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I went to order my son's 1st birthday cake. It's not until April but I want a custom cake. Anyway, I went to the place that made my middle ds's 1st birthday cake and the lady was so incredibly RUDE that I told her to keep her cake and walked out. She kept on and on about the cost of the cake I wanted!?! LOOK LADY I get it...I don't care how much the cake cost. She never would take my order so I told her I would take my money and my business elsewhere.

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I'm curious what kind of cake you want. I have found that people tend to get like that when they really don't want to do it/it's too much work for them.


Yes, I'd like to know the reason why she did this. It doesn't make any sense, from a business perspective. Did you want something difficult, complicated, or that violated her business model or beliefs? Can't imagine what that might be, especially for a baby's cake (!) but I am curious.

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Was the person the owner or manager? If not, PLEASE contact the owner/manager and let know your experience! That's sometimes the only way a manager/owner knows that there is an employee issue-she's certainly not going to treat a customer that way in front of the boss-(hopefully).

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Was the person the owner or manager? If not, PLEASE contact the owner/manager and let know your experience! That's sometimes the only way a manager/owner knows that there is an employee issue-she's certainly not going to treat a customer that way in front of the boss-(hopefully).


She IS the owner! Which makes it so much worse....



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Was it a complicated specialty cake that would require a lot of artistic ability to do well? Maybe she was afraid she'd end up on Cake Wrecks!


No. I actually don't have a theme yet. I just told her I wanted a 3 tiered birthday cake and that I would finalize the details when I decided on a theme. She was stuck on how many people I wanted to serve and I just kept saying "I'm not sure yet but I know I want this particular size and I don't care if I'm eating cake from now til Christmas". She also said that she would have to deliver a cake like that because she just doesn't let cakes like that be picked up :confused:


I actually contacted someone else to make the cake...so I guess I WILL be spending my money elsewhere. HA

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I'm just sitting here thinking of that tiered cake you wanted

and wishing I could have a piece!!


I am picturing it with white frosting and little flowers on the edges.

I am imagining two layers on the inside of the cake, one raspberry

and one butter frosting.




You should send us a picture of it once you do have the party!

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Well, a tiered cake for a large number of people would seem a bit too much for me personally for a one year old's birthday party but you can bet I'd keep that opinion to myself if I were the owner of a bakery. I'm glad that you found another person to make the cake. (And I hope you aren't offended at my much lower key birthdays. I am not criticizing your desire to do it differently.)

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. She kept on and on about the cost of the cake I wanted!?! LOOK LADY I get it...I don't care how much the cake cost. She never would take my order so I told her I would take my money and my business elsewhere.

maybe she recently had people who objected to the cost, and didn't pay after she bought the supplies and put in her labor leaving her unpaid.


I agree, her behavior was unprofessional.

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maybe she recently had people who objected to the cost, and didn't pay after she bought the supplies and put in her labor leaving her unpaid.


I agree, her behavior was unprofessional.



:iagree: My guess, too, is that she's been left holding the cake, so to speak, by customers who swore they wanted something big and then wouldn't pay for it. There are better ways to get her point across, though. Let's assume it (the bad customer scenario) just happened within the last couple of days, and she hasn't had time to think about how she needs to make sure it doesn't happen again; in other words, give her the benefit of the doubt.


Cute cake in your example, by the way. I hope you find someone to make it, and can post pictures!

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:iagree: My guess, too, is that she's been left holding the cake, so to speak, by customers who swore they wanted something big and then wouldn't pay for it. There are better ways to get her point across, though. Let's assume it (the bad customer scenario) just happened within the last couple of days, and she hasn't had time to think about how she needs to make sure it doesn't happen again; in other words, give her the benefit of the doubt.


Cute cake in your example, by the way. I hope you find someone to make it, and can post pictures!



:iagree: I have a feeling she has been recently burned by someone who didn't pay after ordering, and/or someone who picked up a cake, had an incident taking it home, and went after her because they ruined the cake. Unfortunately, that is what our society has become. I'm sorry she was rude, but I bet your cake is going to be great! Make sure to post pics!

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Not to worry, these things tend to take care of themselves. She won't be in business for an extended time if she is running customers off, especially ones who want to spend a lot!


I tend to go all pinterest-y and elaborate for things. I've had people in stores try to talk me down because of price or complication...like, "For a kid, you could get these more cheaply..." Or I've had sewing projects that I want to use great fabric for, even if my kids are doing the sewing. I don't want cheap...I would rather buy fewer things but higher quality, stuff I won't be tossing out in a few days. But they never do what you are describing and actually drive me away. Good choice going somewhere else!

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This is kind I what I had in mind...




I've picked up several cakes of this style myself without incident :)



Why didn't you go to the bakeries where you have gotten them before? Just curious, if you've done it several times already.


I don't really see where she was "incredibly rude" to you, as you stated in your OP. You mention she asked repeatedly about how many you were serving, not understanding your desire for a particular cake size regardless of the number of guests. And I see that she brought up the price several times, again not understanding your point of view. I can see how you might find those things annoying or off-putting, but I wouldn't characterize them as rude. Was her tone or manner offensive somehow?

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Why didn't you go to the bakeries where you have gotten them before? Just curious, if you've done it several times already.


I don't really see where she was "incredibly rude" to you, as you stated in your OP. You mention she asked repeatedly about how many you were serving, not understanding your desire for a particular cake size regardless of the number of guests. And I see that she brought up the price several times, again not understanding your point of view. I can see how you might find those things annoying or off-putting, but I wouldn't characterize them as rude. Was her tone or manner offensive somehow?


Yes, her tone and manner was quite condescending. I have gotten a cake at this particular bakery before and it was quite good. I have used her and another lady before...after her display of rudeness I will be choosing the other lady from now on.

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