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How much grace should I give here?


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DS is taking guitar lessons with a student teacher at a local college. We're paying $44 for 4 30 minute lessons a month so it's not cheap, but not too expensive. I've had to change the schedule from one day to another but I've always been very clear about when we're meeting. A few weeks ago, the teacher didn't show up. When he finally got back to me he said he'd gotten his days mixed up and missed it. I figured that happens every so often and I would let it go.


Today he didn't show up again. I'm pretty hacked. I had surgery 4 days ago and I'm pretty wiped out. I packed everyone into the car and went to DS's lesson even though I didn't feel well. DS is learning with him but I'm getting annoyed. I'm thinking about emailing the head of the program and asking for another teacher. Should I go there or give him another chance?

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/I'm usually on the other end in that situation. As a tutor I show up and people aren't home, ready or cancel 20 minutes before the appointment is supposed to start. I usually give a lot of grace.


I have learned over the years that it is best to have one time and stick with it. If I have a student 2-3x per week I try and put them on the same time to make it easier. It doesn't always work though.


If, for some reason, the schedule ends up getting moved around, I always confirm by text the day before and then several hours prior to the appointment.

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He should be showing up for the lessons. End of discussion. I *might* give him one more chance, but if he misses another, he'd be my child's ex-teacher.


But....$44/month? That's an incredible bargain! 30-minute private lessons go for $25-$40 EACH in my neck of the woods!



I agree that is an amazing price for a private lesson.

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Was the day changed once to another stable day? Or does the schedule change back and forth? If the schedule changes a lot then I would be willing to show more grace. If it was changed once but is now always at the new time, then I would expect the teacher to have the new time and day in his planner. The price is more than reasonable, though. If you could get another teacher at that price I would, but if not, I would work with this one on his scheduling skills.

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If you weren't recovering from surgery and felt better, would you still want to change tutors? I would give a little grace,

especially since I know when I'm not feeling good I get annoyed faster and easier.


BTW, it took me about two weeks before I felt better, and lots of sleep. ( I was going to post in your other thread)

I hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:

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I guess it depends on how much you like the teacher. My DS takes guitar lessons from a young man. He is very right-brained artistic, and often forgets when we change times, and is consistently late. He forgets from week to week what DS was supposed to be working on, too. However, he is an amazing musician and teacher whom DS relates to like no one else. DS has made AMAZING strides, so we just grin and bare it. :)

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Does he understand that this was a permanant change, and not a one time thing? I think you should have a talk w/ him, find out what happened, and make sure you are on the same page as far as date and time. Maybe Monday's aren't great for him, and he's trying his best to fit you in. Idk- I would talk to him before deciding. And I agree w/ others- $44 is cheap!

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I think you should do whatever you want to do.


Reason to keep him: The lessons are cheap because you are not dealing with an adult professional. So easier on the budget is good.

Secondly, you could find it in your heart to regard this as a place to help train a young man in the way of the world. More college students than you might think need this. Some really aren't good with time management. You can talk to him about the impact (best not to convey a lot of irritation, just impact) and ask what he will do to ensure it doesn't happen again. You can work with him if you want.


Reason to dump him: the lower expense isn't worth the hassle to you.


There isn't a right or wrong answer. Just do what you want to.

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This would have been DS's 8th lesson so the student has already forgotten two out of 9-10 lessons. I just let it go the first time but I'm a little more annoyed this time. I do think DS is learning but I guess I need to decide if the hassle worth it. I just don't understand why guitar teachers are so flaky. We had a similar issue with our last teacher. I probably am a tad more annoyed since I wasn't feeling well yesterday. This whole situation might resolve itself anyway since I emailed him right when I got home and haven't hard from him yet.

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He emailed me this morning and said they were still on Easter break on Monday. I guess maybe they just didn't have classes that day? Their spring break was the first week of March. But he didn't mention anything to me about not meeting yesterday at his lesson last week. I just want him to communicate with me. I understand that things come up but this is beyond irritating. I think I'm going to give him one more chance then request another student teacher.

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He emailed me this morning and said they were still on Easter break on Monday. I guess maybe they just didn't have classes that day? Their spring break was the first week of March. But he didn't mention anything to me about not meeting yesterday at his lesson last week. I just want him to communicate with me. I understand that things come up but this is beyond irritating. I think I'm going to give him one more chance then request another student teacher.



I've had the same problem happen with two out of three academic tutors I've hired for ds. I now ask them to get out their planner while I get out mine and we coordinate when the next lesson is going to be. It takes less than a minute. When the tutor I had done that with, didn't call me when there was a change in plans, I fired him. But otherwise, it has made things a lot smoother for us because things like "oops, I thought that everyone in the world knew when 'spring break' was" doesn't happen.

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:iagree: That is a very good price for lessons. That said, I think the instructor owes you an apology and a set schedule along with a set cancellation policy for both the student and instructor. Personally, I believe it's up to the instructor to mentions things at the end of a lesson like...(No lesson next week due to abc.) and have written yearly schedule with holidays written to each student/family. Talk to him about it, and if it isn't worked out...talk to the owners or another teacher.


My two took piano and violin for years and we never had a teacher not show up. We had reschedules, and make-up dates written into our yearly calendar. Is your teacher young or new?

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He emailed me this morning and said they were still on Easter break on Monday. I guess maybe they just didn't have classes that day? Their spring break was the first week of March. But he didn't mention anything to me about not meeting yesterday at his lesson last week. I just want him to communicate with me. I understand that things come up but this is beyond irritating. I think I'm going to give him one more chance then request another student teacher.


Did you ask him and he said yes, he would be there on Monday, or was nothing said about it at all? Sometimes people assume that school breaks (K-12 school, that is-- I realize his university wasn't on break) are also breaks from lessons.


I have learned that it's just better to confirm this, and if there is a schedule change it's good to send a text the day before, or morning of, to confirm.

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Do you pay the school and go through the school program or is he just a private instructor? If you go through the school, you should know when the school is on break. If the teacher owns you some lessons for a pre-paid set of lessons, just say you want to schedule makeups. I would not let missed lessons go unless you get a refund.


You need to communicate with him, too. Be direct. Say things like: "I didn't know that you had Easter break. You (or the school) did not inform me. My son will need a make up.", "We need to be sure we don't miss any lessons. I have paid for X number of lessons. We need a better system of confirming the lesson time for each week.", etc. Don't be unhappy with the way things are. Either straighten the schedule or find another teacher. You will be much happier when you get something straightened out. Sometimes the cheap lessons are not worth it.


The other thing is that if he is on break, such as yesterday, then assume that does not count as one of your missed lessons. Just extend out the schedule of lessons. And tell him so.


Keep in mind student teachers are not quite professional enough. So they sometimes have to learn to communicate with their students about missed times and makeups.

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Nothing was said about the school being on Easter break Monday. I just assumed. I pay the college and they pay him. I am going to give him one more chance but I will be very clear about the fact that this will be made up for. I do know that he is young and he needs to learn responsibility. And the price is great but this is a little annoying. :)

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Nothing was said about the school being on Easter break Monday. I just assumed. I pay the college and they pay him. I am going to give him one more chance but I will be very clear about the fact that this will be made up for. I do know that he is young and he needs to learn responsibility. And the price is great but this is a little annoying. :)



It's weird that the school didn't tell you. If I were the teacher, getting paid through the college (where they almost certainly take part of the very little $$ involved) then I would expect them to keep the students informed on scheduling in return for their cut of the pay. Now, I'm NOT saying it's in any way okay for you to think there is a lesson and have him not there. But it sounds like this was an exception situation.


These programs through the colleges (and keep in mind I have been that college student)- it's like getting a haircut at the beauty school. The kids teaching there are learning to be excellent teachers. Scheduling is a big part of that, as is clear communication. Look at extra checking-in on him as helping him learn. I would have spoken to the head of the program the day he no-showed before. I would likely whip out my phone and email the teacher, copying the head with "there must be a miscommunication as we are here and there is no teacher. Please let me know when we will have a make-up or how I will be refunded." That way, everybody has a record and if he does it again (not on a break confusion week) then you can legitimately (nicely) demand another teacher.


I would also do the planner trick Jean described, and if the school isn't doing this then definitely email a schedule at the beginning of each term with the weeks you're expecting lessons. Ask him to confirm, print it out, keep it in your kid's lesson binder in plain sight.


Hope your recovery goes well, sorry you put out all that effort and were then let down. Not all guitar teachers are like that, but it helps to be perfectly clear with your expectations, especially if you have had ANY scheduling changes.

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Nothing was said about the school being on Easter break Monday. I just assumed. I pay the college and they pay him. I am going to give him one more chance but I will be very clear about the fact that this will be made up for. I do know that he is young and he needs to learn responsibility. And the price is great but this is a little annoying. :)




Do you have a contract? You might want to read it and see if this is a make up. If the college/school is off that is not a make up around here.

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There is no contract. I write the dates I'm paying for on my check when I send it in. Since yesterday was one of the dates I paid for and he didn't show I'll be pretty upset if they don't count next week as a makeup. This is a newer program that the college just started offering last year so I think a lot of the kinks haven't been worked out yet.

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Hope it turns out to be workable for you. In that case, I bet the people running it might really like to hear your gentle suggestions. The schedule should definitely be clear- they will learn that sooner or later. Hopefully sooner for your sake!

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He emailed me this morning and said they were still on Easter break on Monday. I guess maybe they just didn't have classes that day? Their spring break was the first week of March. But he didn't mention anything to me about not meeting yesterday at his lesson last week. I just want him to communicate with me. I understand that things come up but this is beyond irritating. I think I'm going to give him one more chance then request another student teacher.



I didn't realize this was through the college. But, yes, the majority of schools would not be in session the day after Easter. It probably didn't cross his mind about class.


I would give grace here.

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If you are paying the school, then talk with the instructor and the director of the program. I would definitely ask for the makeups for all lessons missed by the instructor, including the Easter break lesson. In fact, the school should not be charging you for that lesson on that day if they are on break. I would point this out to the director. I would explain to the director all of the problems you have with the instructor in this meeting. My point is that you are paying the bill and you need to be direct to the director and the instructor. I would show them a calendar of when the lessons were planned for, when the lessons were missed and when they were given, and when the school is on break. And I would show the number of lessons you paid for and make sure you get that number of lessons. Asking for another instructor doesn't help you with the fact that the school had break and did not tell you. It is the responsibility of the program to tell you these things. Be clear but kind.

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That is an insanely good price. You'd be hard-pressed to find group lessons for that price around here. Private lessons generally start at $25/half-hour lesson.


It sounds like it's a new program and you changed days recently, so the schedule isn't really firm yet. I would make sure to go over the schedule with the teacher and also get the teacher's phone number so you can text the day before to confirm.

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