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Social Group: Expecting Moms!


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It seems we have a lot of expecting moms on this board, and I thought it would be fun to have a thread where we could share how things are going, our appointments, excitement, shopping for baby, baby names, etc. This is a place for supporting and encouraging each other, and sharing the things we may not want to share with people irl yet.


I am only 5 weeks along, and have not shared with my family other than dh. We will probably wait about 2 and a half weeks before we tell them, so we can hopefully tell both sets of parents together. Obviously, we can't tell the boys until just before we tell everyone else, because they will let it out. Both of them talk all the time about wanting us to have a baby, so I know they are going to be incredibly excited! We are also in the process of trying to move, and we will be listing our house tomorrow (the realtor was supposed to come today to get the paperwork, but rescheduled for tomorrow). I am hoping and praying we sell this house quickly and find another one quickly so we aren't moving when I am 8 or 9 months pregnant or have a newborn. I am almost sure my mil will tell us it's bad timing, but we have been trying for over a year so we are over the moon!


How far along are you?

Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?

Have you talked names yet?

Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)

How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?


Feel free to discuss and/or ask other pregnancy-related questions!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all better as we share in this experience!

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I am 11.5 weeks and no OB will see me because I'm moving to another state in a week and a half. Which is frustrating because I've been so sick that I probably qualify as HG (I've lost more than 7% of my body weight.) I don't know what the gender is yet, but I want to know ASAP and I've been praying for a girl because I am NEVER doing this again! I'd write more but I'm on the phone, nauseated in bed. Thanks for starting this and I'll be back....eventually ... :)

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How far along are you?

I am 29 weeks today


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?

I am having a boy!!


Have you talked names yet?

We have it down to two names...Jackson or Jamison


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)

Very little...I lost my first son when I went into labor at 23 weeks so I have been afraid to buy ANYTHING for this baby. As of right now, he has about 1 dozen outfits


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?

My last appointment was with the regular OB and was non-eventful as usual (except for the fact that I have only gained 8 lbs....but my last appointment with the high risk MFM, I found out that my cervix has gone down again.


Even though I am 29 weeks, I still have not told most of my family due to my experience with my son.

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I'll bite! I'm almost 30 weeks along (come Sunday!) and I'm freaking out! Haha. With my husband going active duty and having to get onto Tricare, I haven't seen a doctor since I was about 16 weeks along. I'm a little worried that everything isn't as good as I'm hoping it is. I also never got any ultrasounds other than the initial one, nor have I taken a GD test... so hopefully everything is just fine. Baby is kicking away, so at least that much is good. :)


Don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, but hopefully I'll finally be able to get an appointment and referral to an OB/GYN next week and then I'll be able to get the anatomy scan and everything done (has anyone had one done so late? Was the doctor able to see everything?). Don't know names yet, we've talked a little bit and have the middle names figured out. Hopefully we can find out the gender soon. No shopping, either, but we really don't need much as we have a 15 month old.

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Hi! I'm Lea and am homeschooling my K'er and preschooler. I have 2 bio kids, a 3 year old son & a 5 year old daughter. i also have an 8 year old stepson who stays with us every other weekend and half of the school breaks. He goes to public school. This is my third pregnancy.


How far along?

7 1/2 weeks


Do I know what I am having / will I find out?

Probably. My dh won't want to wait but I would be open to letting the gender be a surprise until the end.


Ob appointment?

I just found out a week and a half ago and was sick with flu and so haven't shopped around yet but will start this week now that I am feeling a little better. We lived an hour away from where we are at now when I had the first 2 children.



Not much but I like Michaella, Isabella, Elisabeth, & Margot for a girl and Javier, Calab, Malaki, Jesse, or Ashton for a boy.


Have I bought anything for nursery?

Nope. Too early on. I will probably go with the bare minimum since we are short on space and all my newborns wanted was to snuggle. Carseat, Ergo, blankets, and a weeks worth if casual baby clothes is all I think we'll need the first couple months.

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My name is Wendy. I have two boys, almost 4 and 20 months.


How far along are you?

14.5 weeks


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?

The 12 week ultrasound made it pretty evident this is another boy. We will know "for sure" at the 20 week ultrasound.


Have you talked names yet?

I'm pretty sure this will be Spencer David. I like settling on names early.


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)

The boys and I went to Goodwill to ooh and aah over itty bitty baby clothes. I let them each choose something for their new little brother. My preschooler chose pink and purple jammies with ice skating rabbits. Maybe he knows something I don't. Either way, the jammies are super soft and I think baby Spencer will love them.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?

As uneventful as it can be with a toddler and a preschooler in the exam room.

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I'm 33 wks along with #9. We have 6 boys then 3 girls and this one will be another girl. She is due April 1, 2 wks after her big sister's 1st birthday.


names: Lilly, Maria, Anne, Sophia. We tend to wait until the last minute to decide.


nursery: she'll sleep in our room for the first 4-5 months, maybe more if she needs to co-sleep. then we'll put her in the nursery and move sister to the girls room. I've never been interested in decorating a nursery so it's pretty boring. Still blue from when we had 6 boys in a row. We still have the baby swing, ergo, moby, bouncer thingy out from big sis so I just need to wash those and baby clothes and we'll be set!


last appointment: was quick- I love my OB!

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How far along are you? 11 weeks.


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? No/no.


Have you talked names yet? Not much, there's still tons of time! I like traditional names.


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) Not yet. I'll get out of the first trimester fatigue first! If it's a boy, we still have all my toddler's old clothes. If it's a girl we'll have to start from scratch.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? I had my first appointment yesterday. Heard the heartbeat! It went well except for my recent pre-pregnancy weight gain (moving stress and holiday indulgences), which means I'll need to watch my diet and exercise, but I can do that.


I'm having a fairly easy pregnancy so far. I'm a bit tired and my brain feels foggy, but my nausea has been minimal. It was a surprise pregnancy from an NFP "oops," but we were going to start trying later this year anyway. I did NOT want to be in my third trimester all summer long in NC, but oh well! I'll probably have an ultrasound next week, because my midwives are pushing genetic testing for family history reasons. Oh, and I'm rambling because I didn't sleep well last night and my toddler is being, you know, a toddler.

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How far along are you? 20.5 wks

Do you know what you are having?Boy!

Have you talked names yet? Yes, but not settled.

Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) No.

How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? First OB appt was this wk.

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How far along are you?


I will be 37weeks on Saturday with baby number 9. And I am definitely feeling it!!!


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? We are having a girl. We have five boys and this will be our fourth girl. :)


Have you talked names yet? We are naming her Elenorah (Norah) Siobhan and her name is full of family and spiritual meaning. She will be called Norah for short.


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) I have bought supplies to make the Scripture plaque I make for all my babies and I have plans to buy her blanket, special toy. I hope. We just relocated and it is very hard to get anything like this done right now. We were loaned a bassinet and she will be in that next to my bed and then in our large master closet in her crib until at least one.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? My last appointment was Monday and I go again on Monday. I want a VBAC and this doctor was a little more scary about that. I am nervous for delivery and everything about that. I have had six normal, vaginal births and then a c- section with our twins who are twenty months. I am hoping and praying for a successful and smooth VBAC. Please pray for me. I am due March 9th.


Feel free to discuss and/or ask other pregnancy-related questions!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all better as we share in this experience!


It felt good to answer this. I am HORRIBLY exhausted and hormonal today. :( And I do not feel well!!!

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We're going to co-sleep at first as well, simply because we're pretty crowded until we move back to the NW at the end of the year. Our son is currently co-sleeping (bad habit) so this upcoming 4 day weekend we're focusing on getting him back in his room. It's getting to be way too uncomfortable.

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How far along are you? 13 weeks


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? Not yet, but we do plan to find out.


Have you talked names yet? Not yet


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) Not yet. My twin dds will be 8 when the baby is born. We got rid of all of our baby stuff a few years ago. Thankfully, we gave our crib, rocker, and changing table to my sister-in-law, and she will be done with them soon so we'll get them back.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? My last appointment went well. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which I found amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...


How far along are you? About 7 weeks


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? Yes


Have you talked names yet? No


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) Still too shocked to even think about buying anything. I got rid of everything after our last baby. We were suppose to be done having children. We are very minimal, none of our babies had a nursery. They all co-sleep with us until around 2 years. Currently we are having trouble kicking our almost 3 year old out of our bed.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? Haven't called the doctor yet to make my first appt.



Feel free to discuss and/or ask other pregnancy-related questions!

I am looking forward to getting to know you all better as we share in this experience!


Thanks for starting this thread! RIght now I'm having a horrible time with nausea. I think it's been worse than any of my other pregnancies or maybe it's because I'm older. I'm also exhausted, so combine those together and I don't get a lot accomplished. Anyone have any home remedies for nausea?

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Congrats everyone. :)


How are you all feeling this week? I just hit 31 weeks, and I already feel like I'm stretched to the limit. Baby girl is kicking away, and that plus chasing my little boy all day long has me beat. At least he's finally weaned, so that's made things a little easier on me these last couple weeks.

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I wanted to start off by saying I have a FREE Pregnancy Checklist that I created and just uploaded to my blog. Please feel free to download and use it. It doesn't have baby growth info or medical developments; it does, however have reminders of things you can do for yourself during your pregnancy. It can be found here:




Enjoy the Checklist!


Now, for the answers...



How far along are you?

34 weeks tomorrow.


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?

Yes, we know what we are having; we found out last week. We weren't going to find out, but when we couldn't see the baby's face at the 3D/4D ultrasound, we decided we couldn't leave empty-handed, so to speak.


Have you talked names yet?

Yes, but we aren't telling anyone outside of our families for the time being.


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)

I've purchased a few newborn baby things, but this is our fifth child, so we don't really need much. We don't have a nursery; baby will sleep in our bed until weaned (18 mos to 2 years).


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?

My last appointment was two weeks ago; my midwife will visit me again this Thursday. I'm having a home birth, so my visits happen at home.

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Great idea for a thread! :)


I am a little over 26 weeks with boy #6 in a row (our oldest is a girl). We will be naming him Shepherd Michael. The only thing I have bought is a little lamb hat on Etsy, as I have decided to get newborn pictures done and think it would be really cute for him to be wearing a lamb hat in some of the pictures (since we're naming him Shepherd and all :) ) I am really excited to get professional newborn pics done. I am thinking of taking him the day after he is born...I know that sounds crazy but my babies get really bad jaundice by day 2 or 3 and I don't want him to be yellow in all of the pictures. Is that totally crazy? I'm really going to try to do it. We are planning on a home birth, this will be home birth #3.


I had a follow up ultrasound yesterday because they couldn't see his spine very well in the 20-week ultrasound, and that was fun to see him again. I am feeling very tired and hungry ALL the time.

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How far along are you? Baby should be popping out in a month or two! The Love thinks she will come out my belly button, heehee.


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? Girl! We're practiced at that, lol.


Have you talked names yet? Finally picked one in the third tri!


Have you done any shopping? We still have a ton from the other kids. I did get a new stroller since we killed our old one, lol. We don't do nurseries--we cosleep and such.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? I'm on bi-weekly appts. Wooooo. I see a midwife as I'm planning a homebirth, but I also see a regular family doc in case we end up needing a transfer.

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I'll tentatively post in here. I'm 6 weeks along. Haven't called the OB yet. Last time I saw him was for the follow-up to my D&C for a retained miscarriage in October, hence the tentative posting here. We have no baby gear anymore. As my youngest was outgrowing baby things I was purging the house. We will have to buy everything but we know better what we actually will use with a baby. As of now, I'm feeling fine. Every so often I feel a little sick to my stomach and I am having to pee a ton more. We'll probably find out the gender. I have no clue about names.

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Congrats everyone. :)


How are you all feeling this week? I just hit 31 weeks, and I already feel like I'm stretched to the limit. Baby girl is kicking away, and that plus chasing my little boy all day long has me beat. At least he's finally weaned, so that's made things a little easier on me these last couple weeks.



I'm 35 weeks and more hormonal and exhausted than I think I have ever been. Come one, baby!

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I'm 18 weeks, I have an ultrasound next week and we will find out then what we are having. I had 4 boys and then 2 girls, it would be nice to have another girl as my youngest son will be 6 when the baby comes, it will make room arrangements a bit easier. My husband is convinced it is a boy, so we'll see.


For names, we are thinking of Michael or George for a boy. My husband likes Mary or Catherine for a girl, I also like Olivia and Adelaide. It is usually impossible for us to agree, one of my children went without a name for the first week, so it is nice that we have such a short list we can both agree on already. All of my favorite girl names were used by my friends and family while I was busy having boys, lol, so I have to settle for names I like, not love.


I haven't done any shopping, we have all the baby gear we need really. Once I know the gender I'll buy a cute coming home outfit.


My last appt. went well, though I have had a rough time with this pregnancy. I had a UTI a few weeks ago that really wiped me out, and we all had a horrible flu in December, but at least the morning sickness is gone!

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Hi I'm Liz,


How far along are you?

36w4d (we did in vitro, so I could tell you to the hour!)


Do you know what you're having?

A boy!



Elias Earl



Just some clothing essentials that needed replacing. I saved everything from our last child. Had two baby showers--one was a diaper shower and the other was a book shower.


Last appointment?

Yesterday and I have an induction scheduled a week from tomorrow due to high blood pressure/pre eclampsia. Lord willing my pressure doesn't shoot up much more before the induction.



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How far along are you?

33wk 2d


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?

Nope....and nope. Although this has proven to be far more stressful than I had anticipated.


Have you talked names yet?

Well...sorta. But, um.....yeah, baby has no name as of yet.


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)

Just a diaper bag.....very excited for some special gifts coming from some WTM boardies though :)


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?

8 days ago.....I go back on Monday.

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MrsBanjoClown - we're probably due around the same time.



Very early days here and after 2 late 1st trimester m/c (12 & 13 weeks) I'm holding my breath for a while...


How far along are you? Not sure, about 5-6 ish weeks. I'll be going to my gp to organise a dating scan soon, because I'm a little nervous at having strong symptoms already.


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out? DH & I have a guess - we always have a 'feeling'. We will hopefully find out.


Have you talked names yet? Yes. If our feeling is right then bubs is already named.


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!) Gosh no!


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment? I don't know yet. I'm trying to decide between my previous midwife (amazing) at hospital or a new midwife at home.

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I just scheduled my first appointment - really just to take a test to verify and then set up my first appointment - for next Wednesday. I am hoping to use a midwife at the hospital dh works at. I am 7 weeks today. we are planning on telling the boys and the rest of our families this weekend.


As far as symptoms, I get nauseous if I go too long without eating, and I am exhausted. I have trouble sleeping at night, and then I want to nap all day. I am trying to work through it, but I gave in today and took a nap. How do you get through this with the older kids at home all day? DH works evenings and sleeps until mid-morning, so he is really only awake and home about 3 hours a day, and we are usually doing school during that time. He has been helpful as far as running errands and things like that for me, but the evenings seem to be the worst time for me. I feel sick and want to sleep, but both of the boys are home.

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How do you get through this with the older kids at home all day? DH works evenings and sleeps until mid-morning, so he is really only awake and home about 3 hours a day, and we are usually doing school during that time. He has been helpful as far as running errands and things like that for me, but the evenings seem to be the worst time for me. I feel sick and want to sleep, but both of the boys are home.


I'm having trouble, too and I only have a pre-k & k'er! I feel like I'm so tired all day, but I try to hit the basics first so at the least they are getting Bible, Lang., & math and I do the 15 minutes of preschool time one on one with ds3. Lots of moms just do this anyway with littles so I try not to stress.


But hope this'll pass. I'm 9 1/2 weeks so hopefully stop feeling like a nauseous zombie soon {please, Lord}.


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I had my first ob appointment Friday and so had an in office sonogram and found out that I am 9 1/2 weeks. What struck me as hesterical is the amount of "extra" room baby # 3 has in my uterus. It looks like you can fit 3 babies in there. There is only one, but when I compared it to my first born's sonogram at about the same time, there is literally 3 x more room. I know your uterus is supposed to grow faster as you have had more pregnancy, but the visual was something. Strangely, despite that, my clothes is fitting just fine and I haven't gained any wait. In fact I initially lost about 6 pounds, and now seem to just stay where I am every week.


Couple of questions just for fun:


How far a long were you when you started to wear maternity clothes?


Did you show more for your 2nd, 3rs, etc. pregnancies?


If you have 3 or more kids and are pregnant, what do you tell people who comment about will you have more or "you got your hands full" kind of statements? (I have a stepson I take care of a lot. Last night at the grocery store with three children it occured to me, that when I start to show and am out with a 3, 5, and 8 year old I will probably getting more looks :glare: )

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Congrats to everyone!

I'm 18 weeks. Estimated due date is July 31st. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Wed. hopefully we will find out the gender.


I have a 9 yr old son so, all of our baby stuff is long gone.


I started wearing maternity clothes around 13 weeks, walking around with my pants unzipped, held closed with a rubber band and covered by long shirts wasn't working anymore.

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How far along are you?


I just hit 27w Due around the 1st of June, but unless I can talk my OB into letting me go to 40w high risk I will probably be delivering the last week in May. I know, I know it's my decision, but its so much easier to say I'm going to go in there and tell him what we are doing then to actually do it as I discovered with my last pregnancy which turned out totally great! :)


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?

We are having a boy.


Have you talked names yet?


His name is Gideon Nathaniel. I've suffered from infertility and after adopting five children God promised me a son and told me his name. When I got pregnant in 2009 I was so sure it was our boy. A friend said he was going to pray for a girl so we could go again. LOL Sure enough Lily Grace was born in 2010. We are now expecting our promised son and I'm so excited!


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)


I bought him a few outfits at a consignment sale and people have been very generous in giving us clothing. My church is insisting on a baby shower (twist, twist.. :) ) and many people asked me to register. Most of my baby stuff is over 7 years old and a bit falling apart so we decided to go register. Babies R Us was having a contest for anyone who registered for 100 things so we ended up loading our registry up. We don't really do a nursery as we co-sleep, but most of the blankets and other stuff I liked were all brown/green/blue and we picked out quite a few with puppies.



How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?

My last appointment was with our high risk OB since I have Type 2 Diabetes. I get u/s every 4 weeks. Baby looked great and I am doing fine. I go see my regular OB on Thursday. After my Thursday appt. I will start my regular OB appts every other week. I go back to high risk on the 28th and I think after that I will start going twice a week for NSTs and once a week for scans. A bit of a hassle but it sure does make the time go fast!

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I am 37 weeks and 3 days and so ready to be done! I've been on modified bed rest since November due to constant contractions! Now that I can safely have this little guy, no baby!



This is our first boy and he is going to be name Zachary Nathan! Things are as ready as they can be! My last appt was on Thursday and I was at 1 cm dilated. Friday morning I woke up to contractions every 3 minutes apart that lasted for 5 hours and then they stopped. I'm hoping they did something and I'll be farther along at this weeks appt!



I have a 8 and 6 yr old at home with me. They are wonderful girls and so well behaved and sweet- they are putting up with a very irritable and emotional mommy! I think I've spent half the day crying for no reason other then hormones and the other half trying very hard not to bite their heads off.



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Friday I went to the ER due to light bleeding. I was thoroughly checked out, and it was determined that baby is fine! I am 7 weeks, 2 days. The heart rate on Friday was 168. Friday night we told our boys the news. They were ecstatic! Saturday we told the rest of our family. We had a get-together and grilled burgers and hot dogs, and brought out a cake for dessert. The cake said "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish....Coming in October a NEW fish!".

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Hi all!


17 weeks here with a very, very surprise #3. We'll be finding out if it's a boy or girl in a couple weeks, and names are all picked out. Except the boy middle name, still trying to convince DH that "Skywalker" is not a good middle name.


Haven't bought anything yet, just finished ordering oldest DS's curriculum, so we'll work on baby stuff next.


Last appointment was not eventful. Heartbeat is good, which is comforting because I'm not really showing much. I haven't even changed my belt notches. Nine weeks of bronchitis has wrecked my ribs, throat, bladder control, and sanity, but my obliques look amazing!

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Hi all!


17 weeks here with a very, very surprise #3. We'll be finding out if it's a boy or girl in a couple weeks, and names are all picked out. Except the boy middle name, still trying to convince DH that "Skywalker" is not a good middle name.


Haven't bought anything yet, just finished ordering oldest DS's curriculum, so we'll work on baby stuff next.


Last appointment was not eventful. Heartbeat is good, which is comforting because I'm not really showing much. I haven't even changed my belt notches. Nine weeks of bronchitis has wrecked my ribs, throat, bladder control, and sanity, but my obliques look amazing!


Your husband sounds like mine... it was all I could do to not have Danger as my son's middle name!

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Except the boy middle name, still trying to convince DH that "Skywalker" is not a good middle name.


LOL, we have the middle name of Luke for one of ours, which was a bit of a compromise over Skywalker or Anakin. (I like it and it fits well with his first name too.)


I'm 17 weeks with baby #5. So far, not much going on. Maybe have felt the baby a few times. I feel generally pretty okay. Sometimes too okay. I don't get sick, but I had a few woozy days in the first trimester, none really recently.


Showing? Maybe a little. Maternity pants are way more comfortable now, though, even if a lot of the tops are still big on me.


Last appointment -- couldn't hear the baby a few weeks ago, but he/she was moving and looked happy and healthy on an ultrasound, so I assume all is well. I'm still working on finding the right midwife and will see about another appointment when I do. We're planning our fourth homebirth.


Buying things? I shouldn't need to buy much, especially if this one is a fourth boy. (We aren't planning to find out ahead of time.) I bought a few newborn cloth diapers and some flannel to make a few more diapers and wipes to round out my stash, since my toddler still uses the newborn prefolds as nighttime doublers. I'm knitting/sewing a few more smaller-sized wool covers, and I did buy some shirts. I didn't have any neutral short-sleeved shorts for a newborn that weren't onesies, which don't work well with wool covers, so I bought a few white side-snap shirts. I always forget how tiny newborn clothes are! If the baby is a boy, I should be good on clothing, since DS3 was born in July and needed some small summer items. If the baby is a girl, I'm relatively certain that there will be a small explosion of pink from relatives, but I have all of DD's clothes in the attic still and should be pretty good on that front. We don't do a nursery, but I probably need to get some drawers for baby clothes or something.

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Oh, names. Ugh. This is going to take forever. (Our third child took us five days; the others were all faster.) We've exhausted the boy names we like, and we never did agree on a girl name after DD. I have lots of lovely ideas; DH vetoes them all, LOL. Abigail is probably our top contender right now for a girl; DH hasn't vetoed that one yet. For a girl, I'm very set on using my middle name (DD has my grandmother's middle name), Joy, but we really haven't discussed names yet. I think we'll just wait until the baby gets here and then decide. It's not like we're going to discover some new name that we haven't considered in the past decade; of the eight names we've used for first and middle so far, the least traditional is Avery, which is one son's middle name because it was DH's grandfather's name. (Although, last time, I put in my three older children's very traditional names, one of Latin origin, one of Greek origin, and one of Hebrew origin, at Nymbler, and the first set of names for a boy included Dexter, and I have no idea what made the site think that it "matched.")

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I still need to call my OB to be seen. I am so busy this month. We're moving at the end of the month so I've been sorting & packing & cleaning. I'll try to get in anyway. It's still early (7 weeks) so not much they will do. Not looking forward to the wand ultrasound. That's the policy at my OB practice. Major change from when I was there with my almost 5 yo. Not sure if it's my age or if they do that with everyone. Still feeling queasy & like I need to puke at any minute. All good!

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33 weeks

Number 4, a girl. So 3 girls and one awesome boy.

My church is having a shower in a few weeks and I have to buy a new carseat and I'm getting a baby hammock:) I purhased about 8 nb sleepers so far.

My next apt is tomorrow with the hospital midwives. I had to transfer care 2 week ago due to BP issues. I've had 2 homebirths and one hospital (same reason) and I just want to be done! This is our last dc, I just turned 40.

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38 weeks today. Had contractions 5 minutes apart Tuesday night- hubby was able to time them in my sleep- for several hours and they stopped. Woke up Wednesday morning with them 5 minutes apart again. They started coming closer so we started getting ready to go to the hopsital. Got the girls settled and went and walked the mall for a bit. Decided to head in when they were 2 minutes apart. On the 15 minute drive to the hospital, they were one right on top of another, I was shaking, and felt like I was going to vomit. Got checked out and I was at a 3! Contractions then stopped. Not much today- contractions when I get up and move around but they stop again when I sit. Bouncing on my ball trying to convince this kid to come out! I keep remind myself that I still have 2 weeks before my acutal due date and I can not be pregnant forever!

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How far along are you?


18.5 weeks--due date in early August. MIL is jokingly hoping for July since we have no July birthdays in the family so this would add a different stone to her family tree broach. DS was about 10 days early, so she may get her wish!


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?


I don't know yet, but should find out on March 18th. I'm really hoping for a girl, but will of course be happy with a boy too. DS (3.5) has declared that we are having a girl--probably because the only baby he spends time around is a girl so he knows about little sisters. We're taking him to the ultrasound--he will be thrilled to be included.


Have you talked names yet?


I've started a list of names that DH hasn't vetoed but we won't focus too hard on that until we know gender.


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)


I actually picked up a few girl outfits that were on super-crazy-clearance. If I don't have a girl they'll go to my best friend who is due 3 mo. before me.

I'm not planning to decorate a nursery right away. It took a really long time to get DS to sleep without me, so I'm not even going to try with this one. DH is going to set up our crib and make it into a sidecar for our bed.

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Had my 3 hour GD test last week, and though it technically didn't come back positive, it was just close enough that they want me to go through all the hoopla. So, appointments every two weeks, test my glucose 4 times daily, food log, etc.


My fingers hurt and my numbers have been totally fine so far... all in the 70s and 80s. Haven't changed my diet one bit. I really don't want to do this for 7 more weeks. /rant

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Had my 3 hour GD test last week, and though it technically didn't come back positive, it was just close enough that they want me to go through all the hoopla. So, appointments every two weeks, test my glucose 4 times daily, food log, etc.


My fingers hurt and my numbers have been totally fine so far... all in the 70s and 80s. Haven't changed my diet one bit. I really don't want to do this for 7 more weeks. /rant



Ugh, how frustrating. Is there a time limit for how long you have to do the testing?

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Hi, I'm Kelly. I will be 17 weeks on Monday. (Due August 19th) We should, as long as baby cooperates, know on March 21st whether we are having our fifth girl or our second son. We were told with our first that we were having a boy, but baby was a girl, so we take all sonogram results with a grain of salt. :p

We are all settled on a boys first name, but have not even come up with a girls name. As it was, we did not officially settle on my youngest one's name until a few hours after she was born. We do not do nurseries but we did buy an infant car seat. The last infant seat we absolutely hated so we went and spent a bit more money for a Chicco KeyFit 30 (or something like that.)


Last appt was about 2 weeks ago. I'm gaining more than I would like but I always gain between 40-50 pounds. I've been very sick with nausea and throwing up since week 6 so I am surprised that I am gaining wait. Most of it I suspect is water weight at this point. Anyways, next appt is March 21 for anatomy and gender scan.


edited to add: last two were home births with a midwife, however I chose to use a midwife and deliver at a hospital this time.

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Ugh, how frustrating. Is there a time limit for how long you have to do the testing?


As of now, til the baby is born.


Doc said, though, that if my numbers stay nice and low we may be able to switch to every other day once we get a baseline. That's at least a little reprieve. I'll probably try to push him a little more... but I don't know him that well yet so I'll just do what they want for now. ;)

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Had my 3 hour GD test last week, and though it technically didn't come back positive, it was just close enough that they want me to go through all the hoopla. So, appointments every two weeks, test my glucose 4 times daily, food log, etc.


My fingers hurt and my numbers have been totally fine so far... all in the 70s and 80s. Haven't changed my diet one bit. I really don't want to do this for 7 more weeks. /rant


Wow that is REALLY going overboard IMO. :confused1: http://www.drmomma.o...ror-has-no.html


Unrelated to the above...


I am almost 28 weeks now and putting on 2-3 pounds a week. That is normal for me from about 22 weeks on since I don't put on anything in the first and hardly anything in the second, but it's always hard to watch the scale go up so quickly. And I don't retain water. :blushing: I'm up 20 pounds so far..... trying to trust my body and not freak out. I can tell the baby can definitely hear since he will jump or move if I get too close to things like the vacuum or slamming the dryer door. :) I'm trying to really enjoy the pregnancy even though I'm getting more sore and weak because I know how quickly it passes, even though it feels like forever when I'm going through it and I get so anxious to meet the baby! I'm really freaking out about labor, a friend is loaning me her hypnobabies course and I hope that helps.

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Wow, I'm sorry you have to keep up that much testing, good to see you are due next month!


I.dup know how you feel about trying to enjoy the pregnancy, I am always so ready to be done by the end, and then after the baby comes I miss being pregnant. I need to try to remember to enjoy it as it's happening, no matter how crappy I feel :).


I'm 20 weeks, I've already gained 12 pounds. I am nervous about the birth, it is going to be my 6th c-section. I wish I could just deliver normally. I've heard good things about hypnobabies, I think it would be worth a try. My sister is planning a water birth at home, she is due in May, I'm really curious to see how that works out.

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How far along are you?

31 or 32 weeks (depending on dates, or 1st trimester u/s.


Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?



Have you talked names yet?

Yes, her name is Tempe Maelou (May Lou, after two dear family members)


Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)

A little bit, but we don't do nurseries, so no pics of that. Mostly a couple outfits, and I've started sewing swaddle blankets and diaper covers. Still have lots more diaper stuff to sew, and a sling. My awesome inlaws got us out carseat, and that was the main thing we needed. Shower with a few family/friends is tomorrow, so that should be fun.


How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?

I've started every two week appts (already, how did that happen???), and everything is going well.

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Couple of questions just for fun:


How far a long were you when you started to wear maternity clothes? Pretty much when I had the positive test, lol. I can't stand tight stuff on my uterus at all when I'm pg.


Did you show more for your 2nd, 3rs, etc. pregnancies? I did for the third, but he was several pounds bigger than his sisters! I do show earlier with subsequent pregnancies.


If you have 3 or more kids and are pregnant, what do you tell people who comment about will you have more or "you got your hands full" kind of statements? (I have a stepson I take care of a lot. Last night at the grocery store with three children it occured to me, that when I start to show and am out with a 3, 5, and 8 year old I will probably getting more looks :glare: ). Just a "yup" and a nod, and move on, lol.



So I finally bought some stuff for the baby! Since she'll be our third girl, we have a lot, but my severe reflux baby means I have almost no girl shirts/sleepers left. I stuck with the neutral sleepers I have, but I just got a few baby girl shirts! I also got a few of the leather shoes, and I found a like-new stroller at Saver's since we finally killed ours. I knit stuff for her, too!

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