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What are your Scouts working on? (Boys & Girls)


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Our local GS center cancelled a training for girls last week that was actually the kind of stuff GSA needs to do - it was a camping training class for beginning campers. So the girls would have actually been outside and working on building their own campfires, etc. They wanted 25 girls to attend but only 10 signed up so they CANCELLED it. Our local GSA has very low attendance because we were hostilely taken over 3-4 years ago and they cancelled everything at the last minute for years. No one signs up for anything anymore and thus they cancel everything. I cannot seem to make them understand that the council is perpetuating the dang cycle by not allowing stuff to go on, even if they don't have the numbers they want. The council's attitude seems to be, "If we don't hit a magic number, to heck with them!" They don't seem to understand that they have to repair the damage they've done for YEARS to girls and leaders but if they run with integrity, some people will come back and some will sign up new. Frustrating!!


That is terrible. IMO, it's basic education programming 101 to run some programs at a loss in order to build credibility and loyalty, especially core type programs. It's also not unheard of to make personal phone calls to help fill programs. As you point out, a little integrity would be nice.


Does your council offer campership training for leaders? That lets you do outdoor programs with your troop (officially, with insurance applying) at events other than GS sponsored ones. In our area, there are quite a few places -- rafting, climbing, local parks, and so on -- that have scout programs, so that you, as the leader, do not have to be the expert, just the one who sees that safety rules are followed and so on. Some Boy Scout camps I know -- especially ones that have a Cub section -- also welcome Girl Scouts for various activities.


My Council charges an arm and a leg for programs -- I mean seriously overcharges. I remember a 100th anniversary day at a regional park -- the cost was $189 per person (adult or child). I avoided that one, but went to a $35 per person thing that was billed as a tea, I think. There was a table full of assorted CHIPS for 300 or so guests.


In any case, by diligent googling and scouting local papers, I have found loads of low cost or free events. I wish you luck!


Adding: on the plus side, our local Girl Scout camp seems undamaged by new GS initiatives -- it still has tremendous value (low cost), incredible counselors, and great programming and facilities.

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Ds is heading to his Eagle BoR now...I think he's ready, but considering he's been at a music camp for the past 6 weeks and just got back yesterday, his "Scout Brain" might be a little lacking.  I talked with him over a couple of topics he'll probably be asked and he seemed to have a good grasp of things.  Reviewed the law, oath, etc, and all his knots and lashings this morning.  His new shirt and pants fit, and he looks handsome :).

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Ds is heading to his Eagle BoR now...I think he's ready, but considering he's been at a music camp for the past 6 weeks and just got back yesterday, his "Scout Brain" might be a little lacking. I talked with him over a couple of topics he'll probably be asked and he seemed to have a good grasp of things. Reviewed the law, oath, etc, and all his knots and lashings this morning. His new shirt and pants fit, and he looks handsome :).

He passed! :)

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Haven't been here for a while, but dd is still doing GS on her own as Brownie. 99% sure we will NOT be offical registered GS this fall - I have approached the council twice now asking for membership assistance for dd as our finances have drastically changed and I can't swing even the $15 for her membership right now, much less hers and mine both, and both times I was told that is only for girls in troops not individually registered girls. Never mind that we've sold cookies several years, and even donated to their "SHARE" campaign that is supposed to pay for ALL girls to be involved in GS. If dd were in PS or one of the private schools instead of homeschooled, then she would qualify for free membership through a program that covers costs for low-income girls in our district, but they are refusing to do that as well on the basis of her not being part of a troop {yet they will pay for girls who only attend camp} and because she's not signed up for free lunch at school.


I have pretty much had it with our council. Also this fall they have eliminated the promised "virtual" pathway which was the only pathway we fit under, and there are no longer any free events listed in our pathways guide. The cheapest event starts at $5 for 30 minutes and no patch. 90% of the events now cost over $30 per girl and many over $75 per girl, plus the same for any adult {and since she is a individually registered girl, I must attend all events as her troop leader but I don't get free entry like troop leaders}. Cookie credits can no longer be used to pay for most programs, and becuase we aren't part of a troop all our sales proceeds must be in - you guessed it - cookie credits. No scholarships for programs unless you have sold cookies in the last year & hit a certain threshold of sales. More and more it seems the council is just in it for the money. And to some degree GS as a whole as well.


Plus last time we went to the council office here, a lady chewed out dd {age 6 almost 7, mind you, and waiting patiently for me while I tried to get help with her registration costs}, for earning patches from the old program instead of the new program & putting them on the front of her vest. She had dd in tears and ruined her day for the rest of the day, and really turned her off GS stuff for most of the summer. I had to remind the woman that GSUSA says ANY former patch may still be earned if a scout completes the requirements - while they may be retired they are still official patches & to be worn on the front of the vest. Her answer to that was that it wasn't council policy.


I so wish we could register through another council. We live less than an hour away from a different council - I would GLADLY make the trip there to do GS stuff as they are super friendly & have better policies.

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Haven't been here for a while, but dd is still doing GS on her own as Brownie. 99% sure we will NOT be offical registered GS this fall -


I am so sorry for your recent experiences.  Hearing stuff like that makes me sad.  The programs are here for the kids and if their attitudes are turning kids off of scouting.  Then the higher ups cry and lament that enrollment is down and they don't know why.  Get a clue people.


If I were you, I would switch Councils.  An hour drive would be worth it - just use your savings from not having to buy Tylenol or alcoholic beverages after dealing with those other nincompoops.

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It's not an update on DS but...


I am becoming a BSA Leave No Trace Master Educator.  After next weekend I will be able to train LNT Trainers.  If any midwesterners are looking for an LNT program and are within a certain radius of IL, I would consider conducting a training course.


I am looking forward to next weekend.  We are camping Thurs. night, kayaking on the Mississippi River on Fri am, hiking to a lake, kayaking on the lake in the PM, then hiking to Fri night's camp, hiking all day Sat to a pristine camp, then packing out on Sunday.


It's about time someone other than DS gets another scouting adventure.  :coolgleamA: The group I am in has a great bunch of scouters and we had a good time this weekend with the classroom portions of the training.

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Good evening, scouters!


I went to a GSA adult resource day on Saturday and had a GREAT time. We hung out afterwards and no one really wanted to part. I kept looking around thinking, "THIS! This is what GSA could be if they weren't so darn dumb!" What we got out of it is to just work around the dumbness of the individual councils. Yes, it would be awesome if they supported leaders (some?) at all but they really don't and the inconsistenices are INSANE. I never truly realized that every council sets their own orientation agenda. So there's ZERO consistency for training from one council to the next. I could be fully trained here (and am!) and move 200 miles and have to start all over. And it's the Wild West when it comes to finances. There isn't anyone smart enough nationally to figure that out. So the individual councils set the rules.


But what the best leaders taught us is to just work around it and keep your head down. As long as our guiding principle is the girls' welfare, we should be ok.


I meet a leader who has taken two groups from Daisies/Brownies to high school seniors now. She started out with 23 Daisies and now has 18 Ambassadors. These young women were so driven and poised and at ease with themselves and their sister scouts, it was just amazing to see.


Our area is rebuilding from years of GSA drama. We're going to have to start all over. But the fun thing about that is that we get to start all over. I'm going for canoe and archery certification this fall. Next year at camp, I'm hoping to help out with a fabulous and fun program.


Tomorrow night is our first CS board meeting. It will be my first meeting as the committee chair! I'm kinda excited. We have one crazy den leader who wants her den to do the entire book in 6 weeks. I may get to tonk her on the head with my gavel!


So there's my question for the evening... Have you ever heard of a den doing their badge requirements in 6 weeks? I haven't gotten a clear answer from the den leader about why she feels the need to push so hard. It's Wolves. I kinda get being done by Blue and Gold but 6 weeks would put her at the tail end of January by our calendar. Then I guess she wants to do arrow points and belt loops for February - May? I'm not sure how much of her agenda is tied to her coaching school sports, which is what I think is REALLY at the bottom of this. It feels to me like she just wants to get scouting done and rush through it. And I'm not sure how parents are going to take it when there's a 4 week requirement and a 2 week requirement built into the program already. How many of your Cubs have earned their animal badge by their B&G?

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I so wish we could register through another council. We live less than an hour away from a different council - I would GLADLY make the trip there to do GS stuff as they are super friendly & have better policies.



Has the better council specifically told you that you can't register with them??

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Has the better council specifically told you that you can't register with them??

Sadly, yes they have. "You do not live in our assigned geographic area" was the answer I was given. If we joined a troop from that area it would be allowed, but we don't want to join a troop. I don't have time nor energy to deal with troop drama right now - if i did I'd start a homeschool only troop here. I have considered doing a multi-level "troop" of all homeschoolers that was really more of a group of individual scouts that got together monthly or even every other month for stuff, but right now I just don't have the energy to do it.


We are looking into a few GS alternatives - I am trying to get more info on 4H Cloverbuds & how that program works locally. I was a 4H kiddo myself, and it would do dd good I think & work on things that the GS program is not big on.

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Heigh, the pumpkin thing is a really cool idea!


It seems being done by B&G is a good possibility but I'm still not understanding why this den leader wants to be done five weeks before that! The CM and this den leader don't like each other and I'm getting garbled communications from both. So I'm hoping tonight it all about clarification and calmness.


Ameena, I have a multi-level GS troop. I've got from Daisies to Juniors so far. It's not really a lot of work unless you become a scout nerd and go for all the extra training. I'm going to get paddle certified in a few weeks since the RC is doing away with it. And then archery certified in October. The all day trainings 200 miles away are kind of rough!

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Haven't been here for a while, but dd is still doing GS on her own as Brownie. 99% sure we will NOT be offical registered GS this fall - I have approached the council twice now asking for membership assistance for dd as our finances have drastically changed and I can't swing even the $15 for her membership right now, much less hers and mine both, and both times I was told that is only for girls in troops not individually registered girls. Never mind that we've sold cookies several years, and even donated to their "SHARE" campaign that is supposed to pay for ALL girls to be involved in GS. If dd were in PS or one of the private schools instead of homeschooled, then she would qualify for free membership through a program that covers costs for low-income girls in our district, but they are refusing to do that as well on the basis of her not being part of a troop {yet they will pay for girls who only attend camp} and because she's not signed up for free lunch at school.


I have pretty much had it with our council. Also this fall they have eliminated the promised "virtual" pathway which was the only pathway we fit under, and there are no longer any free events listed in our pathways guide. The cheapest event starts at $5 for 30 minutes and no patch. 90% of the events now cost over $30 per girl and many over $75 per girl, plus the same for any adult {and since she is a individually registered girl, I must attend all events as her troop leader but I don't get free entry like troop leaders}. Cookie credits can no longer be used to pay for most programs, and becuase we aren't part of a troop all our sales proceeds must be in - you guessed it - cookie credits. No scholarships for programs unless you have sold cookies in the last year & hit a certain threshold of sales. More and more it seems the council is just in it for the money. And to some degree GS as a whole as well.


Plus last time we went to the council office here, a lady chewed out dd {age 6 almost 7, mind you, and waiting patiently for me while I tried to get help with her registration costs}, for earning patches from the old program instead of the new program & putting them on the front of her vest. She had dd in tears and ruined her day for the rest of the day, and really turned her off GS stuff for most of the summer. I had to remind the woman that GSUSA says ANY former patch may still be earned if a scout completes the requirements - while they may be retired they are still official patches & to be worn on the front of the vest. Her answer to that was that it wasn't council policy.


I so wish we could register through another council. We live less than an hour away from a different council - I would GLADLY make the trip there to do GS stuff as they are super friendly & have better policies.



I'm really sorry for all the GS trouble you are having.  It is a real disappointment to hear it.  I loved leading the GS for the past 4 years, but will not be re-chartering this year.  


We were a very small troop - only 5 girls and 3 have moved.  The only 2 left are my dd and my co-leader's dd.  We've decided to try to get our dds involved in a local BSA Venture crew.  They are an environment-focussed crew and do a lot of great activities.  


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Jen, I hope my DD does both Venture and GS when the time is right. The Venture program is awesome!!!


That is what we had hoped.  We even looked into going to SeaBase in 2014 with my boys' Boy Scout troop.  It didn't work out this time around, but maybe another year.


The Crew I'm hoping they will join did 2 summer trips - one to Costa Rica and one to the Outer Banks.  They had a great time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate having to dig through so many pages to find us!


When does everyone start their troops back up?


My GS troop is having an ice cream outing on Sunday. My CS pack is having its kickoff on September 24. Starting September 7, I have five straight weekends of scouting stuff. I'm taking DS on a Mom and Me event, taking the kids to an international scout rally, and then I take my DD up to Mackinaw for a GSA thing there. And I have canoe/kayak certification and then archery certification for myself in there too.


I'm thinking about going someplace south this winter for a week mainly to do the long lifeguard program. No one offers it here in Michigan in the winter. Go figure.


But if I could spread these certifications out, it would make my life a little easier!!!


I'm doing some GS banking and I'm taking the kids geocaching today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm posting here because I figure a lot of you can commiserate.  My oldest was elected patrol leader on Monday, and decided that he needed to hold a patrol meeting.  A sleepover.  Tonight.  At our house.  Our troop's patrols are age-based, and at 15, there are still 7 in his patrol (older patrols have pretty much dissolved, or at least combined, by this age).  They're also planning a patrol camping trip, but that will be at another guy's uncle's ranch -- and that boy's dad is a BSA certified range officer, so they might get some shooting in.  So far, there are just two extra boys here, the relatively quiet ones really (the Eagle scouts), and it's already pretty noisy.  I'm bracing myself for when the other 4 show up.  But I do think that it's great that some of this crew are now in their tenth year together (4-5 were tigers together), and  I want to encourage the continued bond.  But WOW, they're loud.


In other news, my biggest scout has been selected by the committee to be the next lead scoutmaster of our troop, so that will take up a lot of our time for the next 2 years.  On the plus side of that, I will be relegated to smaller committee roles for that time.  Though one of our district staff has picked up on this, and has tapped me out for some sort of membership job at the district level ... provided my new Venturer/Senior Girl Scout  has her second  Thursday nights free to watch my littlest one so I can go to Roundtable -- Dh has to go as Scoutmaster, and the boys have OA Chapter meeting at the same time/place as the roundtable.

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My son was on TV yesterday and featured on a couple of national BSA FB groups yesterday for his participation in a Scout Salute. My BF lives 100 miles away and saw DS and I on TV and was VERY excited, even though she still says I look like a park ranger in uniform. :laugh:


I'm going to GSA leader training this weekend, even though I've already done most of this and then on Sunday DD and I go to Bronze Award training.


Last weekend, I got ACA and Red Cross certified in kayaking and canoeing on open water for GSA. I still need river training and open water lifeguarding. I have archery certification in October.

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Geezle passed his Scout Master conference for Tenderfoot! He was very nervous about reciting the Oath and Law, but he did it.



And on the GSA front, we've got a community service project. Our parish gardening club has given the Junior girls responsibility for renovating the rosary garden. It involves power washing and painting, so it's sure to be a winner with the girls.


We're off to a good scouting year.

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BSA- Our troop is disbanding as they have lost their sponsorship since the latest vote, so my son had his last court of honor last night.  He made it to Star Scout Whoot Whoot!  My aspie I had to drag to boyscouts has made it this far!!!  I am so sad his troop is breaking up, he was in a great group.  Not sure what is going to happen next, there isn't another trip for 30 miles around.


GSA- 3 daughters are being honored next week  1 for earning her Silver and 2 earning their Bronze.  Big year in scouting for us!!

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Congrats to Geezle!! That's some good mamaing right there. :)


That gardening club thing... is that their Bronze award work or are you keeping that just as community service?

That's probably going to be the Bronze award project, but we'll need to find another community service project for our journey. We're going to see if we can do a toy drive for Christmas at the Catholic school everyone but Trinqueta attends.

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That's probably going to be the Bronze award project, but we'll need to find another community service project for our journey. We're going to see if we can do a toy drive for Christmas at the Catholic school everyone but Trinqueta attends.



That is a cool Bronze award!! I don't know what shape your council is in but I will definitely be looking only for Bronze and Silver projects that are not affliated with our GSA council. Up until Gold, we have the option of working within the GSA community. As much help as our local camp needs, there's just no way I'd work with council on projects.

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BSA- Our troop is disbanding as they have lost their sponsorship since the latest vote, so my son had his last court of honor last night.  He made it to Star Scout Whoot Whoot!  My aspie I had to drag to boyscouts has made it this far!!!  I am so sad his troop is breaking up, he was in a great group.  Not sure what is going to happen next, there isn't another trip for 30 miles around.


GSA- 3 daughters are being honored next week  1 for earning her Silver and 2 earning their Bronze.  Big year in scouting for us!!


Congratulations to your girls.  Those are great accomplishments.


I hope your son is able to continue with either another troop or through Lone Scouts.

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Update:  He passed the BOR and is an EAGLE!!!!  He has MBs for 1st Bronze Palm and only needs one for a second Palm.  And he has just about enough time to get both Palms complete before he turns 18 :)  We'll see if he makes it to the 2nd Palm (I'm not holding my breath LOL)


Off to update my signature :)

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  • 1 month later...

DS's Eagle Court of Honor is on Nov. 10th.  It has been a chore getting this thing planned.  Too many other things on the calendar and finding a time and place so even a majority of the Troop and family can attend has been problematic.  It's set, though, so we'll see how it goes.


DS has completed and submitted his application for the Hornaday badge; now we wait for National's decision.  His Conservation Advisor has lots of god ideas for the remaining 3 projects and hopes DS will continue working toward the Hornaday Medal.


DS and I are both teaching courses at our University of Scouting in early November and taking Wilderness First Aid training in late November.


I hope everyone else is having a productive Fall.

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Our troop found a new church to recharger with, and it's closer to our house! We are so happy, the leaders were starting to get worried because we were having a difficult time finding a charter that was in our district AND would let us continue meeting on Fridays. We are still working out the details but the pastor has a 10 yo son (ie bridging this year) and really likes the idea of having a Boy Scout troop there (they already have Cub Scout pack).

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Geezle and I went on a canoeing/primitive camping trip last week end. He had a great time and the weather was great. I'm not a big fan of primitive camping, but I got through it and I won't have to do it again for a whole year.


Trinqueta and her fellow Juniors have done a great job putting the chartering school's Rosary Garden in order and raking up. Our next step is to repaint the stones. Our Bronze Award project is moving right along! We've also got a good lead for a service project for our journey. We can do a book drive at the school to benefit our local library's resale shop. This will be easier to manage than the original idea of doing a toy drive, but it's similar and easier to coordinate for the adults.

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Ds and a couple of friends were asked to provide a flag ceremony for a retirement party at the college. They didn't tell him that it was a 4 course dinner! He came home quite content last night... It was nice because it gave him a chance to wear his mb sash for the last time. It's going to be sad to hang it up.


Dd has two Venture Scout electives done and is starting on a 3rd.

I'm in shock, Margaret. 

You should know better than to say Venture Scout.  It's Venturer.  No scout in there, missy.











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DS's Hornaday application is on its way to National.  Now we wait....


DS's ECOH is one week away.  We have been a bit distracted with his eye problems and the pending eye surgery but we are determined to pull this off as scheduled.  I am making centerpieces for the banquet tables tomorrow and maybe doing the grocery shopping for the dinner.  He has asked for chili and potato soup.  It's not the meal I had envisioned but with everything else he is going through I figured he should get what he wants.


We had our Council University of Scouting today.  DS and I attended and worked.  He says it's easier to stay busy and not focus on his eye or the TS.


I gave a presentation on Boy Scout Extras - all of those badges and Awards (like the Hornaday and the National Outdoor Badges) that many scouts know nothing about.   DS presented on his trips to the high adventure bases and helped train new SPLs.



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DS got his Nova award last week. Or he would have if he had been healthy enough to attend the pack meeting. He was top seller in his troop for popcorn and nuts this fall so he gets to throw a pie at his den leader and CM. We worked hard on sales. :)


DD's new troop has had two regular meetings now and we doubled in size after our fall sign up. I finally have all the paperowrk in and processed and I love running the Brownie group!! I have the most serious scout in our troop in my little, "den." That girl wants ALL the badges. Whew. I'm going  to be working hard with her. :)


And our first meeting setting up our own SU for GS is in a couple of weeks. We have $400 just sitting there, waiting for us to run a SU. I'm really looking forward to that.

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Ds is working on his volunteer hours for Star rank. He did hard physical labor helping on an Eagle Scout project. 


Dd's troop is working on aMaze! for Cadettes (what is with the -ette ending anyway?). We had a great time last Friday watching a wonderful bullying/clique movie, called Odd Girl Out. I previewed at least a dozen Mean Girl type movies and was so glad to find one where boys, etc weren't the main issues for girls. Odd Girl Out is about 8th graders and is loosely based on a non-fiction book of the same name that helped define how girl bullying is different fro boy bullying. (I wouldn't recommend this movie for Juniors -- there is a good American Girl bullying movie for that age -- but it was excellent for middle school age.)


This week, we will make boxes for the Peacemaker kits. I am adding a bit where we can all write down bad things that have happened, or that we just don't like, and we will burn those papers in a cast iron grill. Thank goodness, I took the campership training, or I would not have been allowed to make a fire, lol!

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DD has one more project to do to get that that third and final journey patch, then that's done. Meanwhile the local GS hiking group is designing their own patch -- neato.  The Pax & Paris 2015 travel group will be starting up fundraising again this year.  I suspect we'll start brainstorming about Silver Award by the spring.  Her safety award is still sitting, as we did not get the reach-and-assist done this summer  :glare: .   Next summer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My younger son was awarded his Webelos and Arrow of Light tonight. He was so proud walking over the bridge to the Boy Scouts on the other side. He doesn't like to show emotion, but if you knew what to look for you could see the smiles. So many nice things were said about him and his leadership abilities and how much he's grown. So, so proud. And now I have no more Cub Scouts so this Mama is a little teary tonight.


Fortunately I do have one very excited new Daisy Scout. We were finally able to find five girls and a co-leader so we hope to be up and running in January. I'm excited. When my older dd's troop started I helped but didn't lead so this is my first time. Any advice? Suggestions? Things you wish you knew when you started?


Thanks and mostly I'm just so excited for my new Boy Scout!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My younger son was awarded his Webelos and Arrow of Light tonight. He was so proud walking over the bridge to the Boy Scouts on the other side. He doesn't like to show emotion, but if you knew what to look for you could see the smiles. So many nice things were said about him and his leadership abilities and how much he's grown. So, so proud. And now I have no more Cub Scouts so this Mama is a little teary tonight.


Fortunately I do have one very excited new Daisy Scout. We were finally able to find five girls and a co-leader so we hope to be up and running in January. I'm excited. When my older dd's troop started I helped but didn't lead so this is my first time. Any advice? Suggestions? Things you wish you knew when you started?


Thanks and mostly I'm just so excited for my new Boy Scout!


Congratulations to your DS.  I hope he and your entire family enjoys boys scouts. 


I hope your DD enjoys Daisy Scouts.  You will be a busy scouting mama.

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We recently moved back home to our property, which meant finding a new troop for my daughter, I was apprehensive at first when we learned the troop only had two juniors, both second year, since my daughter is a first year junior and coming from a mixed troop with about 30 girls. However, it has been amazing experience. Once the leader learned Emma had not completed a journey yet (the girls were getting ready to to start their Bronze award), she rearranged the schedule and now all three of them are working on the Amuse journey with plans to revisit the Bronze with new conversation once it is finished. Sounds like their plan is very similar to ideas my daughter already had. On top of that she has about 5 badges I need to have her finish up. One of them being geocache and when the leader learned that, she asked if Emma would be interested in helping the other two earn it.

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We are just beginning our scouting journey.  DD8 is a Tenderheart in AHG and has finished a service star and Daughter of the King and Music Appreciation badges, plus her Joining award. She'll have Dawn of Our Country done by early January. She is aiming for the Sacagawea Award at the end of this school year and has three badges and a service star left to go. She'll complete two badges (Hiking and Kitchen Scientist) in meetings and troop activities. We are hoping to make some progress on Cake Decorating during the Christmas season, when there lots of occasions to which we can take a cake! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

We held DS's ECOH in Nov.  We moved it indoors in anticipation of a storm but it worked out well. The GF cake I ordered was beautiful and delicious.  Since then DS has earned his first Eagle Palm (the three month period began in August so five days after his Eagle ceremony he had another BOR for the Palm).  He's the first in his troop to earn a palm so we are fairly excited.


We still have not heard from National regarding his Hornaday application.  It's been 6 weeks and I am a little anxious.


DS and I completed Wilderness First Aid training in Mid-November.  It is a requirement for the National Outdoor Medal, which DS is trying to earn, and I figured I would take it too since I had to drive him up to the camp.  I was happy I stayed; I learned quite a bit and feel better prepared to be on those backcountry treks.


Which is a great segue into....DS and I are going to Philmont for the Holiday Stay.  We are joining a troop out of Texas.  It's our first time going to Philmont and we are both looking forward to the adventure.  If DS successfully completes this trip, he will have attended all four high adventure bases; I will have attended two.


I have been asked to be the Northern Tier representative for our Council.  I am now planning the first trip - an Okpik trip during the 2014 holidays.


DS had his summer camp staff interview yesterday.  We had a snow storm come through on Friday night and received 8 inches of snow.  DS was camping with his troop so I had to go get him from camp to take him to his interview.  The snow was so deep I couldn't get up the driveway to the camp so DS had to hike out.  It took over an hour to drive the 20 miles back home so he could shower and change into a full Class A.  We then had to drive an hour north for the interview; luckily, the Cities only received about an inch of snow so the traveling was much easier.   DH was home from work when we arrived so we were able to use the truck to take DS back to camp.  DS wanted to return to camp because the campout was a combined Troop - Webelos 2 event and, as SPL, he felt responsible for helping the younger boys learn cold weather camping skills.  He has grown up so much this past year.


After much thought and consideration, I resigned my post with the Pack.  There are too many issues and too much drama.  I guess the biggest issue for me was the lack of parent assistance.  Parents are using Cub Scouts as a drop off babysitting service, especially in my den (Webelos).  I never had a second adult which meant our den had to meet in the church foyer where other adults could see me.  The boys weren't doing any work outside of den meetings (like making posters or discussing topics with their parents).  I would plan trips and outings and never knew who was going to show or if I would have that second adult.  I had to cancel two trips because none of the parents wanted to attend.  That is frustrating because the boys want to go on the outings and telling them last minute that we have to cancel is heartbreaking for all of us.  Since I don't have a boy in Cubs there really isn't an incentive for me to keep pushing.   :(


Thanks for reading this very long update.


I hope everyone else is having a great scouting season and wish all of you a Merry Christmas!

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ScoutermominIL, I always enjoy your updates. Sorry about the pack, sounds like the right decision.


My ds just passed board of review for Star. So much schoolwork that Cit in Nation badge is stalled, but he will be studying Amer Gov in school, plus we visited Washington and scout appropriate sights, lol.


Dd's troop is working on the cadette amaze journey.

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