with lingering showers through early in the morning.


DH and I have camped in the rain. We both hate it. We've camped with the youth group in the rain. DH likened camping in the rain to getting a root canal. So we told our youth group that we will come up after the rain goes away, on Saturday morning. We'll be there bright and early in time for breakfast. Now that the decision is made, oldest dd is relieved as she got "loads of homework" today. So for her it's good.


One of the other moms was here tonight to drop off the girls and was saying they just go. But knowing there is a chance for severe weather? I know it is worded as though there may not be severe weather, and there very well may not be.


Ok, JAWM! That's what I really want.

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I can't see any good reason for camping out in potentially severe weather with kids.


OK, to tell you the truth, I can't see any good reason for camping. But if you like it, that just means more available hotel rooms for me, so it's all good.


Sue me. I'm not outdoorsy. :D

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I went camping once in my life. People have been trying to get me to go back out ever since. It's a conspiracy. :leaving:


So, ahem, I may not be the best person to ask... but I vote stay home where it's dry. I love a good thunderstorm... from the comfort of my living room sofa, book and coffee at the ready!! :D

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I'll agree with you too! I've camped in the rain and it was awful! Once it was so bad dh and I ended up sleeping in our car. Fortunately it was before we had kids so just the two of us. But I've also found that even if water doesn't get in your tent you still feel damp and I just don't get any sleep that way.

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We love camping. We don't camp in this kind of weather!


I've seen campgrounds flooded, tents washed away, people drenched to the bone, supplies washed away, etc. The one time it happened to us was the LAST time.


Storm shelter is a must. Around here, the rains have brought with them tornado watches and warnings. It's important to NOT be in your tent or camper when straight line winds, or tornado comes around the bend.


Stay home. Camp when the weather is nice.



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Last time it rained hard our tent got flooded. NOPE! Not happening.


We are going to scout family camp starting tonight but there are cabins OR tent sites. I got a cabin. My boys were NOT happy with me. They wanted to tent. I told them to go ahead! However, OP, you and I must live in the same area because we are getting a storm too and I am quite sure they will be happy I got a cabin.

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Last time it rained hard our tent got flooded. NOPE! Not happening.


We are going to scout family camp starting tonight but there are cabins OR tent sites. I got a cabin. My boys were NOT happy with me. They wanted to tent. I told them to go ahead! However, OP, you and I must live in the same area because we are getting a storm too and I am quite sure they will be happy I got a cabin.




Yep. North Carolina. Falls Lake to be more precise. Beautiful area, but our site is on the lake. Or at least one of them is.

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Nope. We are in SC and camp up your way a lot. We were at Table Rock last week when severe weather was forecast and left a day early because of it, after the ranger told about the tree that fell on and crushed a truck at a campsite a few weeks prior.

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Ok, JAWM! That's what I really want.



Well, it's easy for me to agree with you. Dh and I have camped in the rain and hate it. We did it last spring but we had a cabin. The last time we tent camped in the rain, we gave up after the first night.


I hate it! A chance for severe weather? That would be enough to stop me.


ETA: We're campers. We've camped with groups, with a few friends, and alone as a family. We hate rainy/stormy camping in all of those settings.

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Absolutely not. Conditions would have to be near perfect to get me to go camping anyway. :huh:


My son went camping with Scouts last year and there was a confirmed tornado in the area. The leaders had to bring the boys to a church for shelter. I was a wreck all night because I had no way of getting in touch with anyone. I wouldn't want to be responsible for a group of youth with a threat of severe weather. Too many variables.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

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Absolutely not. Conditions would have to be near perfect to get me to go camping anyway. :huh:


My son went camping with Scouts last year and there was a confirmed tornado in the area. The leaders had to bring the boys to a church for shelter. I was a wreck all night because I had no way of getting in touch with anyone. I wouldn't want to be responsible for a group of youth with a threat of severe weather. Too many variables.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

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We have a camper and I still hate camping in the rain. Our last trip included a night of potentially severe weather and we came home for that night (second vehicle, and camping intentionally close to home) and went back the next morning. I have one that freaks about thunderstorms but is calmed by the stories of the house surviving hurricane strength winds. I cannot say that about a camper that would be tossed around in the same conditions.

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