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If you bought a bed


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Paid for a nice bunk bed, paid for two mattresses, paid to have it delivered and set up... apparently did not pay for SLATS so that the bed can hold the mattress.


Do you expect slats/bunkie boards to be included?



When my husband said "The floor model had slats and I expect this bed to have them, too" they turned around and provided bunkie boards free of charge. How nice.


Am I just ignorant? Are slats for bed typically sold separately?? It really left a bad taste in my mouth and I think it may be my last time shopping at this place - unless this is a thing and I should have known better.

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Paid for a nice bunk bed, paid for two mattresses, paid to have it delivered and set up... apparently did not pay for SLATS so that the bed can hold the mattress.


Do you expect slats/bunkie boards to be included?



When my husband said "The floor model had slats and I expect this bed to have them, too" they turned around and provided bunkie boards free of charge. How nice.


Am I just ignorant? Are slats for bed typically sold separately?? It really left a bad taste in my mouth and I think it may be my last time shopping at this place - unless this is a thing and I should have known better.


We paid for a crappy bunk bed years ago and it came with slats.

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Paid for a nice bunk bed, paid for two mattresses, paid to have it delivered and set up... apparently did not pay for SLATS so that the bed can hold the mattress.


Do you expect slats/bunkie boards to be included?



When my husband said "The floor model had slats and I expect this bed to have them, too" they turned around and provided bunkie boards free of charge. How nice.


Am I just ignorant? Are slats for bed typically sold separately?? It really left a bad taste in my mouth and I think it may be my last time shopping at this place - unless this is a thing and I should have known better.


At IKEA no, I would not expect them to be included.

At a do it yourself store (K-mart, Wallmart, Fred Meyer, where you buy the furniture and assemble it yourself, no I would not expect it....but would know to check the packaging to make sure it was included.


At a regular furniture store, with a salesman helping me, I would expect them to tell me it was an additional item.


The slats or bunk board is can be seen as part of the mattress option so it may or maynot be included. At IKEA or a furniture store, where people have the option to get different levels of quality (of mattresses/slats) the customer is allowed to choose what they want without paying for one included in the bunkbed as well.

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No, not IKEA. It was a local furniture store and we worked with a salesman - the same one who helped us with our last three purchases. He walked with us from the bed to the mattress section to pick out mattresses, talking the whole way! He definitely didn't mention it, and if he had, we would have just added it to our order. Finding out as they are bringing it into our house was a little off-putting. I knew if I asked here everyone would said "well of course you have to buy them separately." I just knew it! :lol:

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No, not IKEA. It was a local furniture store and we worked with a salesman - the same one who helped us with our last three purchases. He walked with us from the bed to the mattress section to pick out mattresses, talking the whole way! He definitely didn't mention it, and if he had, we would have just added it to our order. Finding out as they are bringing it into our house was a little off-putting. I knew if I asked here everyone would said "well of course you have to buy them separately." I just knew it! :lol:



Salesman sounds like a huge slacker! If I were annoyed enough I might send a letter to the manager. If I would have bought a bed, I would have assumed they were included. We bought a nice extra long twin over double bunk bed from a furniture store, and it showed up here with everything we needed. Were the slats billed separately? I don't know. If they weren't, the salesman was bright enough to include them! I would be completely annoyed too.

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No, not IKEA. It was a local furniture store and we worked with a salesman - the same one who helped us with our last three purchases. He walked with us from the bed to the mattress section to pick out mattresses, talking the whole way! He definitely didn't mention it, and if he had, we would have just added it to our order. Finding out as they are bringing it into our house was a little off-putting. I knew if I asked here everyone would said "well of course you have to buy them separately." I just knew it! :lol:



The salesman slipped up. I would guess he is new or overlooked it. He would have benefited on commission from selling you more items, so I am guessing he just missed it.


Did you buy the mattresses at the same store? If not, maybe he just assumed you would get them there and failed to mention it.


I would let the salesman know. Either by note, email or call. He should know that he made the mistake so he doesn't do it again.

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We bought a bunk bed at a local furniture store and the slats came with it. To not include them would be ridiculous IMO. It's not like they're *optional* or an *add-on* - they're an integral part of the bed. :confused:


If they don't intend to include them, they need to clearly specify "slats sold separately". I'd be ticked too.

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Slats have always been included when we bought beds. Bunkie boards were always a seperate purchase. Not including slats is just weird. But apparently not that weird, as several posters have said they weren't included w/ theirs. However, if you paid for delivery and set up, I would think they would be included, as they can't exactly set the bed up w/out all the pieces!

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When we got our bunk bed, the slats weren't separate exactly; I told the salesman I wanted to buy the bunk and when he entered my order into their computer system, he had to enter the item # for everything separately (headboard, footboard, slats, railing, etc.) but the sticker price posted for the bunk included everything except the mattresses. Your salesman must have goofed in that if the slats were separate, he should have prompted you to buy or not buy them.

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I remember when we bought our wooden set we were told about the bunkie board being separate. And now I think of it, I don't think it came with slats, just a lip inside the frame to hold up the bunkie board. Yeah, like that's going to do it. So dh bought some plywood to make his own slats and screwed them into the frame. Our metal set came with "slats" although they were just really part of the framework. The part that holds the mattress looks more like a metal gate.


Yes, I would expect to be told they're a separate purchase.

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I only know they're often sold separately because we've encountered it when shopping. I think the salesman forgot, and I think they're showing great customer service by giving them to you for free. I don't think you should've know better, but your salesman should've. Maybe he was new or just having an off day.

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I remember when we bought our wooden set we were told about the bunkie board being separate. And now I think of it, I don't think it came with slats, just a lip inside the frame to hold up the bunkie board. Yeah, like that's going to do it. So dh bought some plywood to make his own slats and screwed them into the frame. Our metal set came with "slats" although they were just really part of the framework. The part that holds the mattress looks more like a metal gate.


Yes, I would expect to be told they're a separate purchase.


Our bunk board is a solid wood frame, with an extra support down the middle and 4x1 cross supports every foot or so, wrapped in fabric. It has lasted through 13 years of constant use by kids (big and small). I don't think that bunk boards are necessarily weak, it depends on the design. DD6 is a bed jumper and weighs 80lbs. It is still going strong! The lip inside the bed held it just fine and since the board was solidly built, it didn't shift or move around.

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Our bunk board is a solid wood frame, with an extra support down the middle and 4x1 cross supports every foot or so, wrapped in fabric. It has lasted through 13 years of constant use by kids (big and small). I don't think that bunk boards are necessarily weak, it depends on the design. DD6 is a bed jumper and weighs 80lbs. It is still going strong! The lip inside the bed held it just fine and since the board was solidly built, it didn't shift or move around.



Well that's good to hear. Dh wasn't comfortable with the set-up when we bought it so he added the slats. It gives us peace of mind now that our top-bunk jumper is 6'1" and 185lbs. :D

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