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Just in case you think you're having a bad day...


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My 5-year old, Magpie, ran away this morning. I found her halfway to the church building where dh works. She'd walked about 3/10 of a mile by herself through town with her pink travel suitcase. :svengo:I found her and we were almost home when a policeman drove up and said that a school bus driver had called the police because they had seen her by herself. The reason she ran away, gave her mother a heart attack, and had Chipette passing out old pictures of Magpie "to remember her by": She didn't want to clean her room. :glare:


You can complain about the terrible twos but I hate the ages of four and five the most. My kids have all lost their minds on their fourth birthday. Ugh.

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oh so scary!!


i still remember years ago, living in a small town, a friend of mine had a similar scare. Her daughter was around that age, maybe 4. Mom went out yard-saling saturday morning. Dd woke up before anyone else in the house did, and decided to go find mommy. She was found about 4 blocks away and the woman started walking around asking if anyone knew whose child she was. Finally someone told her where the girl lived, and she went to the house and knocked on the door. The 8 yo son answered the door. the lady asked if his parents were home, and he said yes, his dad. So she asked to speak to him and he said "no, he's asleep." my friend was just MORTIFIED! but . . kids are kids and things happen and USUALLY everything is fine. most people are really good people! my son got lost in the mall when he was 4, and an older couple took him to the cops.

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DD had a runaway stage. She also would pack up her rolling Strawberry Shortcake backpack with such essentials as a book and her favorite stuffed animal.


I explained to her that it was up to her if she wanted to leave. However, she should know our house rule, which is that anyone is free to leave if they wish - they just can't ever come back. I wanted her to stay and I would miss her terribly. But if she really felt that she would be better off leaving forever, then that is what she should do. I then held my breath and prayed that she wouldn't test my resolve. Fortunately, she stayed every time.

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I lost dd4 in Joann's when she was 2. She was hiding and it took almost 20 minutes to find her I had dh posted at the door so no one could leave with her. As I ran frantically around Joann's screaming her name while getting "what a terrible mom for losing her child" looks from all the little old ladies in there. She was hiding under a display table that had a table cloth. I heard her laughing...oh I wanted to choke her Homer Simpson style. I didn't of course I was so relieved to have found her.


Kids can sure give us a run for our money. I think your dd was quite brave. When mine "run away" they never leave the porch lol.

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I did that to my mom when I was about 4. I made it from our house to a friend's place over a mile away that I had visited exactly once. I was following my mom's dog, then decide to take the lead! Thank goodness I decided to knock on the door and ask for a cup of water...

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:grouphug: I'm glad she's safely back home!


When oldest DS was about 6, he took it upon himself to walk to school just a little over 1mile away b/c he'd missed the bus and didn't want to miss school too. We only found out about it b/c a cop followed him to the school to make sure he arrived safely (DS refused to talk to or get in the car with him) and then informed the school office so they could call us. Then he did again the NEXT school year too. And there was one afternoon he didn't come home from school. We had all kinds of cops out looking for him that day. He finally showed up somewhere around dinner time after going straight to a friend's house in the apartments across the street without stopping at home first.


When younger DS was 12 or just-turned-13, he got in serious trouble at school. He was late getting off the bus (he should have been home by 4:30) and when I sent older DS to check on him, he was nowhere to be found. He'd taken his bike to school that day (which he wasn't allowed to do) and had almost 2 hours on us before we even realized he was on his bike. Nobody had seen him or heard from him since school got out; cops and school teachers/admins out searching for him. I have never been so terrified in my life! Someone finally spotted him around 9pm him about 1.5 miles from home. He was scared to go home (we never did understand why) and went to a friend's house instead, but he *hid* his bike so when we drove those roads we never saw it. :banghead:

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Oh, I feel for you! I know that terror!!!


If it makes you feel any better, we once lost our youngest daughter (then aged 2) at DISNEY WORLD. On a very crowded day. We walked from one end of Magic Kingdom to another, deciding which ride to go on next. In the middle of the discussion, we looked down and DD's seat was EMPTY. She had helped herself out of the stroller and we had no idea at what point in our walk we had lost her. I always thought I'd be the type to remain calm in that type of situation. But, no. I ran around, screaming like a banshee. Thankfully, the screaming worked and several people pointed me in the direction of a lonely-looking girl. We found her 500 feet away, crouching down and admiring a crack in the sidewalk.


Apparently the strap on the Disney stroller broke. :glare:

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DD had a runaway stage. She also would pack up her rolling Strawberry Shortcake backpack with such essentials as a book and her favorite stuffed animal.


I explained to her that it was up to her if she wanted to leave. However, she should know our house rule, which is that anyone is free to leave if they wish - they just can't ever come back. I wanted her to stay and I would miss her terribly. But if she really felt that she would be better off leaving forever, then that is what she should do. I then held my breath and prayed that she wouldn't test my resolve. Fortunately, she stayed every time.


Oh my goodness, I could never have tried that with DS! He is the “Test Everything†type – I can just imagine myself asking the kind officer to “just back me up on this one†so DS doesn't think I didn’t mean what I said!



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