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ipad ~ to buy or not to buy (also a question about cases)?


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I am thinking of buying an ipad. I will tutor next year in a co-op and when I visited every single tutor had one. It seemed almost necessary? Besides, it is a good excuse :laugh:


So, I am looking at a refurbed ipad2. What about a case? I want protection but some of the cases are $100+ and I just can't spend that amount. Any recommendations?


Also, tell me why I do :thumbup1: and don't :thumbdown: want an ipad.



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I love love love my iPad. Of course, the fact that I didn't buy it makes it even more lovable but now that I have one I would probably pay money for it..... Did I mention I love it?


Dd uses it for reading and for schoolwork. All of her practice tests for this years standardized testing were done on the ipad. She does science tests as well. And uses it to play Minecraft. I answer emails and surf the Internet and listen to music and read my ebooks for the library and ... I just love it! Best features: huge display and very easy to zoom in and out, apps for just about everything, my huge music library is on it, very rugged and takes a beating. Oh, and unlike my laptop, it fits nicely into the little backpack I use for a purse. And the battery lasts forever!


I use a neoprene padded case for mine that cost less than $20 new. If I had little kids using the iPad, I would buy a hard side case but this is plenty for everyday use. The case is even washable as long as you put it in with cold water and no dryer. I have a plastic case for it that I intend to use when I travel. The hard case cost about $10 online from Amazon.


Just checked - my neoprene case is a Macbeth.

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We have always bought refurbed stuff from the apple website. It works like a charm, love the additional checks/warranty and the discount.


I got an otter box as swag from my husband's job. It is AWESOME. I would never have thought to spend that much on a case, but if you can find one on sale I very highly recommend them. The stand is really handy and it can get a drop or two of coffee on it and wipe right off... not that I have ever done that. I also did drop it once on a tile floor right on its corner and I'm positive it would have cracked the screen if the case had not saved it.


Here's mine for about $60.

http://www.amazon.co...otter case ipad


ETA: Honestly, the only reasons I can think for not wanting one are costs and perhaps the "screen-time" factor. My boys know all the games on my iPad are educational. They like them, but they do sometimes beg to use Daddy's because it has Angry Birds and Cut the Rope. There are only a few ed games that they deem as fun as the fluff games. (Dragon Box for my older son, Monkey Math & Preschool, and a Bible story game for my younger son.)

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I loooooove my ipad. I got a case at Walmart for about $30.


I'm not even sure why I love it, but I just do. I keep it by my side all the time. Oh, and I hate technology. Hate it. I particularly hate cell phones. So I was shocked by how much I love this thing. My DH bought a refurbished one for me, even though I said I didn't want one. I figured he'd just wasted our money, but it turns out that I use it constantly. Con.stant.ly.


Calendar, web, notes, netflix, educational aps, games...I'm on the thing all the time. That might be the only drawback. Sometimes I have to cut the cord and stop using it from time to time.


As soon as we sit down to school, I have it by my side. We look things up non-stop throughout our lessons and we don't have to move from our seat. There are no wires, there is no bulky laptop. The iPad is smaller than most books. Basically, it's a real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


Ok--I just had a revelation, guys! I figured out why I love the iPad and hate most technology! Here it is: the ipad is ready to go in seconds. I can pick the thing up in one hand, turn it on, and have a website open and be reading it in under 30 seconds--vital with hyper little boys who will lose interest if something takes more then 45 seconds to be done, or if we have to move from our seats.


THAT'S why I love it. I hate wresting with technology and this is the first computer-type technology I've owned that actually works without me having to wrestle with it. I turn it on and it's immediately ready. And I can walk around the house watching stuff on Netflix while I'm cleaning. I love the thing.

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I LOVE mine also. I had each of the first 3 iPads, but now I actually have an iPad mini - love it for reading and stuff because it's so light. I may wind up getting one of the new retina pads if they don't come out with a mini that has retina in the next 6 months (but I'd keep my mini).


I had the smart cover on my iPad 2. I actually still have a pink smart cover I'd be glad to pass on for $15 or so (ppd).

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I LOVE mine also. I had each of the first 3 iPads, but now I actually have an iPad mini - love it for reading and stuff because it's so light. I may wind up getting one of the new retina pads if they don't come out with a mini that has retina in the next 6 months (but I'd keep my mini).


I had the smart cover on my iPad 2. I actually still have a pink smart cover I'd be glad to pass on for $15 or so (ppd).



Can you tell me the biggest difference between the mini and the regular? If I will only have one ipad, I should go with a regular size, right?


Thanks :)

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And I can walk around the house watching stuff on Netflix while I'm cleaning. I love the thing.


Ooooh, that is brilliant. We've used Netflix for the boys when we have a rehearsal or a long drive, and I've used my iPhone for podcasts on my headphones... but YES I love that idea for laundry day and cleaning the bathrooms. Why didn't I think of that?

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I love, love, love mine. I can be online easily and within seconds. I love being able to watch shows on it while folding laundry in the laundry room or doing dishes. I love having a movie for my girls to watch when the doctor is 2 hours late and we've been sitting in the room forever. I love handing the girls the iPad to watch shows on in their room while I try to get another 30 mins of sleep. The educational apps are awesome and the main reason we have it, but we use it for lots of other things too.


I have a refurbished 2g and use the gumdrop case. I think it was like $60? It is totally worth it and has kept our iPad safe through child-use. It is heavy, though, so I would only get it if I thought my children would be less than gentle with it.


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I am thinking of buying an ipad. I will tutor next year in a co-op and when I visited every single tutor had one. It seemed almost necessary? Besides, it is a good excuse :laugh:


So, I am looking at a refurbed ipad2. What about a case? I want protection but some of the cases are $100+ and I just can't spend that amount. Any recommendations?


Also, tell me why I do :thumbup1: and don't :thumbdown: want an ipad.





I love my iPad and rarely use the computer now that I have it. I got a case for $5 at 5 and below that is working out great for me.



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I love my iPad (also a second generation)! It's so handy for, well, everything. I use it for keeping notes and lists and grocery lists. I have curricula on it (and would have more, but I didn't want to have an issue with too many people needing it at the same time). I love being able to watch something or surf or do e-mail while rocking the baby or sitting in bed. I find it easier to hold than a paper book while nursing a baby. I love that I can be planning something and make notes on the PDF (go Notability app -- worth the money). I love that I can look something up quickly online without having to get up or go to the desktop computer. I love that I can take it around with me; it's a computer, GPS, notepad, book, emergency kid entertainment, knitting book, cookbook, etc. all in one device. My daughter finds it more exciting to do math on the iPad, and she likes reading on it too. (I love the Kindle app because it's so easy to use, and it bookmarks so nicely.)


I have a case like this for my iPad: http://www.amazon.com/Belkin-Keyboard-Folio-Retina-Display/dp/B0079TOG82/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364513816&sr=8-1&keywords=belkin+ipad+case+keyboard


The external bluetooth keyboard really makes the iPad useful. The on-screen keyboard is nice, but the bluetooth keyboard makes it more like a small laptop. I'm typing on it right now, actually. I hardly use my desktop computer anymore, seriously (and the Dropbox app makes it easy to do stuff on the iPad and print it via the desktop, if you don't have a bluetooth or whatever it is printer that can print right from the iPad).

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I have a Moko Slimfit case that I love. It's protective enough for my four year old. The inside of the case and cover is a soft felt-like material so it doesn't scratch or mar the screen. When the cover is snapped shut, the ipad automatically shuts off to conserve battery power. When it's popped open, the ipad automatially turns back on. When the cover is folded back behind the ipad, there is a nice handstrap and when the cover is folded back into place, you can pop off the bottom two tabs and prop the ipad into notches so it stands on its own in three-four different positions. And the colors are gorgeous. I paid like $22 for mine. http://www.amazon.com/MoKo-Slim-Fit-Generation-Retina-Display/dp/B007CKLCSK/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1364513633&sr=8-14&keywords=ipad+case

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I love my Ipad. However, if I'm going to surf, shop or do research, then I honestly prefer my laptop.


My husband has the mini. He likes it but in my opinion the screen is too small to use for any period of time.


Just my 2 cents. I may just be [relatively] old fashioned.

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I have a mini and I love love love it. It's light, small and slim enough to slip in my purse, and easy to hold in one hand. My brother and dad both have regular sized iPads, and I am amazed at how much heavier and bulkier they are.


I use mine for homeschooling, reading, streaming videos, this board :D, games, Facebook, news (love the Flipboard app). DH just put in some app that will show you the night sky (it had been cloudy for several days and DS needed to look at the night sky for a Cub Scout patch, lol). I just discovered the audible app, I have several magazine subscriptions sent to my bookshelf. Etc., etc., etc.


I just have a Smart Cover on mine. I don't share it much with my kids though, and if they do get to use it, I have hard and fast rules about staying on the couch with it.

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How are you guys doing Math on the Ipad? I've seen others mention this.


Notability for the win! She just creates a note and names it with the day's math lesson; it acts as an electronic paper, with a stylus (the ones that are like $3 for 10 from amazon work fine for this). It's not really any different from writing on regular paper, except that she can choose pretty colors for the writing and the background, and it's easier to do corrections. I'll just print out the few I need for her portfolio. Nooooo piles of paper!


Also, I scanned her Saxon math tests into my computer and made them PDFs, so she can write directly on those with the stylus via Notability.

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Notability for the win! She just creates a note and names it with the day's math lesson; it acts as an electronic paper, with a stylus (the ones that are like $3 for 10 from amazon work fine for this). It's not really any different from writing on regular paper, except that she can choose pretty colors for the writing and the background, and it's easier to do corrections. I'll just print out the few I need for her portfolio. Nooooo piles of paper!


Also, I scanned her Saxon math tests into my computer and made them PDFs, so she can write directly on those with the stylus via Notability.



Ahh, got it. Sort of like a white board then? That sounds like it might work with my son. Thanks for the explanation.

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These guys are a little nuts in the video, but the ipad cover is for real. It's a Maroo. Love, love, love the maroo. Survives, well I don't know if it survives everything but it survives us. :)



I see your Maroo and raise you a Gumdrop case:



I have a toddler for whom I bought the case.. However, it's my almost 8 and 9 yo who have make it totally worth it with their "accidental" spilling of liquids or dropping it. Or a toddler standing on it. Repeatedly. The screen protector makes a difference and is why I didn't buy an Otterbox. I got mine from eBay for about $60.

I also have a refurb iPad 2. It's my baby. I love it.


Same here. I want another one with more memory!

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Can you tell me the biggest difference between the mini and the regular? If I will only have one ipad, I should go with a regular size, right?


Thanks :)



The main difference is the size. I have a mini and all of my friends who have seen it, who have the full size, wish they had a mini. It does everything the full size does, it's just smaller and IMO, easier to manage. The full size are pretty big, but mine is just the right size that I can hold in in one hand if I need to, and it still has a fairly large screen. I have this case. I bought it in lime green so I couldn't lose it. My Kindle (which I prefer for long periods of reading as my eyes don't get as tired) is in a dark case and I'm constantly losing it in the house!

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I have an ipad 2. I have had it for over 2 years now.


A couple of words of advice if your child will be using it. Pay for as much memory as you can afford. I got the 32gb and it has filled up 3 times over. We keep having to delete, delete, delete for the apps my kids have. It isn't a huge deal, but it is a pain when I want to load a movie for travel, etc....


The second piece of advice if kids will be using it, get the most sturdy case you can for protection from bumps, falls, spills, etc......We have an Otterbox Reflex on ours and it has done a great job of protecting the device.


My son wanted an ipad mini for his b-day. We talked him into getting a Nexus 7 instead because of the cost. We got an Otterbox for that device as well. I told him I wouldn't even let him have anything electronic unless he agrees to always keep an Otterbox on it.


Oh, and one more thing. If you are using it almost like a mini-laptop, I would strongly recommend getting a wireless keyboard for it. You can pair it with an Apple keyboard or there are several other choices out there.



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I have a Moko Slimfit case that I love. It's protective enough for my four year old. The inside of the case and cover is a soft felt-like material so it doesn't scratch or mar the screen. When the cover is snapped shut, the ipad automatically shuts off to conserve battery power. When it's popped open, the ipad automatially turns back on. When the cover is folded back behind the ipad, there is a nice handstrap and when the cover is folded back into place, you can pop off the bottom two tabs and prop the ipad into notches so it stands on its own in three-four different positions. And the colors are gorgeous. I paid like $22 for mine. http://www.amazon.com/MoKo-Slim-Fit-Generation-Retina-Display/dp/B007CKLCSK/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1364513633&sr=8-14&keywords=ipad+case


I like that case and the price is reasonable.



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For doing a lot of web surfing, photo editing, and many other projects, a laptop seems quite a bit easier. However, the iPad is handy for many different reasons. Others have gone into detail on those reasons already, so I won't. I did want to mention that we got our daughter an iPad Mini for a birthday/graduation present. She'll be traveling all next year and the Mini was small enough to stick in her purse. We also got her this case on Amazon, which includes a wireless keyboard, for $32:




It will suit her needs perfectly. I wanted to make sure she had the keyboard because typing on an iPad is miserable (especially a Mini!), and I'm expecting lots of emails from her next year! :)

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I see your Maroo and raise you a Gumdrop case:



I have a toddler for whom I bought the case.. However, it's my almost 8 and 9 yo who have make it totally worth it with their "accidental" spilling of liquids or dropping it. Or a toddler standing on it. Repeatedly. The screen protector makes a difference and is why I didn't buy an Otterbox. I got mine from eBay for about $60.



Same here. I want another one with more memory!


Hehe, I have a Gumdrop. :) It's the first case I bought. If anyone wants it, I have it for sale. It really just depends on the use and what you need. If I were using the ipad only for ds, I would have used the Gumdrop. I decided the ipad was largely for me with just occasional use for him, so I started looking for a more girly case.

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One thing I thought I'd add: I discovered recently that you can set it up so your littles are only allowed in one part of the iPad/ . You open the app, tap the home button three times (just like Dorothy!) and it will start "Guided Access" mode, which will require a 4-digit passcode to exit. I had to implement that after my 4 yo deleted all our movies the night before a long road trip. It's great for peace of mind!


To activate this mode, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access and toggle it to "on". It should let you set your passcode then.


My last 2 cents: I am not a mini person. I like the screen bigger, it's better for my note-taking while reading in church, and for viewing art and finding stuff for the kids on the internet.


Also (2.5 cents): If you have an apple tv box, it's great to play stuff right from the iPad. It will just start youTube videos right up on our ginorma-screen tv (a "present" from my FIL).

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The main difference is the size. I have a mini and all of my friends who have seen it, who have the full size, wish they had a mini. It does everything the full size does, it's just smaller and IMO, easier to manage. The full size are pretty big, but mine is just the right size that I can hold in in one hand if I need to, and it still has a fairly large screen. I have this case. I bought it in lime green so I couldn't lose it. My Kindle (which I prefer for long periods of reading as my eyes don't get as tired) is in a dark case and I'm constantly losing it in the house!



Interesting. My Kindle is in an apple green case and I can always find it. I never thought about that!


I like the look of that ipad mini case. The mini had only been out a few weeks when I got mine, and the case options were pretty limited, so I just went with a Smart Cover, but I'd like something to protect the back too.


One thing I thought I'd add: I discovered recently that you can set it up so your littles are only allowed in one part of the iPad/ . You open the app, tap the home button three times (just like Dorothy!) and it will start "Guided Access" mode, which will require a 4-digit passcode to exit. I had to implement that after my 4 yo deleted all our movies the night before a long road trip. It's great for peace of mind!


To activate this mode, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access and toggle it to "on". It should let you set your passcode then.




Oh, thank you for this!

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I'm sorry, I didn't read the whole thread, but I wholeheartedly recommend Big Grips cases for ALL iPads. Seriously, I tried quite a few, the Otter tough ones, the Griffon something and several other military grade type cases - they were nothing for my toddler. The Big Grips is awesome. It seems too big at first but it's really light and quite comfortable to hold.


I love going to co-op and when people ask me about it, I stand up and drop the iPad. :lol: Their faces are priceless. It bounces. My toddler, during a temper tantrum, has thrown this across the room (too quickly for me to have stopped it this time). It feels like Croc's material. Here is the link at Amazon:


http://www.amazon.co...words=big grips


Good luck,

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