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About mrseshaw

  • Birthday 09/12/1981

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  • Biography
    SAHM--retired chemist ;)
  • Interests
    food, fellowship, frienships
  • Occupation
    COO of the home
  1. thank you both for your reply. Makes sense, and I hadn't thought that far ahead =)
  2. Hi, I'm looking for a work book to supplement FLL 2. Basically looking for something along the lines of: circle the noun, underline the pronouns, etc. My son needs a lot of drill kill to get things to stick. Thank you so much!
  3. Hi I'm Liz, How far along are you? 36w4d (we did in vitro, so I could tell you to the hour!) Do you know what you're having? A boy! Names? Elias Earl Shopping? Just some clothing essentials that needed replacing. I saved everything from our last child. Had two baby showers--one was a diaper shower and the other was a book shower. Last appointment? Yesterday and I have an induction scheduled a week from tomorrow due to high blood pressure/pre eclampsia. Lord willing my pressure doesn't shoot up much more before the induction.
  4. Yes, I have been told this as well by my sons endocrinologist. We shower too much these days.
  5. Central Texas is terrible for allergies. Stay away! Living here now. I lived allergy free in Boston...asides from the chronic clear nose drip. (but that's nothing to me). Prior to Boston my allergies were quite bad in S.Florida. Received allergy shots as a child while growing up there. Not sure if they helped. But my mom thought they did.
  6. Thanks Erica! Im sort of confused with their "plans". For example, the "clean eating" sample menu has 5 nights of meat (3 chicken,1 beef, 1 pork). That's too much meat for us. Yet,the vegetarian plan has zero meat. Is there a way to pick and choose from the various plans? Or are you stuck under one plan category?
  7. I currently have most my favorite recipes (~50) in PowerPoint and simply pick a slide to cook. But after so many years I'm getting tired of those meals in rotation. Up until two years ago I subscribed to several cooking magazines a month...Cooking light, Everyday Food, the Rachel Ray one, and some others, but the yearly subscription costs really added up so I cancelled them. Does anyone use a meal planning website, such as Emeals? I'd like some new recipes and meal ideas. Low dairy/low carb/low meat. We're flexitarians. thanks in advance for your suggestions!
  8. I had to dig through my old gmails with my mother in law and found that it was 15! yikes! I was put on 10,000 units every week. And when we started IVF my reproductive endocrinologist wanted me off the high dose vitamin D. Currently taking 2 Caltrates a day. It took several months to feel better and to get my levels to go up.
  9. That's a bfp! Congrats! Btw, amazon sells Wondfo brand prego tests. They are more sensitive than FRER. My beta was 17 and the amazon cheapie picked it up, yet the FRER did not until 24 hours later. http://www.amazon.com/Wondfo-Pregnancy-Test-Strips-50-count/dp/B004AOMAOG/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1361246799&sr=8-6&keywords=Wondfo
  10. I agree with the vitamin d. Get it checked. I was feeling the same fatigue you describe and my daily routine about the same as yours. But I was 29 at the time with a very low level. It took over a year to get my level into the normal range. Caltrate has calcium coupled with vitamin D, which is good (can't give you the proper biochemical reason that DH gave me). I breastfed for 2.5 Yrs straight while living in Boston, those two factors likely cause my low level.
  11. My dh is a university prof at a large private $40k tuition/yr school. you would not believe how many emails he gets from students after a quarterly exam and even after the final exams and term grades have been posted flat out asking for a higher letter grade! Most of those emails include something along the lines of "I deserve" and never mentions of "I earned". Dh teaches upper level junior/seniors and graduate students, so thankfully he doesn't have the student's PARENTS calling him asking for higher grades for their children like his colleagues do who teach intro/freshman level courses!
  12. Contact patient relations at the hospital and tell them your story. my experience with them at a large boston hospital was very fruitful. glad your little guy spoke up, and is hopefully recoving well.
  13. While not a book on discipline, Whole Brain Child was a good read.
  14. 10 hours, but that included calculating 1400 driven miles to doctors appointments and 11k in medical bill receipts. Glad to be done!!
  15. Ds is going on 5 and he has just realized that he can ask for gifts/toys. For example, we went to toys r us yesterday to shop for 3 birthday gifts for parties this weekend. Ds asked several times for something for himself, and I said no, "we don't need this toy for you, we need 3 gifts for, x,y, and z friends". I often say to him that "we only buy what we need". And that phrase has been working very well. I hope that lasts through the teenage years! I'd like to think that dh and I are doing a good job at modeling frugality... (although I have a long amazon wish list of things I want, including a 2/3 cup measuring cup) dh makes 6 figures, yet I can't seem to spend the money on that measuring cup because I already have two 1/3 measuring cups! I grew up very poor, but never with a hungry belly.
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