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Baby boy's 13th birthday today and I ruined his cake..


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I made him his triple chocolate cake he requests every year and a big chunk fell off :ohmy: I can't have a yucky looking cake for my baby boy so we went to purchase cupcakes. The store only had Easter cupcakes....sigh.... however, they looked better than my cake. We brought cupcakes home and....wait for it....... dh brought the bags in forgetting about the cupcake box in one of the bags.. :svengo: So now my baby boy has a yucky looking cake and demolished cupcakes for his 13th birthday celebration :sad: Think he'll mind?

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Can you just cover it all with Cool-Whip and sparkler-type candles? Or combine cake-eating time with blind-man's bluff? Crumble the chocolate cake into a large tinfoil pan, add some unwrapped Tootsie Rolls and a brand new catbox scooper and call it a kitty litter cake...

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I'm sorry about the cake. I don't think he'll mind, especially seeing that you tried to make up for the cake with the cupcakes. I think 13 yo boys care more about the taste than the looks. Now he'll have two treats and a funny memory to bring a smile for years to come! Now that's a real gift!

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It depends on whether you are just celebrating with your nuclear family, or if other kids are invited. If this were an actual party with guests, I'd be mortified! If it's just you guys and he doesn't make an issue of it, no biggie.


Personally, I probably would have tried to glue the chunk back on with frosting. If I needed something presentable for guests, "careless" dh would be going back out to buy new cake/cupcakes, after getting an hysterical earful from me. Buy cupcakes to replace a broken cake, and then smush those because he "forgot" they (the purpose of the trip!) were in the bag? I would be livid!


Hope your ds enjoys his day!

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Try putting it back together w/ frosting. If that doesn't work, crumble the cake into a 9x13 pan, mix up some instant pudding and pour that over the top, and then spread cool whip on top of that. It will be fine! He'd probably rather have messed up cake, than Easter cupcakes anyway!

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Sorry to hear about the cake. Dd and I messed up on ds16's cake a couple of years ago. We forgot to grease the pans and the cakes were a mess. Since I had already made the ganache frosting, I whipped up the heavy cream, cut up the crumbled mess and made chocolate cake trifle. I put a layer of cake cubes in a clear bowl, drizzled over some ganache (pudding works well, too), topped with a layer of whipping cream and did another cake, ganache, and whipped cream. Everyone raved about it, despite the fact that there wasn't anywhere to put his candles. My daughter turned it into a 4H cooking demo and went to state:).

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We've messed up a few cakes here. It's kind of a family joke. Dh and the girls made me a mother's day cake once without greasing and flouring the pan. Then the frosting was too runny to either hold the cake together or write "Happy Mother's Day" (it looked like a runny "Happy Moth's Day). I loved it. Using that same recipe, we have several times made what we lovingly refer to as Crater Cake--it has a large depression in the middle. I think we probably need to increase the time in the oven! Anyway, it all tastes good and we enjoy the fun memories. I even put a picture of Crater Cake on the back of the family recipe binders I made the girls for Christmas.


Enjoy your special day!

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I guess we have another family story. Thanks for all the creative ideas I'll have to write them in my recipe book in case I mess up another cake. DS said it was good enough to put the candles on and he'd eat it anyways.

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I'm eager for an update. :)


DS told me he was good with the cake. I put it on a large serving platter with the least demolished cupcakes around it (trying to hide the bad parts of the cake) and put 13 candles in it. Like others said, he's 13, he got cake and cupcakes, no complaints. (we have plenty left over to share.)

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Can you just cover it all with Cool-Whip and sparkler-type candles? Or combine cake-eating time with blind-man's bluff? Crumble the chocolate cake into a large tinfoil pan, add some unwrapped Tootsie Rolls and a brand new catbox scooper and call it a kitty litter cake...


OK, that is disgusting...


Creative, but disgusting...

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